#always had the headcanon that natsu/happy brings her food every time they barge in
metriawaves · 1 year
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Stumbled upon this gem of an official Fairy Tail Drama CD thanks to @heartfilia-source for linking the actual audio + full summary in their sidebar (big fan 😌 thank you for all the Lucy-centric stuff!!)
The overall plot is pretty interesting (Lucy being a detective and using her big brain!!! Almost gives danganronpa vibes without the killing part!!! Big fan!!!) and I’m sad there’s no actual visuals/anime filler ep(s) dedicated to it considering they use the anime JP VA cast for Team Natsu but it was fun to listen to and follow along with the summary!
There are QUITE a number of cute nalu banter/moments that got me screaming so I’ll be listing them all with their timestamps! Praying one day we get a full proper english translation on it (and the LIGHT NOVELS ):<) if there isn’t one somewhere out there.
( Full Audio | Full Summary Text )
It starts off with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy taking on a certain job from the request board.
Arriving at the mansion, Natsu mentions that it looks like Lucy’s old home. Lucy notes down the similarities and agrees with him. (0:58-1:09)
Entering the mansion, Natsu says that Lucy’s old home was about as big too and she agrees again, feeling nostalgic. (2:11-2:16)
Erza, Wendy, Charle, and Gray compliments the food they all woke up to but Natsu says he feels like he tasted it somewhere before with Happy saying “Me too!” Lucy asks them if that’s true and Erza asks where have they eaten it before. Natsu says he doesn’t know but doesn’t think it was that long ago. (12:28-12:44)
Natsu turns to Gray and ask if he really isn’t the imposter. Lucy considers Gray’s Molding Magic where he could make another master key out of ice and basically sus’ed him out, much to his chagrin and Natsu’s ABSOLUTE delight. (34:02-34:55)
Natsu uses his flames to lead the way as Lucy struggles to keep up. She calls out for him and Wendy but trips and falls, dropping the mirror compact. Natsu goes back to her asking what is she doing, tells her to hurry and get up while giving her compact back. (38:28-38:53)
With the two of them left, Lucy wonders if Natsu really is the culprit after all (LMAO) and Natsu immediately protests. However, he recalls Lucy saying something about the least suspicious being the culprit and wonders if he really is the culprit.  (39:23-39:36)
Natsu figures out who the culprit is and Lucy is surprised he figured it out before her. He says it’s simple enough for an idiot to get and asks Lucy if she hasn’t figured it out yet then does that mean he’s smarter than her? (39:56-40:14)
Lucy gets annoyed at him saying she didn’t expect to hear him say that and adds on that sometimes he acts stupid then smart so she doesn’t get him. (40:15-40:24)
Natsu spills wise words from Makarov that no matter how wise someone is, there will be times when they are stupid and vice versa. He then says he is the least suspicious one and everyone disappeared but he isn’t the culprit, leaving only one answer. Lucy doesn’t get it and Natsu admits he doesn’t fully understand everything but knows who the culprit is and they should go to the Chamber of Mirrors to see. (40:25-40:58)
After confirming she IS the culprit, Lucy mentions Natsu saying he remembers the seasoning of the food earlier because he comes to eat her cooking at her apartment from time to time. (44:45-44:58)
At the very end, Wendy says she had fun with everyone (Team Natsu) in that house, it was like they’ve become a family. Natsu asks what is she talking about because they’ve been a family for a long time now. Lucy seeing all their smiles silently agrees with him, that the guild is their home and wherever their Fairy Tail friends are, that’s their home.  (58:41-59:16)
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