#alt title for the second one: buried in the cubes
dnptheinfinity · 1 month
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we're all doomed!
also bonus pov: you're a cube about to hit dan in the eye
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humansoulsarg · 7 years
`pillow` Video Trail Solve
This post included several images from around Lottie’s living room including a globe/basketball with the United States of American, Argentina and Reino Unido, A picture of Chewbacca on top of books by Philip K Dick and Neil Gaiman, Empty bottles of Pepsi and Crystal Pepsi, Astro Shooter pinball game, A Signed drawing of Pikard and Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation, A Special Newsweek Hamilton Issue, and some Granulated Chicken Flavor Soup Base Mix. None of these images were found to have anything hidden in them, but there was a link to a YouTube video at the bottom of the post.
The video is here: https://youtu.be/Ire2SOrQu5k
With binary title ‘pillow’ showing a ?PC? beside a bed before zooming in on the pillow with Pretty Pangents on it (We’ve seen this Pangent Pillow and Pattern before) There is spectrogram content in the audio.
The first portion of the audio has Braille in the spectrogram:
1311241441911 2615716211615 1111145962167 change ‘9’ to ‘0’ and group by threes: 131 124 144 101 126 157 162 116 151 111 145 062 167 octal for: YTdAVorNiIe2w https://youtu.be/dAVorNiIe2w This video, with binary title ‘home’ will be investigated later in this post
Continuing with the spectrogram content in the second half of 'pillow’ we find symbols from the manual to Penguin Land for the Sega Master System:
From the Game’s instruction manual, the order the symbols were presented is the order of their code values. Pangent had previously posted selections from the Instruction Manual in this post:  http://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/155930492047/ After a small bit of trial and error, this mapping of the symbols to hex values was found to work: http://imgur.com/FQAAVHG
The symbols are found to translate as ASCII HEX:
49 6d 67 75 72 58 67 65 58 39 62 47 ImgurXgeX9bG Leading to: http://imgur.com/XgeX9bG
This shows a scene from the Spice Girls Video for '2 Become 1’ with Baby Spice (Emma Bunton) sitting on a bridge with the New York skyline in the background. There are interesting colored patterns along the top and bottom of this picture that are not part of the Spice Girls Video.
By decomposing the image into its RGB components, the top and bottom regions of the image produce a binary grid. However, the direct ASCII translation of these binary values seemed odd:
RED dlddhpfdpbfdd dlddhpddpdppb GREEN pldr`ddhfdddl dldlhdppdl`dl BLUE ddppdrhdppfdl `dfdbdldphdf` It was discovered that each of the byte values in the binary grid could be divided by 2 (all bits shifted one to the right) to yield ASCII values for numbers between 0-9. Then, it was realized that the picture hinted at this step since 2 become(s) 1!!
Then, it was found that the RGB channel’s values needed to be strung together, such that the tops were all taken as one string, and the bottoms all as one string. This string was then found to need a second divide by 2 operation, to produce an octal string of characters.
Top: 262 248 328 132 286 290 224 322 262 288 294 288 326 131 124 164 066 143 145 112 161 131 144 147 144 163 YTt6ceJqYdgds https://youtu.be/t6ceJqYdgds Video with title: 'b e p i s’ This is a video of Lottie showing off the 2 liter bottle of Pepsi with a penguin (pangent) on it and saying 'Pepsi is the fountain of life’. That quote, and the title 'bepis’ are nods to a chat conversation between Pangent and Everysongisworthamillionwords discovered as part of this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/153456427658/ Bottom: 262 248 228 288 126 264 288 260 260 232 126 284 230 131 124 114 144 063 132 144 130 130 116 063 142 115 YTLd3ZdXXN3bM https://youtu.be/Ld3ZdXXN3bM hex title 'contact’ This is a video of Lottie saying Thank You for Contacting Pangent Technologies then it repeats with an overlay from a different camera angle. The audio is also overlaid the second time. We now return to the 'home’ video discovered in the 'pillow’ video’s Braille Spectrogram.
This video has binary title 'home’ and contains more spectrogram content in the audio while the video shows us around the living room from which the original post’s pictures were taken. We see Chewbacca, the Globe/ball, The Man in the High Castle book, Hamilton magazine, Astro Shooter Pinball game, and ends with a shot of the infant Emperor Penguin FurReal Friends plushie on a table or counter in front of a Hello Kitty Green Tea can.
The spectrogram content is again Penguin Land Codes. The first can be seen here: http://imgur.com/uorz71J and decodes to:
49 4d 47 55 52 6b 32 6b 55 52 69 50 IMGURk2kURiP http://imgur.com/k2kURiP Showing a calendar for DanceWorks in London, March 1994. Note the 'Closed Auditions’ on Friday the 4th was the initial audition for TOUCH, the group which eventually became the Spice Girls: http://spicegirls.wikia.com/wiki/Touch The schedule of events for the month is another cleverly camouflaged code. From the Spice Girls song 'Spice Up Your Life’ there are lyrics: https://youtu.be/MBpWMlkBI64?t=150
Flamenco, Lambada But hip hop is harder We moonwalk the foxtrot Then polka the salsa
Giving an ordinality for the dances listed on the calendar: 1 Flamenco 2 Lambada 3 Hip-Hop 4 Moonwalk 5 Foxtrot 6 Polka 7 Salsa 0 Open Audition The entire calendar can then be transcribed into an octal code (throwing out the one Closed Audition on the 4th) 131 124 156 065 171 126 160 101 120 141 141 120 157 YTn5yVpAPaaPo https://youtu.be/n5yVpAPaaPo title is 'l o t t i e’ In this video Lottie introduces herself as Charlotte Baird and states that we cannot call her Lottie. We are shown the famous 60 egg breakfast (perhaps short a few eggs) then we are treated to a tour of her living room, meeting Chewbacca (her boyfriend), Argentina, a Virtual Boy, Lemonade Pangents, and other items we’ve seen in some other images or videos.
The second spectrogram Penguin Land code from 'home’ can be viewed here: http://imgur.com/SNv9ROh
and decodes as:
69 6d 67 75 72 35 51 65 71 54 61 70 imgur5QeqTap http://imgur.com/5QeqTap
A picture with multicolored eggs. The image can be decomposed into RGB components for the next step in the decoding.
These are then decoded by counting the number of stripes in each egg and decoding the resulting string as octal
131 124 113 061 157 120 064 143 142 167 110 155 147 YTK1oP4cbwHmg https://youtu.be/K1oP4cbwHmg hex title 'sandy bridge’
The video shows Lancelot telling Galahad over the phone that Project Excalibur is go, and artifact 555, The Cube, will be delivered to Pangent Technologies Sandy Bridge is mentioned in this Pangent Post from March 2, 2016: http://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/140355074382/
Taurtini explains “Sandy Bridge”: The name “Sandy Bridge” came up in the alternate-language subtitles to the very first videos, which the first players thought were important but were automatically generated. [Leslie and Mayor Sassenheim were also names taken from the alt-language subtitles.] “Sandy Bridge” is a circa-2011 Intel processor. In canon, Lottie bought a ton of them for Project Percival, a failed predecessor to 555, and fried all of them. The purchase orders were signed by Alex as her assistant. For a brief period when Lottie was fired (toward the beginning of the Tumblr in December 2016 Lottie’s time), Alex had access to her encrypted files and searched for “Sandy Bridge” - the one phrase he remembered - to find out about the Percival project, and access information Lottie would have preferred stay buried. He then sent the info to his dad, to start the 555 project and get the Cube returned to Pangent London, as the data storage hub for a sort of revival of Percival.
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