#also. i just learned that rakiel's second name in korean is indeed closer to 'adria' rather than 'adrian' as i believed but like.
lloydfrontera ยท 5 months
The translation of cpsm I'm reading is spelling Damien's name as Kaien. (which looks almost japanese to me but that's unrelated) Tbh I prefer your spelling of Cayenne. Like the pepper. Spicy boi.
at this point i am committed to calling him 'damian cayenne' regardless of what the translators may say about it. like. sorry i'm not changing it now lmao
'damien kaien' looks,,, fine i guess. much better than that other translation that put rakiel as raciel but still. i refuse. he's a spicy boi!! no one can change my mind asdkjfds
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