#also: every robin has anger and it shows but. it’s rlly NOT a defining characteristic for jason
aalghul · 2 years
Have you read detective comics 1052? There is a little flashback with robin!jason and I like him (started recently) as red hood but everytime he appears in someone else comic (be as robin or him now as rh) i cant stand him. Maybe its fanon that distorted my view of jason, as someone that has empathy for the victims, but here he just kicks a kid in the face that cleary needs help and is smug about it. In urban legend Bruce has to tell him to be more soft on addicts, and recent comics just drive me away from the character (titans united, he just seems an asshole here). Im a new reader, and I still have a lot to cath up but there must be a comic other than utrh, lost days and rhato where he is a sympathetic character right? He is likable when he is alone. I will have to read more comics for sure as one of my friend told me that dc is famous for fuck up character in favor of others, but they make just straight up unlikable sometimes. I stumbled upon your blog and it seems that you know well the character, i was wondering if you can suggest any comics that dont write him just as a smug kid with rage issue?
Ah, sorry for the little rant, and for the english, i always feel akward writing in it as its not my first language. Anyway, i really like your blog and I hope you are doing well.
I haven’t read it yet actually (I’m kind of off of comics for a bit), but that’s typical DC. Jason really was not like that as Robin at all, but DC has wanted to make him out to be an arrogant, angry and reckless kid since they killed him off because they can’t have him be sympathetic if they want to (wrongfully) keep blaming him for his own death. But seriously: kicking a kid? Jason? What a joke. That’s just as out of character as Jason (son of a drug addict whom he loved & cared for deeply despite how he suffered for her addiction) being excessively violent towards addicts (so that Bruce could look more compassionate in comparison, regardless of what it does to Jason’s character).
I suggest his entire original run as Robin in the 80s, including pre-Crisis (because his personality did not change. If anything, post-crisis Jason reads as more mature and an even better partner to Batman, not “annoying”, which many people wrongly assume is the difference between the two). Also, any story from the 80s when he was featured as Robin. There aren’t other stories from after that which don’t do him a disservice, but his original time as Robin is fairly consistently well written. Honestly, I don’t like Jason’s overall writing from any time, comic or writer as much as I consistently love the 80s (even Starlin couldn’t actually ruin his character entirely).
Don’t apologize for either! I like getting mini rants, honestly. Seriously, don’t ever apologize for your English when it’s not your first language. Thank you & I hope this helps <3
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