#also yes shaw be unsympathtic to the mad reality warper
sebastianshaw · 2 years
Jamie was pensive that day, staring at nothing in particular, yet somehow focused on it. He didn't seem to want to do much talking at first, and yet he didn't seem to want to be alone either. Eventually, he did speak, but what he said was rather strange.
"Do you know what these strings do?" His hands were empty as far as Shaw could see, but, to Jamie, they were resting delicately underneath two prominent threads that were wrapped so tightly around Jamie's existence that they could not be ignored. "If I cut them, two people just disappear. Just like that. Gone. Without ties to me, they can no longer exist." He formed a pair of scissors with his fingers and positioned them around one of the strings. If he just--
His hand shook, and Jamie decided against it, settling back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. "Bloody Hell! I didn't ask for this."
"I don't see any strings, Jamie," Shaw said, striding leisurely over with his hands in his pockets, "But if you can really unmake people from existence itself, and I do believe you likely can, I'm not about to feel terribly sympathetic. You might not have asked for it, but why wouldn't you if you ever had been offered a choice? It's a terribly potent power. Indeed, my only complaint would be it's too potent; like a gunshot to the head, you can't much threaten someone after they are wiped out from reality's whiteboard. Can you just unmake a leg or a finger first? Like a loan shark with less mess." @madmanipulation
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