#also why did they make it so ned didnt do the bedding ceremony in the show?
ladycauthon · 7 months
I'm rereading aSoIaF for the first time in like 10 years, and just read the Red Wedding and it's much more effectively written in the book than in the show. That could be said of most of the scenes tbh but whatever, the first four seasons of GoT are still good I guess.
However, I'm confused as to why the show had Talisa at the wedding and killed her off when in the book Jeyne isn't at the wedding? I can't remember the books that well, hence the reread, but I think it's at least alluded to that she's pregnant later on and that's a pretty relevant plot point of who's the heir of the King in the North, no? I guess the show just wanted to do its own thing I dunno.
Also I genuinely hate the Talisa change. Robb's reason for marrying Jeyne is so much more consistent with what we understand as foolish Ned Stark honour code, but Robb in the show just meeting a random girl and betraying his oath.... I just don't enjoy it. I never have, but I especially hate it more again as I reread.
It's also baffling how much more sense that the Blackfish just isn't at the wedding in the book rather than the awkward writing of him in the show lol.
Unrelated to the Red Wedding, but I love book Sansa so much - by far my favourite character. Also the Jaime and Brienne relationship is slightly better in the book I think as well although I did like it in the show too.
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