#also titled dead girl walking. yes that's dragon fire being reflected.
moonclans · 1 year
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you must find your own rising: swallow your death down. drown in the consumption of opposites.
Jaisha Jansena, from “rhododendron,” published in Yes, Poetry
Alicent Hightower commission by @patsu_x
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rogers-senpai · 6 years
“Jonerys has no foreshadows, no parallels, nothing other than them being Targaryens”
Yes, that’s an actual thing Jonsa shipper said to me, talking about all their Oh sO CoNviNcing metas and “foreshadows”. So HERE WE GO, ALL THE ONES I AM AWARE OF AND I HAVE SOME NEW ONES THAT I HAVEN’T SEEN BROUGHT UP SO STAY WITH ME TILL THE END.
1. Both bring their sigil animals, believed to be extinct, back to the game. Jon is the one to convince Ned to save the pups, and he found Ghost himself. Dany literally brought dragons back.
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2. Both start as secondary characters, underastimated and both gradually came to being leaders and one of the most iconic characters in both the show and TV as a whole.
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3. Both are the underestimated sibling. Jon as a bastard, Dany as a female. Both looked down upon by their family members. 
4. Despite being the undestimated one, Jon is said to have more of North in him than any of his siblings. Tyrion was the one who said that to him, I believe. And Dany ends up being the dragon, so more of a Targaryen or a Valyrian in a way than Viserys.
5. Their first loves died in their arms.
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6. What’s also interesting about that ^ is that Drogo dies because of the witch and Dany in books is sure that was the first betrayal she had the vision about, and Ygritte is killed by Olly, who later betrays Jon.  Ygritte in books isn’t killed by Olly, but still by men who end up betraying him. And again, both Ygritte and Drogo were savages, both killed by people who the savages have hurt
7. Both are believed to be The Prince Who Was Promised. They are the two main theories, for sure. And both kinda fit, but not entirely. But when you think about them as whole…They fit much more.
“I believe you have a role to play as does another. The King in The North - Jon Snow.“
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8. Both taken hostage by savages, who they end up leading. Both are attached to those savages, and are accepted by them, despite being outsiders. 
“You were the first one to bring Dothraki to Westeros, he was the first to make allies of Wildlings and Northmen.”
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9. Both start their journey in the first book, Dany with Dothraki, Jon with the Night’s Watch, which both have a bad reputation, as rapers and thiefs and such. And they both end up as their leaders, both trying to stop the flaws of their packs. Jon trying to help the Wildlings, Dany not allowing them to rape, or steal from in example Qarth, before the shit there goes down, that didn’t go down in the books if i remember correctly. 
“She protects people from monsters, just as you do.”
Both face many setbacks and become increasingly frustrated with their roles as leaders.
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11. Both feel so lonely and sad at first. Jon after seeing what NW really was, and Dany does not need to be even explained I think.
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10. Both, at some point are given the chance to literally make their dreams come true. Jon being proposed by Stannis to be legitimized as a Stark, and Dany being offered all the ships and money she needed to go to Westeros. And both decline because of morals. Jon keeps his vows, Dany stays to free the slaves.
11.  “One to bed, one to dread, one to love.” Jon is Dany’s third love interest, Daario was more of a bed partner (”to bed”) and Drogo was someone Dany was at first sooo scared of (”one to dread”).
12.  “ A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness… . mother of dragons, bride of fire … “ Blue flowers obvioulsy symbolizes Jon, that’s certain. And who is at the Wall???   
13. Ok so Dany being called “Moon of my live”, moon is strongly associated with her bc of that, "Dragons come from the moon" thing, like think about a moon in GoT and tell me you don’t think of Dany, and being the only female with silver hair, that being her most iconic trait. ( “ The old woman washed her long, silver-pale hair and gently combed out the snags, all in silence. The girl scrubbed her back and her feet and told her how lucky she was.”)  and this:  “The light of the half-moon turned Vals honey-blond hair a pale silver and left her cheeks as white as snow. She took a deep breath. The air tastes sweet.”
So three things that can be considered to be about  Dany in two sentences. And the thing about Jon not smelling the sweetness, which some antis point out, is obvious. He is the sweetness.
14.  “Sometimes she would close her eyes and dream of him, but it was never Jorah Mormont she dreamed of; her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow.” - Dany, ASOS
Targaryens are prone to having prophetic dreams, Dany has them as well.
“For the rest of his life –however long that might be– he would be condemned to be an outsider, the silent man standing in the shadows who dares not speak his true name.” - Jon, AGOT
“The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain.” - Melisandre, ADWD
15. “Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold … “ - ADWD
“Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely, but no less hungry. As the moon rose above the grasslands, Dany slipped at last into a restless sleep.“  - ADWD
Are wolves in Essos a common sight???? 
16. “…  but the Usurper’s dogs had murdered her brother’s son when he was still a babe at the breast. If he had lived, I might have married him. “ - ADWD
“The best way to make alliances is with marriage.“
“If he does rule the North, he’d make a valuable ally.“
17. “He might as well wish for another thousand men, and maybe a dragon or three.” 
GRRM clearly making us think about Dany, like come on, possibly helping Jon.
18. Both were sneaked away in order to keep them save from those who would harm them - baby Targaryens (Jon from South to North and Dany West to East)
19. “ Even with Ygritte sleeping beside him, he felt alone. “         “Her captain slept beside her, yet she was alone. “
Find me another example of someone in GoT feeling alone while sleeping next to their lover, for reasons. Also both mentioned during times when they had to choose. Jon between duty and Ygritte, Dany between duty (marrying Hizdahr) and the man she wanted - Daario.
20.  Both have Mormonts as mentors, Jon has Jeor and Dany has Jorah. Also, Jon wields the Mormont family sword Longclaw which once belonged to Jorah. That’s less powerful, but the only Mormonts we really know until Lyanna are with them, helping them, showing them the way.
21. “A Targeryen alone in the world is a terrible thing” guess what two Targaryens met and made an alliance and found love oops
22. Both were seperated from their animal for a long time, until they came back and helped to kill some bitches.
23. Both are seen as somewhat godly, Jon coming back from the dead, Dany being the Unburnt which gave us this visual parallel:
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24. Both share some moral rules, Dany being more a dragon ofc, but still like:
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the last one didn’t go unnoticed by Jon either, like WORD TO WORD
25. These two iconic scenes, that even Kit mentioned being weirdly reflective of each other
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26.  “Well, of course, the two outlying ones — the things going on north of the Wall, and then there is Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons — are of course the ice and fire of the title, “A Song of Ice and Fire.” ‘ - George RR Martin.
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27. “If destiny has brought Daenerys Targaryen back to our shores, it has also made Jon Snow King in The North.”
28. “These are two people in love…” Kit Harington
29.  “She didn’t feel she was missing anything [in her love life]. It took someone coming and forcing her mind to be changed,” - Emilia Clarke
30.  “He walks into the room and doesn’t expect to see such a beautiful young woman of similar age to him,” - Kit again. It was important enough then to make that point.
32.  “[Martin] did sort of say things that made it clear that the meeting and the convergence of Jon and Dany were sort of the point of the series.” - Alex Taylor  in an interview with Deadline
33. “However, as she meets and becomes more familiar with Jon Snow (Kit Harington), Dany’s outfits appear lined with fur, a staple of Northern attire that feels symbolic of her growing affection for the King in the North. “There is obviously some chemistry at work!” Clapton said about the relationship between Dany and Jon” 
34. “I think when she sees him return on the back of Coldhand’s horse, that’s a big moment for her in terms of the way she feels about him.”
 “It’s kind of hard for her at this point for, I think, not to look at this guy and not realize that this is not like the other boys”
   - D.B Weiss,  Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 6: Inside the Episode
35. “I don’t think either one of them really knew exactly how powerful their feeling were towards each other until these moments. Just the notion of falling for someone, that involves weakness. That’s not something a queen does, but she feels that happening and he feels it happening for her. I think both of them are on kinda unfamiliar ground and especially because it’s with an equal,” 
- David Benioff,  Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 6: Inside the Episode
36. Wars of the Roses were an inspiration for ASOIAF, Aand that war ended with Henry VII and Elizabeth of York joining the roses. Henry was an heir in staright line, that had lived his entire life in exile, Yorks were inspiration for Starks. So yup Dany and Jon work p e r f e c t l y. The war they will end might be The Great War, or the War for the Iron Throne. 
Henry - the red rose Elizabeth - the white rose
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37. And if the book version of HofU visions does not convince you how about the show version, where Dany almost touches the Iron Throne, but turns to go beyond the Wall instead, where she finds her lover and a child . SOUNDS FAMILIAR? Plus, just before she touches the Iron Throne , doesn’t she hear a dragon cry that makes her turn?
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Yeah, why do we even ship that.
credits to @midqueenally for all the parallel gifs
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Episode Seven: The Dragon and the Wolf
Cocks and Blood.
I don’t know how many levels of irony Scene One was on. The Unsullied, last heard of / forgotten after having pointlessly won Casterly Rock pre-stripped of food and besieged, are now lined up in well-fed ranks, because of plot nihilism. Jaime and Bronn discuss blood (family) and cocks and how they have them but the Unsullied don’t but then the barbarously virile Dothraki turn up with clearly more and bigger cocks apiece than any Lannister or lannlackey. What does all this mean? Is there an answer? Maybe, in the end, it is just cocks.
Look I know this recap is about a fortnight overdue. I have had to hand in a dissertation and then I was tired. We are all tired. This shit is tiring. Settle down. Rest. We have an hour and twenty minutes to get through and darn it we are going to escape from everything that’s tiring us out through lushly cinematographised fanfic cocks and all. Who doesn’t like cocks? Cocks cocks cocks.
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Let’s carry on.
Scene Two: Tyrion lets Jon know that the leaping loins of Fleabottom have populated the city with a million warm sweaty bodies. King’s Landing, when compared to other cities of the early modern period, is bigger than any European city was ever, after Rome fell, until the Industrial Revolution. It’s more like the equivalent of Beijing or Edo-period Tokyo. Cool! This is, Jon observes, bigger than the entire North, and they’re all going to be ice wights unless our heroes prevail. Why would anyone want to live with all those other people?? The fucking’s better, Tyrion explains.
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Scene Three: The bagged ice wight has retained its horrid vigour!!! Does this mean that the White Walkers can’t take unlife away once they’ve given it? (Does anything mean anything any more)
Scene Four: Cersei tells her undead henchlump to kill everyone.
Scene Five: Dragons understand that property is theft and children can be delicious if you are a large fanged lizard, so they had to be put in prison, which destroyed them and the vigour they animated the Targaryen blood with, Tyrion lets Missandei know. Then we have a massive reunion pile-on! The feels get mushy as Pod+Tyrion “you can suck his magic cock later”, the Hound+Brienne (Arya’s ultraviolent fosterfam are so proud of her!)
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, and Bronn+Tyrion “I’ll pay you double”. That everyone is about to die is vigorously foreshadowed making me extremely anxious, but the pre-tension is pissed up the wall and everyone settles down for a civil conversation, because nothing matters any more. Tyrion+Cersei. The Hound+The Mountain, brothers, death and unlife can’t change blood, blood runs strong and hot, it’s the end of the world but #cleganebowl has been written in ruddier ink than this multideaths-are-coming tensionmusic can inscribe. Then the Queen herself arrives, atop her non-cock Drogon, who envelops with flame but does not penetrate (but wait till the final scene when Ice Viserion fucks the wall). Everyone is v impressed with Daenerys’ lady-D and how unambiguously it testifies to the rights her blood demands. Prophecy music plays. Cersei is upstaged. Did you know that the Lannisters are basically just nouveau-riche - their Age of Heroes ancestor Lann the Clever wasn’t even a king or a god like the other aristocrats? At best he was only the bastard son of one. Uncle Euron taunts Theon about his sister; but Tyrion/Cersei shut him up. These guys, the Greyjoys, trace their line back to the Grey King, who won a war against the Storm God, married a mermaid, and lived for a thousand years (i.e. was basically some form of deity himself). Seems likely Theon’ll bounce back eventually. They do the show and tell with the wight and then Euron storms off pretending to go home but actually going to pick up the legendary mercenary army Cersei just hired. Qyburn is definitely not on the side of the living. These guys are evil!! Cersei makes a pretend offer to help but Jon Snow is full truth, in love, with fire in his blood and his britches, so he messes up the fake negotiations.
Scene Six: Tyrion+Cersei chat over wine, and Cersei wins by letting Tyrion think he’s found her out for being pregnant. Tyrion points out that Daenerys isn’t a foreign whore who can be abducted, beaten up or intimidated, because of her blood and non-D.
But as @lasophus points out this (not this actually, violent death, usually via crossbow / arrow penetration) has happened to literally every other lowblood foreign whore (Ros Shae Ygritte Osha), plus all the lesbians. But not Daenerys! But Cersei Plannister has a plan. She doesn’t kill Tyrion because of blood / because otherwise the dragons and the dothraki and the unsullied would torch the city. She plays him instead.
Scene Seven:
Daenerys: I can’t have children
Jon: *hip thrust* oh really, let me introduce you to this gentleman here, I call him The Dragon
Daenerys: *swoons*
Scene Eight: I think Sansa was always playing LF but also kind of also knew he was her only friend and the only person who approached understanding her, but then her brother explained to her that LF was super betraying her so she had to kill him whoops getting ahead of myself
Scene Nine: Since diarising a meeting between Daenerys and The Dragon Jon in this war strategy meeting is looking at her with the disrespectful pout/halfsmile of the total lad who knows he’s about to get laid, and they arrange to take a ship up to the north together despite the danger because they have a very BUSY schedule.
Scene Ten: Jon lifts a finger to be on Theon’s recovery team, by telling him that it’s ok to follow his blood and save his sister.
Scene Eleven: Theon wins a fight and assumes his bloodright as sea prince by virtue of not having a penis. He staggers out into the surf and is rebaptised in the cold salty water as destiny music plays. I guess actually some cephalopods don’t have penises.
Scene Twelve: Sansa stands in a snowstorm making a difficult decision: yes she is going to go ahead with it. She gets flunkies to bring her sister to the Great Hall, and there, in front of all the ballachingly obstreperous northern lords, explains how LF has been the villain all along (via Bran’s magical insights). “How do you answer these charges ....... Lord Baelish???”, she reveals, as our prayers for Arya turn into a globe-spanning cry of BAZINGA!! It was us who underestimated the girls all along, and believed in their fights when actually they were just putting it on for the benefit of the spy at the keyhole and the viewer at home!!
“I deny it! None of you were there to see what happened,” LF says, no longer himself but just a plot toy setting himself up for Bran to coolly recollect that actually he was there to see it and all other things; an accusation based on magic which the northern lords don’t have any reason to believe in but which still floors our arch-manipulator to his knees, begging for his life. “Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish,” Sansa says to her friend and teacher, weeping, then delivers the nod to Arya, who slits his throat. As his blood spills we may reflect on how LF has been dead since the beginning of the season.
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LF is of low blood and uses his tongue not his dick, so we do not have room for him any more. LF makes the plot diverge off in weird complicated directions, so we do not have room for him any more.
He killed Ros though
Scene Thirteen: Another one of those tricksy bitches and Sansa’s other teacherenemy Cersei Lannister reveals the Plannister to Dummbister Jaime: just wait in the south until all the enemies have marched north to turn into an army of wights (which then maybe Qyburn could do something about or maybe I don’t care because “I’ll do anything to protect my family” is just madbitch speak for “I am now aligned with the forces of death”). Jaime is not with the programme because He Made a Promise and is aligned with the forces of the living after Brienne+Jaime met up and she worked her customary powers on his moral fibre. Despite basically giving the order to kill him Cersei flubs it at the last minute and Jaime walks away from her, finally choozing the right floozy, as Cersei makes an impotent I’m-not-evil-enough-yet fist.
Then we have a really nice and eerie snow scene where a christmas-y version of the title song plays and King’s Landing gets dusted with white. Winter coming maybe can be nice or cause people to do good things because of christmas?? I fucking love christmas!
Scene Fourteen: Sam’s initial reaction to Bran telling him he became the three-eyed raven is the kind of “Oh!” you’d give your kid if it told you it made friends with a stegosaur in school that day, but then has the wits to ask the follow-up question which has thusfar eluded other characters: “I don’t know what that means?”, and Bran delivers a semi-coherent explanation, representing, together with his material use to the case against LF, marked progress from the days when he was just scaring and upsetting people. Why is Bran so intent on telling Jon that he’s actually Aegon Targaryen, the true heir to the Iron Throne and D’s nephew, when he is, just this precise moment, eagerly performing eagerly-anticipated activities with D on a ship?? In these circs it seems like it would just be upsetting news which could threaten an alliance pleasant to both parties and vital to humanity. Whose side is Bran on?
Scene Fifteen: This conversation, “does it bother you that I’m the Lady of Winterfell”, “no obviously not let me introduce myself”, “I never could have survived what you survived, not like what I said in front of LF that one time”, feels like their first make-up-and-closure chat, which makes it seem like they weren’t pretending the whole time. Unbazinga.
(Direwolf thoughts: Sansa’s direwolf is dead and she’s totally different to how she was before and also not so much of a Stark (she didn’t swing the sword though she passed the sentence; she rules LF/Cersei-wise not starkly); Bran’s wolf died (at the moment his three-eyed-raven skills got transferred into him) and now being Bran is just one memory amongst millions of others; Arya’s is alive and thriving and she is the same as always and thriving; Jon’s is for all we know still alive and ditto (D got his chilly post-dead juices heated up again); Rickon’s wolf died and then he did.)
Scene Sixteen: Oh yeah, the ice dragon. Seems everyone this episode, including this recapper, just had too much darn stuff on their plates to mention to each other about you know how the White Walkers can reanimate corpses - people, bears, horses, giants, so on, he has a fucking ice dragon now obviously, climate change has nuclear weapons now obviously, everything is fucked, obviously.
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