#also the f a c t that that vegas picture is real and i know exactly what you’re talking about is making me %^•*]+£’ bc how!! is that real!!!
haydnfleury · 4 years
See The Fire In Your Eyes
Tumblr media
Who: Leon Draisaitl, Connor McDavid
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 1.6K
Addendum A: Title is a lyric from the song Mountain Hymn by Rhiannon Giddens.
Addendum B: This is the more edited version of the original work I had posted.
~AO3 Version
Tagging: @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​ | @jamesnealshands​
He tries to catch his breath, thinking did that actually just happen? Sure he really liked his teammate, but he never actually did anything because he didn’t think it was ever mutual. He only knew for certain that they were good friends for the longest time, Leon hadn't given any hints or anything obvious that he liked him more than just a friend.
 Its game day, the Oilers are set to play in Vegas against the Knights. All of them except for Leon. He sustained a shoulder injury whilst playing for the German national team in the IIHF Worlds and hasn’t been cleared for full-contact play in the NHL yet. He still shows up to the games and sits on the bench with the rest of the team during warm ups before retiring to the upper suites; he's just in a suit rather than uniform. “It’s good for Leon’s morale that he tags along,” coaching staff have said.
 The team makes their way out of the locker room and onto the ice for warm ups. As Connor practices shooting pucks into the net and tossing the occasional one to a fan against the glass, the thought occurs to him that Leon isn’t there to skate circles around him like he always had. It’s a small detail, granted, but he liked it, and it hasn’t happened in any of the seven regular season games they’ve played. He glances over at the bench; Leon’s sitting on the bench half paying attention to and talking with the coaching staff, and half just looking at his phone. Connor also notices that the suit he’s wearing seems fairly tight. He doesn’t give it much thought because the second after he crashes into Nuge, neither of which were paying attention as to where they were skating. They exchange apologies and move on with practice.
 The game was an absolute thrashing. Edmonton won 6-0 continuing their undefeated start to the season to seven games now. The team pours back into the locker room as the coaching staff mention that they’ll be staying in Las Vegas for a few more days as a reward to them for playing so well- and not to mention the fact that their next game is five days away anyway. There’s chatter among the players that there’s a German beer häus- Hofbrauhäus- in the city and they decide to go there to celebrate.
 They arrive and are greeted by the traditional Bavarian atmosphere and the aromas of various different ales and lagers. The team sits down at a long communal table and order copious amounts of food and drink. Within five minutes Larsson is already challenging anyone from the team who's willing to a drinking contest, of which Neal happily obliges him. Connor is one of the few who decided to stay mostly sober, stopping at two drinks and eating plenty of food. Leon on the other hand, is on his sixth or seventh- Connor kinda lost count at some point, as every time he looked his mug was full again- drink before he’s even tipsy whereas most of the others were there at three or four.
 As the festivities come to a close the team manages to stumble their way out of the building, and attempt to walk over to where the team bus was parked. Leon follows closely behind Connor, but as they make it out the doors Leon loses his footing on the cobblestones and falls against the wall. He lifts his arms up in the universal “heellpp meee” as Connor lifts him up off the ground and steadies him on himself so they don’t both fall over. Leon rests his head in the crook of Connor’s neck and wraps one arm around the other side of his neck and the other around his waist the entire way back to their hotel room; which prompts Connor to internally scream “This is fine, this is f-fine, THIS IS FINE.” He was glad everyone else had been drinking because he was certain his entire face was bright red, except for him it wasn't because of the booze.
 Arriving at the hotel everyone spills out into their designated rooms. Connor helps Leon onto a chair and falls onto one of the beds himself. Scrolling through the different social medias, he decides to check the posts they’ve been tagged in- almost certain that someone at the beer häus had recorded and posted their shenanigans. Yet nothing. Except, for one post that stood out that was during the game. Some fan had seen Leon in one of the upper suites and took a picture. But Connor noticed something that no-one else seems to have so far. In the blurred resolution Leons’s blazer and shirt were undone and an Oilers jersey could be seen, but with a half-covered ‘C’ instead of an ‘A’ peeking out from the formal wear. Looking back and forth between the phone and his teammate sitting just across the room, it’s still the same suit. Getting back up he walks over and looks down at him. Gingerly, he lifts the blazer and shirt to see the jersey underneath but still can’t tell if it’s his from this angle. The fabric lightly shifts and he jerks backwards out of sight. Leon slowly gets up, not noticing his teammate lightly panicking in the corner from almost being caught, and starts to drunkenly undress himself. Once again Connor’s face burns because he’s never actually seen him undress at a hotel, they typically do it in different rooms and leave a t-shirt and underwear on, but he strips down to just his black underwear and crashes back-first onto the bed.
 “He seems like he's out cold, I hope,” is Connor’s internal logic, and goes to the pile of ditched clothes on the chair to dig out the jersey. Sure enough, the front does in fact have a ‘C’ on it, and turning it around the large 97 and MCDAVID staring right back at him. Putting it back down he’s suddenly grasped by the arms and pulled back onto the bed, Leon planking on top of him. Before he could even say anything Leon lowers his head and brings Connor into a long kiss. A million panicked thoughts blink through Connor's head before melting away as he lets the kiss continue. But just as soon as he started he stops, just gazing back at Connor. Connor does the same, and realizes how his eyes look and have a certain glint to them whenever he looks at him. Leon falls to the side of him on the bed and he’s out cold- fully this time- which lets Connor get up and rush to the bathroom.
 He tries to catch his breath, thinking did that actually just happen? Sure he really liked his teammate, but he never actually did anything because he didn’t think it was ever mutual. He only knew for certain that they were good friends for the longest time, Leon hadn't given any hints or anything obvious that he liked him more than just a friend. Or, maybe it was the drink? He had a lot but he's also one of the people that can really hold their liqour. There’s really no way to know when the person is inebriated. Splashing some water onto his burning hot face and sighing, at this point Connor decides he might as well just get ready to sleep and figure it out in the morning. After finishing up in the bathroom, he comes back into the bedroom and stops at the foot of Leon’s bed. He’s uncovered. Rather than try to lift him up and pull the sheets out and over him, Connor pulls the sheets out from the opposite end of the bed and lays it over him, and then crashes into the other unoccupied one himself.
 Morning rolls around, and by the time Connor gets up Leon is still snoozing- he typically doesn’t ever get hungover, but just tends to sleeps longer. Connor does his usual morning routine, and then starts cooking breakfast in the small kitchen; eggs, sausage, and hash browns. As the smell wafts from the various pans, Leon shifts out of bed wiping the sleep from his eyes.
 “Hey. Just started breakfast, you probably have time to shower real quick if you want to.”
 He doesn’t seem to remember what happened last night, let alone notice he’s not wearing a shirt. Great. Leon walks out from his shower and Connor already has breakfast on the table. He stops in his tracks though when he spots the jersey still quite obviously out in the open on the chair next to his other clothes.
 “Uh, you saw that didn’t you.”
 “Yeah. What do you actually remember from last night anyway?”
 “We drank. A lot. Not really much after that. Actually one thing, Klef had to help Lars onto the bus because he collapsed trying to get up the stairs.”
 “Nothing else?”
 Connor pauses and scratches the back of his head debating whether or not to say anything as Leon sits down next to him.
 “Y-, you uh, kissed me.”
 Leon nearly chokes on his coffee.
 “FUCK- I am so fucking sorry- I- I don’t even rememb--“
 He drops to a dead silence.
 “Do you like me? You know, that way.”
 Leon sighs deeply, “I mean, I’ve liked you since I met you.”
 Connor pulls Leon’s chair out towards him and leans forward to kiss him. Leon doesn’t pull away and lets Connor effectively climb on top of him into an embrace. They pull away and gaze into each other’s eyes, and caressing the other’s cheek before making out. When they stop they return back to their chairs and food. Connor puts his hand on top of Leon’s.
 “I love you.”
 Connor suddenly realizes what he just said.
 “Wait, is that too soon?”
 Leon smirks before laughing uncontrollably.
 “Connor, I’ve liked you for four years,” he pauses to catch his breath, “you could’ve told me that at year one if you wanted to.”
 They both laugh.
 “I love you too.”
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frenchibi · 7 years
Ok, hold on to your hats people because this is going to be a long-ass post. I have been told my cuts don’t work on mobile (?? TUMBLR PLS) so if this doesn’t work I sincerely apologize in advance for a lot of scrolling :’) Alright so I was tagged... like 6 times I think? And I’m just going to answer them all in here xD
Also I’m gonna tag a bunch of people and you can just... decide which ones you want to do, do several, do all of them, do none at all - whatever you prefer xD @cheatos @chxngsey @fairylights101writes @cheetahleopard @snowflakers @notinvidia @anyadisee @tallihoo @lalikaa @seijouho @astersandstuffs @phea-chan @owlkaashi-keiji @heirxx @thehibiscusthief @screamingnitrogenchallenge @fandang1
...alright, let the oversharing begin :’)
1. Tagged by @grand-king-toru (thank you, and you’re tagged in all the other ones too, obviously!!) and @queeniwaizumi (your tag was a little different but basically all your questions were in this one too so I didn’t do it separately FORGIVE ME TAT - and ofc you’re tagged too!!)
Favourite place: My apartment, or on top of a mountain, or in my car, or at my mom’s house, or in a Café in the center of my city where I can sketch people Relationship status: Single Favourite colour: Phtalo blue and magenta Pets: I have allergies :’) Last song I listened to: We Know The Way from Moana Favourite tv show: If we’re talking anime, it’s Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (by a MILE). As for non-anime shows, I’m currently enjoying A Series of Unfortunate Events very much (those books were my childhood & I’m so pumped for this series you have no idea) First Fandom: Harry Potter probably, first anime fandom was Inuyasha Hobbies: writing, drawing, singing, skiing, driving my siblings places (being the oldest is GreatTM), currently trying to learn to play the guitar Books I’m currently reading: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn (and 50 others I started in Better Days™ when I had more time for reading) Favourite book: Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, The Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness, Harry Potter by JKR, Howl’s Moving Castle by Dianne Wynne Jones, Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Milk that had gone off. It’s gross. Living alone is hard, please don’t make the mistakes I did.
2. Tagged by @seidou-chan (thank you, you’re also obviously tagged in all the others as well~)
Name: call me French :D Nickname: French, Frenchie Gender: female Sign: Pisces Height: 155cm Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Favourite colour: (see above) xD Favourite animal: Dolphins, Turtles, Owls Time right now: 1:15pm Average hours of sleep: Ideally 8, currently 3, I probably need to see a doctor about this Cat or dog person: Allergies :’) (tbh I love both ok) Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley (, Sirius Black, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange) Number of blankets you sleep with: One Favourite singer or band: currently Of Monsters and Men Dream trip: Cities! I love sightseeing :D Also Skiing, always skiing. Dream job: Musical singer/actress When was this blog created: 20..13? Started out as a Supernatural blog xD When did your blog reach its peak: Still climbing hopefully What made you decide to make a tumblr: blame @notinvidia
3. Tagged by @marleeb (ty friend, we haven’t talked much yet so sorry for the spam of information here xD Feel free to do whichever of these tags interests you :D)
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Notebooks (at least 3) Assorted pens Allergy medication My wallet Haikyuu keychains :D
(see also this post)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: An enormous bookshelf (ca 1,5k books, 850 mangas) Assorted recording devices & equipment A large easel and all sorts of art supplies (acrylics, aquarelles, watercolors, pastels, colored pencils, crayons, markers, modeling paste, ink, soapstone) The door to my kitchen xD My workspace w/ computers and legal dictionaries ^^
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Publish a novel Raise children Own a house with a private library and a large conservatory full of plants Perform on a large stage (did that, was amazing, love to do it again) Become a translator (lol I had no idea what i was signing up for)
5 things that make me happy: Singing (is the ultimate joy of my life) and performing w/ my choir Getting feedback for my writing (makes me ecstatic ngl) and exchanging ideas with people My brilliant, lovely, multi-facetted family My warm, patient and understanding friends Being able to create, and share my ideas to people who care about them :D 5 things I’m currently into: Moana (it has consumed my life and my life is infinitely better for it) Haikyuu (and the wonderful people I’ve met through it) My original stories (which I cannot wait to work on more) A Series of Unfortunate Events (the netflix series is so great and it really lives up to the books in my opinion??) Wasting time on tumblr and ignoring the BA-thesis that I need to be writing (and my work because why be responsible)
5 things on my to-do list: *cringes* my thesis My invoices & VAT returns Get someone to help me change a lightbulb (this is not a joke, I’m short) Finish writing two letters to friends that I’m working on :D (though this one I’m looking forward to) Finish writing the 60+ fics I’ve started and work on my original projects too :’)
(what a boring to-do list is2g)
5 things people may not know about me: I OVERSHARE ALL THE TIME (you knew that) I’m a legal translator (German/English) and I work freelance I am allergic to EVERYTHING I…really love…girls… I speak 4 languages (and a fifth one barely) :D
4. Tagged by @ghost--fox (this was a while back and I’m sorry for being so slow ;-; THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME!!! I did your other tag too, below this one :D - obviously you’re tagged in any of the above if you feel like it xD)
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people
1. Avicii – Hey Brother 2. Nothing’s Carved In Stone – Spirit Inspiration (Zetsuen no Tempest Opening) 3. Suzanne Vega – The Queen and the Soldier (I’m gonna base an AU on this just you wait) 4. The Cab - Endlessly 5. Blue Stahli – Anti You 6. Ramin Karimloo – Show Me Light (Have I yelled about how much I love him? I love him!!) 7. All Time Low – Cinderblock Garden 8. Genesis – Follow You Follow Me (I have no regrets, love me some 80s Phil Collins) 9. Ayumi Hamazaki – Dearest (Inuyasha Ending) 10. Nightmare – Sekai Wo (Death Note Opening)
5. Tagged again by @ghost--fox :D THANK YOU!!
A - Age: 21 soon xD B - Biggest fear: not making a difference C - Current time: 2:08pm (this took long omg) D - Drink you last had: I actually bought a fresh coconut and drank it :0 (my allergies are like “uhm girl that was a bad choice” but tbh it was worth it) E - Every day starts with: Removing my retainer and taking my allergy meds F - Favorite song: Empire by Of Monsters and Men and Invincible by Hedley G - Ghosts, are they real: Idk fam H - Hometown: Munich I - In love with: being inspired & motivated?? it’s the BEST?? J - Jealous of: healthy people K - Killed someone: couldn’t even if I wanted to L - Last time you cried: Out of frustration in December M - Middle name: Johanna (after my grandmother) N - Number of siblings: 4 (3 + an older step-sister I see twice a year) O - One wish: Stop using religion as an excuse for hate crimes P - Person you last called/texted: My dad/my friend Nina respectively Q - Questions you’re always asked: Can you chill? / Can you drive me to [place]? / How’s it going with your thesis? - pls But also: Are you doing okay? / Do you need me to listen? / Sing with me? – YES THANK YOU R - Reasons to smile: Fanfiction and fanart exists. Hot chocolate, tea and fluffy blankets. Music, Art, Books, Stories. Stars & the sky. Brilliant people are making brilliant things every day. A small act of kindness from you to a stranger can make all the difference. S - Song last sang: The Lasset uns nicht zerteilen chorus from Bach’s Johannespassion in my singing lesson (in preparation for our next choir concert), and then assorted Hamilton songs on my drive home xD T - Time you woke up: 7am U - Underwear color: dark blue V- Vacation destination: Cities w/ lots of art & culture :D W - Worst habit: biting my fingernails & cuticles I HATE MYSELF X - X-rays you’ve had: lots for my teeth (wrecked a tooth and used to have braces also), one for my knee after a hiking accident Y - Your favorite food: lasagna (w/ meat or spinach honestly I like both a lot) Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
...and lastly, 6. Tagged by  @missellaineous (this is also super old I apologize but I liked your questions so :D - feel free to do any of the other tags if you want xD)
1. What can’t you sleep without? My phone. Literally I use it as an alarm clock xD 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? :0 I like big fluffy warm ones – and also I like skiing socks because they fit really tightly and they’re also super warm xD 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Atm I am very weak for cookies (I have… phases. At one point I ate so many gummy bears that now I just cannot), my favorite food is lasagna and my favorite drink is water or tea (no milk, no sugar, I dislike sweet drinks except if it’s hot chocolate xD) 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? …do you know the artist Yuumei? A lot of her pictures have spectacular skies that are like… the sun breaking through dark clouds after a storm? That. That’s my favorite weather. It’s so… motivational and  hopeful? Idk, but I love it. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? I love the songs from musicals because they’re great to sing along to and singing always improves my mood :D I have endless love for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera and Hamilton atm. Also what always helps me is, in my mom’s words, to “talk to someone who doesn’t hate you”. Because I tend to hate on myself a lot when I’m upset (for not being better, happier, healthier, enough) and it helps to talk to my friends, who objectively don’t think I’m as awful as I tend to think I am ^^ And they’re all really kind and understanding (and/or blunt when I need someone to tell me to snap out of it). 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? HOO BOY ok I love bookstores (because duh, books) and lately I’ve also been loving Muji a lot? xD Also we have an art supply chain here in Germany that has GREAT STUFF and I always go overboard xD 7. What color do you wear the most? Black probably, but that’s because most of my pants/leggings are black. Other than that I own a lot of blue and also a lot of red, esp. dresses :D 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? That’s hard?? I don’t play a lot of video games but I absolutely adored Undertale. Funnily enough we play card & board games a lot when we meet with my old friends from school, but tbh I don’t have a favorite. I recently learned how to play Skat, which is really enjoyable? (Google tells me apparently that’s mainly a German thing, ok.) And, eh, I’m not a big fan of parties & party games ^^ 9. Any guilty pleasures? When I have time, I watch objectively bad or cliché anime and write commentary xD Also I spend way too much time playing The Sims if I’m totally honest... and scrolling through my dash. Damn. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? Or fiction??? HOGWARTS?!?! Teach me all the magic pls?! …ok but for real though I would love to visit some of my online friends :’)
Alright that’s it, thank you all again and sorry I’m slow and this is a huge post full of way too much information, I’m gonna let myself out now
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elizabethcariasa · 4 years
Reporting gambling winnings & other income on Schedule 1
Thanks to a 2018 Supreme Court ruling, many other states have joined Nevada in accepting bets on sporting events. But casino operations like this one in Las Vegas still get plenty of action on days like Super Bowl Sunday.
Happy Tuesday to everyone who skipped work yesterday. I hope you've fully recovered from your Super Bowl hangover.
I also hope that at least some of your prop bets on the NFL championship game also paid off. So does the Internal Revenue Service.
All your Super Bowl LIV winnings, as well as any other gambling proceeds are taxable income. Yes, even the winning bets placed illegally. Just look at what happened to Al Capone he didn't tell Uncle Sam's tax collector about his nefarious earnings.
And all your gambling proceeds, as well as all the other income you made last year, is detailed on the top half of Schedule 1 (pictured below), with the total amount transferred to your Form 1040.
Here's what you need to know on this Tax Form Tuesday about where on Schedule 1 to report your good luck and other types of income.
Accounting for cryptocurrency: Long-time readers of the ol' blog know that I'm pretty traditional when it comes to making money.
My personal personal-finance motto is, "Say it with cash." And while I do have some investments, they tend to stay within the usual asset parameters.
Other folks, however, are more adventurous when it comes to making money. The IRS knows this. That's why it added a new line to kick off its income collection data effort on Schedule 1.
The very firth thing the IRS asks on the recently-revised Schedule 1 is, "At any time during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?"
Cryptocurrency for tax purposes is considered, for the most part, as a type of investment. The agency has been struggling for years on how to get a handle on how much virtual money folks hold. Last year, the IRS conducted a widespread outreach to — OK, correspondence audits of — owners of this asset.
This Schedule 1 virtual currency question is a logical next step in the IRS' efforts to gather additional info from taxpayers on crypto holdings. It's a not-so-subtle reminder that, regardless of whether you did or didn't get a letter about your virtual currency holdings, the IRS still has its literal eyes peeled for virtual money.
Various crypto transactions: If your cryptocurrency answer is yes, check the box here. That will alert the IRS to look for other reports from you of taxable bitcoin et al transactions.
The actions that could prompt a "yes" response include, according to the Form 1040 Schedule 1 instructions, with my comments in italics:
The receipt or transfer of virtual currency for free (without providing any consideration), including from an airdrop or following a hard fork. I am not even going here or there as to what a hard fork is, since, as noted earlier, I am a cash devotee!
An exchange of virtual currency for goods or services. In cases where an employer pays in cryptocurrency, that amount is subject to federal income tax and other withholdings, just like with regular dollar wages, and this all should show up on your W-2.
A sale of virtual currency. Here is where the capital gains reporting and taxation comes into play. If you disposed of any virtual currency that was held as a capital asset, follow the usual reporting route to let the IRS know of your capital gains or losses. That's Form 8949 to figure your capital gain or loss and report it on Form 1040's Schedule D. (Spoiler alert: possible Tax Form Tuesday topics!)
An exchange of virtual currency for other property, including for another virtual currency. See capital gains comments above.
If you did any of the above, check the "Yes" box.
However, if you didn't have any transactions involving virtual currency last year and you don't otherwise have to file Schedule 1, you don't have to do anything further.
But if you do have other non-cryptocurrency income, like your profitable bets, then check the "No" box and move on to Part 1 of Schedule 1.
Part I Additional Income 1: Now that you've 'fessed up about your bitcoin el al holdings, it's time to let the IRS know about your other earnings on in the first section of Schedule 1.
Additional income is, for the most part, money you got that wasn't covered by a W-2.
If comes not just as contract earnings reported on a 1099 form, but many other ways. Those are listed in this section's lines.
Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes (line 1) Remember how thrilled you were when you got back a couple thousand as a state income tax refund? You might not be so happy now.
Generally, whenever you use some taxes to reduce other taxes, you could be liable for taxes on the refund of the taxes you claimed. Is that roundabout enough for you? Here's an example:
You itemized your federal tax deductions last year and claimed your state tax income tax payments. Any refund of those income taxes must be included as income on your federal tax return in the year you receive it, i.e., the year after you claimed it.
You also are likely to get a Form 1099-G from the payer reporting the tax refund amount just in case you have to claim it.
The IRS instructions for Form 1040 Schedule 1 provide more details on possible taxation of these state and local refunds and offsets. Tax software and, of course, your tax adviser also can help you determine what, if any, you might owe.
Also note that your refund is NOT taxed if, in the year you paid the tax, you either (a) didn't claim the income taxes as a federal itemized deduction or (b) chose to deduct state and local sales taxes instead of income taxes.
Alimony received (lines 2a and 2b) The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed the tax treatment of alimony, both paid and received. But it did so based on the date of the legal marital split, specifically such a decree on or before Dec. 31, 2018.
That's why here the IRS asks you enter on line 2a the amount of alimony you received.
Then on line 2b the date of your original divorce or separation agreement.
Alimony isn't taxable if your divorce or separation agreement was entered into on Jan. 1, 2019 or later. If, however, you must count spousal support as in your income, let your ex who's making the payments know your Social Security number. Your former partner needs that for his or her reporting purposes, i.e., deducting the payments.
Business income or (loss) (line 3) If you worked as a freelancer or contractor, either full-time or various gig jobs, you'll report that income here. The amount will come from what you enter on your Schedule C. (Spoiler alert redux: Look for a future closer look at this form for sole proprietors.)
Other gains or (losses). (line 4) This is a specific "other" category. It applies to assets used in a trade or business and which you sold or exchanged. Details on this activity can be found in the instructions for Form 4797, which you'll need to file in conjunction with your 1040/Schedule 1.
Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. (line 5) If you made (or lost) money in connection with rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, estates, trusts and residual interests in real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs), you'll put that amount here. The details of this income (or loss) will be entered on Schedule E, which you'll attach with your tax return filing.
Farm income or (loss). (line 6) Are you a get-your-hands-dirty or gentleman/woman farmer? Either way, the IRS wants to know. Basically, the IRS considers you as being in the farming business if you cultivate, operate or manage a farm for profit, either as owner or tenant. A farm includes livestock, dairy, poultry, fish, fruit and truck farms, as well as plantations — really, IRS? Let me check my century calendar — ranches, ranges and orchards and groves.
You'll have to fill out and file Schedule F if you have farming income. That form's instructions has more details on your filing requirements. You also can get more on applicable taxes in IRS Publication 225, Farmer's Tax Guide.
Unemployment compensation (line 7) It was really tough when you lost your job. Now that it's tax filing time, things aren't getting any better. That financial assistance you got to tide you over between jobs is taxable income.
You should receive a Form 1099-G that shows in box 1 the total unemployment compensation you received. That amount goes on this line.
Other income (line 8) Ah, the wonderful "other" catch-all. Line 8 is where you report any taxable income that's not entered elsewhere on your tax return or other schedules.
This is where your gambling winnings go.
Also reportable here are as other income are:
Most prizes and awards, unless you're an Olympic or Paralympic medal winner and recipient of U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee prize money. Those amounts are now tax-free.
Jury duty pay.
Alaska Permanent Fund dividends.
Reimbursements or other amounts received for items deducted in an earlier year, such as medical expenses, real estate taxes, general sales taxes, or home mortgage interest.
Income from the rental of personal property if you engaged in the rental for profit, but were not in the business of renting such property.
Income from an activity not engaged in for profit. We're talking money you made on your hobby here.
The Form 1040 instructions' section on Schedule 1 has the full list of the sometimes esoteric types of income that go on this line.
Also on this line, list the type of other income and amount. If you have several such entries here, put their total in the dollar amount block of this line. If necessary, include a statement showing the various earnings.
Totaling all your earnings: Line 9 is where you add up all the amounts from the previous 8 lines. This number also goes on line 7a of your Form 1040 or, if you're an older taxpayer, Form 1040-SR.
Reducing your gambling income: If you're a very successful and/or lucky bettor, I can't let you leave without noting that you can reduce your taxable gambling earnings.
One itemized deduction that survived tax reform was the ability to deduct your gambling losses. You can tally your losses on the "Other Miscellaneous Deductions" section of Form 1040 Schedule A.
Note, however, that your bad betting luck only goes so far. You can only use your gambling losses to offset, perhaps zero out, your winnings.
You cannot use them to produce an income loss on your return.
And if you don't itemize, which you might not especially now that the standard deductions are so much larger under the new tax law, then you can't reduce your gambling winnings at all.
You must simply report all the money you made on winning wagers on Schedule 1.
Deductions, too: As you've already noticed, this is just the first part of Schedule 1.
Part II of this TCJA addendum to Form 1040 covers a lot of deductions that don't need to be itemized. They were discussed in the Jan. 28 Tax Forms Tuesday post.
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