#also the actor au comic was fun but im still sad
dr-pipis · 2 months
yippeeee alien stage friday!! i love waking up, logging online and then immediately feeling like ive been shot in the chest
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traumatizedkids · 3 years
Some fun facts, info and More about the S3 and the comic in general.
 I made this long ago with the S2 hiatus, so i decided to do the same again with new funfacts, and some new info about S3 (without going into spoilers of course, i hope you guys like it)
As you can notice, the new profile cards has a section called Logo, those logos are a new thing i added to the comic, What’s the purpose? They are made for pannels were the character’s talk but they are not in scene, this is an example from the new season:
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When i announced King in Black i didn’t have almost any plans for the next issues, but i liked the Agony plot so i decided to make the story about that.
The Scene were Alec uses Jake as a Bat is a reference to the Blackbird Epilogue were it’s said Jake turns into a Bat of Intention releasing Andrew’s soul.
I wanted to elaborate more the scene were Jake is awakened from the illusion, but it was too many pages and i had to use the Bro thing, i am sorry if it was Lame, for me, at least it is.
When Alec met Hazel, i had plans to explain Alec dad’s were already dead, but i decided to not add that scene.
Alex (Hazel’s daughter) is 10, and She’s a Demi-Girl, 
The reason why i started to read Disney Chills was because i wanted to find new traumatized kids from a different media than the ones i already use.
In the moment i read Planet of Symbiotes: Toxin i knew Bren has to be in the team.
Millie was intended to appear revived for a Symbiote after KIB, but i discarded that because we don’t really know her fate and there’s chances she could came back in FF epilogues.
Hazel works as a Lawyer
I want to make season 3 more separate from FNAF, because this comic was turning into a FNAF comic more than a crossover.
The Bonnles came from a Joke i made long ago on Twitter
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I suffered a lot in season 2 because i really wanted to use Dylan, but the idea of a Time skip was soo good to not use it, Return of the Kids was totally my fav moment.
Oswald’s Scar plot from Familiar Rabits is gonna come back on the Summer Special.
Traumatized Kids Island is gonna be 10 episodes long i dunno if it’s gonna be Weekly or every 2 days, i have to think that.
Sora Ogami was a character i loved to add and i hope to use it more in future episodes.
I already told that, i changed the Henry’s hairstyles to make them inspired in the actor Jared Gilmoire, the one who interprets Henry in Once upon a Time.
The real name of this comic is: Niños Traumados.
Not gonna lie, i want to add Sleeper in this comic, but i don’t know what happened with him in comics, i am worried :(
The reason i am redesinging some characters is to gave them a personal touch (and because their shows are over)
Dipper and Mabel were requested a lots of times, i hope to use them more on season 3 now i rewatched the show since years.
I dunno if someone get it, but this is a reference to Kingdom Hearts:
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I have plans to do a reference to the original trilogy of FNAF Books.
I started this blog because an user called Puffy started to reblog the first 3 episodes saying she was enjoying them, i am very grateful for all her suppor and i love her reblogs, thank you so much.
This also goes for Hide, i dunno if you’re reading this, but thanks for all your support, i love to have you here.
Bren Waters and Dylan Brock are gonna be gooooood friends.
I think it’s pretty obvious, this is an AU, so i take some creative liberties for some designs and relationships, i still use the actual stories from the characters, but some things like Normie and Dylan friendship (who in comics stopped being friends in a comic that we don’t even know if it’s canon) are changed.
In King In Black 3 in the Adults plan i had plans to introduce the crystal gems, but i thought Connie would be a better idea so i could introduce her.
Yeah, Connie is gonna come back, also she accepted Steven proposal after Steven got corrupted again, 
There’s gonna be more adults on the Season 3
Not gonna told who, but one of the Founders members of the Meeting has appeared on one episode, not gonna tell wich.
Oswald loves more Springmatt than the Bonnles.
At first i didn’t wanted to confirm Chuck and Sam relationship, but then i was like: Why not?
Season 3 is ubicated AFTER The cliffs epilogue, but BEFORE Gumdrop Angel epilogue.
I confirmed 4 new kids, but i don’t deny maybe new kids would join in the future, someone wants to talk about dinosaurs?
What Oswald says about the name is already taken in KIB 1 is a reference about the fact there’s already a Symbiote called Agony.
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At first i had plans to make art-trades with people to have variants of King in Black with another artist but i wasn’t brave enough.
I want to apologize about my shitty english lmao, sometimes i mess up the translation.
If you’re still reading this reblog with a #Yes
ok thanks, i aprecciate that.
sorry for this being so long lmao
For the people who read Disney Chills (and the people i hope i introduced to them like that ask someone sent me) i am aware about the Second Star to the Fright ending, but i wanted to use Barrie anyway, i love that boy.
Not gonna lie, i would love if someone makes a fanart or a dub of this series, if someone wanted to but was afraid to ask, you can, don’t be shy.
For the people who doesn’t knows, i am making an Into the Pit Graphic novel and a Dylan and Normie Graphic Novel, this comic is helping me to practice with Panel composition.
This is the first Splashpage i ever made, and i am very proud of it, i hope to make more on the future:
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Goblin symbiote design was inspired in the Goblin Childe and the colors of the green goblin.
Some kids like Oswald are not going to have a Profile Card yet, that’s because Season 3 spoilers.
Im doing an Animatic about Dylan in the other Earth talking to Codex, at first it was a personal project, but i decided to add it to the traumatized Kids Canon.
When Robin is with the Cape on is because i am lazy to draw the body, sorry, i am human too lol.
I am sad no one got it, but that answer about the meeting room and a cat of the founder members was a Doraemon reference, yes, i confirm it, Nobita Nobi is in the 80s meeting.
At first i had plans to introduce Billy and Tommy into S3 but then for obvious reasons i didn’t (But i still can, maybe someday)
Steven’s weeding is gonna be a S3 arc, and it’s gonna be the last time we are gonna see Steven, it’s hard for me, but some kids have to leave in order to other to enter.
Welp i think i gave so many facts, this is a long list, i dunno if people is gonna fully read them, but if you did, thanks a lot for your interest.
Soon i will share more things in this acc, have a good summer.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 6 years
-why i didn’t quit before / team family /s9-caryl
-big twd filming spoilers, 9x05?
My thoughts so far.  vvv
I noticed some fans quit TWD early on like in s6 and they mentioned the flaws. They have good points and all. I wondered why I kept watching TWD. I think because it’s just one of the cool shows to watch on Sundays, and just loving the TF. I also think if I’m more critical of the show, I would probably quit the show around s3 or s6 too. Idk if it’s comic story way that made people lose interest or it’s the writing. Like a lot people miss the team family being really close and trying to survive..or on the road and not staying in one place. These comments are like what the comic-fans say too about the comics. So idk. Like it’s just how TWD story goes. Building up to a new world ..arc. (like Falling Skies show?) So, my point is that I didn’t quit back then because I just like the show and I was also was like hoping the show could turn around. I liked s6B. I find it interesting that Carol went to Kingdom and dealing with her issues. Richonne happend and Negan was introduced. (big character in comics) I was curious how it will go and I was curious what Carl will do. I know s7 and s8, the fandom didn’t like those seasons-AOW arc. I kinda don’t like it either. It was so dragged out and less TF. But I still like the show. I still feel hopeful that it will go better.
 When Carl died (and he wasn’t like comic-Carl-y, imo like I hoped for) that was hard, but I was like okay so then it’s Rick’s show and I guess Michonne will live longer. AOW ended in s8. S8B was entertaining to me, imo. But I hated the finale and what they did with Carol. The finale should have been like or even better than the s2 finale and tease us the f*** with what will happen and excite us. (remember Michonne first appearance and prison. s3 also had a time jump) Then we got a new showrunner and news about LC and with the finale being so blah & hard to predict, I was like uhh it’s 50/50 chance of the show being better than before. Maybe more Team Family moments? I was still hopeful. We got those spoiler pics of TWD cast like they’re in a parade and them going to the “museum.” I got so excited again and hopeful but a bit conscious about it because Idk what s9 was. Then suddenly we got the AL news of him leaving ( and then LC). I just felt crushed. We lost Carl and now we’re losing Rick, the two big protagonists of the show. That’s just quick and weird. Also totally seems pointless for the show to keep going,imo. (but hey at least Rick got like 2 years of bliss/timejump). I know he wanted to leave some day (duh actors arnt robots)  but I wasn’t expecting how it goes like that and it’s just not what I want. I wanted this popular show to end where they wanted it to end. Like Lost, Scandal, Fringe, GoT, etc. But no...show business..life happens or whatever, AMC wants more money. So yeah I lost hope on the show - I quit with this show. So this is why I kept going till s9, I guess. It’s whatever whenever is enough for you. Now I look back on it, it’s really around s5-6 when we feel like TWD is Team Family like and good or fun to watch. There’s some things I liked about TWD that other shows don’t have. Like this slow pace..that feels realistic sometimes, the music, and cast. But seeing other shows, I’m like wow ..we know who are the main characters are and they interact a lot throughout the series. It’s sad. I miss TF.
So yeah I just take s9 as an AU story where Rick dies. -_- I hope Caryl goes canon but well the show is like done to me. So Idk. I would watch or care..if Caryl goes canon and everything else is interesting and TF being close again. Like it’s gonna be Carol and Daryl ..Michonne? and rest are Negan, Aaron, Rosita, Eugene and Tara. meh. It’s hard what do with this. In time I know. So far, s9 just sucks. C/E is gonna be or is canon. I just like siiiigh. I wish Carol isn’t with anyone in s9. I want to know who is Carol in the future and have her with TF again. But it’s not that. Carol with Zeke for some reason. Idk  why tease Caryl in s8 and not make C/E canon in s8???? Maybe Carol is just to prop Zeke story and comic death in s9??? That’s another thing. There’s this original TWD show story and characters’ arcs and comic book remixes. I think what we want is balance of those two. But lately s7 and on it’s all super plot-y or super comic book-plot-y. So maybe Zeke dies and then Carol helps Daryl to start the Whisperer war and then ..then what? Will we actually get more TF moments? If Caryl does become canon, will their romance be well written and interesting? (Shipping a non-canon ship to a canon ship changes the shipdom/fandom. People lose interest.)
---filming spoilers and spec in s9
So ep 5 or so, s9 filming spoilers, it’s obvious Rick dies. So right there the show isn’t gonna do a cool happy ending for Rick and the Grimes. No Grimes family off to a boat or Commonwealth. Now, I know. :( Poor Michonne. (writers totally screwed up her character-journey)
 Based on spoilers, there’s a white horse (symbolism), that script paper.., Shane appearances. So yeah there’s some over the top death scene happening. Idc in some ways, because this is all AU to me. (twdspoilers4theprivileged tumblr) Based from the script paper spoiler/rumor, I noticed that Carol is there..actually the main five characters are there. It’s nice ..but once again it’s when something major happens. It seems like Rick takes the other parts of comic-Andrea’s death. He dies by trying to kill all the walkers in the herd ...to save his people(?) like Andrea did. It also seem traumatic too, our main characters are watching it as it goes. Like damn ..who wanna see that  super sad and depressing death of a character in this ep. Like sure ..Rick deserve this kind of death scene and how important and special he is. But ...it’s not a series finale and writers will forget about this in a couple episodes later with Daryl dealing with Negan and Whisperers, I guess. *Also I guess Zeke wasn’t there..and others. So it’s like Zeke isn’t or still not important in the show. So ..maybe he will die from Alpha in msf or finale in s9. I just think if Zeke will be a main character, then he gotta hang out with Daryl  and others,a lot. (so far he’s in ep1. so far Carol in ep 1 and 5..) Idk what Maggie will do / LC’s 6 episodes. There’s some play with time. Maybe Maggie dies in msf?
Yeah Carol so far is in ep 1 and 5. I don’t think she interacts with Rick in s9. I find it important for her to interact with him. It tells me writers remember their bond, care about the character Carol, and what they do with TF. So far, it’s seems like they don’t. This is the part that really upsets me..it’s something also that I was really hoping for in s9 and something to see if it will happen-then the rest s9 will go fine. I love Carick so ..yeah I don’t think there’s good Carick moments in s9 and I think Carol will only react about Rick’s death. Writers ..again don’t care or too lazy to deal with TF moments and Carol and her bonds with other characters. So, it’s like if writers can’t do Carick scenes so then s9/new showrunner doesn’t matter to me anymore. It’s over. Those Carick hopes or Carol hopes were all before AL news, btw. That s8 finale made me doubt.
I might accept TWD s9 and Rick’s death, if like the first 6 episodes or so was treated like a series finale and it was something writers/Gimple have in mind for a long time and that they wanted Rick to die in ‘series finale’. And then the rest be like a spin-off and plus being more character-y..good writing. But  eh. We still see characters dealing with his death and other plots going on. It just won’t work, I guess. But right now, I’m like it’s all AU, idc. TF are close and Grimes family lives on.
So, now that im like ‘whatever’ with the show or try to.., i wanna point out the flaws more lately. But it’s stuff we already know. It’s really crazy to watch TWD s8 and then watch the recent season (s5) of The 100 and how much The 100 flows better, character’s arcs goes naturally well or balanced. It’s not too (comic)plotty. And ofc, there’s girls power, and character interactions. Mains still interact. That stuff that I like and interested in.  I know they’re different shows. I think TWD is probably more like Falling Skies with how the story goes but it’s not really charactery..in story right now.
...Let’s do AU fanarts.
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