#also side note Anders is a free healthcare provider for the poor for many years before he blows up the chantry just saying...
Dragon age rant:
With the recent addition of Absolution to the DA franchise I have seen an influx of the usual memes about how the mage companion always betrays the PC or main character and people use Anders (understandable), Solas (also understandable) and Morrigan as examples and I just don't get it. Morrigan's "betrayal" doesn't come even close to the other two.
Anders lies to Hawke and makes them gather the ingredients needed for the chantry bomb, no matter how Hawke feels about his cause he does betray their trust.
Solas lies about his identity from the beginning and then disappears. You later find out that he was the one that gave Corypheus the orb and wants to tear down the veil.
Morrigan does obscure her intentions from the beginning but unlike the other two she doesn't hide the fact that she might be shifty. She tells Warden her intentions BEFORE the battle and if they don't agree with her she just leaves. The sole fact that she might have had ulterior motives doesn't even come as a surprise.
I just don't understand how these three are often roped in together when they have so little in common.
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