#also perhaps say hello and please and thank you? i've deleted/skipped asks with just the question before bc its kind of rude
aesethewitch · 3 months
Free Tarot Friday!
It's Friday, you know the drill. No stream tonight, but I'm still doing free one-card tarot pulls for folks here on tumblr! I'm working through ones I have in my inbox already first, but I'll go for a while until I get tired or I run out!
Repeat requesters from past FTFs are welcome, but please don't send multiple requests in one day! I accept anons, so this is honor system based, but don't be that person who sucks up my time so that other people can't take part.
Please read through my rules before sending a request. I've taken to just deleting asks that explicitly break the rules under "things I won't do," especially if they break more than one. If you aren't certain, reread the rules. If you still aren't certain, ask if it's something I'll do.
If you enjoy your reading, if you want a more in-depth option, or if you just like the work I do, consider dropping a couple dollars in my tip jar or commissioning me for a longer reading!
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