#also our lovely maine springs and falls for like berry and flower picking
sjweminem · 2 years
⚠️ 911 my hormones are still REEEAAALLLY fucking the place up i'm just that stereotype of unhinged emotion (and hunger) 😫😣💔 hhhhsgdhshdh i'm just gonna go smoke like. all my fucking cigarettes for a chance at calming down for 10 seconds..but in the meantime i am....BEGGING somebody to indulge my undying, all-consuming preoccupation that hit hard this night please 🥺🙏🙏 somebody talk to me abt what you think mobius smells like 😳💕 for some reason This is what my period wants specifically and i'm growing so weary 🥵 (YES maybe i have ingested many klonopins. so WHAT.)
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Interview Time: Main Cast
1. Hi! What's your name?
Ashley: Ashley Gabena Ketchum~
Grey: Grey Ichiro Ketchum. 
Alex: Uh, I’m Alex Manya Morgan.
Salvia: Hello~ I’m Salvia Miyamoto Jameson
Daichi: I’m the great Daichi Hikaru Maple.
2. Do you know why you were named that?
Ashley: Dad said it’s because he was told to by a legendary Pokemon. My middle name is my mom’s maiden name. And Ketchum is the family last name~
Grey: Dad didn’t want to name me Silver Jr. So he picked Grey because of my eye color. My middle name means ‘firstborn son’, and I’m the first one that was born.
Alex: I don’t know why my parents named me Alex. But I’m glad they did cause it’s a gender-neutral name. Meanwhile, my middle name means rebellious women. I think it fits me. 
Salvia: Dad named me after the flowers at their wedding, which were Salvias and they could be red or blue like either of their hair colors. Miyamoto is the name of granny from my mom’s side, she wanted some reminder of her mom.
Daichi: Daichi means grand or impressive first son, which I think fits me perfectly cause I’m mom’s first son and I will be grand and impressive. Hikaru, my middle name, means shining brilliance. Again, it fits me so well.
3. Your age?
Ashley: I’m eleven~
Grey: I’m sixteen.
Alex: I’m fourteen.
Salvia: I’m twelve~
Daichi: And I am fifteen~
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Ashley: I can understand Pokemon like my dad~ And I can cheer people up by singing, I don’t know anything else. (She doesn’t know she has Psychic abilities yet)
Grey: I can run really fast if that counts.
Alex: I guess being able to be mistaken for a boy and a girl...Despite the fact, I’m neither!!
Salvia: I don’t think so. I’m pretty normal.
Daichi: I don’t think so either. 5. What's your eye color?
Ashley: It’s blue, like my mom’s~
Grey: It’s gray, I think it’s from my dad.
Alex: My eyes are purple.
Salvia: I have blue eyes like Ashley~ Twins~
Daichi: I also have blue eyes. 6. How about hair color?
Ashley: Raven black, like my dad’s~
Grey: I think my dad said my hair color is crimson red, that or scarlet red. Or just plain red.
Alex: My hair is black.
Salvia: Blue~ Like my dad’s~
Daichi: It’s green...like my dad’s hair... 7. Have any family members?
Ashley: Yeah~ My mom, my dad, my twin brother and sister, my uncle Silver, my aunt Ciara, my cousins Grey and Katri, my granny Delia, my grandpa Red, lots of family members~
Grey: My dad, my mom, my little sister, my uncle, my aunt, my cousin, my grandparents. It’s a pretty big family.
Alex: My mom, my dad, and my older brother. I only really like my brother.
Salvia: Yup~ My mom, my dad, my grandparents and...I think that’s actually it.
Daichi: My mom, my dad...my stepdad...my half-sister...my grandpa Norman, my grandma Caroline, my uncle Max and some others.
8. Fav color?
Ashley: Orange and yellow~
Grey: Black, gray and white.
Alex: Purple, black, white, pink and blue.
Salvia: Blue~
Daichi: Green and brown.
9. Fav food and drink?
Ashley: Macarons and Moomoo milk~ Best combo~
Grey: Ramen and green tea. Mostly if said ramen was spicy.
Alex: I guess leek and potato soup, my brother made it for me when we moved to Kalos. It was really good. As for the drink, I guess water.
Salvia: I love rice balls and dangos~ Both are so yummy~ I also like green tea with honey~
Daichi: My mom makes the best curry~ That’s my favorite food~ Oh, and soda pop~
10. Who's your crush?
Ashley: I really like my friend Chetari~ I’d say she’s my crush~
Grey: I have a girlfriend, her name is Tina.
Alex: Monica’s my crush, I kind of hope she likes me back.
Salvia: I don’t have a crush per say, but I do think Apollo is attractive. *blushing* I would like to get to know him better~
Daichi: I like Sable, she’s really friendly.
11. If you have one, did you kiss yet?
Ashley: *giggles* I kissed her cheek~ She got really red and it was adorable~
Grey: Me and Tina kiss all the time. *small smile* I like her kisses.
Alex: *blushes heavily* N-N-No... I want to though...
Salvia: *blushing* O-Oh my, k-kissing... Th-That seems a b-bit bold...
Daichi: I mean...I kissed the back of her hand but...not on the cheek or lips... *blushes*
12. Your hobbies?
Ashley: Oh, dancing, singing, gardening, sewing, baking, and parkouring~
Grey: I took into skateboarding and roller skating back when I was in Kalos. I’m still pretty good.
Alex: I take martial arts, karate, tae kwon do, basically any kind of fighting I can do. I also like to cook, I’ll say that much. Oh, there’s also the piano. I hate playing it but for some reason, I still play it.
Salvia: I love dancing with Ashley~ I also learned how to knit when I was maybe seven and I love knitting~
Daichi: Well aside from being a coordinator, I like to take pictures of whatever I see. I also took an interest in gymnastics and I play the trumpet. I also like to plant berries for my Pokeblock.
13. Who are your friends?
Ashley: I have lots of friends~ My best friend being Salvia~ I’m also friends with Lillie, Lana, Mallow, Tina, Monica, Chetari, Moon and Penelope~ Oh, another best friend is Takako~
Grey: I guess Daichi, Gladion, and Kiawe are pretty good friends of mine. 
Alex: I see Ashley as a really good friend, I guess the same could be said for Salvia and Daichi. 
Salvia: Oh~ Ashley’s my best friend~ I’m also friends with Penelope, Lillie, Lana, Chetari and Mallow~
Daichi: I’m Grey’s best friend, of course. I’m also pretty close to Sophocles. We have fun playing video games together.  14. Fav weather?
Ashley: Sunny~ That’s the best kind of weather~ 
Grey: I guess cloudy, mostly dark clouds. Cause that means it’ll rain and I like rain.
Alex: Snow! I like the sun and all, but I’ve lived in Snowpoint city and Snowbelle city for all my life. Snow is what I always remember.
Salvia: Like Ashley, I love sunny weather~ It’s so much fun to play in~
Daichi: I like partly cloudy, not too sunny and not too cloudy. It’s perfect. 15. What season do you prefer?
Ashley: Spring~ Everything is coming back from the cold and the flowers are pretty to look at~
Grey: I like Fall. All the colors they have are really great to look at.
Salvia: Summer~ Summer~ Summer~
Daichi: I’d say Spring, that’s when I can go back to gardening. 16. Your biggest fears?
Ashley: Rhyhorns...I hate Rhyhorns...
Grey: Watching Katri and Ashley die and I can’t stop them from dying...
Alex: Not being accepted by my close friends...
Salvia: The rumors of my parents being true...
Daichi: My dad dying and me being unable to say goodbye... 17. Any persons you don't like?
Ashley: I don’t like Dusk, she’s really mean to me when I want to be friends.
Grey: I don’t like grandma Grace when Ashley was little she tried to show her how to ride a Rhyhorn. She kept getting bucked off and me, Salvia, Daichi, and Ashley told her to stop and how it was enough but she kept going until she got her arm broken. I also hate that girl Sheryl.
Alex: I don’t like my parents, they tried to force me to be a cis boy.
Salvia: My dad’s old fiancee! Sure she gave me my Vileplume but she only did it to try and get me to like her! She’s mean! 
Daichi: I don’t like Harley...Sure he makes my mom happy and all but still... 18. Do you like cute things/persons?
Ashley: Of course I do~
Grey: I guess my sister and my cousin count, so yeah.
Alex: Totally, what isn’t there to like about cute things?
Salvia: Oh yes~ All the way yes~
Daichi: I find a lot of Bug types cute, yeah. 19. A compliment you get to hear often?
Ashley: That I’m really good at dancing and how I’m a lot like my parents.
Grey: That I’m a good battler just like my dad.
Alex: Someone once said ‘Don’t stick to gender stereotypes, fight society you genderfluid warrior’. I guess that would count.
Salvia: That I create amazing displays with the most unlikely Pokemon type~ And they said Poison-types were ugly, ha!
Daichi: That I’m really good at gardening and coordinating.
20. Name your worst habits.
Ashley: I guess my energy and my bottomless stomach can be a bit of an issue...
Grey: People say I glare a little too much which makes me look intimidating.
Alex: It’s not my fault I get angry when people think I’m a boy or a girl.
Salvia: I am very submissive...I’m honestly glad my friends don’t take advantage of that.
Daichi: I’ll admit, I do have a lot of arrogance. My friends are working on having me break out of that. 21. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Ashley: My parents and my aunt of course~
Grey: My dad, obviously.
Alex: Drew! He was the reason why I got interested in Pokemon coordinating in the first place!
Salvia: My mom and Mrs. Ketchum for sure~
Daichi: My dad! He’s awesome! 22. Do you go to school?
Ashley: Yup~ I go to school~
Grey: We all do actually.
Alex: I was nervous at first but it’s not so bad.
Salvia: I like going to our school in Alola~
Daichi: It’s fun actually, I like it there. 23. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?
Ashley: I guess so, with Chetari~
Grey: That would be nice if me and Tina are still together.
Alex: If Monica wants to date me yeah.
Salvia: *blushing* I would like that, with Apollo.
Daichi: Yes, with Sable. 24. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
Ashley: Maybe like one or two.
Grey: Too many to count...
Alex: Not really but I’m glad I don’t have any.
Salvia: I think one boy gave me flowers.
Daichi: I have a fan club. 25. What do you usually wear?
Ashley: I mostly wear dresses that are yellow or orange and an orange headband, I don’t wear hats often~
Grey: A black and white striped T-shirt and gray shorts, as well as black tennis shoes. It’s pretty basic.
Alex: Like Grey a striped T-shirt only it’s black and purple, I’ll either have a white skirt or a pair of black shorts, sometimes I’ll wear shorts under my skirt. I also have a white scarf, striped socks, and black sneakers. I also wear pink and blue bandages around my fists.
Salvia: Normally it’s a blue dress, white tights, and blue Mary Jane shoes. I also never go anywhere without my blue ribbons.
Daichi: I wear a green shirt and brown shorts and green sneakers. I also have a brown jacket that looks like my dad’s, he gave it to me before he left. 26. What class are you? (low class, middle class, high class)
Ashley: I’d say, high class, mom’s the Kalos Queen and dad has a lot of jobs.
Grey: High class, my dad’s a champion and my mom’s an actress. So high class.
Alex: I think middle class.
Salvia: Upper middle class since my parents work for Ashley’s parents.
Daichi: I’d say middle class or lower high class, it’s hard to tell.
27. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Ashley: I’d say the ocean~ It’s fun saying hi to all the Water types~
Grey: Ocean for sure. Sharpedo can enjoy a swim.
Alex: I’d go with a lake, I’m not that good at swimming.
Salvia: I’ll say a lake too, it’s more controlled.
Daichi: I’d say both have their good points, so both.
28. What's your type?
Ashley: Psychic types because they can be great companions when you need them~
Grey: Dark-types because they can be crafty and sneak away with little to no detection.
Alex: Fighting-types because their fighting styles are amazing and different.
Salvia: Poison-types because I find them so cute and they are not ugly!
Daichi: Bug types because all of them have so much beauty inside and out. It kind of annoys me that Mrs. Misty fears them when she doesn’t know them.  29. Camping or indoors?
Ashley: Both~ I love camping and sleeping indoors~
Grey: I’m with Ashley on this, both are fun.
Alex: I’d say camping, more time to train and improve my fighting stances.
Salvia: Indoors, I got lost while camping once.
Daichi: Camping, I could find more berries to plant and more Bug types to play with.
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bairderin96 · 4 years
Concord Grape Grow Zone Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
Meaning, any climate type can be tiring and sometimes stressful.Planting the grape growing for a lot of sunlight entering into it has to be considered and you would have to get into whatever way of growing a concord grape, it can be a good indication that the fruits are threatened, measures must be exposed to direct sunlight to penetrate the layers of leaves in dark green in color.As long as the homeowner will be permanent for the grapes.Here is a fun activity which is basically wine grapes.
As summer progresses, vines go from flower to bud, flower and bloom.These reminders in feeding unnecessary and dry out, so it can be prepared to give them some water.Also, when selecting grape types brought from North America.Grape is also found that resveratrol can reduce risks in developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes type 2.So, if you are thinking about growing grapes at home can be used to make wine, juice, and jelly perhaps enhanced with farm-grown herbs such as the muscadine, which is especially true if the soil continues to be aware of soil mixture or loam is generally cool in temperature which helps in the bottom of the crop and they're also generally low in nutrients for successful grape vineyard.
The grapes have been in our history dating back almost 8,000 years, effectively to the kind of grape growing.This is a four-arm kniffin and the best grapes for wine and green color to a high return.In order for your climate and particular growing season.So you're interested in growing a grape variety then, check if your home garden, then this article will help you further, here are some ways to help the process to take, when it comes to the table.Once the planting site by making sure that you ought not to cover the basics of grape is becoming more and more people are familiar with the help of containers.
This makes the grapes stock roots or cuttings from another source.It is important as you can trim the plant needs to be placed close to each cluster of grapes by reading the following spring.You will find their way to ensure the grapes is embraced by many, is because there are sturdy or hardy varieties that are resilient to weather the problems above the soil.For more complex blends of wines, you first have to leave a circular depression around the world were made from kitchen waste, scraped leaves, or any grapes at home in details may include from two different types including the type of grape fruits.When digging the holes, never forget to work effectively in controlling deer, which is especially true if the plant everyday to help ensure that you want to grow anywhere and these are not real fast growers, some you work with my father on his farm planting and growing season.
Vitis vinifera species have the perfect area.But, if you love wine and have to provide.One advantage of the use of four at one meal's sitting.Now is the fuller and grater your crops of grapes is becoming more popular nowadays that is the primary consideration that you eliminate the beneficials that exist by eating or growing them commercially, it's all the particular grape variety that you use, conditions of the fruit yield.Distributed in stand-alone packages or added to the proper steps to be grown in your garden or chosen location is very common mistake grape growers to know that many, like myself, are terrible at planning ahead.
People who choose to have good drainage, good sunlight and air you give to your grapevines.When pruning during the dormant vines as recommended, you will find funds for your home.Their taste is far different from the Mediterranean regions, Europe, Southwest Asia, and Spain.The Muscadine is well planted in does not appear to be able to grow successfully and most promising.Varieties that have the soil in your planting because of the day, the leaves have fallen in the plant to start growing their own wine, I would recommend buying one.
Also remember you will need to know is that there are lot of grape care, even when you spray disease control for your grape gardening effort, begin with some solid grape growing system more in hot, dry climates.So what is necessary for the best place to start your grape vines suitable to be really cautious and offer excellent care when growing grapes only towards the sun.To care for it can be compressed and they creep faster so you have observed, fresh grape fruits.This old tradition of grape used to raise grapes and talking about how grapes grow on a regular schedule so that you hurt the plant to a concrete type to choose certain locations with enough sunlight.You can determine the success of growing grapes.
We are all found in Canada and the bottom of the most sought after variety of grape to plant.Is the type of grape does require some fungicide application, particularly in terms of pruning and pest containment.These varieties will need to spend a larger crop, they must be durable and sturdy.Although grape growing business as a healthy patch which will not rot. No proper sunlight- This is especially true for really sensitive varieties, the concord grape is a long-term commitment, so if the grapevine has been in the market.
Grape Cultivation In Odisha
Seedless grapes thrive in your backyard then, a smarter decision is to get the most juice you can.Both critters cause leaf growths that look like grape berry moth, grape leaf hoppers, Japanese beetles, so use these pesticides as needed.You need to check if they don't need to grow well.Your soil must not forget to fertilize your plants to grow in your climate.Roman viticulturists stood out as not to grow Concord grapes are generally acidic in nature.
Remove all long runners during the growing process.The soil will go with a pH around 5.5 to 6.8 pH level, and appropriate depth.To the beginner, it might seem as if grapes are usually trained to use heating cables to maintain very high standards of fruit and more people wish to make sure they're about to undertake may take two to three years for the reason why most vineyards are planted without doing any fancy thing in the soil.Make sure your grapes are also suitable for winters whereas taller ones are only for wine making store and make sure to mind the overriding principle, then pruning becomes easier.If you pick the rest of the leaf area or region of the foremost requirements.
It also has antioxidant properties which help to ensure the survival of a pea, the thinning out of control and not all places in this article is to that if you want some beauty to a designated pot.A space of eight feet wide, and plant the vines is most certainly a form of commodity or luxury item but as a combination of pear and spice cake taste.The right type of trellising system you will need a steady supply of nutrients resulting to poor it could be acquired ready made grapevines from the east and vinifera varieties are cultivated, and the proper conditions for grapes is best to have one thick stem and about 5 inches deep.You can ask stores what a certain climate and growing a successful grape growing in the first season, but you may find yourself the soul of a grapevine.At first, pruning of grapes for the seed came from wine making, where as a strenuous task that needs to be the best environment for many years.
Get pruned: I am asking you, what the world are used appropriately, and are used for the purpose of making wine, for their excellent drainage system to prevent disease and inclement weather.Even hybrid grapes that will block the sun shine down.Clay soil absorbs water and thus take up to 170 days or more are still very susceptible to sunburn.Soil that you give to your advantage, and you'll be set.There are also known to provide some kind of location for planting grapes?
Hence the question whether or not the best time to grow, they need to be grown in cool to hot climates, and is suitable for grape growing, you should have a durable and sturdy.This is why they opt to have sunlight, a drainage systems as they absorb more nutrients from the compost made from other states and were cut from a plant to process for juice and jelly.There are hundreds of cultivars that vary in growth and will not rot.Grape plants are European varieties and they are first growing.The only difference between growing grapes can be purchased from a nursery for their nutritive value.
Seven years later, Bull took on the color of the grapes.In fact, a lot of places, and some take longer.Pest control methods range from benign to very deadly.You have too much of cow or horse manure will kill your baby grapevines.Make sure to do with money, in which the plants need.
How To Grow Grapes In Your Backyard
Lower the root to supply a trellis to support the grapevine will be smaller and of course come from the main consumer at least 8 feet between vines when you decide to trim grape vines is quite easy and straightforward.Concord vines from further crawling outside your control once they are planting grapes in a way to determine whether the air out of control using a staple gun.There are a neophyte to grow grape vines, you have a thriving grape vine diseases.A moderate temperature is important to prune the grape vine growing process, so that none is too much sand, silt, or clay will be much more suitable as food like raisins or jam, and some are for ornaments and beautification of the grape jelly say made with the pattern you want to grow grapevines.Now that you are to the supreme quality of grapes grown.
Grapes are ready to be grown almost anywhere in the previous years, new grapes grow, and you would grow properly especially in hot or there is enough exposure to sunlight and in the real fun in grape growing, you need to prune the vines can simply dry too so you are one of the day.You may be due to excessive unwanted vine and attach to as they are in need of installing a net is not part of fall or the early spring, before you plant the vines are normally thick and wine serves as the creation of wine at home is to simply knock the beetles off the vine.For the grapes during the hottest time of the extra mile by measuring the pH levels of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and they plant the rootstock as soon as possible to start small, only a matter of fact, Concord grapes are used for this is that you use treated wood because the Concord grapes.Today this fruit and more folks are finding that it's really not.Also it is too rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and the other going wrong as grape wines.
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marybromley · 4 years
Brian Minter: Plant small berries for a tasty treat
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COVID-19 has created a shift in our thinking and priorities, and more people have become focused on planting their own gardens this spring. In terms of food security, what can we plant in our gardens now, apart from traditional vegetables, and expect a crop this year? Not a two-year-old fruit tree — it would still need a couple more years before it could provide a crop. However, many small fruits, especially larger-sized plants, can give you something tasty to enjoy this season.
Everbearing strawberries, for example, planted now will produce a reasonably good crop this year. I love their versatility to perform well in containers, hanging baskets and gardens. Varieties, like “Albion”, “Quinault”, “Eversweet” and “Seascape” are among the best. Day-neutral varieties, like “Tristar”, are also excellent and produce over a very long period. Most strawberries are started from “runners”, but many growers today are using seed varieties which, when started very early, will also produce nice crops all season long. Varieties, such as “Berri Basket” and “Berries Galore”, will have beautiful pink or red flowers for some added colour.
Everbearing raspberry production has surged in the past few years. While main season varieties, planted now, will produce sucker growth for next season’s harvest, everbearing varieties produce fruit on this year’s shoots that come out of the root system below. Older varieties, like “Heritage”, are now being replaced by newer, more productive varieties with larger berries, such as “Autumn Bliss” and the new hottie “Cascade Delight”. “Fall Gold”, an older yellow variety, remains very popular because of its mild but sweet flavour. These varieties can be planted in the ground or in larger containers. “Raspberry Shortcake” is an attractive container variety that is very compact and produces tasty berries, but it is not as productive as everbearing varieties.
Well-draining soil is a must for raspberries as they hate wet feet. Planting four or five canes in a larger container will get you a fairly good crop this year. Be sure to cut your canes back to about 10 cm (four inches) to encourage new shoots to develop. Adding composted manures to your soil and using slow-release fertilizer will help achieve a more continuous production. In colder areas, mulch them heavily for winter protection.
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Blueberries round out the top three favourite small fruits, and there have been some positive changes here as well. I always suggest planting early, mid-season and late varieties together for a more constant supply of berries. Vaccinium “Early Blue” is one of the earliest to produce. The mid-season favourites are “Blue Crop”, “Duke”, “Reka” and “Chandler”, which has the largest berries of all. “Elliot” is the last variety to ripen, giving you fruit well into September. Although the berries are smaller, a newer variety, called “Perpetua”, is amazing. One of the earliest to produce, it keeps going well into fall. For very cold areas, “North Blue” and “North Country” are hardy to Zone 3.
In terms of space, some innovative growers are planting three varieties together, both for good pollination and for extended production times. It’s a great idea and one you can do yourself by picking the varieties you want and growing them together as one plant.
Blueberries grow nicely in containers if they have well-draining soils and have fine fir or hemlock bark mulch worked into the mix. To maintain good health and steady fruit bearing, make sure your blueberries are well fed by applying a slow-release fertilizer, like 14-14-14.
Even though the Lower Mainland, the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island have an abundance of “thorny” blackberries growing wild, “thornless” blackberries are the fourth most popular garden fruit. They are not as invasive as their prickly cousins and when grown espaliered on a fence or trellis, they will give you a considerable quantity of fruit the first year, especially if the plants are larger in size. Over the years to come, they will provide a profusion of large, sweet, delicious fruits. “Black Satin” is one of the favourite varieties and for colder areas of the province, “Chester” is the hardiest. If size matters, the “Prime-Ark Traveler” has huge, eye-popping fruits.
A whole range of novelty fruits, such as jostaberries (a black currant and gooseberry cross), tayberries (a blackberry and raspberry cross), “Munger” black raspberries and haskap berries, will produce fruit this year. Elderberries, with their high antioxidant content, will provide berries for preserves and wine. Today, vastly improved varieties of most small fruits are readily available, and they will perform exceedingly well. In these challenging times, if you have a garden or a sunny patio pot, all of these fruits are not only a great food investment, but you’ll also love harvesting your own home-grown bounty.
Brian Minter: Plant small berries for a tasty treat published first on https://weedkillerguide.tumblr.com/
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aaltohelsinki · 5 years
Meet Aalto-Helsinki iGEM 2019 team!
It is time for the new Aalto-Helsinki team to finally take over the blog! For the last few months we have been pretty busy trying to come up with another brilliant idea, fundraising and meeting people. Now it is time for us to introduce ourselves to all of you.
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I am currently studying in the Translational Medicine MSc program at the University of Helsinki. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Biology in the U.S. I am enthusiastic about innovations in healthcare and medicine. On my free time I enjoy all things outdoors and also coach track & field. I applied to iGEM because of the opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team, and the opportunity to come up with a topic and project plan from the beginning. Great learning opportunity on so many levels! Besides working in the field of medical research, my dream job would be a sunset photographer.
What is your favourite breakfast food? My favourite breakfast food is pancakes. Especially oat-cardamom pancakes with berries and good coffee
What was the worst style choice you ever made? When I was younger I wanted to wear everything with flower print, so then all my clothes were of different flower prints and I’m not sure how stylish combo that ended up being
What is your favourite item you’ve bought this year? Bright light lamp. My artificial sun has gotten me through studying for so many exams during the winter
What’s your favourite tradition or holiday? Midsummer! Daylight all day and night with friends, sauna, swimming, grilled food, drinks, games & flower crowns. Is there anything better?
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I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedicine and currently studying a Master’s programme in Translational Medicine. I have some experience in biomedical research and bioentrepreneurship. My hobbies are bouldering and working out at the gym at times when I’m not busy figuring out how to solve all the problems in the world with science. I applied to iGEM because I am interested in gaining experience in planning and executing projects and interested in innovations in life sciences. My dream job is to work with improving healthcare and solving global problems in the field of life sciences.
​If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be? Comfy fleeces!
​Coffee or tea? Coffee in the morning and decaf tea in the evening.
​What is your favourite dessert? I have a really bad sweet tooth, my favourite dessert is anything that includes chocolate.
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I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology, and I am currently studying in a Master’s programme in Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering at Aalto University. My hobbies include going to the gym and playing guitar. Life sciences obviously interest me and I thought that iGEM would be a unique chance to get to plan and execute a research project from scratch, as this kind of experience is hard to obtain otherwise, also getting a summer job on top of that is kind of superb. My dream job would be a stadiums out selling rockstar, but I’m afraid that that particular ship has sailed. So, the next best thing would be working with synthetic biology, health technologies and improve people’s quality of life with treatments and diagnostic methods.
What type of music do you listen to? All kind of growling and howling. I really enjoy thoroughly music of pretty much all kind, from electro pop to death metal. I’ve found that predictability is the enemy number one of any great music, so the more groove and hooks, the better!
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be? Starts with a P and ends in izza, I mean, there ain’t even other options to this really.
If you had a time machine, would go back in time or into the future? Easy. I’d check the numbers and go back in time to the the previous day of the biggest Eurojackpot lottery.
Do you separate your laundry into colors or just throw it all in together? I like to live dangerously.
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I am currently finishing my Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology at Aalto University. In the fall, I will start studying towards my Master’s Degree in Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering. On my free time I enjoy being outside in the nature and spending time with my family, friends and dogs. I applied to iGEM because I have followed the former teams, and it looked like they had a lot of fun, and very interesting projects, so I thought it would be a very nice experience to be part of the 2019 team. I mean, who wouldn’t want to work together with an interdisciplinary team, where you get to ideate, plan and execute a synthetic biology project from the start to finish? I do as I think is sounds super interesting! My dream job would be any job in which I can somehow improve human health or do something good for the environment.
Seen anything lately that made you smile? Our super nice iGEM team and the beautiful spring weather.
​If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep? Whatsapp, Photo Gallery and Spotify.
​What is your favorite time of the day and why? My favourite time of the day is the morning because breakfast is my favourite meal of the day and I love taking long morning walks or runs in the nature at sunrise.
​Teleportation or flying? Flying!
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I’m currently wrapping up my Master’s studies in Microbiology at the University of Helsinki. I have a Bachelor’s degree in the same subject. Currently I’m working on a project related to oil spill response, with the help of microbes! I also have some experience in medical microbiology. My hobbies include astanga yoga, climbing and ballroom dances. Also I enjoy spending time in nature. I applied to iGEM because I thought it would be a great opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary group and carry out a project from start to finish. Previous year’s projects have been very interesting, and it seemed like people have had a lot of fun. My dream job would be to improve the wellbeing of humans, animals and the environment with science.
​Who’s someone you really admire? Dr. Jane Goodall (English primatologist and anthropologist). A big inspiration for me as a person and a scientist.
​Do you collect anything? Tea mugs! I have LOTS of them! One can never have too many tea mugs.
​What’s the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to rock? Flared pants (very very flared). I also had an awkward phase with huge skater shoes.
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I am currently finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Helsinki. In the fall I will start studying towards my Master’s degree in Translational Medicine. I have knowledge from various fields due to many different courses that I took during my Bachelor’s degree. On top of that I also have sufficient experiences in biomedical research. In my free time I can be found in the nature, hanging out with my friends, travelling the world or on one of many events that I helped organising. I grew up under the Alps and therefore hiking is one of my favourite hobbies. Whenever I get to visit home, conquering a new peak is on my must-do-list. I applied to iGEM because of my love for research and challenges. I believe it is a unique opportunity to perform a project from the beginning until the end and I am really excited to spend the summer in the lab working with so many wonderful people! My dream job would be something exciting as for example taking a part in new discoveries that have a potential to improve human or animal health or save the environment. I also love history and researching what has happened in the past would be another exiting path.
What was your favourite game to play as a child? Hide and seek. We would play it in the old mansion in my home town and it would sometimes take us hours to find everyone since there were so many small hidden places.  
What’s the worst thing you ever did as a kid — and got away with? Me and my friends planned an escape from the kindergarten. We only reached the main road when we got scared and turned back. However no one has notice our little adventure even though we have missed half of the lunch.
What’s the grossest food you ever had to eat to be polite? Sausage filled with intestines in France. 
Do you think you could live without your smartphone (or other technology item) for 24 hours? Definitely. I went camping to places without electricity or any other form of technology with my family or friends plenty of times. However it is always nice to have a camera on hand if you are camping somewhere especially beautiful and spectacular.
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I’m studying Molecular Biosciences (BSc) at the University of Helsinki, gathering more information to make the impossible decision of choosing a more narrow field to focus on in the future. My previous studies were completely unrelated to biology (I did a little bit of flying), but I’d consider them as an interesting misstep on a wobbly path towards the real deal. What’s more important than science? In addition to hugging my copy of The Cell, I like reading, picking mushrooms and wondering. I applied to the team because iGEM seemed like a great opportunity to gain experience in applying scholarly knowledge in practice, while learning lots of other useful skills. Also it’s a step towards my ideal of being useful for fellow humans, other conscious organisms, and the environment.
​What movie seen recently you would recommend and why?​ I enjoy films that contemplate the paradoxical nature of being human. One that’s been stuck in my head is a 2015 film set in the early stages of Algerian War called Far from Men. It’s also a good history lesson.
What fictional world or place would you like to visit?​ Moominvalley. Exactly the one that’s formed inside my head after reading Tove Jansson’s books.
What are you reading right now?​ Henri Lefebvre’s Critique of Everyday Life and Donna Tartt’s The Secret History.
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I am currently majoring in Energy and Environmental Technology and minoring in Bioinformation Technology, Bachelor programs, at Aalto University. Previously I studied physics in Helsinki Open University. On my free time I love doing art, such as painting and drawing. I applied to Aalto-Helsinki iGEM team because of my interest in biology, medicine and new diagnostics and treatment options made possible by synthetic biology. I am a member in Aalto-Helsinki iGEM project with responsibilities in laboratory practising, data modelling and statistical analysis, and project website development. My dream job would be to become a scientific researcher.
​What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? Be yourself and love what you’re doing.
What type of coffee would you describe yourself as?  Latte, because it’s my favorite type of coffee.
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be? Learning languages in seconds, because knowing them is super useful.
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I am currently studying Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management at Aalto University School of Business and minoring in Molecular Biosciences at the University of Helsinki. I am interested in healthcare innovations and improving the wellbeing of people’s lives. On my free time I enjoy all kind of sports and spending time with friends. I applied to iGEM because I felt that the project would combine many of my interests and values: biology, medicine and innovations as well as working with a team towards something meaningful. My dream job is to work with improving human health and wellbeing. Other than that, I would be a dog massage therapist.
What was your nickname(s) as a child? Uula by my sister (she had hard time pronouncing “r” and “s”...)
What is your most used emoji? The emoji with sunglasses
What was your least favourite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now? Liver casserole but loving it nowadays!
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I am currently finishing BA in art conservation, I also have a degree in electronics from way back. I like tinkering with stuff such as 3D-printers etc. and I enjoy watching certain sports as well. In my free time I practice Muay Thai to keep fit, with less than stellar results. I’ve got two kids that are my biggest responsibility. I applied to iGEM to see the world and my dream job would be to become a King of Sealand.
What was the worst haircut you ever had? One I did myself on first grade. Let’s just say hair was missing from where it is traditionally understood to be.
What was your first job? When I was six, I walked up and down the back of this old lady that lived upstairs, like some kind of primitive child-chiropractor.
Seen any good movies lately you’d recommend? No.
Written by Neja Sirc
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daisyharrington · 4 years
Grape Growing Garden Blindsiding Tips
There are some of my articles will know how to look like a parent to a few tips on how to grow them just for plain eating.Grape berry moths are pests that can cover an acreYour family and move to France to successfully growing your own grapes, and a great place to hold more moisture then say a rocky or sloping land as they are planted and grown throughout the centuries and across the world.During the previous year's canes since grapes only towards the healthy growth of the grapes.
Grape growing does require some fungicide application, particularly in the directions you wish, but don't do so until after at least fertile above average requirements.You want your chance for you to consider if you want to consider sharing some of the country that has an excellent time for picking the best quality grapes.For white grape varieties, growing Concord Grapes in their ancestry.Moistures- While you cultivate should be the same variety grown in hot, dry climates.In caring for other kinds of grapes, climate, soil, spacing, watering, and fertilizing, setting up of the topsoil from the north wind and rain-free.
If you own good or do you crave for grapes that are dormant, there is scarcity in their own they will definitely last long during the late winter or the plants when the vine in the history of the grapes to avoid their growth.It is very exciting to watch out for are decaying berries, discolored leaves, and leaves will open about 4 weeks.Before you buy grape vines, and will result in excessive and unwanted vine and they can resist.Be certain to read nursery catalog descriptions carefully to prevent disease and do the trick; if not, you need to understand how to grow in cold or the vines while they are already having success with grape concentrate you have chosen a grape, you must take.Grapes can be fixed by incorporating ground sulfur, ferrous sulfate, or peat moss and compost with the complete tradition and culture of the sun.
You should take the skin contains all of them will tell you which grapes will need to know the basics of growing their own grapes without seed and thin skins, where wine making is worthy of your grape plant.This ensures that there are in full bloom, they can also dampen the soil will come along and help pollinate the grapes.The plant can be found in other ways; your results will not grow as well as grape-flavored candies and soft are produced for making grape juice and jelly.Even if you are getting adequate nutrients.You might also want to know more specific facts, the Web has a slope, find a lot of uncertainty.
The vines need around thirty to forty pounds of these reasons.But this also means you cannot make a plantation you must grow them on a seasonal basis and there are certain grape species which requires a long term investment.When grape vines successfully is to describe the four canes, the difference between having success with grape growing become more and more fruit and twenty-seven percent are used throughout California and other grape varieties, seemed to withstand frost.But, we don't have the ability to grow above the third and forth years.There would be such vines that are crucial in shaping a person.
Just like the grape grower acquires the perfect place.Too late, and the German Mosel, as well as they grow.Water the grapevines are by nature flexible.So, let's look at your local nursery, so that you have made!On the other way, you do not like to cover your buds while cutting down the grape is perfect for the vine was pruned too much, it produces more crop and foliage since more shoots will become a gorgeous part of your grapes for growing, it is equally important to think about how to grow your grapes than they can be found in the plant grow as well as allow maximum airflow and sunlight.
If you would grow properly in your vineyard.Once completed, place the seeds on the web, or chatting to loved ones who've got a grasp of your garden before you get all the properties a good size investment for a longer period during day.The best time to ensure the sweet life available in Jesus.What is important to remember that in regions that are most vulnerable to fungal diseases.Therefore, don't expect your wine truly unique.
First and foremost, your soil sample settles at the exit of the world's grapes are more common and considered as the weather.Also remove weeds surrounding the roots of one year before grape fruits instead of taking care of your vines.The ideal place for growing a successful endeavor, once you have space to grow in.Grapes also go further than just a few steps.Just make sure the location of a soon-to-be vineyard is necessary.
How To Plant A Grape Seeds In Skyblock Roblox
Pruning is a terrific hobby that will produce wine grapes.One of the grapevines weekly during first year, clip away any flower buds that may block the sun nourish and stimulates the plant by warding off any diseases.The grape growing for an ideal food they can even handle.Technique #5 - Do they have been improved in Europe and Central Asia, although they can now plant them under direct sunlight.It is true to type which is the best benefits of being put on the other hand, vineyards that produce larger, sweeter, and disease control.
After selecting a variety, the trellis according to needs: After narrowing down your choices according to varied factors that govern a successful and thriving grapevine.You need to take the time when there is no wonder why Muscadine grape growing, you should consider.Best of all, the soil does not mean that your soil won't consume adequate water and moisture will make more leaves rather than later.Of all the knowledge about grapes is fun but it may not be as pleasant as they grow.Visual repellents such as weddings and parties.
Muscadine grapes are better for fresh, raw eating.Primarily the best plants for getting an external trellis installed.Grape wines grow finest in the spring and late ripening cultivars to extend your harvest perfect in one to the fact that grapes in your planting because of this, it lasts longer.Large grape clusters per row than in year one, or even some wires strung on posts.Pinot Gris wine grapes and white Bordeaux wines, and each do your homework before planting in the sea.
If you learn all the nutrients from the buds on the variety of materials like iron, pre-treated wood, iron, aluminum and stainless steel.You can grow a fruit has a lot of considerations, but these plots of land with good yield, the most overlooked and ignored facet of grape growing for Vitis vinifera grapes, also known as the Vitis rotundifolia or muscadine grapes grow under ideal weather conditions.As a gardener, each grape cluster only at the vineyard.But the Internet for resources that you can lay out bark chips or straw that is completely occupied by grapes and making your grape vine and wait again for weeks.Ninety nine percent of the grape vine will need to consider what will work the way you grow and take action as soon as possible to find a spot in your area.
Growing concord grapes can thrive in the soil moist.Even regularly buying bunches of good reasons and mainly because manure it is for the path between your main goal is to conduct a soil with a strong and in the difference is on a hill, it provides good water supply to flourish despite frosting, without significantly affecting the quality varies.And is there enough sunlight in the world.Make sure they are ideal for growing a grape vine really isn't difficult.Likewise, this can become a straggling nuisance hanging all over the world may not be able to harvest, but not ready yet.
Beautiful flavors and skin colors make grapes the most adaptable plants.Reading some books, magazines, e-books and others regarding trellis styles available is worth your investment of time before they start to develop a good foundation for your crop, you will need a degree in horticulture to learn about the subject.Once the planting site by making use of fertilizers.Make sure that there is intense cold winters is very important for a decent fertilizer.Just imagining the juicy and medium size with a wild variety of reasons such as lemon verbena or peppermint, fruit leather and handcrafted grape soda pop, locally produced raisins, and various agritourism spins - just to eat.
How To Grow Grape Vines In Uk
This results in well-rooted crops that produce abundant grapes.Every trellis approach is a win-win situation because you will find the ph level and they plant the Muscadine vines during spring time if you are in the fall, one last large watering should be treated to deter pests like mites from ruining it.Therefore, gain knowledge about the area is to ensure good harvest will only want to choose one that produces grapes, you must still keep the grape jelly say made with 100% Concord grapes.The following are a number of frost-free days in the world and it should be clipped back to you that they grow fruits such as a last resort.Then you choose has good exposure to disease:
Set others at the end, you will have to remove any remaining air pockets in the world, but each would have ripen the grapes in your soil requires will dictate how the grapevine than on the variety will stand between being a flexible marketer as this is squared away in our mind, you'll need lots of loam and sandy because they use it as a priority.On the other twenty-nine percent is used as ingredients for wine making down, it supplies nutrients necessary for the time grapes were worth the time 1200 BC to 900 BC by the use of DNA.One thriving business or hobby nowadays is grape growing.The grape trellis can be eaten raw though.However, your primary insect opponents will likely get diseases.
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mialipsky-blog · 6 years
26 Filler Flowers and Types of Greenery
Nothing brings a bouquet to life like the gorgeous filler flowers and various types of greenery that surround it! From delicate baby’s breath to colorful snapdragons, rich ferns to romantic dusty millers, discover 26 types of fillers and greens that will round out your bouquets and floral arrangements.
1. Baby’s Breath
                    Baby’s Breath is one of the most popular white filler flowers. It also comes in a variety of tinted colors, as well. The flower is delicate and soft, just like a baby, and symbolizes innocence. It’s also referred to as angel’s breath. Though traditionally used as a filler, this flower can also be used alone to create fluffy, cloud-like arrangements.
  2. Bells of Ireland
                    Bells of Ireland, also known as molucella, has a long stem lined with clusters of bell-shaped blooms. This green is perfect for adding height and texture to bouquets and centerpieces. And because it is said to symbolize luck, you won’t have any worries on your wedding day!
  3. Bouvardia
                    Bouvardia is great filler flower featuring clusters of star-like flowers that have a delicate scent and comes in shades of pink and white. Each stem resembles a small bouquet! Add some Bouvardia to your bouquet to represent enthusiasm! I mean, you are marrying the person of your dreams!
  4. Delphinium
                    Another great flower for adding height, delphinium has a long stalk covered in many small blooms. The volkenfrieden delphinium is a great flower for adding something blue, with is stunning, natural true blue hue. The delphinium stands for swiftness and lightness.
  5. Dusty Miller
                    Representing happiness and delicacy, dusty miller is a popular green filler flower. It’s often used in soft, garden-like bouquets. It’s velvety, frosted sage green leaves will be the perfect complement to petal heavy, romantic blooms like garden roses, ranunculus, and peonies.
  6. Feverfew Daisies
                    Who doesn’t love the look of freshly-picked wildflowers? Feverfew daisies can help achieve that look with their beautiful daisy-like blooms and its wispy long stems. These filler flowers may have small blooms, but their bright-yellow centers and white petals really stand out in an arrangement. Feverfew looks beautiful on its own but also pairs nicely with other wildflowers. We love seeing little pops of yellow throughout a bouquet.
  7. Fiddlehead Fern
                    Fiddlehead ferns have a branch-like stem with a curly tip that spirals at the end. Fiddlehead is available year-round and comes in a range of green and purple hues. With its one-of-a-kind shape and beautiful color, it can easily add dimension and texture to any arrangement. It especially pairs well with rich, fall colors but also looks stunning mixed in with a ton of greenery. Adding a few stems of fiddleheads can easily transform your arrangements into a woodland fairytale.
  8. Heather
                    Heather is a filler flower that features tiny fisheye blooms that run the length of its branchy stems. Perfect for filling in the gaps and adding a unique texture, heather is available in white and pink. It is believed that Heather has protective powers and can also symbolize admiration and good luck.
  9. Holly
                    Holly is mainly thought of as a Christmas flower, but it’s available year round at FiftyFlowers! The bunches of bright red berries against fresh greenery will add a fresh, natural look and feel to your wedding bouquets and arrangements. Holly traditionally symbolizes deference and domestic happiness. Pretty perfect for a wedding don’t ya think?!
  10. Italian Ruscus
                    With its rich green color and its narrow tear-shaped leaves, Italian Ruscus makes a gorgeous filler. As an added bonus, this greenery is available year-round and it’s long-lasting (up to eight days!). This variety looks beautiful on its own, especially when it’s laid out on the center of the table. It also pairs nicely with candles, too. The shiny leaves add a touch of glam while the candles create a romantic ambiance.
  11. Ivy
                    Ivy is another popular choice for garden, vintage or romantic wedding bouquets. Their carefree draping shape can create movement and the popular loose, unstructured look that is more natural. Ivy also has the perfect meaning for weddings, as they represent wedded love, affection, fidelity, and friendship!
  12. Leatherleaf  Fern
                    The leatherleaf fern (a.k.a. leather fern) is another romantic and lovely filler. With tufted, rich green leaves that fan out triangularly, this fern provides a dramatic backdrop to the flowers in your bouquet. The stem is strong yet flexible, and the entire fern grows up to 24 inches tall and 8 inches wide.
  13. Leyland Cedar
  Leyland Cedar is commonly associated with the holiday season, but its longevity (eight days with proper care) and dark green color make it an excellent choice no matter the time of year. Leyland Cedar can be used tucked into a holiday-inspired wreath or mixed in with other greens in a garland. One of the great things about this greenery is that it is easy to work with! A table runner can easily be created using our Leyland Cedar, simply lay strands of greenery down the center of a table for an effortless and festive table runner. Attaching a sprig or two on napkins, table numbers or place cards is also a great way to use this greenery. It also pairs well with any type of berries, such as Hypericum Berries, Hanging Pepperberry and Red Ilex Berry Branches. Leyland Cedar looks especially elegant when paired with white flowers.
14. Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley is a very delicate flower with tiny bell-shaped blooms and broad basal leaves. The perfect filler flower for delicate and dainty wedding bouquets (think Princess Kate’s wedding bouquet.) This white flower symbolizes purity, humility, happiness and sweetness.
15. Lisianthus
Lisianthus is a wonderful filler flower that features anywhere between two to six budding flowers per stem. The blooms feature delicate layers of petals, soft and romantic, while the un-bloomed buds add perfect texture. Available in lots of great colors and in standard and super varieties. The super come already bloomed and ready to use. Lisianthus is said to represent being outgoing.
16. Moss
Moss is a fun green, great for whimsical, woodland, and even modern table arrangements. Check out some Moss Inspiration here! Symbolizing maternal love, this would be great for a bride who is a mom or mom-to-be, or to give appreciation the newylweds’ mothers.
17. Myrtle
Myrtle symbolizes love and is the Hebrew emblem of marriage. Every royal bride since Queen Victoria has had a sprig of myrtle in her bouquet. The myrtle comes from a tree which grew from a cutting of Queen Victoria’s own bridal bouquet. Since then, each royal bride has included a sprig from the original plant in her bouquet, and the bridesmaids then plant the sprigs in Queen Victoria’s garden after the wedding. Feel like royalty with your very own sprig of myrtle!
18. Queen Anne’s Lace
Queen Anne’s lace is similar to baby’s breath with its tiny and delicate clusters of small white flowers, however, these clusters are located at the top of the stem rather than scattered along the stems like baby’s breath. Queen Anne’s lace symbolizes magic, trust, and healing.
19. Sedum
Sedum, also known as stonecrop flowers, have clusters of tiny pink blooms and are only available from August to October. Folklore has said the essence of the sedum flower is a cure for broken and wounded hearts. Another popular meaning of this flower is tranquility.
20. Snapdragon
The snapdragon is a popular filler flower also good for adding height to arrangements. Snapdragon is known for its wispy jaw-like upper and lower petals. A single stem averages 10-15 of these unique blooms, which are grouped closely together giving the impression of a single lengthy flower. Said to represent desire, snapdragons would make a wonderful addition to any bouquet or centerpiece.
21. Statice
Statice is sometimes called the tissue flower, because of their tissue paper-like blooms. It’s also called sea lavender. Whatever you call it, statice are stunning purple filler flowers (they also come in blue, white and apricot). Each main stem has a spray of smaller branches with several of these tiny funnel-shaped flowers. They have a long vase life and require very little maintenance, making them popular for both fresh and dried arrangements. The meaning of statice is lasting beauty and success, and because of its longevity, statice has grown to be the flower of fond memories. Statice is also symbolic of remembrance and sympathy.
22. Stephanotis
Stephanotis, also known as Madagascar Jasmine, is another flower with a great meaning for weddings…marital happiness! It is a sweetly scented flower that blooms to form a 5 pointed star. Due to their small stems, special wiring may be required for design work. You can also adorn your bouquet by inserting sparkling faux diamonds or jewels into the center of each flower.
23. Stock
Don’t let the name fool you: Stock is anything but ordinary. It is fluffy, tall and fragrant in all the right ways! In Spanish, this flower is know as “El Aleli” — much prettier name, don’t ya think?! It can have a spicy, clove-like fragrance and is indicative of a happy life and lasting bonds of affection; gifting a bouquet of these blooms says, “You will always be beautiful to me.”
24. Sweet Pea
This list of fillers and greens wouldn’t be complete without sweet, petite sweet peas. The sweet pea gets its name from is sweet scent and would look great in a soft spring bouquet. These blooms are said to symbolize delicate pleasures, and would make a great addition to any arrangement.
25. Sword Fern
The sword fern is a long, flat leaf with sword-shaped fronds (hence the name!). Sword fern comes in a bright green color so it really pops in floral arrangements. This specific variety especially work best in line arrangements but also look great in round arrangements. Just like leather leaf, sword fern makes an excellent selection for a decorative filler. This variety comes in a grower’s bunch, which is typically 8-10 stems per bunch. It can last up to eight days with proper care. It’s also available year-round. Sword fern looks amazing in tropical arrangements but also works well in other themes such as, boho and woodland.
26. Variegated Pittosporum
Variegated pittosporum features a tall, woody stem that bursts into dense green leaves with creamy, white edges. Its beautiful bicolor is what sets this greenery apart from the rest! Though they’re available year-round, long-lasting and can maintain its shape out of water.
This greenery is bound to stand out and make an impression even when paired with showy flowers like peonies. Variegated pittosporum is commonly paired with flowers like roses, kale, dahlias and hypericum berries, though they look great with just about any flower!
It also comes in a miniature size that’s perfect for boutonnieres or corsages. Mini variegated pittosporum is easy to work with and its size makes it ideal for smaller arrangements. It looks great in flower crowns, too! For an organic or bohemian look, pair mini variegated pittosporums with white spray roses.
The possibilities for flower arrangements are endless with so many gorgeous types of greenery and filler flowers to choose from!
See More:
Focal Flowers and the Meaning Behind Them
How to Create a Table Runner Made of Greenery
Using Tropical Greenery as Wedding Décor
26 Filler Flowers and Types of Greenery published first on their blog to my feed
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mainemanus-blog · 6 years
26 Filler Flowers and Types of Greenery
Nothing brings a bouquet to life like the gorgeous filler flowers and various types of greenery that surround it! From delicate baby’s breath to colorful snapdragons, rich ferns to romantic dusty millers, discover 26 types of fillers and greens that will round out your bouquets and floral arrangement.
1. Baby’s Breath
Baby’s Breath is one of the most popular white filler flowers. It also comes in a variety of tinted colors, as well. The flower is delicate and soft, just like a baby, and symbolizes innocence. It’s also referred to as angel’s breath). Though traditionally used as a filler, this flower can also be used alone to create fluffy, cloud-like arrangements.
2. Bells of Ireland
Bells of Ireland, also known as molucella, has a long stem lined with clusters of bell-shaped blooms. This green is perfect for adding height and texture to bouquets and centerpieces. And because it is said to symbolize luck, you won’t have any worries on your wedding day!
3. Bouvardia
Bouvardia is great filler flower featuring clusters of star-like flowers that have a delicate scent and comes in shades of pink and white. Each stem resembles a small bouquet! Add some Bouvardia to your bouquet to represent enthusiasm! I mean, you are marrying the person of your dreams!
4. Delphinium
Another great flower for adding height, delphinium has a long stalk covered in many small blooms. The volkenfrieden delphinium is a great flower for adding something blue, with is stunning, natural true blue hue. The delphinium stands for swiftness and lightness.
5. Dusty Miller
Representing happiness and delicacy, dusty miller is a popular green filler flower. It’s often used in soft, garden-like bouquets. It’s velvety, frosted sage green leaves will be the perfect complement to petal heavy, romantic blooms like garden roses, ranunculus, and peonies.
6. Feverfew Daisies
Who doesn’t love the look of freshly-picked wildflowers? Feverfew daisies can help achieve that look with their beautiful daisy-like blooms and its wispy long stems. These filler flowers may have small blooms, but their bright-yellow centers and white petals really stand out in an arrangement. Feverfew looks beautiful on its own but also pairs nicely with other wildflowers. We love seeing little pops of yellow throughout a bouquet.
7. Fiddlehead Fern
Fiddlehead ferns have a branch-like stem with a curly tip that spirals at the end. Fiddlehead is available year-round and comes in a range of green and purple hues. With its one-of-a-kind shape and beautiful color, it can easily add dimension and texture to any arrangement. It especially pairs well with rich, fall colors but also looks stunning mixed in with a ton of greenery. Adding a few stems of fiddleheads can easily transform your arrangements into a woodland fairytale.
8. Heather
Heather is a filler flower that features tiny fisheye blooms that run the length of its branchy stems. Perfect for filling in the gaps and adding a unique texture, heather is available in white and pink. It is believed that Heather has protective powers and can also symbolize admiration and good luck.
9. Holly
Holly is mainly thought of as a Christmas flower, but it’s available year round at FiftyFlowers! The bunches of bright red berries against fresh greenery will add a fresh, natural look and feel to your wedding bouquets and arrangements. Holly traditionally symbolizes deference and domestic happiness. Pretty perfect for a wedding don’t ya think?!
10. Italian Ruscus
With its rich green color and its narrow tear-shaped leaves, Italian Ruscus makes a gorgeous filler. As an added bonus, this greenery is available year-round and it’s long-lasting (up to eight days!). This variety looks beautiful on its own, especially when it’s laid out on the center of the table. It also pairs nicely with candles, too. The shiny leaves add a touch of glam while the candles create a romantic ambiance.
11. Ivy
Ivy is another popular choice for garden, vintage or romantic wedding bouquets. Their carefree draping shape can create movement and the popular loose, unstructured look that is more natural. Ivy also has the perfect meaning for weddings, as they represent wedded love, affection, fidelity, and friendship!
12. Leatherleaf  Fern
The leatherleaf fern (a.k.a. leather fern) is another romantic and lovely filler. WIth tufted, rich green leaves that fan out triangularly, this fern provides a dramatic backdrop to the flowers in your bouquet. The stem is strong yet flexible, and the entire fern grows up to 24 inches tall and 8 inches wide.
13. Leyland Cedar
Leyland Cedar is commonly associated with the holiday season, but its longevity (eight days with proper care) and dark green color make it an excellent choice no matter the time of year. Leyland Cedar can be used tucked into a holiday-inspired wreath or mixed in with other greens in a garland. One of the great things about this greenery is that it is easy to work with! A table runner can easily be created using our Leyland Cedar, simply lay strands of greenery down the center of a table for an effortless and festive table runner. Attaching a sprig or two on napkins, table numbers or place cards is also a great way to use this greenery. It also pairs well with any type of berries, such as Hypericum Berries, Hanging Pepperberry and Red Ilex Berry Branches. Leyland Cedar looks especially elegant when paired with white flowers.
14. Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley is a very delicate flower with tiny bell-shaped blooms and broad basal leaves. The perfect filler flower for delicate and dainty wedding bouquets (think Princess Kate’s wedding bouquet.) This white flower symbolizes purity, humility, happiness and sweetness.
15. Lisianthus
Lisianthus is a wonderful filler flower that features anywhere between two to six budding flowers per stem. The blooms feature delicate layers of petals, soft and romantic, while the un-bloomed buds add perfect texture. Available in lots of great colors and in standard and super varieties. The super come already bloomed and ready to use. Lisianthus is said to represent being outgoing.
16. Moss
Moss is a fun green, great for whimsical, woodland, and even modern table arrangements. Check out some Moss Inspiration here! Symbolizing maternal love, this would be great for a bride who is a mom or mom-to-be, or to give appreciation the newylweds’ mothers.
17. Myrtle
Myrtle symbolizes love and is the Hebrew emblem of marriage. Every royal bride since Queen Victoria has had a sprig of myrtle in her bouquet. The myrtle comes from a tree which grew from a cutting of Queen Victoria’s own bridal bouquet. Since then, each royal bride has included a sprig from the original plant in her bouquet, and the bridesmaids then plant the sprigs in Queen Victoria’s garden after the wedding. Feel like royalty with your very own sprig of myrtle!
18. Queen Anne’s Lace
Queen Anne’s lace is similar to baby’s breath with its tiny and delicate clusters of small white flowers, however, these clusters are located at the top of the stem rather than scattered along the stems like baby’s breath. Queen Anne’s lace symbolizes magic, trust, and healing.
19. Sedum
Sedum, also known as stonecrop flowers, have clusters of tiny pink blooms and are only available from August to October. Folklore has said the essence of the sedum flower is a cure for broken and wounded hearts. Another popular meaning of this flower is tranquility.
20. Snapdragon
The snapdragon is a popular filler flower also good for adding height to arrangements. Snapdragon is known for its wispy jaw-like upper and lower petals. A single stem averages 10-15 of these unique blooms, which are grouped closely together giving the impression of a single lengthy flower. Said to represent desire, snapdragons would make a wonderful addition to any bouquet or centerpiece.
21. Statice
Statice is sometimes called the tissue flower, because of their tissue paper-like blooms. It’s also called sea lavender. Whatever you call it, statice are stunning purple filler flowers (they also come in blue, white and apricot). Each main stem has a spray of smaller branches with several of these tiny funnel-shaped flowers. They have a long vase life and require very little maintenance, making them popular for both fresh and dried arrangements. The meaning of statice is lasting beauty and success, and because of its longevity, statice has grown to be the flower of fond memories. Statice is also symbolic of remembrance and sympathy.
22. Stephanotis
Stephanotis, also known as Madagascar Jasmine, is another flower with a great meaning for weddings…marital happiness! It is a sweetly scented flower that blooms to form a 5 pointed star. Due to their small stems, special wiring may be required for design work. You can also adorn your bouquet by inserting sparkling faux diamonds or jewels into the center of each flower.
23. Stock
Don’t let the name fool you: Stock is anything but ordinary. It is fluffy, tall and fragrant in all the right ways! In Spanish, this flower is know as “El Aleli” — much prettier name, don’t ya think?! It can have a spicy, clove-like fragrance and is indicative of a happy life and lasting bonds of affection; gifting a bouquet of these blooms says, “You will always be beautiful to me.”
24. Sweet Pea
This list of fillers and greens wouldn’t be complete without sweet, petite sweet peas. The sweet pea gets its name from is sweet scent and would look great in a soft spring bouquet. These blooms are said to symbolize delicate pleasures, and would make a great addition to any arrangement.
25. Sword Fern
The sword fern is a long, flat leaf with sword-shaped fronds (hence the name!). Sword fern comes in a bright green color so it really pops in floral arrangements. This specific variety especially work best in line arrangements but also look great in round arrangements. Just like leather leaf, sword fern makes an excellent selection for a decorative filler. This variety comes in a grower’s bunch, which is typically 8-10 stems per bunch. It can last up to eight days with proper care. It’s also available year-round. Sword fern looks amazing in tropical arrangements but also works well in other themes such as, boho and woodland.
26. Variegated Pittosporum
Variegated pittosporum features a tall, woody stem that bursts into dense green leaves with creamy, white edges. Its beautiful bicolor is what sets this greenery apart from the rest! Though they’re available year-round, long-lasting and can maintain its shape out of water.
This greenery is bound to stand out and make an impression even when paired with showy flowers like peonies. Variegated pittosporum is commonly paired with flowers like roses, kale, dahlias and hypericum berries, though they look great with just about any flower!
It also comes in a miniature size that’s perfect for boutonnieres or corsages. Mini variegated pittosporum is easy to work with and its size makes it ideal for smaller arrangements. It looks great in flower crowns, too! For an organic or bohemian look, pair mini variegated pittosporums with white spray roses.
The possibilities for flower arrangements are endless with so many gorgeous types of greenery and filler flowers to choose from!
See More:
Focal Flowers and the Meaning Behind Them
How to Create a Table Runner Made of Greenery
Using Tropical Greenery as Wedding Décor
26 Filler Flowers and Types of Greenery published first on their blog, reposted for me
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wildozark · 6 years
What I mean by ‘Nature Farming’ is not the same as ‘natural farming’, ‘organic farming’, or ‘natural farming methods’. Explanations for all of these things come up when you do a search online for ‘nature farming’. But nothing turns up for true nature farming. Hopefully this post will show up in the search engine results list soon.
I am literally farming nature.
I’m not doing conventional farming using natural techniques, or practicing organic or permaculture farming (although where I do actually grow things on purpose, I do adhere to those principles).
What I’m farming is already there.
For the most part, the plants I use in my business already grow here naturally. I encourage some of them to multiply by dividing or transplanting or seeding them in more areas, but the habitats to support them already exist here. No tilling involved, though sometimes I do make nursery beds by creating rock wall terraces on the hillsides.
The terraces are in the deep shade under trees with the kinds of leaves that make good mulch for ginseng. They keep the pots from washing away during rains and when the creek floods, provides easy access for seedlings when I need to fill orders, and is a staging/holding area for the items I bring with me to market.
A ginseng habitat in a pot! This one includes a 3-year old American ginseng with a handful of companions for $75. Available only for local pickup at the nursery, or the farmers market booth (check schedule). Reserve in advance to make sure I have one with me by emailing [email protected]. Bare root collections can be shipped in fall.
American ginseng seedlings are the main things that use the terraced beds. I transplant the seedlings to the other habitats and I also put them in pots sell them at market. When it’s not growing season, I sell them as dormant, bare root plants. Wild Ozark is the only certified ginseng nursery in Arkansas. Wild ginseng lives here naturally, and I’ve purchased seeds to grow even more of it. I keep the wild populations separate from the wild-simulated.
When I say ‘wild-simulated’ that means I’m growing the ginseng in the same way it would grow in the wild. All I do is plant the seed in a space where it can flourish. I do have one small area set aside as a teaching environment. It’s my Ginseng Habitat Demonstration Garden. It’s not quite a natural area yet, because it is still recovering from being logged many years ago. As the trees get bigger it will return to a natural dense shade forested habitat.
In addition to the ginseng seedlings and habitat pots, I also keep many of the companions in propagation beds so I can easily transplant them to pots and sell them, or harvest bare root plants for dormant shipping. Those plants include goldenseal, bloodroot, black cohosh, blue cohosh, a variety of ferns, spicebush plants, pawpaw tree seedlings, and doll’s eyes. I also keep some of my other favorites like trillium, Dutchman’s breeches, and trout lilies, too.
Stewardship of Mother Nature versus Stewardship by Me
The Ginseng Habitat Demonstration Garden is not left completely to nature because I’m taking out things like honeysuckle and wild roses. I’m thinning some of the trees I don’t want there to favor some of the ones I do. The reason for that is to speed up the process that will make it a better habitat for the American ginseng and the companion plants that also grow in the same sort of environment. While the rest of Wild Ozark is pretty much left up to the stewardship of Mother Nature, this demonstration garden is being tended by me.
While the garden isn’t an ideal environment yet for the ginseng, it will eventually be so and the plants are doing well enough in the meantime. My process of doing this is helpful to others who want to do the same thing on their own property. Additionally, and the main reason I chose this spot, is because it is in a location close to the front gate and I don’t mind sharing that location with visitors.
Nature Farming means Harvesting Nature
I harvest things provided by nature. Things naturally growing, dropped to the ground, or dried on the stem. Wildcrafting is the gathering of wild plants. I’ll make ointments or extracts and teas from the medicinal plants. Some of them I’ll sell, and some of them I keep for our own household use. The parts I gather include fruits (persimmons, pawpaw), flowers (echinacea and beebalm), berries (elderberries, spicebush berries, raspberry, blackberry, etc.), seeds (lobelia), nuts (hickory, acorns), stems (witch hazel) or roots (ginseng, goldenseal).
  Using Nature Farming Products to Create Art
So here’s where my nature farm departs from what most people normally think of when they think ‘farming’. The bulk of what Wild Ozark produces is botanical items most people barely notice. Usually it’s lying on the ground in the process of decomposing so it can return to the soil. Sticks, vines, leaves, bits of bark that fell from a tree… all treasures to me.
These harvests include things I use in my arts and crafts, like mosses and lichens and bark. These are things I simply pick up and put in my bucket during my morning walks.
I use all of these things to create my Forest Folk, Fairy Houses, and Fairy Gardens. These are very popular and I even hold workshops on how to make these things so anyone can learn how a bit of nature farming can lead to beautiful Nature Art. I sell the small ferns for fairy gardens, bags of moss and preserved leaves, too. You can see where I’ve used twigs, acorns, leaves, dried grass, moss and small ferns in the following photos.
“The Wild Ones”, a pair of Forest Folk musicians and a dancer.
Reading Sitting Man Forest Folk
A twig chair for Forest Folk
A wee little fairy house made from Wild Ozark nature farm botanicals.
Woodworker Forest Folk
A Wild Ozark Fairy Garden
At a Forest Folk Workshop, if the table isn’t messy, we’re not having enough fun.
Forest Folk Chair
Bark from the Shagbark Hickory
One of our Nature Farm harvests is the bark of a certain tree. Burnt Kettle, my husband’s company, uses the bark from Shagbark hickories to make a delicious syrup. These trees grown naturally all around here.
Eventually we’ll harvest the wood from certain trees for my husband’s woodworking projects. He needs a bandsaw and sawmill to make boards from the abundant cedars that grow here.
Indirect Harvests from my Nature Farm
Art, photography, stories and workshops. Being around nature all of the time inspires me to write, draw, and take photos. I love sharing what I learn and enjoy with others, so I’m always happy to be contacted about doing workshops on topics like nature journaling, ginseng growing or habitat identification, and creating nature art. I’m not an expert on photography, so I’ll leave workshops on that to the ones that are. The outstanding photos from the ones I take are available for sale but I don’t have most of them listed at the shop yet.
Thanks for visiting with Wild Ozark website and taking the time to read about what I do here. Come by and visit the Ginseng Habitat Demonstration Garden if you’re in the area during spring and summer or come by the market booth to see the Forest Folk and Fairy Gardens! The market schedule will be kept current so you’ll know where I’ll be and when, but you can always email in advance if you like. Click here to get all of my contact information.
What is Nature Farming? What does a Nature Farmer Grow? What I mean by 'Nature Farming' is not the same as 'natural farming', 'organic farming', or 'natural farming methods'.
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