#also not james laughing at odo like that.... please james
walkingstackofbooks ยท 1 year
DS9 2x23 Crossover thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
Kira's face, I love how much annoyance she can convey with even the subtlest expression.
"Quietly." That's not going to happen with Julian there
....Julian's ADHD-like inability to keep quiet is actually too relatable ๐Ÿ˜…
She's surprisingly pleased at him listening to Bajoran music, I get the feeling she didn't think Julian could do anything she would like.
"Burying the hatchet." - he just wants to be frieeeeends.
"We're finally putting past conflicts behind us." "Making way for brand new ones." Oh Kira XD
"May I call you Nerys?" "...Sure." *Internally: If I say yes will you stop talking??*
"I've always felt you were one of the most interesting women I've ever met." Hell yeah she is!
The way Kira's eyes widen as she realises OH NO HE'S FLIRTING. (Saaaame though. My heart just sank when I realised he's flirting)
Haha, "It was hard for Chief O'Brien as well at first." So either this exchange is purely platonic like with the chief, or his exchange with the chief was definitely flirting like with Nerys. ...I know which one convinces me more.
I always love the immediate change from silly to professional when danger happens
The fear in their voices when they can't see the station
The dizzy camera angle is WONDERFUL
Kira accidentally channelling the Intendant with her anger, enough to fool them.
Julian's whisper of "Garak" <3
Intro music, oh my, that was just the first five minutes?! I'm going to have so much to say aren't I ๐Ÿ˜… It's almost like you've got my two favourite characters in the same room XD
Interesting that the difference between "Terran" and "Human" is picked up by the universal translator. Or does Julian speak Cardasi and know Garak's difference in meaning that way?
Yisss, the Intendant - SO GOOD
"At least allow me to interrogate him." I do enjoy seeing Garak like this
Miles! :D Somehow it's comforting to hear his voice in a bad situation
"That's my Rule of Obedience Number Fourteen". Is Odo mocking the rules of acquisition? Or inspired by them to make his own?
It's hard to remember how confusing this must be to the two of them, when we know straight away it's a parallel universe
Almost a century? Huh, I always forget DS9 is in the late 2360s
"I regret using it even when it seems necessary." ooft that's JUST like our Kira, though I don't think you mean it quite as much as she does
Oh, Kira thinks it's like her too! XD
"You know how to manipulate me!" Fantastic, I love how pleased she is
"Find this attractive young woman some quarters." Why is the Intendant allowed to be so gay when Nerys isn't? (I know, I know, she's evil, and villains are allowed to be queer where protagonists aren't.)
"Have you ever hear of a Starfleet Captain named James Kirk?" Once again, Julian's ability to remember stuff is absurd for a "normal human". There must be dozens of things people learn about Kirk, yet he recalls and connects the dots immediately - and this was something he only "read about", not that he learnt at the Academy!
>>> Compare this to The Naked Now. Admittedly, the events of The Naked Time were less memorable than parallel-universe travel, but there, Riker asks Data for help as he has only a vague memory of something similar happening at sometime in history.
Seeing this Quark is also quite fun
Sudden gun! Woah! Quark!
Growl-y Sisko :o Honestly, this is the weirdest change to see: Kira's fabulously fun, Odo and Garak are kind of understandable - but this is a completely different person
Julian giving up his food :3 though tbf I think most of the DS9 crew would in this situation
"Actually, we're best friends." Does he believe that? Is he lying to himself? Is it true? I'm obsessed with this
"You and me?" Oh, Smiley <3 He sound so disbelieving but also kind of hopeful
"Everything I've told you is the truth." I think Julian really means it
Sisko's laugh, SO WEIRD
Ohh, at being summoned we get the first hint of fear and silence from Sisko, before the charm turns back on....
"Is he as loyal and true as mine?" "He's a good man." Loving Kira's fight to want to agree that Sisko is loyal and true, but not wanting to compare him with this Sisko in any way.
"I'm... a little afraid of you." oh, Kira. This is so soft and heartbreaking
"I do admire a well-tailored gown." HAH in all universes Garak likes clothes.
"All atwitter" I just REALLY like this phrase?
"Good doctor" as opposed to dear doctor, such a big difference
Garak's definitely doubling down on offering the carrot AND the stick
"Just watch your back. You're in danger." "Why my back? What kind of danger?"
Kira's heartbreak at Sisko not being the Sisko she needs and wants
Killing a mirror image of your friends can't be fun, especially watching them explode graphically. I wonder how Julian will feel next time he sees Odo?
"Starfleet would probably have a big problem with that. ..... To hell with them. Let's go." There's a pause there, where I can only imagine Julian's thinking *well, Starfleet would have a big problem with me*
"This is my reward for treating you Terrans with the least bit of respect. Very well. I can learn from my mistakes." Man, the parallels with how Dukat always talks about how well he treated the Bajorans and how ungrateful they were...
MILES. YOU HERO. This speech of his is everything.
"I wanted him to take me with him because whatever it's like where he's from, it's got to be better than this. There's got to be something better than this." My heart, I cannot.
How quickly Rebellion starts! It's funny, re-watching I'd forgotten that the rebellion we see later on actually started in this episode.
"Where have you been?" "Through the looking-glass, Commander." That's a human phrase! I wonder how Kira learnt that? I'm headcanoning, from Julian's smile at the end there, it was a comment he had just made and explained about the whole experience, so it was the first thing Kira thought of to say XD
What a pair they make, Julian being the dirtiest scruffbag and Kira still in her elegant dress.
I ADORE this episode. So, so, SO good.
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