#also my owlhouse mention makes me think abt how dana had originally wanted it to be a more mature psychological horror type show
goldiipond · 21 days
Do you recommend watching The Promised Neverland if I am a big fantasy enjoyer? Like what is it about
OOOH YEAS ABSOLUTELY!!! tpn is probably best described as more of a psychological horror, especially the anime in particular, with some fantasy elements. it takes place in a sort of alternate part of the world ruled by funky masked creatures (the main children call them demons but they're also called a few other things and don't actually. have an official name. for the majority of characters theyre demons) think like the owl house where there's an alternate demon world except the guys in this world. eat people. the story centers this group of kids fighting to save as many other kids as they can and find a place where they can live without fear. also has very blatantly anticapitalist themes throughout, a very strong emphasis on chosen family, and portrayal of marginalized groups that, while definitely rough in some areas is. very refreshing for a shonen
the only guideline for enjoying tpn anime is do not fuckng watch the second season dont do it it is not worth it. the first season is incredible and honestly stands on its own pretty nicely if you dont feel like reading 100+ chapters of the manga but i highly highly recommend that you do read the manga after the first arc because it is really really good <3 aside from general setting details this is a story that is fun to go into as blind as possible, but some i'll give some content warnings for season 1:
-child death, both mentions and depictions. the depictions are very sparse in the first arc and never like horrifically violent or anything, but you will see dead kids)
-emotional abuse/manipulation (and 2 instances of physical abuse in ep. 8) and suicide
-a black character who is drawn with. very racist exaggerated expressions, specifically in eps 3, 4, 6, and 7
so if you're looking for less.. dark fantasy then this might not be for you. but this series rewired my brain and i've been autistic about it for about 2 n a half years and i highly recommend it <3
alsoi love ray and don more tgan anything in the world and i wuold kill anything for them. thank yoi
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