#also most of the hcs come from me and my moot talkin randomly abt john LAMO
agere-fandom · 4 months
regressor!john marston!!
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note; JDSFIABDKJSBDASB- I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF WITH MORE HEADCANONS FOR MY FAVOURITE PIECE OF MEDIA RIGHT NOW (and theres far more coming) Omg, I love John so much, like he's so goofy oml- /lh anyways, himb!! sweet boy- has done no wrong at all- totally did not die nooooo- he lives with his wife and child in happy times guys, trust me- /lh
headcanons; (cw; diapers and nursing (SFW)!!)
John is a infant/newborn regressor and his age range is 0 - 3 (it's also a chance he may regress way older to tween/teen ages, around 8 - 12)
He's mostly a massive grump, but not the tantrum type. Though he gives a lot of sass, even as a newborn (he was born with the sass tbh /j). It's mostly if he's with anyone else that isn't Abigail (or Arthur) and will make his (babbles) voice known about what he dislikes, like his usual big self
He's considered the youngest and oldest regressor. Both for being a newborn and a teen LAMO. He's mostly caught being very small, since that's what he (secretly) loves. But it's not as much as seeing him as a teen either, both very equal. He's never said it out loud, but he loves being a newborn, being curled up and safe with no worries? Hell yeah!
Speaking of being a newborn, as any infant would, John nurses. From Abigail, of course. It's his favorite time when being small, really, and it's what makes him want to regress more smaller. Being in a rocking chair and being nursed is such a delight. The thing is, is how HUNGRY John can get, but Abigail's to blame here. She's always wanting her baby full, so she gets him full, even going so far as to getting fat rolls onto John. But she loves it.
⬇️ Also, diapers! If anyone's having them on, it's John. He doesn't mind them, he just hates wearing a dirty one for long periods of time. Luckly, Momma's got his back. But she's veryyyy teasing about it too him, like "are you giving your momma another reason to clean you, mister?" or "john marson, are you getting yourself messy on purpose?" or something like that. He usually doesn't know when he goes, he just does. And it's usually while he's nursing. But he wants to be warm all over
Arthur to John is what he's always been, a big brother. For their relationship, it doesn't really change when John's small. And Arthur's always the number one babysitter for little Johnny. But he LOVES teasing, and teasing John especially. Light teasing and mocking to get John fussy is enough, or even a reaction, which he always gives. Even so, Arthur still loves his baby brother... in his own ways (John hates him, lovingly)
Dutch and Hosea are still what they were to him while he was growing up with them around. Father figure's, of course. John personally goes more towards Dutch when caretaking, but that doesn't mean he loves Hosea too. But (for me) he spent more time around Dutch growing up, so being around him brings John those fuzzy feelings again
While being small, I do think that this is the time that John really gets to bond with Jack. Even though the boy doesn't know what's going on or what this whole, regression thing is, he just shrugs it off and lets his uncles and aunts be. John is able to be more open with Jack and they get to talk about all the books Jack likes. Also, bedtime stories with Momma! She loves reading to her boys and will do so anytime they ask <3
He usually hates sleeping by himself, even though he has a whole nursery too himself. He's gotta sleep with Momma. Which she doesn't mind, but she's been trying to get him to sleep through the night in his own crib. But he still, mostly, sleeps next to her. And he even has his own bedside cribs for himself!
⬇️ (Headcanon moment!!) Hosea had done a bit of carpentry in the past, but never pursued in it properly. Later on, he decided to give it another try, and so, the first thing he made was that bedside crib for John, as well as a few toys and baby furniture here and there, and you better believe John was tearing up at the sight of it.
An example of Arthur's teasing to John is of whenever he lets himself wear anything pink or has pigtails for his hair. So, Arthur goes around and calls him 'Princess Marston' for most of that time. He doesn't care if it's in private or public, he's going to tease his baby brother. Like, "oh, please gather around for the royal entrance of princess marston!' or 'please, let the royal princess pick and choose as he pleases, he's the only royal here'
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