#also looking at the wikifandom pages for re characters is so interesting
yippetbh · 8 months
Ok unpopular opinion but
The RE fandom needs to talk about Luis' trauma more. Like, his backstory, not just his death and the crushing guilt he carried with him. Maybe its just Me but i barely see anybody talk about it and it pains me because truly hes one of the best written characters ive ever seen
Not only did he work for Umbrella, but that man was in the Raccoon City Destruction Incident. And when he returned to his hometown he saw it had been taken over by Los Illuminado's. At some point he was recruited for them.
A cult. He was apart of a cult. Thats fucking horrifying. And the fact he had the courage to betray them despite how powerful they are? God.
Even before that he had some insane trauma. He watched his grandfather basically die inside of a burning house and while everyone stood in shock that man stared. He stared and stood and didn't move a muscle until dawn when he disappeared.
Luis wanted to make up for the life he had, despite how a good amount of it wasnt even really his fault. Surely he didnt willingly join Los Illuminados, (or maybe he did, who knows,) and yet when he found Leon and Ashley he had put his current mission aside to help them thinking it would change something. The Don Quixote parallels are beautiful as well. I remember someone on Youtube once had said that Luis died similarly to Don Quixote; accepting that he couldnt be something he wanted to be. That shit has stuck with me ever since and hes just such a tragic character in general.
Dunno, sorry for my ranting, just wanted to bring this to ppls attention cuz I've noticed that people will dig up stuff for other Resident Evil characters but I never really notice the fandom ever mentioning Luis' religious and past trauma. The remake really fleshed out his character and I wil NOT let this man be overlooked
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mirjtsu · 10 months
Me trying to understand Yuumori (help :'3)
So, in these days I decided to start re-reading Moriarty the Patriot (I'm at volume 4), since I was forgetting stuff. I love this series so much, the art style, the characters, the relationships they built (cough Sherliam cough cough).
Since I appreciate this manga so much (with all the mysteries and references to the original books), I want to understand a few things.
I had a few problems with some parts of the premise of this story. Maybe some of you know the answers to my questions so I wanted to ask you!
1) Liam overtaking the real William's identity
Maybe it's me, not aware of the noble system and their interactions at a young age, but... How is it possible that no one, NO ONE, questioned Albert's claim that Liam (I'm gonna use "Liam" referring to our fav Lord of Crime and "William" referring to the original one, that jerk) is William?
Wasn't there anyone who met the real William before? Anyone who clearly understood that Liam wasn't the real one? Really? Even if William studied at home, with a private tutor, that kid still went out, probably hanging out with other nobles' children.
Liam is completely different from William, they don't resemble each other at all so I don't understand. The fact that there was no explaination for this made it even more confusing. I can imagine infinite schemes or stuff they did to eventually quiet down those who could unveil the truth, but what really happened?
2) (Wil)Liam's age
If I'm not wrong, William was about to turn 13 when he died with his mother, father and the servants. So Liam, who became "William", was supposed to be that age or at least pretend to be. At the end of chapter one, we learn that there is a 13-years time skip, from those event.
If you look at the Yuumori's WikiFandom page about Liam, you can see he was 24 at the beginning of the story, meaning when he became "William" he was 11. But shouldn't he be (or claim to be) 26? He attended public school, in the real William's stead, after the mansion's fire (so he should have been of age for that). His students said he entered university at 16 became a professor at 21 (if I didn't mess up with the numbers). So my question is: did they fake Liam's age too and the information we have regards his real self, right? Does that mean that Liam was 14 and 19 when those facts happened? If so, wow! I'm impressed. If not, I'm confused (also, we know such a few things about his true identity; his personal data we're given generally refers to his identity as "William" so I wondered if that was the real or the fake age).
3) Louis and Liam are not twins but seem like they are
More than a problem or thing that I don't understand, I'm just asking myself "Why making them literally the same when they're not twins?". I swear, at first I was 100% sure that they were twins but then I noticed the ages don't match (just look at the info on WikiFandom pages: Liam is claimed to be 24/27 years old, while Louis 23/26). Also, if they were twins it wouldn't make sense that people didn't question the fact that Louis, the only supposed adopted child, was identical to the second son of Lord Moriarty (when they shouldn't be related by blood in any way, in the public's eyes).
An interesting thing about this is that if you look at the volumes' covers (not recent illustrations), there were some slight differences I didn't focus on before.
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Liam has light blond hair and fire (or maybe blood ;3) red eyes, while Louis has more of ocher hair and red-brownish eyes (I just noticed that Liam is a bit taller than Louis). While in the anime, their colors' palettes are identical.
I wanted to highlight this, looking for someone like me who was confused about this. But since there are various unrelated characters that resemble each other (because of the art style), it's not a big deal.
There are probably many things I'm not aware of, so if you want to share what you know, I'm here, craving for more intels!
Thanks to everyone who tried to help me understand I'm less concerned about (1). Also, in chapter 9, as I was told, they explain a bit better the situation so finally I feel more at peace XD. THANK YOU ALL!!!♡
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