#also lmao pretty boys keep appearing in my dreamssssssss
svnny-day · 2 years
  ok, so, i’m putting this here as a way to archive and so I don’t forget (memory issues boii) but I this had this dream last night (night before that?) and like, idk, i’ll try to recount as many details as I can but I think that I may of gone to an alternate universe of sorts and I think I died in it but the reason I think so,,, i’ll get to.
 so, I don’t remember exactly where I was but it was a camp of sorts I think. it had a TON of buildings/rooms (they were almost like apartments I think? also people had roommates and I think I had some and if I did I vaguely remember them being chill). anyways, I think mine was #205 (this is most likely wrong but it’s the number my brain is insistent on when trying to recount/think about my dream)
  anyways, some kind of event happened I believe (I don’t remember what lead to up to it but-) there was another person who I think I bumped in to and we became friends (he was pretty tall (granted i’m short), kind of serious but really kind, had light blond hair that was short-mid length and I think some of it covered one of his eyes, he also had these light blue eyes I THINK but that’s going off of the eye color commonly seen in people who are blond and I vividly remember that he wore a somewhat civic, plain black shirt; it was kind of like a formal dress-shirt).
  me and the other boy (I don’t remember the name :{  ) were chatting and wandering around a bit but eventually we (I??) where/was trying to find my way back to my room (???) but we couldn’t find it (he was tagging along, trying to help) no matter how much we wandered around. 
  anyways, and this part is hella interesting btw, we ended up somewhat far from everything else and also lost but we ended up stumbling across a weird building that was a bit more,,, high tech looking? like an old lab (it was really dark and somehow pretty clean on the inside despite being seemingly abandoned. also, by dark I mean as in the floor was this really dark, somewhat sparkly smooth tile. I don’t recall much about the walls, though, except that they where kind of plain. OH! and also, there was stuff scattered around such as old boxes, some with stuff in them I think and, well, that detail can wait ‘till later). 
anyways, thinking that maybe we’ed be able to find out destination (or maybe it was because we got curious) by going inside, we do so (I don’t think the door was much trouble, seeing as the building was seemingly neglected and forgotten). anyways, it’s pretty vast and at this point, i’m following blond boy’s lead and as we go deeper, the layout seems a bit less astronomically big. anyways, we reach this stretch of hallway and there’s a weird,,, creature there (it was a giant humanoid-blob) it was glitchy, unstable, and had the look of static slapped into reality. 
luckily, it didn’t seem to notice us and I don’t think it reacted much to minimal noise. anyways, I don’t remember much leading up to this part, either, but we end up sneaking past the creature into another room. now, this is where that earlier cutoff when describing the environment comes in, the thing we sneak behind is a big whiteboard (one that has the legs extending down+wheels). 
anyways, we makes it to the other room in time, as the static thing had noticed us (and also this creature wasn’t like a scooby-doo villain either, it was some weird kind of guard experiment, from what I recall) when we got closer to the room. 
  sooooo, yea, we are basically sat behind a big mahogany wood (?) desk that is scattered with paper, stacks of paper, books, trinkets (I think an old-looking globe was on there), etc. and there’s a lot of this weird tech running.
  now, anyways, right now the objective is to escape and make it out in one piece but the thing is, we don’t know exactly where the creature is and peeking out from behind the desk might make it see us (in which case, we’d of been doomed considering we where in an office with only the one door). 
  unfortunately, this is somewhat where the dream cuts out. idk what happens but it ends up only being blonde boy in that office and it’s almost as if I was seeing through his point of view? I do know that he was panicked and trying to figure out the creature’s weaknesses (we had concluded that it was invincible to any ordinary means of physical harm like punching, biting, kicking, etc.).  
and then I woke up.
again, I think I ended up dying near the end of my dream? idk, with the way it was, having that void space between being there and not being there, seeing though blonde boy’s pov and then waking up??? idk.
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