#also like as a lesbian this works bc both brocedes and lestappen already give homoerotic sapphic situationship vibes
vetteloris · 1 month
lowkey if i had the time i would so write a girlcedes and fem!lestappen fics where nico and lewis go through all the shit of the late 00's and early 10's as the first female f1 drivers and then it implodes in 2015/2016 and everyones saying that the silver wars just a catfight and "oh what do you expect with girls on the team" (bc we all know journalists would call them girls not women lol) which is exactly the period of time where max is coming into f1 and charles is coming up the f3 and f2 ranks which means they've got usual misogyny and the "look at merc obviously women in the sport doesn't work" and the consequences of that likely being that lestappen refuse to publicly engage with each other (and also defo 2019 gets called like the f1 catfight 2.0 bc god forbid women have emotions)
the resolution is of course endgame lestappen and like bittersweet girlcedes
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