#also lady on day 2 listened to me describe the worsening of my symptoms overnight and responded with “:///// what's your next of kin”
vera-keller · 4 months
in other news i was in a&e for 12 hours but that's not even the best bit the best bit is the nhs has been assfucked so hard by rishi sunak that on thursday night 10pm i went in and was there until 4am and all they managed to do was a single test and then told me i needed to wait another 4 hours for results because they were so shortstaffed they literally could not do it any sooner so i went home (i live 5 minutes away from the hospital) when people who had been waiting there for even longer than me started clashing with security over how long they were stuck in the waiting room for and then i went back the next morning friday 10am and at long fucking last had a catheter stuck in my arm at 2:30pm after a blood test to prepare for dialysis then wasn't seen again until two hours with a thick ass tube in my arm just fucking about in the waiting room before they decided i do not in fact require dialysis after all and rather i should be presented with a multicoloured corsage of antibiotics to make sure my girlfailure kidneys behave as kidneys should. england is broken without repair and the gods gave our king cancer after he doubled his wages in media res of the cost of living crisis. thank you thank you thank you @memphisbelle and @legobrickcow for bringing me breakfast and visiting me twice when i was at my grimmest i adore you both
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