#also kris' hat is iconic but this isn't about him
me-sploh-rada-imas · 5 months
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joker out SOON bag... my tattoo, kris' sweater, the SOON badge, igor (jan's cat)... [x]
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signoraviolettavalery · 6 months
Everything I can remember about the Den Haag and Amsterdam gigs, before I forget, but also I got about as little sleep as they did because I was a)worrying about their travel b)too hyped up to sleep
Den Haag
they were so hella energetic for people who had gone through All That to get here, Bojan was hella alive, but he didn't banter much with the crowd
It was Sinterklaas so they got soooooo many gifts. Hats, lofts of candy (traditional sinterklaas gift), bracelets, flags, letters...
Someone threw stroopwaffels because those are Kris' favorite
the Dutch crowd was so polite??? There was no barricade but nobody was grabbing them or their guitars, the only things that were being thrown at the stage were soft things like hats, nobody was chucking presents directly at them, any bracelets that got thrown were thrown gently onto the stage rather than at them
(fyi afterwards when the crew cleans up they go through and pick up all the gifts so as long as it gets onto the stage they'll get it)
they confirmed several times that they'll be back to the Netherlands
In Ne Bi Smel he changed "sem bil slep" to "sem kreten" again
when singing ASTP Bojan had the various parts of the venue cheer first, and the balcony that cheered the least loud got ASTP sung to them specifically; and at the end he changed the lyrics so they went "kako lepo disite me" aka "how nice you (plural) smell to me" idk was he saying the sweaty crowd filling this venue smelled nice to him (I have QUESTIONS)
there were balloons onstage, at some point, Jan decided he had a vendetta against the balloons, starting popping them with his boots by jumping around while playing the guitar and, being a clutz, got tangled in a flag/coat/something? by the drums and nearly fell over a;slkfjwe Jan why are you like this I love you
Kris got a pope hat that he put on right before NGVOT so he sang NGVOT as the pope I guess
Kris was drinking tea during the gig; every time Bojan was introducing the song he was just chilling by the drum set and sipping his tea while wearing sunglasses, iconic, gives zero fucks, I love him
holy shit this gig was wild and magical. We gave them such a warm welcome and we screamed so loud I think even Bojan was impressed
the music as we were waiting for the gig was ABBA followed by Lady Gaga and Barbie Girl, and after the gig it was Avril Lavigne. We got most of those songs yesterday so Im' guessing Bojan picked that soundtrack :P
after they did Gola he asked "ok, so you know the words. How many of you hear aren't slovenian?" the entire fucking venue raises their hands. "we should get y'all on duolingo" Bojan Slovenian isn't on Duolingo!!
Bojan really, truly makes everyone feel seen. It's astounding. The opening act, Mia Nicolai, she was good, but she mostly just started in front of her, at the people in front of the stage. Bojan looks around and makes eye contact with everyone. The people on the balconies (I swear he looked straight at me, I died), the people in the front rows, the people on the sides, the people in the back. Every time, you feel seen. He's just got that something, not just stage presence, but that knack for being up there and making it a party that includes everyone
at some point, it got really hot and their crew started passing out water bottles. I think Bojan even went backstage during the Ne Bi Smel intro to ask them to give out more. He was really attentive and when one girl fainted or almost fainted during Ne Bi Smel he noticed, cut the music off immediately, the lights go up, and he made sure she was escorted by security and that she was okay before they restarted the song. Total pros.
introducing NGVOT: "I have to call a very special singer up to the stay. Kris. This song came about because of his broken heart. That heart is now healed" (important information to share I guess) and then Kris of course did NGVOT
Bojan: asks the crowd how to say umazane misli in Dutch. They tell him and he repeats it. Bojan then turns to Kris if he said it right, kris says no. "Well how would you say it then?" Bojan asks. "I don't know but what you said sounds wrong" as;lkfjwe Kris you're iconic
There were some Slovenians in the crowd! Including a girl whom Bojan went to high school with with. He dedicated Omamljeno Telo to her because "you heard it when I played it in high school"
He gave a really long intro to Plastika about how we're supposed to hate our analog minds and our analog bodies and how this is all terrible and basically just love yourself and don't judge others
Nace spent a lot of time playing across from Kris and didn't spend all that much time with his husband onstage :( :(
At the end Kris took off the Stozice outfit sleeves and threw them into the crowd so now there's two people who own that little piece of history
Anyway did I mention Amsterdam was magical, they were on fire, they were delighted to be there, the crowed was delighted to have them, and so enthusiastic, and there was just so much energy and hearing them live is truly something else. The recordings are amazing but being there, in that space with them, when they're at their best, hearing them actually perform those songs? Indescribable. Live CD when?
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notdogice · 1 year
Time for the biggest batch of Pony Town cos': The Deltarune Edition! I started making these ones around late 2021 (possibly November) and I tried to make them as sprite accurate as I could so these ones are a lot more timeless regardless of how I change the way I stylize certain ponies.
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Spamton G. Spamton. The very first one of my Deltarune cos', and probably the most iconic. I call him the Big Haired Big Shot. Spamton's head to body ratio is already bonkers in his sprite, so I tried to recreate that effect in PT. For the hair, I actually used one of my other ponies, Carlos, as the inspiration. He can also do the hands together thing he does in Deltarune.
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Spamton Neo. Yup, it works for Neo as well. I was kind of worried that this wouldn't work, but it does! Works best when flying, but it's pretty funny seeing him lie down.
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Kris. Yeah not much to say for Kris, but they're literally the easiest Deltarune cos you can do. Their eyes are closed, but I do have the pupils colored for expression sake whilst still being accurate.
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Kris (DW). I fucking love this cos. It was fun to figure out how I should do the scarf and pauldron. It's on of my favourites of this set. Also has the eye thing like the light world counterpart.
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Susie. Yeah LW Susie wasn't fun, especially after doing her DW counter part.
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Susie (DW). FUCK YEAH SHE ROCKS. Only real gripe is with her hair.
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Ralsei. Cute, but kind of ugly. One thing I've noticed is that people really don't try to do with the hat with horns when they do the hatted Ralsei.
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Ralsei (No hat). Getting the goat horns just right because it is possible to do so. Definately experiamental with this one.
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Berdly. Very smug indeed. Lovely.
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Berdly (DW). You know, as I did more of these cos', I had gotten better at recogizing which options would work best with what I was trying to acheive. DW Berdly is a key example of this as getting his armor right used things I've done for Kris and Queen. Yeah these aren't in order how I made them, but I just want to keep things organized.
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Noelle. Fun fact: Noelle is the only lightner that I had did their LW sprite before their DW. Yup. I did the more complicated designs first. Really the onlt thing about Noelle that I had really tried to figure out was her antlers. Yeah PT has antlers, but I wasn't really satisfied with them, they didn't seem Noelley enough.
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Noelle (DW). To be honest, Noelle is easy to make in PT. I could've went with the shirt with hood option, but none of color options fit with what I was trying to do. Plus you wouldn't really notice that it's not there unless you move the head.
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Lancer. Lancer's head is a hell of a pain to do. I'm not very satisfied with what I got, but it's the only thing that looks half decent with this style. He's extra round when he sits. Kind of took that idea of using the wings from someone else's Lancer, but I haven't seen anyone else but that person and I do it so it isn't a popular thing people do for Lancer, but it should honestly.
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Queen. People have pointed out how I managed to give her that Megamind look, and I really appreciate it. I'm kind of surprised to see that she's the fourth Deltarune cos I made when I thought she was one of the later middle cos'. Her eyes do work like Kris' does. Another unique thing about this Queen cos is that I used the customizable mark to fix the curve between her top and bottom half.
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Rouxls Kaard. One of my later ones as I holded off from doing him thinking he'd be a tough on to figure out. He was just like his puzzles. Like most of his detail in his sprite is in the one area where you can't see it on a pony.
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Jevil. Ah Jevil, the first Deltarune character to appear in one of my dreams... He ran a fish taco stand. Uh other than that, one of my favoutie area on this cos is his ears. like they are so sprite accurate and very pretty. Everything else is standard fair with the others.
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C Round. People love it whenever I switch to this cos, and whenever they put a crown on it...
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K Round. You get this! Man it was tough figuring how to do the checker just right, but the results speak for itself. One of my favouties of the set. I've seen a few other's tries of making this character in PT, but they seem to get similar results to mine.
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Rudin. A rare cos indeed. Actually I don't think I've ever seen another Rudin cos on PT. A shame really, I like Rudin's design.
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Rudin Ranger. You thought regualr ol' Rudin was rare? Feast your eyes on this! Both of them are very pretty.
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Hathy. It was the mouth I struggled the most with on. I do not have Head Hathy, I was too frustrated with this one.
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Tasque. Meow. Another easy one to do, but doesn't get as much love as a certain...
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Tasque Manager. Someone called my Tasque Manager cute a few weeks back. She was a fun one to make, but her tail breaks when she sits.
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Maus. Not too difficult to make this Maus. This is also my newest Deltarune cos.
Since I have the room for them, here are some bonus Undertale cos' I have!
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Frisk. I've been playing PT since 2017 and it took me until 2022 to make a Frisk cos. I still haven't made a Sans yet either which is surprising as I got into Undertale before I got into PT.
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Asgore. My first UT cos, and it was Asgore of all people. Like seriously, you don't get to see Asgore cos' all to often if ever. This could probably be blamed by the fact that you don't get to spend that much time with him outside of his battle and most of what you learn about him is through everyone else experience with him.
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Mettaton EX. The hardest thing I had to do with this cos was finding his his overworld sprite for his colors. Like everything else just using things I have done for other cos' like using the mask like how I did with K Round and Frieza. I guess I did have to think about hair options, but that is a given when it comes to making anything in PT. Anyway, that's the last of the set.
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