#also im not a japanese native im just reiterating what i could find on the web so 100% possible i am completely wrong. love and peace
masonsystem · 9 months
also theres like so many lingual intricacies when it comes to the titles of their eye abilities, like the eye abilities of takane (目が覚める/me ga sameru) and haruka (目を醒ます/me wo samasu) both literally mean 'eyes waking up', but takane's 覚める/sameru has the more general meaning of 'waking up from sleep', while haruka's 醒ます/samasu is more like 'sobering up from a state of intoxication'. and what takane's 目が覚める/me ga sameru means specifically, i could find that it can mean like, 'waking up, jolting awake', but i couldnt figure out if haruka's term 目を醒ます/me wo samasu has a particular idiomatic meaning, but i did read that 覚 and 醒 can be used interchangably, so..... 🕺i think its very cool that harutaka have abilities that are very similar in meaning to one another, and that they sound similar too!
and then there's also the abilities of momo (目を奪う/me wo ubau) and seto (目を盗む/me wo nusumu), where both of their abilities literally have the meaning 'to steal eyes', but momo's 奪う/ubau means 'to forcefully take something away', while seto's 盗む/nusumu is a more general term of 'dispossessing someone of something'. but when you stick these verbs into a phrase relating to eyes, they become idioms where 目を奪う/me wo ubau means 'to captivate/draw eyes in', while 目を盗む/me wo nusumu means 'to do something behind one's back/without them noticing'.
and the english term that both fans and official translators use for kido's ability (目を隠す/me wo kakusu) is 'concealing eyes', but this term differs a bit from it's japanese meaning. bc the term 'concealing one's eyes' in english is a rather uncommon phrase and could mean anything from blindfolding your eyes, covering them up with your hands, closing your eyelids, or even hide the fact that you have eyes with like, makeup! but in japanese it's likely more precisely to be something like "hiding your eyes/covering up your eyes":
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and also 'hide and seek' in japanese is 隠れん坊/kakurenbo. so 隠/kaku for most intents and purposes means 'to hide'..., but i do understand why the fanbase at large has gone along with the term 'concealing' instead of 'hiding', bc the term 'concealing' has the implication of 'keeping something away from somebody', and in kido's case, she's keeping the presence of specific things away from the sight of others! very cool 😎
and also mary's default medusa ability (目を合わせる/me wo awaseru); 合わせる/awaseru means 'to match, to connect, to link up', etc, so her ability literally means 'to connect eyes', but the idiomatic meaning of 目を合わせる/me wo awaseru is 'to make eye contact'. so the agreed upon english equivalent for her ability is 'locking eyes', bc she 'locks' you into having eye contact. also i love that her song tagline for Imagination Forest is 目を合わせる話/me wo awaseru hanashi, which literally means 'eye contact story', but most translators have translated it to 'A story of seeing eye-to-eye'. like thats such a good translation 🥺🥺💕
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