#also if you reblog this DONT tag it as blazilver or however the ship name goes
afuntimepartyy · 2 years
Troubled cycles
So, before i get into the meat of this idea you guys NEED context for this version of silver- its kinda important to know so you’re not clueless in some aspects. 
Context for this version of silver: 
Silver, as we know it, no matter what version of them is there? has always been destined almost to save the future. Regardless of timeline and or universe. This iteration of silver is one of many that has decided to save their future. There has been MANY silvers before them that have taken on this role and each time, without doubt, they “failed” to do that in some way.  06 silver? technically DID save the day, but it wasnt to enough to end the “cycle” of which theyre stuck in. each time they die, or a timeline is horribly skewed causing a ‘not quite dead but technically could be dead’ situation, they always reset basically. born into a different bad future and has to try all over again to save this timelines/universes future. This has been going on since the times of sonic cd, silver only just now showing up in big view since 06 and onward.  this silver isnt aware of these pasts, at least not fully. The most silver in this universe gets is small glimpses of those pasts and how each one died or “failed” , and its not all at once either- they tend to come at the most inconvenient times when awake. Sometimes, if lucky, they will show up in dreams instead in the form of silver having to live through them again, despite never PERSONALLY experiencing it before. Dreams usually mean great value to silver and so do the occasional glimpses of past lives memories, in which they tend to think of as visions. Either both are guiding silver, or warning silver... and its up to silver to try and decipher which is which- as the memories and dreams never directly tell silver what they are.
(Bonus context that this version of silver will be using she/her from now on, this version of silver is a trans girl, so if you’re confused about the ussage of she/her pronouns? that is why!)
the meat of it all
silver has these strange dreams. obscure, and surreal dreams; sometimes they are a guide to what to do next, and other times? they’re a warning. What silver does not understand though, is that sometimes the memories she remembers from past lives, were just... a burden on the past life’s thoughts, and a heavy one a best. She wanted to make points and reason for everything horrifying or ominous thing she saw in her dreams, especially things she hated seeing most. Sometimes... the memories she saw were just nothing she would’ve expected, nor something she would even think about happening. One of the more stronger set of memories she’s seen glimpses of was one of her more recent past versions of herself. This one came from a place of ash, and huge flames that covered the entire surface of that world. Molten magma and melted metal was everywhere. She didn’t know much about it, she didn’t know what caused that past versions bad future... She did not like it though. She only knew of certain things in this one’s life, she assumed she was missing a lot, but that’s the same for every life she’s seen bits and pieces of.  This one was just the most prevalent and the one she knew most of.  Silver was close to blaze. Blaze was the princess of the sol dimension, she was fast and powerful, but used those things in such grace, and despite her rough start with sonic and his group? she has shown herself to be quite a good friend.  While blaze is the princess of the sol dimension, to silver? she was just blaze, her best friend. The two were close! they were like family almost, something silver lacked for a while. Everyone silver has met in this past- as made her feel... wonderful, blaze has been a big contributor to that too. The two were almost two peas in a pod! they worked together well and enjoyed taking care of their own little garden together. They did a lot of stuff together, and ever since they’ve become friends they were basically attached to the side for a bit! silver was like a younger sibling to blaze, and she looked after them as much as silver looked after blaze.  ...visions are haunting though, and so are bad dreams. They stick in one’s brain sometimes and paralyze you from the neck down. Functioning as some sort of tranq-gun. Silver, like said.... didnt know much about her past lives, and she kept that pretty much between herself too. Nobody knew of the things silver was seeing and she did that to keep it simple. Seeing these things were just. part of her job in saving the world, plus, it wouldn’t benefit anybody to know! there was just no point in sharing it.  One night though, she would encounter a nightmare she just wouldn’t forget....  The more recent of her lives had this very... distinct bad memory. One that would be passed down onto this silvers shoulders as well.   Blaze was gone. She sacrificed herself, and she was gone.  Silver didn’t know why it was happening, as far as she was aware they were simply walking towards blaze. Blazes mouth moved, but no words could be heard... only the increasing ambience of silence. Silver herself, in that dream.. tried to grab blaze, stop her, confused on what was going on? what WAS going on?  just get any sort of answer, just SOME answer....  But blaze was gone, and in one failed attempt to grab her friend again, maybe see why this was happening and see if it’s something she needed to keep an eye out for- she fell. she plummeted, before she could feel any of the pain from whatever that would’ve caused? she woke up.  That night, silver was left confused- startled, and in distress. She was by herself that night, huddled into a corner with her blue cloak acting as sort of a blanket. She tightened it around herself even more. For a moment, she didnt know what to think- that was- vivid! she scrambled to make sense of what she saw, what it could be a warning for and what not... but her mind just kept racing and her chest hurt more and more as she heaved.  Eventually, the following hours after silver calmed herself and reason with herself... she went to find blaze, talk to her, just.. to remind herself that it was just a nightmare, blaze is still here. Some sort of.. remnant guilt though plagued her mind, something.... must’ve happened there, something that gave her this guilt. Guilt she shouldn’t have on her own because that was very clearly not her memory. Still, was what she saw anything she would have to stop? or just another thing caused in that timeline.  She would ponder it, along with other info she’s received in the past...  She will save everyone, no one will die and the future here will be saved. thats what she told herself. She would do it, and nothing would stop her from doing it.  <+>
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