#also i love drawing america and japan they’re so cute grrrr i love them to much
rice-ballin · 5 months
some doodles i made recently that lives rent free in my head
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yeah you can tell how much i like these goobers
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Hetalia: The Beautiful World Episode #1: Each Battlefield Transcript
This episode has ninjas, dandelion coffee, and Italian tanks.
Italy: Hey, Japan, you like to use those drawing styles whenever you fight, don’t you?
Japan: Hai.
(Hai: Yes → Japanese)
Italy: Can I see a ninja throwing ninja throwing stars? Can I, per favore?
(Per favore?: Please? → Italian)
Japan: Sure you can. Really?
Italy: Germany wants to see ninja stars too!
Germany: Uh, ninja? Ja, I suppose.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Germany: Show me.
Italy: Germany looks so happy right now!
Italy [talking to the audience]: German ninja movies are very popular to Germans.
Japan: Germany, I hate to be bearer of bad news, but we said we’d be honest, so…
(Italy: Hahahaha…weeeeee!)
Japanese man: Itaroda!
(Itaroda!: It’s Taro! → Japanese)
Japanese man: After him!
Italy: Ninja!
{Text in Italy’s speech bubble: Ninja!}
Germany: Woah!
Ninja: Oh! Nehe! Mmm…oh!
Japan: Unlike in the movies, throwing star do not fly or stick. It is highly unlikely that they will even hit their targets, so they’re rather unreliable as a weapon.
Germany: I was unaware of this!
Japan: Sharpened chopsticks are far more better because you can throw them with precision and also they are good for stabbing things.
{Caption: Chopsticks}
Germany: Nein…nice!
(Nein: No → German)
Italy: Stars still look cooler.
{Caption: Boys and girls, do not try this at home}
Mochi Italy: Piacere! Piacere!
(Piacere! Piacere!: Pleasure! Pleasure! → Italian)
Narrator: War, historically, leads to shortages in items such as rubber, metal, and nylon. In this particular wartime tragedy, they’ve run out of coffee.
(America: Hmhmhmhm!)
{Caption: Grr, grr, grr…}
Italy: Uuuuhhhhh…Germany! Austria’s angry face gives me nightmares and now I’m afraid to go to sleep!
Germany: Well, what did you expect, dummkopf?
(Dummkopf: Idiot/Fool → German)
Germany: We’re completely out of coffee!
{Caption: Tap}
Italy: I know. That’s why you have to do something!
Germany: We don’t have what we don’t have!
Italy: Have faith, you can do anything! I believe in you!
Germany: No way!
Italy: I believe in you!
Germany: No way! Ugh, “I believe in you”. Gets me every time!
Narrator: So true. It gets him every time. Germany tried to find a substitute for coffee.
Germany: Uah! Here we go, Italy! This is a coffee made from dandelions. Do you love it?!
Italy: You’re so amazing, Germany! Wow! Slurp! It’s been so long I almost forgot what it tasted like. All this from a pretty flower?
Germany: Ja, and it’s more nutritious than real coffee.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Italy: Get out of Europe! Austria’s going to lose his mind over this.
Germany: Sadly, there is one major drawback.
(Italy: There’s nothing bad with his mind anyway)
Japan: Excuse me, Germany? Could you spare me some oil? Why is Germany picking pretty flowers like France do?
Mochi Italy: Nehe! Huahuahuahua…
Mochi Germany: Grr!
{Caption: Rumble, rumble, rumble…}
Mochi Italy: Wehehehe!
Mochi Germany: Grrrr! Hmf!
Mochi Italy: Yay!
Italy: Germany, Germany! What do you think? This is one of my super cool tanks!
Germany: Oh, so that is the M11-39, huh?
Italy: Doesn’t it look super cool?
(Germany: Mm…)
{Caption: Pat, pat, pat…}
Italy: It’s tall like you and has rivets all over, so super cool.
Germany: Ja.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Germany: Italy, I don’t want to rain on your tank parade, but…normally the artillery guns are not placed right there.
Italy: Oh?
{Caption #1: 1. Normally they’re placed here}
{Caption #2: 2. Normally they’re not placed here}
Germany: Can you even use it?
{Caption #3: 3. Cute legs}
{Caption: Gasp, gasp, gasp…}
Italy: Mehmehmehmehmehmeh! M11-39 has an artillery cannon attached to its body so all you have to do to aim at your target is to spin it around like wee! It’s a breakthrough in looking super cool, right?
Italy: ‘Kay, so Germany didn’t like it, but you guys think it’s super cool, don’t you?
Italian soldiers: Yaaaaay!
Italy: We’ll crush Britain to gnocchi with these!
Britain: Pardon?
{Text in Britain’s speech bubble: ?}
Italian soldier #1: Crap, look out! Britain is here!
Italian soldier #2: The British are coming for our pasta!
Italian soldier #1: A motti matagara!
Italian soldier #2: Al dente o etá!
(A motti matagara!: To Motti Matagara! → Italian)
(Al dente o etá!: Al dente or age! → Italian)
Britain: Poor bastard. Rough day?
Italy: Germany, GERMANY! This is the upgraded super cool carro armato!
(Carro armato: Tank → Italian)
Italy: The artillery gun is exactly where it’s supposed to go too!
Germany: That is not really worth bragging about.
Italy: Now I’m going to show you how super cool this tank is, so don’t look away or you might miss the super cool!
Germany: Cool, ja.
(Ja: Yes → German)
Italy: Nagah! Eah! A one, a two…
Germany: So far, not cool.
(Italy: A three, a four)
Italy: Yay! ACK! Ahah! Do-over! AUOH! Gah gah! I’ll just leave this open.
Italy [talking to the audience]: Every time they fired a shot, the tank got filled up with smoke. The soldiers inside didn’t like that, so they decided to leave the doors open.
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