#also i like periodically forget that tumblr exists so forgive me if i drop off the face of the earth occasionally
strawberryscorp · 1 month
fighting for my life to write a scorbus fic but anytime i open a document its just 💏💏💏💏
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lildowdow123 · 4 years
MLQC Guys being jealous (slight NSFW for Vic and Lu)
Hey everyone, I'm glad that people like my last piece so I decides to make another one. Hopefully you guys like it too. There may he some spoilers. If so I'll put it in ** so you can just be a Goldman and avert your eyes. Btw, in these, you're dating the s/o in question just to clear up any confusion
Also, feel free to drop me a message to ask me to do a particular scene. If I can, I'll do it
Exel own the bois
Lets get to it
Victor slight NSFW
Normally, its us who has our green eyed monster rear its head. Contenders for our medusa stares are socialites wanting to get a piece of Loveland's most eligible batchelor (like Chik) , the new pretty interns who spends a little too long with Victor
It is a rare event when the tables are turned and it is Victor questioning himself on weather he has it in him keep you with him. But rare isn't a never
At events like the LFG charity ball or an Investors evening, any occasion where MC dresses up and gets a little fancy, the CEO's blood pressure begins to rise when he sees how much male attention you get. Not in a creepy possessive way. More a jealous way.
You're chatting with another business owner, just making polite conversation with the man. Of course you get compliments on your outfit or maybe your hair. You're god damn gorgeous
The conversation gets more and more friendly. Small lines are dropped here and there like "Wow that colour really goes well with your eyes" or "It suits your figure" until soon enough he is asking you back to his place after this
You're a little taken aback by the offer at first. "Oh I'm really sorry.." you try to start. A shadow looms over you. The charming sexy devil in his suit has arrived
An arm finds his way around your silk covered waist, pulling you to him. He won't say anything unpleasant or nasty, the boi has decorum but he will make sure this man knows you're his
"Who's this MC?" Victor asks, his cold stare not moving away from the other man. He will hold his free hand out for him to shake while he introduces himself, not giving a damn about the mans name. He wont be around you two for much longer
"Victor Li. I'm with MC" and with that, the poor other man knows you're not available
His chit chat is far less flirtatious now that LFG's bossy bitch is standing with you anchored to him
After the event, when you two are driving back, feel free to give him a small rant on how the other man was just being friendly and that he shouldn't have scared him shitless. He may not take it seriously and argue that he was flirting with you and that he will not let someone else lure away his woman
A long night of jealousy/make up sex will follow as soon as you get back to his place. He will dirty talk you sometimes if you make him jealous. Things like "do you like my cock? Only I can make you feel this way" He'll take you all night and make sure that you have forgotten all about the other man
Tbh, I find it really hard to imagine Kiro getting really jealous. He is always so bright and cheerful that it would be hard to see his green eyed monster. So forgive me if this is a little wishy washy
You and the backstage team are preparing for an episode of your show which Kiro will guest star in. He is getting prepped to be in front of the cameras when he sees you talking to one of his crew. It's pretty normal stuff. Communication between your team and his team is key to make this run smoothly so he doesn't pay that much mind. He just watches Miss Chips pull the concentrated face you make (also, it's been pointed out to me by another Tumblr writer that MC is an acronym for Miss Chips) because it's cute to see you get passionate about your work
That is something they all really appreciate about you
His attention is turned away from you and back to his makeup artist who is nearly done and just needs him to close his eyes for some setting spray but when he opens them again, the stagehand is much closer and leaning in for a kiss.
Miss Chips is leaning back away because she is already in a relationship with Kiro but the boy just keeps closing in.
Not on his watch *SPOILER: He has to stop himself from having a full on Helios moment with the guy*
"Hey, Miss Chips. I'm ready do you need me anywhere?" You hear the chipper voice of your star and boyfriend call out as he walks up to you, planting a kiss on your forehead. Stage boy backs up a little, seeing Kiro place his metaphorical stake on you.
He won't scream or shout or threaten violence on the boy. No, his way of expressing this jealousy is much more passive aggressive way. His smile will still be bright and his voice as happy as ever but after MC explains that she was just telling the guy that she needs the lights checked or something, he adds "so please do that now" in the most delightful tone he could muster
He might as well have said fuck off to the guy
He wont wait until they have privacy, he will make out with his MC as the backstage crew busy themselves around they, pinning the rest of you to the wall *SPOILERS kind of like that Kiro Kiss date* May earn some raised eyebrows from Kiki and Willow and a huff from the make up artist as his lip balm gets all over you.
One word is needed to explain how BirdCop will get jealous on this. That word is Shaw
The guy is the embodiment of sexual energy, probably most teenage girls fantasy. Sk8ter boi with a nonchalant outlook on rules and authority with enough big dick energy to power New York. Now, MC isn't a teen anymore but it doesn't mean that you're not immune to his flirtatious charms
He was reluctant to let you meet his brother. In fact, for a long period of time he was completely opposed to it. Then, you two ran into eachother on the bus. Ooops
Ever since, whenever you two interact, Gavin feels the need to be around in some way. Weather it be with her, tuning into the Wind FM to feel that is happening or flying around wherever they are. It could be thought of as stalkerish but it comes from a good place..I think
Irrational things would be flying around his head. I mean, it's his brother. Jesus! "He's not even that much taller than me! And younger than me! How could he even attract her?"
Shaw being Shaw is sure to make some kind of comment that is bound to set Gavin off. It probably would turn into a fight. Like, not even a civilised wrestling round, like a proper bitch fight brawl. He'd tackle his brother's ass to the ground and start punching, maybe hair pulling so he can keep punching. Shaw would be putting up one hell of a fight just to bruise Gavin. Poor MC has to try and break up this shit
Later, once the fight has stopped and MC has managed to get Gavin away, she has to ice him down and try to patch up some of the scrapes that he had gotten.
Mother duck MC comes out in spectacular fashion to scold him, telling him not to do that again. Gavin will probably explain why he felt jealous of his brother but will do so with the biggest blush ever. Poor thing is a bit insecure about you and his brother but you'll find a way to try and ease it for him
Lucien slight NSFW
The man has a cool calm demeanor and a confidence that seems unshakable. Damn he looks hot while giving his lectures at Loveland Uni
Being the hot as hell POA that you are, you turn the heads of some of the university boys there. I mean, really. What's there not to love about you. You're fucking cute
He may not show his jealousy but it is there, building like a shaken coke bottle. Watching a guy sneak small whispers to you during his lecture? Not going to go unpunished.
Has the manners not to call you two out in front of the entire class but after his lecture ends, you best believe that this man is going to make the two of you stay behind.
Once all the other students have filed out of the lecture hall, he will begin. In his low, unwavering voice he will say to both of you (but mainly the guy since he did most of the talking) "I don't appreciate being talked over in my own lecture hall. If you don't have the courtesy to let other students learn, then I urge you to leave." He says, all serious. The small smile he usually gives you will not be there. It's more than just a light scolding.
Once he dismisses the other student, who leaves a little scared of how the professor talked to him, he will give you your scolding by going to the seat behind a desk and patting his knee. He takes off his glasses and gives you one of those piercing stares that let you know that he is deadly serious
Even if you protest that he was the one who started talking to you, he will not even say a word. His eyes will never leave you as you try convince him. This man is a bad jealous (not bad bad but pretty bad at handling it)
After you finally bend over his knee, he will pull down your trousers or skirt and tug down your panties, letting them pool at your bent knees. "You know that I don't like to share you MC" he will say in his deep voice
You'd best believe that he is making you count each one and thank the professor. You can feel his fingers occasionally dip down to tease you a little before returning to your now pink ass
20 spanks and a whole round of orgasm denial later, he will send you on your way but tells you to come over to his place later where you will continue...
I hope you enjoyed that. I am sorry if Lucien was a little short. I'll try to do better next time. If you have any scenes you want in particular, feel free to leave me a message and I'll do my best to complete it
Thank you
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youmeandwords · 6 years
Open thy doors
Tumblr media
Pairing: Do Kyungsoo x Reader
Genre: Smut 
Rated: M
Summary: Widowed and lonely, you are tempted into a sinful and physical connection with a nice church boy who comes to pray for you. 
*Side note: This is my first take on posting my writings on Tumblr. My original documents of my writings regarding the female leads will of had names, but since I’m sharing this, I’ve replaced them to be open to imagination. I hope you enjoy and feel free to share, repost, and leave feedbacks~ Enjoy! :) -Pt Continue reading: Chapter 2
Chapter 1: The Green House
“I’m sorry for your loss, Y/N. Your husband was a great man.” replied Father Kim. 
“I appreciate your kind gesture, Father Kim. I know that my husband, Minjoo would of thanked you as well. Thank you for sending him off well.” replied the late widow Y/N. She bid Father Kim good bye as she went back to tend her husband’s funeral rites. From a distance, Y/N could hear the elder women gossiping about Minjoo’s death and how young he had left behind his wife of 30 years old. 
During the late church youth service, a young man named Do, Kyungsoo was interrupted by Father Kim. 
“Kyungsoo-ah…I have a request for you, I need to you to provide a monthly prayer service to one of our member who’s recently became a widow. I will let her know of your presence as of next month.” replied Father Kim.
“Father Kim, for how long will I be attending this?” asked Kyungsoo.
“For about 3 months every Sunday after services, most families do well with grieving but this is just a complimentary service of our church. It’s also our duty to console their loss. Let me know if you can not make it during those months…” replied Father Kim, with that Kyungsoo bid him good bye. 
“What did Father Kim ask of you?” asked a voice from behind Kyungsoo. He turned around to see it was Ara. She smiled sweetly at Kyungsoo, she had a crush on Kyungsoo ever since they met each other during the yearly church camp event. 
“Oh, I was tasked to give prayers to a recent church member who became a widow…what brings you here?” asked Kyungsoo with a shy smile, he was surprised to see Ara. Her sunny aurora gave Kyungsoo butterflies. 
“I just wanted to see you and see if you wanted to grab some ice cream?” asked Ara. 
“Sure, let’s go…my treat since last time you paid.” Kyungsoo and Ara head off to get some ice cream. 
Over the phone, Father Kim communicates to Y/N about the prayer service that she would be getting for 3 months. Y/N thanked Father Kim as she glanced over at her late husband Minjoo’s photo. What was she going to do without him, the house was quiet as ever. He left her in a huge house along with his parents who rarely was ever home. They lived in different quarters. They never liked Y/N to begin with, and tried to disassociate with her mostly. Y/N didn’t care too much to be liked from his parents, as long as she had Minjoo’s love. As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to a month Y/N slept with Minjoo’s sweater. His scent slowly fades away from her, as she tries hard to grasp onto his non-existence. 
Sunday had roamed around as Kyungsoo found himself standing before Y/N’s door. He knocked 3 times. Fixed his tie and hair. Then the doors opened. 
“You must be the boy that Father Kim sent to me.” replied Y/N. Her eyes gazed over a tall slim figured boy. He was wearing a plain white flannel, grey dress pants and a black tie. Hair slicked back. Kyungsoo cleared his throat as his eyes were engaged with Y/N’s presences. He failed to realized she was still so young, his assumptions were wrong. Y/N was still dressed in a black dress; but oddly her heels were red which made him curious. 
“My name is Do, Kyungsoo. Father Kim has sent me to provide prayers for you during this difficult time period. My condolences.” Kyungsoo replied politely. 
“Thank you, please this way.” Y/N replied as she led them to Minjoo’s office. She was absent in his prayer session; failed to notice Kyungsoo’s existence. He diligently carried on as instructed and prayed for her and gave Y/N words of console and scriptures. 
“Is there anything else you’d like me to pray for, miss Y/N?” Kyungsoo questioned. Y/N was quiet as ever gazing into the stained window. 
“How long do you have to be here for?” Y/N asked him. 
“For about 3 months…” Kyungsoo replied. Y/N reaches to grab the cup of tea but dropped it as she forgotten how hot it was. The tea cup breaks as she tries to pick up the pieces but cuts her finger. Kyungsoo rushes over to help; he grabs her wrist and covers her finger with his handkerchief. Y/N is startled but becomes lost in Kyungsoo’s gentle handling. 
“Are you ok? Please be more careful and pay attention.” Kyungsoo voices out. Those words hit Y/N’s heart as she wraps her arms around Kyungsoo’s neck and hugs him close to her. Y/N wanted to feel something again, feel alive, feel some kind of warmth. Feeling shocked from Y/N wrapping herself onto him, Kyungsoo awkwardly and kindly pats her on the back. Y/N reminisces of the time Minjoo warned her of being careless many times, her late husband was always caring and worried about Y/N. 
“I’m sorry, please forgive me of my irrational behavior…I was…just…reminded of him. Your words.” replied Y/N as she pulls away from Kyungsoo. 
“It’s understandable…do you have a first aid kit? I can help bandage your finger.” Kyungsoo replies. Y/N brings the first aid kit over and watches Kyungsoo put a band aid over her finger. He was delicate and careful in making sure there was no pain; Y/N curiously gazes over his facial and body features. 
“I’m sorry if I ignored your prayers. I feel horrible.” replied Y/N. 
“It’s ok…I can only imagine what you’ve been going through.” Kyungsoo replies. Y/N places her hand on Kyungsoo’s thigh, her eyes lit up at him as she gazes at him with curiosity. Kyungsoo feeling weird at Y/N’s hand placement, he gulps at her and tries to relax. 
“Can you hold me once before you go? If that’s alright with you?” asked Y/N. Kyungsoo found it hard to decline, as he awkwardly held her in his arms as Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt engulfed into his broad shoulders, his scent was inviting, she could hear his heart beating rapidly. Was she losing her mind already, Y/N thought to herself as she held onto Kyungsoo briefly. 
“Thank you for understanding me. I really appreciate you coming here and giving me a reason to look up again.” Y/N replied. 
“If it glorifies the Lord’s work that you have found answers, then I’m happy to help you from the dark shadows. We all need a hand to stand up when we feel weak.” replied Kyungsoo. From that moment on, Y/N highly anticipated Kyungsoo’s arrival the following month. Maybe it was due to hormones or the abstinence of being taken passionately that drove Y/N desperate for some kind of physical connection. She could not forget Kyungsoo’s scent, broad shoulders, luscious heart shaped lips and those deep gazing eyes. 
It was a Saturday afternoon that Kyungsoo would be heading over to visit Y/N. She made sure she wore something revealing while primping her face up. She was waiting at the green house for him. Kyungsoo was led to the greenhouse, he closed the door behind and wandered amongst the various green plants and trees inside to see her spritzing water on some plants. 
“Miss Y/N…sorry for keeping you wait.” Kyungsoo approached her. Y/N turned around and smiled at Kyungsoo, placing down the water-can she welcomed him to a seat. 
“It’s ok…sorry for making you walk the distance back to the green house…I’m ready for you.” Y/N replied. 
“Father Kim wanted me to perform communion, so I brought it if you wanted to proceed.” replied Kyungsoo. 
“Thank you, I’d like to. Please.” Y/N replied. 
“Come let us close our eyes and join in prayers…shall we?” asked Kyungsoo with a gentle smile. Y/N nodded as she got on her knees and held her hands in prayers. Kyungsoo in standing position placed his right hand on Y/N’s head; started to recite prayers for Y/N. After finishing prayers, Kyungsoo opened his eyes and proceeded to communion. Bread and wine in both his hands, he looked down at Y/N to notice her perky breast cleavage making him distracted; eyes closed at the sight of lust building inside of him. He had accidentally spilt the red wine down Y/N’s breast. She gasped at the coldness of the wine, Kyungsoo opened his eyes to see her dripping in the wine.  
“I’m so sorry…I..I didn’t mean to…” replied Kyungsoo trembling and looking for a towel nearby. 
“It’s ok…I’m sure you are nervous. Please continue.” Y/N replied. Kyungsoo pulled himself together as he proceeded to give Y/N the bread. Y/N’s eyes glancing up at Kyungsoo as he places the bread chip into Y/N’s mouth, his mind filled with impure thoughts. He handed the chalice cup of red wine for Y/N to drink from. Y/N thanked Kyungsoo for communion, as all of a suddenly it started to rain. 
“It’s raining…” Kyungsoo spoke. As Y/N tried to stand up, her knees gave up as she collapsed onto Kyungsoo between his legs causing him to take a seat on the loveseat couch behind him. 
“Are you ok? You must of kneeled too long.” Kyungsoo spoke out. 
“I’m fine…silly me.” Y/N replied as she caught his eyes gazing down at her. He gulped at the sight of those hungry eyes searching for something. 
“Kyungsoo-ah…forgive me. Please.” Y/N whispered with her face down.
“For what? You didn’t do anything wrong?” Kyungsoo replied. 
“I’ve been dealing with personal temptations…of which I can no longer contain myself.” Y/N replied as she hastily unbelted Kyungsoo’s pants. Kyungsoo shocked at her tugging his belt, unzipping him, making him feel a certain way. 
“Please…Miss Y/N, we can talk if you want…we don’t have to do this.” Kyungsoo pleaded with Y/N but she rubbed his twitching groin as it got stimulated. 
“Miss Y/N…I’m..not ready for this. Please.” Kyungsoo whimpered breathless.
“It’s ok…I’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt.” Y/N replied as she placed her mouth over his solid jewel making him groan, eyes closed. She twirled her moist tongue over the tip of his erupted head, Kyungsoo gripping onto the sofa. He was tempted to push her away but was weak to the feelings of ecstasy happening between his legs. Eyes rolled back Kyungsoo sat back as Y/N sucked the life soul out of him. Y/N stood up before Kyungsoo as he watched her untie her wine drenched wrap dress to reveal her laced red panties. Kyungsoo was gazing at a sexual demon spirit as she approached him sitting on his lap. Y/N grabbed both of Kyungsoo’s hands and placed them over her bare breast.
“Touch me, please.” Y/N moaned. Kyungsoo fighting the urge to resist but could not as he found himself gripping onto her breast.
“Take them into your mouth and suck.” Y/N asked. Kyungsoo did as he was told, holding her breast in his hand and sucking on her right tit. His plump heart shaped lips surrounded her hard nipples making Y/N moan breathlessly. He ran his thumb over her left tit sending chills down Y/N’s back. 
“I want you to fcuk me Kyungsoo….please. I need you inside of me…so bad.” Y/N whispered into his ears. He pulled her panties to the side and positioned her in. The warm cushions of lust filled his hard cock causing him to grunt at the the tightness of her walls. 
“Fcuk me…fcuk me, please.” Y/N moaned into his ears. He threw a couple thrust into her, sending her off sky high. He could not control himself longer as Y/N rocked him into her. 
“I’m gonna come~” Kyungsoo moaned out.
“I want you to come into my mouth.” Y/N replied as she got off of Kyungsoo and onto her knees. She took his cock into her mouth again, getting a taste of her sweet self cum. Kyungsoo groaned as Y/N rocked her head over his rocket cock, his hand gripping onto her head. 30 seconds down, he groan in release of his load into her mouth. Lifeless he laid back exhausted from all that work watching Y/N wipe her mouth as she put back on her wrap dress. 
“The rain just doesn’t stop…” replied Y/N with a smile on her face. Quietly Y/N walked Kyungsoo back to his car. 
“Thank you for coming…I really appreciate what your doing.” Y/N smiled. Kyungsoo nods in silence as he watches her wave him off. What was he going to do from now on. His head was filled with so many dirty moments of Y/N, his ride home was not easy. The following Sunday came, as Kyungsoo was greeting everyone at the doors for service. 
“Welcome…welcome to Sunday service…please help yourself to a seat.” he replied to all the church members. 
“Kyungsoo…how are you?” Y/N greeted him sweetly. She wore a white laced dress with the same red heels to Sunday church service. 
“Hi Miss Y/N…I’m fine. Welcome to Sunday service, please help yourself to a seat.” he replied. He watched her walk off and find an open space to sit. Ara noticed Kyungsoo gazing at Y/N as she nudged him. 
“You ok? She still ignoring your prayer service?” Ara questioned. Kyungsoo awkwardly laugh, “No, she’s somewhat changed. She’s wearing white.” 
“I’ll save you a spot.” replied Ara as she heads off to sit down. 
45 minutes into the service, Kyungsoo notices Y/N get up and leave. He excuses himself from Ara saying he was gonna use the restroom. He follows after Y/N and notices that she went off into the women’s bathroom. 15 minutes later, Y/N heads back to service as she is swiftly pulled away by Kyungsoo. He brings her to a secluded dimmed library area. 
“Kyungsoo, what’s the matter?” asked Y/N as she catches her breath leaning on the table. Kyungsoo backs her up to the book shelf, his right arm blocked her from moving. His gentle eyes turn dark and stern which strangely and slowly turns Y/N on. She never saw this side before as she gazes into his eyes trying to be focused and unafraid of what he could do to her. 
“What are you trying to do to me? I never imagined you to be like that…” Kyungsoo replied, eyes unmoved from her. 
“I was tempted by you, and I caved in…what was I suppose to do. Please…teach me…or punish me.” Y/N replied with eyes fierce and hot for him. 
Kyungsoo could not resist her after that rainy night. He spent the remaining nights jerking himself to her despite feeling the guilt. How was he going to approach Ara. His virginity was taken like a moment of heat. He kissed Y/N while groping her breast making Y/N moan. 
“So you want me to teach you and punish you, huh~” his voice low and sternly as he forcefully turned her onto the table reaching for her panties and pulling them down to her ankles. He exposed her round ass and slapped them. Y/N biting her lips in suppressing the stingy pain that he left her. He reach around and rubbed her clit making her squirm in moans. 
“I hope those red heels hold you up good. You’re already wet, you Jezebel whore.” Kyungsoo replied as he slapped her ass again before mounting her with his throbbing cock. He thrusted into her and paused as he pulled her back for a french kiss. Y/N moaned in ecstasy as Kyungsoo was pumping himself into her. She never imagined this dark side of Kyungsoo, it was scary yet thrilling. He pulled out of her and made her kneel before him. 
“Take this cock and make me cum…I want to see you swallow your dirty sins.” Kyungsoo replied. Y/N obeyed as she sucked him off so good that he was gripping the table for support. He watched her lips wrapped around his hard cock working so hard. 
“You’re so good, so fuckin’ good. Suck my cock to repent from your sinful nature.” Kyungsoo replied before cumming into her mouth. Y/N swallowed his load as he lightly patted her face in pleasure. 
“You’ve been forgiven…” Kyungsoo smirks pleasantly. The two clean up after themselves. 
“Why do you always wear red heels?” Kyungsoo asks Y/N.
“Wouldn’t you like to know...but I’ll save it for next time during my confessions.” Y/N devilishly smiled and fixed Kyungsoo’s tie in place. The two separately part ways before people noticed. Unfortunately a pair of mischievous cat eyes had seen and heard too much of everything. Inside these library walls they had woken up this sleepy cat from his quiet nap. Now it was time for someone to fess up to their personal sin confessions or be exposed in the holy court of God.  
Hopefully you enjoyed this sinful session. Pray for more...
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