#also he dances besutifully
he was very nice! and i was not expecting him to stage door cause he used to not but he did! i was literally shaking it was so insane i don’t know how i was able to even string together a coherent sentence, i’m not sure i even was coherent tbh. but! katya and i told him we were friends because of newsies and he said “oh classic!” and i asked him to sign my newsies tour playbill from Nine Fucking Years Ago and he looked positively elated. he was confused where the theater was and i had to explain to him that i convinced my parents to drive like 8 hours round trip to fucking connecticut to go see the show back in the day. and then we took a picture with him and he was so nice and wonderful and i’m still not fucking over it. what does one do when they meet someone who very directly changed the entire trajectory of their life? i wanted to tell him that but i think i would have been absolutely a bumbling mess. as it was my hands were fucking Shaking and afterwards we met three more people at the stage door and i think i said thank you to them when they told me thank you for coming so katya and i made the executive decision to Dip and then we were still so fucking flustered that we voluntarily walked through times fucking square. i don’t really consciously remember doing much else after that, it felt like a genuine out of body experience. now i’m forever going to have to explain when people ask if i’ve ever been star struck that yes i was and it was for ben cook.
i tried to imagine explaining the whole thing to me nine years ago and i think she would be very happy to know that i’m not exactly where i thought i would end up but everything turned out alright in the end
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