#also for battle of the dually-parted hair
legobiwan · 4 years
TCW Rewatch: “Cloak of Darkness” (S1, E 9)
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If anyone ever doubted whose Padawan Ahsoka was, this should serve as definitive proof.
Gunray: “I want my lawyer.” Clones: “What do you think this is, an American police procedural?”
I hereby christen this episode, “BATTLE OF THE HAIR”
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They should have known right there Argyle was a traitor. 
Okay, but I love Dooku being totally on it in terms of, “yes, things have gone to shit, but I have a Plan X, Y, and Z.”
More than once, Dooku admonishes Ventress to “prove she’s worthy of being his apprentice.” Now yes, this is Standard Sith talk, of course, but allow me to over-interpret this for a moment and ponder the notion that Dooku is (subconsciously) trying to fill the holes left by Qui-gon’s death and Rael’s...well, we don’t know in canon what happened to Rael at this point but I have my own headcanon and it doesn’t turn out well. (Think Bojack Season 6, Episode 15 *not* 16.) Ventress, in a way, was never going to be worthy of Dooku only because she was proxy for his two dead Padawans, and even so Dooku cared enough to be conflicted when he finally had to do her in via Sidious’s orders later on.
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Ahsoka’s “interrogation” of Nute Gunray is hilarious as she is so obviously mimicking something Anakin did in the past in terms of playing bad cop, right down to the excuse that she was faking it to get information. (Would Anakin have told Obi-wan the same thing? Abso-fucking-lutely.)
Uhhh, I’m with Ventress here, I, too, would have decapitated a guy for calling me a bald - 
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Don’t blame her one bit.
Ahsoka, really? Too powerful for one Jedi except you who threatened to kill her? Gods, she is such a teenager here it’s hilarious. 
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By the way? Ventress is good at what she does. Just saying, Dooku has good taste and trains his students well.
I love Gunray offering to buy someone a planet in return for his pardon. Come over to the States, Gunray, our federal government seemingly has more than enough room for beings like you. *sobs in American*
“Halt, assassin!”
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Little moments like this are the best. It’s a throwaway line that says so much about Luminara’s character. The language is antiquated, even for the sometimes-Shakespearean GFFA, which tells us Luminara is a traditional Jedi, even more so than Obi-wan who hides behind both protocol and a casual, barbed wit. And - while like most Jedi - Luminara definitely has a taste for adventure, she is one of the more rule-bound Masters and it makes wonder if that clashed with Barriss’s personality, despite them being from the same species and culture and if that pairing and assumption contributed to the problem. (Which brings up a whole other interesting question of who gets paired with whom in terms of humans vs. non-humans in the Jedi Order and would be an interesting case study I do not have time to delve into at the moment.)
This is a great sequence:
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Argyle argues that the whole point is that he (and Ahsoka) are superior to droids because they can make the “right? decision. At the same time, the clone argues that he would stay. But is a clone a droid or a sentient and the backdrop for this little conversation is telling, especially that line about “empty servitude,” which could describe the droids, the clones, or even the Jedi in light of their relationship with the corrupt(ing) Republic. 
Ah, Luminara going for the self-esteem insults versus Ventress, saying her fighting style is a messy copy of Dooku’s. Not a bad ploy, considering the personalities involved. 
Argyle calling Ahsoka “Master Jedi” you smarmy son of a bitch.
Oh boy, Argyle, you better shut it, you’re gonna get skwered - 
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And yeah, I think we all saw that coming. 
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