#also fhsy was coming off the heels of acoc which was SO serious
volstruckerz · 22 days
NO but you guys don’t get it. kristen was so different in freshman year for OBVIOUS reasons but also she was just more nervous and quiet and awkward and unsure but still always good-natured and kind and came through for her new friends (although still ALWAYS speaking her mind ofc) and then in sophomore year she’s on her own, trying to find herself while everything she thought she knew about life was turned on it’s head. she’s more outspoken and chaotic and WAY more wild but still inherently kind when it matters. and then in junior year she still has that chaotic vibe but with a confidence and swag, and she’s running for class president and she’s the most popular girl in school and she has a more settled energy, finding a home in doubt and uncertainty even as she fucks up and fumbles and still tries to grow, again and again. still stays kind.
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