#also come on... it's handful of gold... and he's sunshine yah know <3
wydmariana · 4 years
        hi my loves   !   ur  fav  big  mess  dani   here   ,  i  also  play  our  hailey  fc  alanna  heh   !   i’m  bringing  back  my  bbyg  mariana   !  she’s  my  original  wealthy  character  &  i’ve  had  her  for  like over  3   years   ,  i’m  super  excited  2  be  playing  her  again  &  i  hope  u  guys  rly  like  her   !!!  i’m  gonna  put  all  the   tea  on  her  under  the  cut  &  if  u  wanna  plot  like   this  &   i’ll  come  bug  u  , i  rly  always  need  connections  n  love  plotting  ♡  u  can  also  hmu  on  discord  !! @ 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958
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new york’s very own mariana cavello was spotted on broadway street in christian louboutins . your resemblance to selena gomez is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being stubborn , but also adroit . i guess being a gemini explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be  lyrics  scribbled  in  a  notebook  ,  gold  jewelry  ,  &  blue  nail  polish  . ( i  defeaned  a  girl  in  a  fight  when  i  was  17 )  &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
╰ ˚・゚  ♡   𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔   :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari,
age: twenty four
date of birth: june 4th
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: alexander hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 113lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart  : gemini sun  ,  libra moon  ,  scorpio rising
character  inspo  :  meredith  grey  (  grey’s  anatomy  )  ,  simone  davis  (  star  )  ,  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  fucking  world  )  ,  carla  (  elite  )  ,   kat  stratford  (  10  things  i  hate  about  you  )  ,  serena  vanderwoodsen  (  gossip  girl  )  ,  jessica  davis  (  13 reasons  why  )
pinterest  board  :  here .
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚  &  𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕   (   tw  :  abuse ,   violence  , injury ,   sexual  assault .  )  :
ok i changed her around quite a lil bit so i’m excited to rEdevelop !  :~)
mariana was born into a seemingly perfect family ,  her older brother &  her having been born heirs to alexander hastings , billionaire hotel & business entrepreneur , shark-tank cast member  ( think kevin o’leary vibes .. yeah . ) &  liliana cavello , legendary supermodel  ( think cindy crawford )
she was spoiled bc they were rich af , so like she never NEEDED for anything , except LoVe :)
mari was quick to blow her dad’s money but did he notice ? no
she still is kjdfnsjdf
mariana was a happy child, but growing up in a household with her father quickly became toxic
she started noticing it when she was around 10
his yelling , his anger against her mother , the hostility towards the entire household
the relationship between her parents always had been toxic but now that they had kids it was quick to spread through the whole household
as mariana grew older and started high school , there were times where she would sit in one of the offices of her father’s buildings and do homework while she waited for him to finish so they could go home
at the mere age of fifteen was the first time one of her father’s co-workers sexually assaulted her in an empty conference room after everyone else went home & she’d be waiting for her dad
this continued for a little under  2  years .
this is when her behaviour at school started to get out of hand, she’d start skipping class, get caught smoking pot, talking back to teachers, etc
it went on for months & mariana suspected that her father knew and wasn’t doing anything to stop it
when she turned 16  &  got  a  boyfriend  , it started affecting her even more . she was struggling w being intimate bc of these things that  were happening to her
which is when she eventually  confronted him about it , in tears , in the kitchen with her mother
it resulted in a screaming match
mariana’s behaviour completely went off the rails after that day & she went to school one day & got into a fight with this girl who was taunting her
they fought and mariana’s anger got the best of her &  she ended up beating the girl so bad that she became deaf in one ear
shoutout to degrassi for the idea Ok female sean cameron in the house
( i needed a secret for mari n i was watching this so i was like .. ok why not lol )
she turned 17 shortly after this argument and by some miracle ( aka money ) her dad was able to keep her out of juvie despite the charges that were brought against her
this is mariana’s secret!!!!!
anyway now , she doesn’t talk to her father really , at all . unless her mom ambushes them into the same room which sometimes happens jkfnsf
mariana moved out on her 18th birthday ,  still has a good relationship with her  mom and brother  &   extended family
when mariana turned 18 was also when she started her career !! she started out as an actor in a few different movies
she got her big break when she starred in a ‘riverdale or like , grey’s anatomy’ type of show a few years ago prob when she was about 19
and that went on for 2 or 3 seasons before she stopped it to pursue music bc !
writing and singing and performing have always been Mariana’s passions & emotional outlet
anyway , she dropped a single while on the show & it did well so she proceeded to drop an album which also blew up
she is now rly successful w her music career and loves it sm , like it’s literally her dream come true ok
it’s the one thing that makes her happy
so yah , if ppl knew she deafened a girl totally wouldn’t b all sunshine n rainbows :/ hehe .
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  (   tw  :  drugs  )  :
mariana is very lowkey crazy
like she knows how to hide it but girl , it’ll come out
she can definitely be a brat , she wasn’t raised with proper consequences & often thinks she can do whatever she wants , has a bit of an attitude about it
she hates being told what to do
and will voice her opinion
she is also the most loyal & loving person you know , but the thing is it’s very hidden deep down rn . she is completely walls up , doesn’t wanna let anyone get close to her bc she’s a PUSSY
and like , she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will
the only opening up she does is when she’s writing music
daddy issues galore over here
but she’s a lowkey softie when she  waants 2 be
when she loves someone she loves fiercly !!
mariana . is a  . party . animal
it’s basically all she does
like every night , her stamina is insane bc she can go out every single night until 3 am if she really wants to .
and she’s fun too , if she’s going out she’s getting WASTED
she’s the type of drunk girl to make out w  all her friends
she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (   but who isn’t in this city  ), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
we luv a bitch who doesn’t care abt her health !
u will most likely find her in sweatpants and a hoodie or a big tshirt
she will dress up to go out & luvs lookin cute for paparazzi & career stuff
um , she listens to a lot of rap and just lays in bed  w her cat smoking blunts
um n ya  .. sad bitch vibes :/
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  :
i have  a wanted connections page here    &   a   wanted  tag  here  !!! i need & want every connection so pls hmu ! like this  &  i’ll come to you .
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caladhel-iarian · 5 years
Introduction: Dhel, Vocalist for Dysphoria
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full name.  Caladhel Ia’rian.
pronunciation.  CULL-uh-DELL. YAH-ree-ON.
This is both his stage name and a family nickname.
This is a family nickname only. His grandmothers, his parents, and his siblings typically call him this.
Professor [Ia’rian].
His more ambitious students and his colleagues address him by this title.
Master [Caladhel].
It may seem trite, but Dhel has his reasons for enjoying this title beyond, “I’m a big, bad Dom, now get on your knees.” 
His students call him this behind his back. Unfortunately for them, while his vision may not be great, he has excellent hearing.
The Ice Prince
Would-be wives and ex-girlfriends call him this, usually with wistful sighs and a glint in their eyes that says they want to be the one to melt that ice.
Thanks, Ji.
An obscure pronunciation of Dhel, you probably shouldn’t call him this if you like yourself the shape you currently are.
A lot of people seem to want to call him this, but if you enjoy his company and want to continue to enjoy it, I can’t recommend this. Dhel hates this and likely any woman who tries to address him this way. Use this term in bed and he’ll probably toss you straight out the window without bothering to open it first. Did I mention he lives in the penthouse on the top floor?
Various other silly endearments his brothers come up with on the fly.
Usually some form of alliteration.
height.  8′. He’s a big boy.
age.  305. Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
zodiac. Scorpio, with many of the negative traits said to come with the sign.
languages. If it’s a language, he probably has some passing familiarity with it, at least enough to ask for directions. He has native-speaker-fluency in Thalassian, Darnassian (ancient and modern), Shalassian, and Common. 
hair colour. Thick, silky, and blacker than a crow’s wing with azure highlights in the sun. Mostly straight, though the jagged ends often sweep out in all directions. He has two long strands that drape over his shoulders and touch his abs, shaggy bangs, and the rest is a choppy mess.
eye colour.  Beneath the lime green glow, his irises are a rich chocolate brown with gold flecks. They resemble a deeper, darker tiger’s eye held up to light.
skin tone.  Olive with gold undertones.
body type.  Enormous, broad-shouldered, and covered in lean, ropy muscle, Dhel has the athletic build of a man who could outswim a shark on cocaine. 
accent.  Shalassian. He sounds like a cross between someone who speaks a Slavic tongue and an eastern Asian tongue.
dominant hand.  Ambidextrous, but he’s a southpaw naturally.
posture. Tall. Stately. Proud. Self-assured. Dhel walks like a man who knows exactly where he belongs in this world: in charge of it.
Thick, knotty scars cover his ankles, his heels, and his soles. They appear to be the results of clumsy hands wielding serrated knives.
The rest of his body bears the typical scars earned through childhood adventure:
A long, thin scar runs up the back of his left calf as a result of a tree-climbing accident.
His knuckles bear the marks from a stupid game of “does it hurt?” he played with his brothers and other students. The game involves rubbing a pencil eraser over the knuckles until the victim either cries uncle or bleeds.
A thin scar spans the length of his left palm. Made by Bren’s treasured pocket knife, it’s the reminder of a blood pact he made with his brothers as children.
Left arm:
Family crest on the inside of his forearm. It’s a massive wisteria tree on a hill with the sun rising behind it.
Infinity symbol curling around his wrist. It looks like a musical staff with several notes.
A trio of fox kits chase a red butterfly down the outside of his forearm.
Musical staff around his bicep. The staff contains notation and a few lyrics written in ancient Darnassian.
Canary, I want to break your wings but if I do, will you ever sing again? Canary, here is all I can give you. You can have everything as long as you promise to stay in my gilded cage...
Oh, sweet Alice, who do you love? How many suitors do I have to get rid of?
Right arm:
Azure cloud serpent Ouroboros on the outside of his forearm.
Slumping marionette with severed strings on the outside of his bicep.
Fleur de lis on the inside of his wrist.
A Punch ‘n Judy stage with the titular characters on the inside of his bicep.
Words from his favourite poem on the inside of his forearm.
The poem reads:
If I freed you now, to whom next would you fly? I’d rather watch you wither under these hands than see you tamed by a snake who can only slither in the dirt, belly-down and ambitions no higher than his eye level. I’d decapitate every liar who approached you with sweet words. I’m not better than a devil who slept so long without you that my bed forgot your shape and my trembling fingers nurture the weeds that grew in the home I made for you where your sunshine still lingers.
Full body:
From his jawline to his toes, he is covered in runic tattoos that are only visible when he uses magic. They glow a vivid violet during his spellcasting and should you catch a glimpse of them, the runes come from a language thought long dead. 
most noticeable features.
An expression that says he wakes every morning to find someone has pissed in his shoes.
A lower lip piercing that he usually only wears onstage and for photo shoots.
His height. The man is enormous.
Glasses. If he’s not wearing contacts, he’s wearing his glasses. Otherwise, he can’t see his hand in front of his face.
A glacial glare, harder than diamonds and sharper than the edge of an obsidian blade.
Tattoos. Many, many tattoos.
His cheeks dimple when he smiles and his smile is crooked; the left side of his mouth pulls up higher.
Dhel is a chainsmoker. You’ll rarely see him without a cigarette and a cloud of purple smoke hanging around him.
The air around him is a good 3-5 degrees colder than the rest of his surroundings and if you touch his skin, you’ll find it cool as a cucumber. When he’s angry, the temperature drops even further and he’s been known to sprout ice crystals.
place of birth.  Sunset Palace on Skyfire Isle. The palace sits at the end of Morning Glory Lane in the eastern part of the capital city, Berl’din Mor. Skyfire Isle is a massive island about fifty leagues to the northeast of Quel’danas.
hometown.  Berl’din Mor, Skyfire Isle.
birth weight / height. 8 lbs. 23 inches.
manner of birth. He was the second of the triplets born to first-time parents, Taenaran and Sumire Ia’rian. His brother, Calaglin, preceded him by two minutes and his other brother, Calabren, followed Caladhel two minutes later. Sumire gave birth to her first three children in the royal family’s wing of the palace with her mother (Mienari Ker’anith) and her mother-in-law (Tekkele Ia’rian) attending her alongside the midwives.
first words.  “Mm-mh.” (He couldn’t quite say “no” yet, so this was a suitable substitute for him.) “Ann’da.”
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Dhel with his tired baby brothers, Yenchul (red shirt) and Tevryn (blue shirt).
Calaglin Ia’rian 
Elder twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Calabren Ia’rian
Younger twin brother by two minutes.
305 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his mid-to-late 30′s.
Ylinderwyn Ia’rian
Eldest sister.
218 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her mid 20′s.
Kethian Ia’rian
149 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her early 20′s.
Istaunna Ia’rian
84 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 14 year old human.
Kouwin Ia’rian 
Brother and older twin of Kouyuu by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Kouyuu Ia’rian 
Brother and younger twin of Kouwin by five minutes.
68 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 9/10 year old human.
Yenchul Ia’rian
Brother and adopted twin of Tevryn.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Tevryn Ia’rian
Adopted brother and twin of Yenchul.
25 years.
Roughly equivalent to a 6 year old human.
Phirayaela Ia’rian
3 years.
Taenaran Ia’rian
Current monarch of Skyfire Isle.
Elder twin brother of Taenorin Ia’rian (deceased).
722 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in his 40′s.
Sumire Ia’rian nee Ker’anith
Current empress of Skyfire Isle.
621 years.
Roughly equivalent to a human in her late 30′s to mid-40′s.
parental involvement. High. His parents love their children and, despite having governesses and tutors to aid in watching their large brood, both Taenaran and Sumire made it a point to spend as much time with their kids as they could. The entire family is close-knit and protective of one another, and they always spend the holidays together. Not to mention, each of the older children has a comm device and the family keeps in regular contact.
Vocalist, lyricist, and pianist for Dysphoria.
Crown prince and heir apparent.
Adjunct professor at both the Sunfury Spire (Silvermoon) and the Violet Academy (Dalaran).
He teaches:
World Mythology (fall term).
Ancient Runes (fall term).
Advanced Evocation (spring term).
General education (both terms).
He only teaches general education to students 12 and younger.
On occasion, he also teaches ballroom dancing as an afterschool club elective.
close friends. Dhel is a private, moody man and if you aren’t part of his family, he’s more likely to shove you an arm’s length away than welcome you into his embrace--and he has a wingspan greater than seven feet. But he does have a few people who have managed to get reasonably close to him. They include:
Lin @calaglin-iarian
Bren @calabren-iarian
Eldya @eldya
Ji @puppet-master-jihye
Kearhyn @kearhyn
and Amorette, @amorette-frostsong
Reikandalin Ia’non (who doesn’t have a Tumblr)
Ishikilan Phyr’yl (who also doesn’t have a Tumblr).
He needs more friends. 
relationship status. Although he’ll tell you he’s married to his work, Dhel isn’t actually committed and doesn’t even seem to be dating anyone. But honestly, with his acid tongue and icy nature, that probably isn’t surprising. At this point, I’m not sure anyone could put up with him long enough to actually want to start a romantic relationship. When it comes to warming up to people, he moves slower than a glacier. A romance with Dhel takes time and effort, but in return, you’ll get a devoted elf who will move the universe for you.
financial status. Wealthy. Although a teacher’s salary won’t usually afford you a lavish life, Dhel is a prince from two long lines of royalty and noble blood... which means he has plenty of access to the family coffers. He also offers private tutoring for promising students and fronts a popular rock band during the summer and winter semesters.
driver’s license. I don’t think Azeroth really requires a driver’s license, but if it did--or if he were transplanted to modern day Earth--he would certainly make it a point to get his license. And probably be heavily invested in car mechanics.
criminal record.
Dhel has never been suspected of, charged, nor convicted for any crimes; his record is cleaner than a fresh sheet. But he is certainly guilty of several less-than-savoury activities, including (but not limited to):
Illegal drug use.
Blackmail and bribery.
Human trafficking and false imprisonment.
Use (and abuse) of fel magic.
Grand larceny and looting.
Assault and battery.
He is a careful planner who takes precautions to hide his tracks. Royalty can be dethroned.
With more vices than the sky has stars, I’ll provide a few of his more prominent vices and a link to a complete list of his personality problems for those interested in seeing it.
Addiction (painkillers and cigarettes).
Full list of Dhel’s vices can be found here.
sexual orientation.  Heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. If you want Dhel’s attention, bring a strong personality and a brain. You can have the prettiest face and most perfect body in the world, but if you don’t have anything more than cotton candy or air inside your skull, Dhel will not be interested. romantic orientation.  Once again, heteroflexible, sapiosexual, and demisexual. Want to romance him or encourage him to romance you? Banter with him. Few things draw his attention more readily than a person who can keep up with him and go verbal blow for blow. His idea of flirting is bickering to test the waters.
preferred emotional role.  Dominant. Wholly dominant. Follow his lead or he will make you follow his lead.
preferred sexual role.  Dominant. Dhel typically has zero percent interest in allowing others to orchestrate any part of his life and that definitely includes the bedroom.
libido.  High, though he’s picky and doesn’t always indulge his baser wants. 
turn on’s. Intelligence. Guts. Strong personalities. Smart mouths. Dark, dry humour. Curiosity and willingness to learn. Talented people with a passion for their craft. Brats that must be broken. Creativity. Stubborn submissiveness. Adventure. Dominating others. Complete control. BDSM. His favourite riding crop. Poetry. Class (elegance). Loyalty. Obsession. Brunettes. Curves. People who can respect his solitude. Power play. Tears.
turn off’s.  Willful ignorance. People who waste his time. Wishy-washy people. Conceit. People who display evidence of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Stupidity. Listlessness, laziness. Nosiness. People with pudding spines. Infidelity. Women who try to dirty talk during sex--they inevitably say something that kills his mood. Blondes. Skin and bones. Those who haven’t figured themselves out enough to be consistent personalities. Being touched. Loss of control.
love language.  Acts of service. Gifts. Quality time.
relationship tendencies.  While he won’t hesitate to make his move for a one-night stand, Dhel is extremely picky when it comes to relationships. When he manages to land himself in a romance, he tends to think of his partner the same way a spoiled kid thinks of his favourite toy during show and tell--he wants to keep it to himself, wants to hide it away so no one else can play with it or break it. For his brothers and his family, he is wholly generous and willing to go out of his way to please them... but with a romantic partner, he looks for someone who will martyr themselves for him the same way he feels he plays the martyr for his loved ones. He seeks out those who like pain, those who have abandonment or connection issues so he can wind them around his finger and force them to be completely reliant on him. It’s another form of having control and Dhel is one bajillion percent a control freak.
And if you don’t have those issues? 
You will.
hobbies to pass the time.
Snowboarding and ice skating. He loves winter sports. 
Polar bearing with his brothers, much to their mother’s concern.
Tinkering with engineering. He likes building clockwork golems and toys, and his little siblings’ rooms are full of his experiments; the music boxes and robotic dinosaurs sit on the shelves alongside the dolls Bren creates.
Ice sculpting. His mother has a private garden dedicated to all the sculptures he’s made over the years.
Collecting books. The man could rent out his houses as libraries and if he’s traveling, you can bet he’s probably stopping in every bookstore he comes across.
Reading everything he can get his hands on. Doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll read it. You can never have too much knowledge.
Traveling and urban exploration. Dhel enjoys the strange peace he finds in the ruins of past civilizations.
Baiting people with biting banter. It’s how he vets them and uncovers those he deems worthy of his time.
Tea ceremony. Tea is his drink of choice and, as with anything he enjoys, he takes great care to learn everything he can about it. He is certified to teach the tea ceremony and has given demonstrations as an afterschool activity for those students who are interested.
Playing piano. As a child, he and his brothers were encouraged to study everything, including the arts. The triplets were allowed to choose their instruments and Dhel chose piano. He certainly has the fingers for it.
Making paper lanterns and origami. Folding the paper in such careful lines gives him a measure of peace and control; crafting soothes him in much the same way teaching does. 
Astronomy. He’s insanely curious about the stars and the worlds that lie beyond his own. One of his goals involves visiting foreign planets, especially when he visits the Consortium and hears their tales of strange places light-years away.
Hide-and-seek. As a kid, he was the hide-and-seek champion and he still enjoys playing with his younger siblings, his nieces, nephews, and small cousins.
mental illnesses.
Clinical depression.
PTSD. Thanks, Dalaran.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder. His OCD manifests in:
Unwanted acts of aggression (the urge to harm people)
The need for exactness or being as close to correct as possible.
Excessive cleanliness. Everything must be clean.
Hoarding objects gifted to him by loved ones (with the idea that if he can hold onto these things, he can hold onto the people).
Checking, double- and quintuple-checking his private possessions to ensure no one has touched or even seen them.
He gets turned on by making his partners cry.
Impostor Syndrome.
Paranoid Personality Disorder.
physical illnesses.  While these aren’t exactly illnesses, they do cause him great physical stress. Dhel’s runic tattoos are actually a terrible curse etched into his skin and any time he channels magic of any variety, his body suffers excruciating agony of the sort that makes a person pray for death. When the weather is bad, his ankles cause him tremendous pain and he becomes even grouchier than usual while he struggles to keep himself from limping in front of other people.
left or right brained.  A pretty even mixture of both. He’s coldly logical but capable of great creativity and emotion.
Losing any members of his family or his few friends.
Never being good enough for anyone or anything.
Invasive thoughts and existential crises.
Watching his brothers crumble under the weight of their own issues and being powerless to do anything to help them.
Failing his people as a leader.
Unrequited love. He watched it come far too close to destroying Lin.
self confidence level.  Dhel comes across as perfectly at home in his own skin and, for the most part, he is. It’s the stuff behind the attractive curtains he worries people will see, but he keeps those curtains glued together.
vulnerabilities.  Thanks to his curse, he isn’t able to sustain extended spellcasting. If you can exhaust him magically, then he’ll be forced to fight you physically. His ankles and feet are a weak spot. His family, though he takes great pains to ensure their safety behind the scenes because he’s a suspicious asshole.
Tagged by: @loveherdekay and @snowfallen-nymph (Thank you both for the tag; I really appreciate it!) 
Tagging: @kolabooc @sanasunbringer @amorette-frostsong @eldya @dae-shadowvale @latildarommel @veleanthe @valishoneybee @nymm-wildseeker @sanguinesorceress @susan-gampre @duraxxor @silvertonguedaggermaw and anyone else who wants to do this thing. If you do it, please tag me in it so I’ll be sure to see it.
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narika-a · 7 years
It’s Over
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6
Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Reader feat. BTS
Summary: Your parents gave you up so you had no choice but to become his wife.
Genre: Mafia AU, angst
Word count: 2,520
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You tapped your finger on the table impatiently. You still thought this wasn’t the best idea you came up with but what other choice did you have. At least the meeting place was in a relatively public area, a coffee shop in the city centre, even though you were the only customer here. You also hadn’t seen any employees ever since you got your coffee. Strange… A ray of sunshine peeked through the window and it’s light reflected on the ring you were wearing. You stopped your tapping and looked at it. You took it between your fingers but after holding it for a while, you just sighed. It’s been more than two weeks since you found out the truth about him but you still couldn’t bring yourself to take it off. You wanted nothing to do with him, yet the ring was invisibly stuck to your finger, bonding you two together.
“Gold huh?”
Startled by the voice you quickly stood up from your seat. You didn’t even hear him come in. You weren’t even expecting him to actually show up.
“Please Y/N, no need to get scared. Sit down,” he said, taking a seat opposite yours. “I don’t know if you have heard this but I issued a reward for someone who would bring you to me. You should have seen my face when you contacted me yourself,” he laughed. “How did you even do that?”
“Don’t play dumb Jimin. Your men spotted me in the city. I’m pretty sure, they reported to you right away.”
“Clever girl,” he smirked as his eyes narrowed and he stared at you like you were his pray. You could feel the tension in the air, it really was a bad decision to meet him, he’s unpredictable… But just like that after a few minutes of silence he chuckled and clapped his hands.
“Coffee!” he shouted and an employee showed up out of nowhere carrying it for him. He set the cup down, his hands trembling. You met his gaze and he was so frightened, you started wondering what was going on here once again. Jimin noticed your look.
“I ‘rented’ the whole place out. That’s why there are no people here,” he started. “But let’s just say that I had some convincing to do.”
You understood completely what he meant but you weren’t here for that. You had business to take care of.
“Why did you want to find me?” you asked.
“You intrigue me. I wanted to get to know you better,” he smirked, sipping his coffee. “That would have never been possible with Chen around.”
He stopped and picked up your hand with the ring on, inspecting it closely.
“You didn’t have this one on when we first met… What happened between you two?” he questioned.
“I don’t have to tell you,” you said, pulling away.
“You don’t. But the fact that you’re here means you’re not with him anymore,” he spoke, rising his hands in defeat and leaning back against his chair. “Not that I care. It makes things easier for me.”
He looked at his wrist watch and then back at you.
“I don’t have that much time left, so let’s get straight to the point. Why are you really here?”
You clenched your fists under the table. It’s now or never. You have to ask him.
“I need you to do me a favour…”
Jongdae’s POV
I was wasting time, being forced to attend these meetings when there was still no news about her. I kept thinking how it even came to this. I looked at my knuckles, they were still red from all the punching. I had to release my anger somewhere, if not in the gym then on other people. I was beyond irritated these past few weeks. What’s even worse, is that it’s all my fault and nobody else. I can only blame myself.
“Yah, snap out of it!” Baekhyun waved his hand in front of my face. I looked up and noticed everyone staring at me.
“What?” I mumbled. “I see no point being here. Every second I spend sitting here, she could be getting farther and farther away.”
“It has been like what, three weeks since she left now and despite having all these contacts in the city you hadn’t found her. Do you seriously expect her to show up now, after all this time? You’re an idiot,” Minseok glared at me.
“She’s smart, okay? Do you have a problem with that?” I asked standing up.
“They saw her,” Yixing interrupted. “My men saw her in the city centre just a few hours ago.”
“What?” I quickly came up to him. “Are they following her? You need to tell me where she is.”
“Don’t,” Minseok spoke before Yixing could tell me anything else. “Are you not forgetting something?”
I looked back at him.
“Yixing... Tell me.”
“She’s with Jimin,” he replied. “My men believe he took her to their headquarters.”
“Do you understand now?” Minseok began again. “You told me yourself, you weren’t hiding anything from her except the past, so she went to our biggest enemy knowing all our secrets. She’s a nuisance.”
I flipped the table I was standing near in his direction.
“You want to say that again?” I shouted.
“We have to get rid of her.”
I jumped over the table and shoved him into the wall, grabbing his collar I put my gun to his head.
“Minseok, do you really hate her that much because I swear to god, if any one of you would even try something like this, I will kill you all and then myself,” I growled but Minseok’s calm expression angered me even more. Soon Baekhyun and Chanyeol were at my side, dragging me away from him. He just brushed of the dust and fixed his tie.
“I told you many times over this was going to happen, yet look were this got you. Jongdae you’re delusional if you think she will ever come back to you after what you did. She’s been nothing but burden on you your whole life and you haven’t been able to concentrate and dedicate yourself to the gang, like the rest of us have been doing,” he said all in one go.
I stared at him. He was telling the truth, I myself felt sick thinking what I did to her but hearing this from somebody else. Especially him… I brushed Chanyeol and Baekhyun off and went to the door.
“If neither of you are going to help me, I will get her back myself,” I said, exiting and slamming the door shut. After all, if I don’t see her at least one more time, I might actually die. I can’t live without her. Not when I was so close.
“Good job,” Junmyeon told Minseok. “You sent him out to his death.”
“He needs to learn a lesson or two. He’s not some special snowflake. Being in the mafia for so long and he still doesn’t understand that in our line of work personal life is always at a second place.”
“But we’re still going, right?” Sehun asked, glancing at everyone.
Minseok sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He then looked at Junmyeon.
“Your call, leader,” he said.
You felt kind of unsettling going through all of these halls with him. He led you to big wooden doors and pushed them open. He ushered everyone that was inside the room out of it, except for 6 other men. They stared at you as Jimin offered you a seat, he leaned down on the table next to you.
“This is where we usually do business,” he explained. “Now can you repeat to me again what you requested? Because man! Hearing it from you is exciting.”
You looked around and then focused back on Jimin.
“I want you to get rid of Jongdae,” you finally said.
“There!” he laughed. “She said it! It’s hilarious,” he told the others. “Can you believe his wife actually comes to me out of all people to ask that?”
“Will you do it?” you asked eagerly. Why did he even bring you here?
“I would love to. After all, we were planning to kill them all anyway. They have been bothering us for a long time now,” he said. “But! But I can’t do it for free,” he smirked.
Of course. What did you expect? It’s never this easy.
“What do you want?” you asked. He took a strand of your hair and lifted it, letting it fall gently.
“I want you,” he grinned, putting his hands on the side of the armchair you were sitting in, practically trapping you, so you would look at him. You opened your mouth to reply but some kind of commotion started right outside the door. Soon after Jongdae was bursting in through them, another man in his arms, a gun to his head.
“What do you know, you actually led me to the correct place,” he said before shooting him and throwing him aside. He then pointed his gun at Jimin but the other six men that were in the room took theirs out as well.
“Where is she?” he just asked. He still couldn’t see you, the armchair blocking his view.
“You have no fucking manners, do you? Ruining the fun every time,” Jimin spoke clearly annoyed, he stood up straight and you quickly followed him. Jongdae’s eyes widened.
“Y/N…” he stuttered. “I…”
“What are you doing here? How dare you show your face to me?” you shouted but he ignored you and took a few steps in your direction.
“Y/N please, hear me out. I need…”
“I don’t need your excuses. Do you seriously think that I will listen to you after what happened? Please, just get out of here…”
“I can’t,” he said, staring at you when he noticed the ring on your finger. “You… You still have it on.”
You quickly realized what he was talking about. You looked down at your hand. You wondered if you can actually do it. If you take it off, what will that mean for you? You got a good grip and after waiting for a few seconds, practically ripped it off your finger once and for all, throwing it at him.
“You can take it, I don’t need it anymore,” you could see his heart breaking into a million pieces. “Get out of my sight,” you said and turned around.
“You heard the girl,” Jimin finally spoke. “It’s the perfect chance, get rid of him-“ he started when a loud shot interrupted him.
“I hope you go to hell you piece of shit,” Jongdae said and you watched Jimin’s lifeless body fall to the ground. You gasped at the sight, a large pool of blood already forming underneath him and a small hole burning in the middle of his forehead. Just like your sister. You felt like puking, you took a step back and tripped over the armchair, falling to the ground when somebody caught you. It was him. You felt disgusted being held by him right now.
“Why you!” one of the six men shouted, he was about fire when shots began flying from all directions. A bunch of other men entered the room.  A shootout has started.
“You found her, now get her out of here,” Suho shouted, but you quickly got on your feet and ran out of the room but Jongdae tackled you and dragged you under one of the nearby tables to avoid you getting hit. You could feel the panic creeping up on you. You wanted to be anywhere but near him.
“Don’t touch me!” you shouted, pushing him off. You looked at yourself. The only thing you could see was blood. How did it even get on you? You started wiping your hands when he stopped you.
“Y/N calm down,” he begged you but at this point it made you sick looking at his face. You had to get out of here, fast. The hallway you came from was close by. You stood up again and rushed down it.  You saw the door at the end of it and pushing them open you finally got outside. The night wind welcomed you. You started breathing deeply, taking in the air. You turned around to look back at the building. Shots and screams could be still heard. You noticed a figure coming your way. He had his hands up.
“Y/N…” he slowly approached you. “Baby…”
Your legs gave in and you slumped down on the floor.  It seemed like all of your strength has left your body. The only thing you felt now was guilt. You never meant for this to happen. You never wanted to get rid of him in the first place. No matter how badly you lived, you always knew that violence is never the option. You could never hurt somebody.
He got on his knees in front of you and cupped your face, wiping the tears that were threatening to spill out.
“Jongdae… I… I…”
“Shhh… It’s okay, it’s okay.”
You wanted to believe that, you truly did but how can anything be okay after this? After you found the truth? At that moment a loud sound from a distance, pierced your ears.
“Shit,” Jongdae hissed as he fell on top of you. You quickly rolled him over, still not sure what happened. He was bleeding, badly. You laid him down on the ground and opened his shirt, a hideous wound could be seen on his chest.
“No no no no,” you said, placing your hands on it, frantically trying to stop the bleeding. You looked at him. He was barely conscious, the light starting to fade from his eyes. He gripped your arm.
“Y/N… Love…” he tried speaking.
“Jongdae, don’t move, it’s going to be worse,” you cried out when a strong force, shoved you off him. You clenched your shoulder and shouted in pain. Somebody shot you. You saw Jongdae staring at you from the corner of his eyes. His mouth slightly open. He was so pale. You started crawling to him. You need to reach him. He can’t go just like that. He needs to hold on. Come back. To you. Because you still hadn’t told him.
You were about to touch his hand, your fingertips brushing over it when somebody stomped on yours, breaking at least a few fingers.
“Persistent,” the young man said. “Still clinging on to life.”
You wanted to push his feet off of you but you couldn’t even lift your arm up. He just sighed and started loading a new set of shells into the gun. Sniper. A shot from such proximity will be more than deadly.
“Jongdae,” you sobbed with all the strength you still had.
“He’s dead,” the man told you. “You will be joining him soon.”
You stared him in the eyes as he aligned his gun to your head.
This is it. 
“For our boss. There could never be peace between us after all,” he said as he pulled the trigger.
It’s over.
~ Part 8 ~
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