#alpha ninetails are 6’6
smallestapplin · 2 years
I got this idea from a game I play, but what would happen if Cyllene met an overly tall(as in 9 feet tall) ninetails hybrid
*my asks are closed but WOMEN-*
Cyllene is a pretty short woman, of course that doesn’t take away her skills and deadly use of them.
But compared to you she’s beyond small.
She comes right up to your hips.
She, of course, doesn’t have a problem with this.
You maybe a hybrid, but she’s more than skilled enough to take you down.
You aren’t a threat though.
Just so sweet.
You grow on her.
Honestly she has no reaction to you or your massive height difference.
Until she starts realizing that she may have fallen for you.
Your beautiful golden tails, your warmth, how you always duck down into her office to remind her to take a break.
Honestly the only times she finds the height difference between you two annoying, is when she wants to kiss you.
Again, she’s at hip height with you.
But she refuses to ask.
Waiting until you’ve sat down somewhere to quickly peck your cheek.
She’s also the only perfect allowed to touch your tails.
Mainly cause you cover her with them in the winter, or in snowy expeditions.
Your nine tails wrapping around her like blankets.
You can’t help but find her attractive.
And neither can she.
She finds you beautiful.
Wanting to call you her wife.
But it hardly slips from her mouth. 
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