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I was born in a small village on the outskirts of Norpli, Land of Clergymen. Allegedly, my cries echoed loudly from the moment I was born.
My father was a confessor, and so naturally, from a young age I found myself imbued with knowledge of confession and penance.
Equally naturally, for any boy growing up in such an environment, I had followed in my father's footsteps and became a confessor myself.
Working full time at the nearby church, I also made it my duty to take care of the orphaned children left at our sanctuary.
It was a humble but very impassioned way of life.
ALMA : Now, during this period of purification and enlightenment, you will clean the church for four days and four nights until it shines as bright as the day it came to be.
ALMA : With this penance, your sins shall be redeemed, and your soul will be as pure as freshly fallen snow!
CHILD : Ugh! But four days is so long!
ALMA : Stealing your friend's snack is a serious sin, you know?
CHILD : But...
ALMA : It may seem trivial to you, but all stealing is one sin under God.
ALMA : This you must understand.
CHILD : ...Y-Yes, Father.
ALMA : Alright, now go!
??? : Do you truly think that boy will reflect on his actions, Alma?
ALMA : Hm? Oh, Chris! Good morning!
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CHRIS : That kid… He stole from his friend once already. I scolded him in much the same way. I truly wonder if he’ll ever learn his lesson...
ALMA : It's okay. He came to confess on his own this time!
ALMA : He finally understands that what he did was wrong. I have faith he won't do it again, hahaha!
CHRIS : Well, as long as he’s learning... The penance you hold for confessions is far too lenient, Alma. Just like your father's.
Chris was actually one of the orphans living at the church. Being so close in age, we got along well.
And we did so in spite of my carefree nature and Chris's astute seriousness, or perhaps we got along so well because of it...
Yes, I think that so. I think that was exactly why.
ALMA : Hahaha, you worry too much…
ALMA : There is no such thing as a person with a truly evil heart. Sure, they may be tempted by the demons from time to time, but...
ALMA : But so long as one has the will to change, anyone can redeem one’s self. And once they do, they can live the life of a truly righteous man once again.
CHRIS : ...The way you say it, Alma, I can’t help but believe it.
CHRIS :  I will never forget the time you spent three days and nights talking to that man whose sins had shaken the world to its core, and in the end, you made them repent.
ALMA : Oh yeah, that takes me back! He sure could talk a lot! Hahaha!
Being a confessor felt like a destiny of the highest calling. Being an arbiter of the people and enabling them to save their own hearts was my greatest joy.
I would talk to many people in my days as a confessor, from many walks of life, and with each and every person I met, I felt with ever more certainty that there were no inherently bad people.
Often times, the mistakes they made, the sins they would commit, would be a direct result of their unavoidable circumstances.
ALMA : Right! Well, then, let's see who has come to confess today. I'm looking forward to it!
CHRIS : Looking forward to it…? Would it not be more peaceful if nobody came?
ALMA : You might be right, hahaha!
WELL-DRESSED MAN : Excuse me. Is the confessor here?
ALMA : Yep, that's me! Are you here to confess your sins?
WELL-DRESSED MAN : Oh, I’m not here for me, but rather… my son.
MOODY YOUNG MAN : ...................
ALMA : Alright, got it! Then let's talk over here!
Today, as it was every day, I could cleanse another person's sins and purify their heart.
My heart was so full of hope for that…
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