#allie lothario-goth
aorticsims · 1 year
While everyone’s been waiting for the infant update and subsequent expansion pack, I’ve been away giving makeovers/reworks of @pleasantsims​‘ Sims from her save file.
These are only five of the 18 Sims made over. If Don and Cassandra look familiar, that’s because I cloned my makeovers of them to use as bases.
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Name: Don Lothario Pronouns: he/him Age: Adult Career/Schooling: Athlete/5 (Bodybuilder Branch) with Biology degree Aspiration: Getting Around Personality: Romance Traits: Romantic, Slob, Active Family: Son of Nicolo and Adriana Lothario, Ex-Husband of Cassandra Goth, Father of Luca, Isabella and Allie Lothario-Goth, and Gianna Caliente Zodiac: Leo Hobby: Fitness Skills: Charisma/5, Fitness/8
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For this save, I’m only using base game as well as some other packs for minor things like degrees and reputation. Likes and dislikes won’t be included until later.
Name: Cassandra Goth Pronouns: she/her Age: Adult Career/Schooling: Tech Guru/5 with Physics degree Aspiration: Big Happy Family Personality: Family Traits: Family-Oriented, Genius, Gloomy Family: Daughter of Bella and Mortimer Goth, Mother of Isabella, Allie and Luca Lothario-Goth, Ex-Wife of Don Lothario, Sister of Alexander Goth Zodiac: Virgo Hobby: Paranormal Skills: Programming/5, Video Gaming/4
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Though I am fond of the names Cindy gave to each new Sim, most of them to me didn’t feel suitable to each Sim’s age and personality. So I changed most of them. For example, Eva Lothario is now Isabella Lothario-Goth. 
Name: Isabella Lothario-Goth (aka Eva Lothario) Pronouns: she/her Age: Adult Career/Schooling: Freelance Digital Artist Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire Personality: Romance Traits: Romantic, Goofball, Art Lover Family: Daughter of Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario, Sister of Luca and Allie Lothario-Goth, Romantic Interest of Devin Broke, Half-Sister of Gianna Caliente Zodiac: Libra Hobby: Arts & Crafts Skills: Comedy/3, Painting/4
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Primo has been renamed to Luca, in reference to my (yet to be shown) modernized remake of Don. I imagine him as a fashionable, trendy Sim. Did I check how much interest he has in fashion from Cindy’s videos before making him? nope but we don’t talk about that.
Name: Luca Lothario-Goth (aka Primo Lothario) Pronouns: he/him Age: Teen Career/Schooling: High school C student Aspiration: Trend Setter Personality: Fortune Traits: Materialistic, Lazy Family: Son of Don Lothario and Cassandra Goth, Brother of Isabella and Allie Lothario-Goth, Half-Brother of Gianna Caliente Zodiac: Scorpio Hobby: Fashion & Beauty Skills: Charisma/3, Comedy/2
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Allie, formerly Rosa, is the "not like other girls *hair tuck*” girl of the save. She and her household’s bio just gave me that energy.
Name: Allison “Allie” Lothario-Goth (aka Rosa Lothario) Pronouns: she/her Age: Teen Career/Schooling: High school B student Aspiration: Hall of Famer Personality: Fortune Traits: Outgoing, Childish Family: Daughter of Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario, Sister of Luca and Isabella Lothario-Goth, Half-Sister of Gianna Caliente Zodiac: Gemini Hobby: Film & Literature Skills: Fitness/2, Photography/2
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doubledash7 · 8 months
The Sims 2: Uberhood Playthrough - Round 1 (Lothario/Caliente)
We are back with the Lothario and Caliente household this week! In my game they start off together in one household, so we'll get to see how they ended up together and a bit more of Bella's abduction story. I feel like this is a big part, so settle in and let's get into it!
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Don made a name for himself shortly after moving to Pleasantview, but not for his charity or for being a good neighbour. He lived up to his name, breaking girls hearts across town. But there was one girl who managed to see the man beneath the name. Nina and Don grew up together in Riverview before Nina's mother died and she moved to the city with her father and sister, Dina. They stayed in touch though, and their bond was a special one.
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Don was very excited to hear from Nina when she told him she would also be moving to Pleasantview after the death of her brother in-law, Michael. Dina had suggested moving closer to Michael's family and it meant Don and Nina could also be closer together too. Don was more than happy to have both of them over the night the moved in, and he found himself attracted to Dina. She had certainly changed since he last saw her and the Don that the town knew had just seen his next conquest. Unfortunately, Nina had also seen it.
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While Dina seemed like a worthy trophy, Don first needed to finish his current project: Bella Goth. He had been seeing her as friend for some time now, sensing some trouble in her marriage that he could exploit. Although this night would change Don's life forever. All he remembers from it is a bright light, Bella screaming, and then she was gone! Don could not explain it, and was even heavily questioned by the police. It did not look good for Don, until an unlikely ally stepped in...
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Enter Dina. Before he knew it, the police cleared Don of any suspicion thanks the statement of his new neighbour. Don couldn't believe it. He still felt bad that something had happened to Bella, but now he had more pressing matters on his mind. He had to find out why Dina vouched for him. Attending her house, he found her alone. Dina explained to him that she saw Bella leave his condo that night. Don was very confused. He had so many questions. Did she see the bright light? Why did she see what happened to Bella and he has no recollection? It seems that Dina was not one for questions though, pulling him into a passionate embrace. Dina quickly turned on him though, letting him know that Nina would be heartbroken and never want to see him again if she knew they kissed. Dina also reminded Don that it is because of her he is not in jail, and to remember that should she ever come to him for help. Don could not believe what he was hearing, but his fear made him her slave.
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It was a few years before Dina called on Don for a favour. She wanted him to keep Cassandra Goth distracted from her father's life. Don had noticed that Dina had dug her claws into him. Despite Mortimer's on feelings towards him, Don felt sorry for the poor guy, having no idea what kind of woman he was with. Don did as he was asked and shocked everyone by not only starting a relationship with Cassandra, but proposing marriage as well (Dina's suggestion of course!). On the day of the wedding, Don's conscience got the better of him, and he realised this has gone too far. He didn't care about Dina, and ditched Cassandra at the altar. Surprisingly, he was never questioned by Dina. He ended up going to meet her instead, and he was shocked to see that she seemed...scared. Maybe someone gave her a taste of her own medicine for a change. Don felt more free than he had for years. No longer under Dina's thumb, he could get back to dating. Unfortunately for him, Nina had some surprising news....
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But before that, we need some background on the lovely Caliente twins! Their parents, Flamenco and Nighat, had struggled for years to start their family. They had nearly given up when Nighat finally fell pregnant. It was a risky pregnancy given her age, but she welcomed Dina and Nina into the world.
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Both girls were adored by their parents and treated equally, however, Dina often missed the attention from her father, as he worked long hours. Dina craved attention, and what she got was never enough for her, believing no one truly loved her. It only got worse when Nighat passed way when the girls were eight years old from illness. Flamenco moved them to the city and they were often left in the care of a nanny while he worked. Nina was always able to adapt, but Dina was not so lucky. Trying to find acceptance, Dina fell in with the wrong crowd, and soon her harmless petty theft turned into a career.
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One of her targets became Michael Bachelor. A wealthy businessman, Michael had never been married, leaving a lot of time for work. Dina was ordered by her boss, Bert Alto, to marry Michael for the money, with further instructions to come. Further instructions? Surely she was just marrying him until she could score his fortune. They were together for a just a few months, and Dina developed genuine feelings for Michael. Dina had finally found what she had been looking for all these years. Unfortunately, Dina's boss finally decided to share the reason he wanted her to marry Michael: to get close to Mortimer Goth. Mortimer was Michael's lifelong best friend. Mortimer was working on a scientific breakthrough, and it would be worth millions! Dina could not believe it. She had everything she wanted, and it was all based on a lie, and this lie was going to hurt those she cared about. Dina decided then and there that she was out. She could no longer lead a double life and wanted to become a better Sim. Dina was going to tell Michael the truth.
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Dina told Michael everything: Her life of crime, the plot to marry him for his money and finally the end goal of scoring Mortimer Goth's scientific discovery to profit off of it. Michael seemed shocked and hurt, but promised he would help her put an end to it. Bert found out about Dina's plans, and decided to send a message. He sent one of his goons to the apartment Dina and Michael shared with Nina. Michael was unfortunate enough to come across him and was killed. Bert advised Dina that she would always be under his employment and there was no way she could ever leave. If she ever pulled a stunt like this again, Nina would be next. Dina was devastated, but this act of violence only made her determination stronger. She would find a way to outsmart Bert and bring him and his organisation down for what they had done.
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Bert decided to use Michael's death as an excuse for Dina to move to Pleasantview and start getting close to Mortimer Goth. There was another obstacle to overcome though: Bella Goth. Bert told Dina that he had a plan to "remove" her. It turns out that Bert knew of Dina's unusual ancestry. Dina and Nina's paternal grandfather was abducted by aliens and ended up pregnant with Flamenco. He had some connections with other aliens and they could remove Bella completely (they couldn't follow through though and just placed her somewhere "strange"). All Dina had to do was ensure that the fall guy, Don, was well protected so that no further investigation would take place.
And so Dina carried out the plan. She had not found a way to escape Bert's employment yet, so she had no choice, if she wanted to protect Nina. It all went off without a hitch, and Dina was then able to comfort a grieving Mortimer. The situation got worse though, when other witnesses to Bella's disappearance, Skip Broke and Darleen Dreamer (who both saw Bella that night), died in mysterious circumstances. Dina knew she had to act and thought that maybe Mortimer would be able to help her, and she was very shocked to find out that he let her get close to him! He knew all along that someone was after his life's work, and with Michael's death and Bella's disappearance, he was able to work out that Dina's intentions were not genuine. Despite this, he wanted to help her. Mortimer and Dina worked with the authorities following Don leaving Cassandra at the altar, and they were able to expose the truth, even finding and freeing Bella in the process.
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The entire time Dina and Mortimer were working to expose the truth behind Bella's disappearance, Nina had some shocking news for Don. She was pregnant. As the news was spreading around town that Bella was alive, Nina was screaming in pain as she had gone into labor. Luckily for her, Don was by her side. They had decided to live and raise the baby together. Nina had grown to know what kind of man Don was. Despite her own want to be with him as partners in life, she knew this would be unlikely to happen.
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Little Diego Lothario was soon born! With all the drama going on in Pleasantview, he was a welcome distraction. Nina was very upset that Dina could not see her new nephew. At this point in time, Dina was in custody for her own protection. Dina eventually met Diego just before his first birthday, before moving away from Pleasantview for good.
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Things soon returned to normal. Don recovered quickly and was soon picking up girls at the bar. This one should look familiar. Daniel has already made Vicki a conquest. Will she be seduced by Don too?
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While not related to Don, Gabriel Green from Belladonna Cove was visiting and decided to sit in the hot tub in a thunderstorm. Let's hope he doesn't do that again!
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While Don settled back into his Casanova lifestyle, Nina spent her maternity leave cleaning up after him. Don sure is a slob! Half the bathroom floor is covered in water.
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Nina really needed a decent meal after all that cleaning. Too bad though, as her cooking skill isn't that great!
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Since she burnt dinner, Nina decided that they would have birthday cake instead. It was already time for Diego to grow up to a toddler.
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Diego has a very strong personality! Very neat, outgoing, active and playful. Too bad he is not that nice. A Pisces means that he will end up as Knowledge sim, which seems strange given his parents are Romance and Pleasure.
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Don was very happy to get started on Diego's skill training right away, even rolling a few wants in that regard. I always find it strange when Romance sims roll Family related wants.
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Beforte bed, Diego was playing with the Jack in the Box, and I was hoping to get a screenshot of his fear when it popped out. Instead, this was my first time seeing this reaction.
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Don managed to invite Vicki out for a date. He picked her up in his car and took her to the One-Twenty-Five Café. This is Don's least favourite part of the date: talking and listening.
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Still, he knows he has to put in the effort. The date was a dream date! Unfortunately, it ended rather abruptly as when he invited her home, she decided then to say it was late and she should be getting home. Poor Don was expecting a different ending to the evening.
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Nina even got lucky when Joe Lee walked past while she was playing with Diego out the front with the butterflies. They had a nice conversation and made plans to meet up again soon.
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It was then time for a ROS roll. Number 1! This one affected their computer, TV and both stereo's. What will their visitors keep turning on now??
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Before the ROS came into effect, Don and Nina actually had some "friends" over for dinner. Vicki and Shea joined them in the hot tub after dinner and Shea was a little too comfortable. The girls didn't seem to mind, but it looks like Don is a bit put out by the nude Sim next to him.
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The ROS took effect overnight. Don decided to try and repair the TV himself. Despite his low skill, he was actually successful.
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Another birthday party! This time for Diego to grow up to a child. Dina decided to travel back to town for the party. Brandi sure is shocked to see her. Parker Langerak (another Romance sim), is probably hoping she is single!
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Dina moved to Belladonna Cover after leaving Pleasantview. She soon met and married Geoff Rutherford. He is loaded with cash, but Dina married for the right reasons this time. Love is what supports this adorable couple. Geoff was even able to take on Dina's son, Cameron. Whoops! I think I missed that earlier, didn't I? You see, before Michael died, Dina found out she was pregnant. Seeing what Bert was willing to do to, Dina knew her child was in danger. She managed to hide the pregnancy and once she gave birth, she gave the baby to her father, and faked her father's death. Only her uncle, Tango, knew of this plan. Once Bert's crimes were brought out in the open, Flamenco was able to return with Cameron. The family also uncovered that Nighat was in fact, alive as well. Nighat was part of the same organisation that Bert ran and she was actually working with the authorities to expose him. While Nighat was indeed dying, Bert was able to provide doctors who could save her, if she faked her death and became his prisoner. She agreed, and had to watch as Dina fell down the same path as her. Flamenco and Nighat were reunited and moved back to Riverview. Anyway, back to the party!
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Vicki and Kaylynn Langerak also came along to the party. There was definitely potential for some ACR. Dina and Don, Dina and Parker, Kaylynn and Don, Nina and Parker. I'm getting dizzy!
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Diego grew up into a cutie! I wasn't a fan of the man bun, but I think he looks good with it, so he'll keep it for now!
And with that, another household has completed round one. I hope you enjoyed this post. It is one of my favourite households because of the involved backstory for the Lothario's and Caliente's.
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alexandrasimblr · 3 years
Starting Up Again
Meet Allie Poe. She's going to marry Don Lothario, not that she knows it yet. Like all legacy founders, she's Cheerful, Creative, and a Loner, with a Fortune Aspiration.
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My save files always have giant, interrelated families. I always go in and make sure Johnny Zest is actually a Landgraab (often Nancy's full brother, but in this save I'll make them cousins), and I always go around to the EA townies to give them the proper skills, relationships, and careers. For the first few generations, I'll even go in and intermarry them so that sims from Oasis Springs don’t marry anyone from Willow Creek (except Cassandra Goth and Malcolm Landgraab, who run off together and generally have a miserable marriage in a poor corner of one world or another).
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alexandrasimblr · 3 years
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(I think I need to turn off some more autonomy... then again, after the initial shock reaction, many of my sims are delighted by public nudity.)
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