baksonhomeopathy · 2 years
Homoeopathy is like an ocean, the more we dive in, the more we learn. Dr. Satinder Pal Singh Bakshi, a renowned homoeopath is a name synonymous with Homoeopathy. Over the years, he has treated millions of patients and helped them resume their enthusiasm towards life.
Dr. Bakshi started to educate people about the healing power of homoeopathy through his regular talk show on Doordarshan and All India Radio. Recently, he bestowed his audience with his vast knowledge, exclusively on Tv9 Bharatvarsh through a talk show “Homoeopathy Ki Baat, Dr. Bakshi Ke Saath”. Dr. Bakshi through this show has reached out to the viewers and enlightened them all with the unknown facts and fascinating benefits of homoeopathy.
Previously on Homoeopathy Ki Baat, Dr. Bakshi Ke Saath
In the very first episode, Dr. Bakshi talked about the origin of homoeopathy with the discovery of a law "Likes Cure Likes" by Dr. Samuel Friedrich Hahnemann, who concluded the law as the origin of the science of Homoeopathy. As the show proceeded, we learnt about Dr. Dinshaw Mehta, who divided health into five stages and the importance of living a disciplined life.
Earlier Dr. Bakshi defined a healthy person as one who has his mind, soul, and physical health aligned. In his recent episode, he talked about “Allergies and their root cause”.
In the words of Dr. Satinder Pal Singh Bakshi, “Allergy is a hypersensitive state of a person”. According to him, an allergy is caused due to a weak immune system and it can be classified into two categories i.e External and Internal.
We often say pollution causes allergies, well pollution isn’t the primary cause of allergic reactions rather it’s just one factor that triggers allergies. Other factors that contribute to allergic reactions are:
●     Ingestants
●     Inhalants
●     Cosmetics
Dr. Bakshi also discussed how preventative injections that have been developed with time are being misused. He claims that abuse of these injections weakens our immune system by turning our bodies into a battleground.
In crux, he explained that the root cause of allergies is the weak immune system we inherit from our parents and grandparents. He concluded the episode by saying, all hereditary symptoms occur when a body’s resistance is low. Stay tuned to know how Homoeopathy works on strengthening the immune system which is the natural self-defence mechanism of our body.
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baksonhomeopathy · 2 years
Dr. Satinder Pal Singh Bakshi is a well-known homoeopath, and the CMD of Bakson’s Homoeopathy. In his 48 years of journey, he has treated millions of patients who would testify about his zeal to spread homoeopathy. In his talks, we can see his enthusiasm about enlightening people with astonishing knowledge about homoeopathy.
TV9 Bharatvarsh has started an exclusive show "Homoeopathy Ki Baat, Dr. Bakshi Ke Saath" - a talk show aiming to enlighten people with vast knowledge of homoeopathy.
Let's recap the last episodes
Till now we have come across the origin of homoeopathy and how its medicines were prepared. In his last episode, a very important topic was discussed which is “Who is a healthy person?”. Dr. Bakshi defined a healthy person as one who has his mind, soul, and physical health aligned. And how our mental health is as vital as our physical health. Further, he discussed the five levels of health categorized by Dr. Dinshaw Mehta. The levels were divided as Ill Health, Average Health, Normal Health, Super Health, Supra Normal Health. As we move ahead, we learned how following a disciplined life can help us achieve higher health levels.
"Homoeopathy medicines are slow and are a time taking process", this is a common myth we all have known so far.
Well in his latest episode, Dr. Bakshi has completely debunked this myth for us. He shared a story of a patient who had been suffering from an unbearable and acute stomach infection and he called up Dr. Bakshi and asked him for priority treatment. The very next day the patient was in relief but out of curiosity, he asked Dr. Bakshi how his infection was cured immediately?
On this, he shared an amazing fact that homoeopathic treatments are dependent on the type of disease. Chronic diseases take longer because they have been impacting the body for a long time whereas acute diseases are cured at a faster pace.
He also shared that in earlier times it was believed that while taking homoeopathic medicines coffee and onions must be avoided as the medicine becomes an antidote.
He concluded, we must understand that homoeopathy is a technical field of medicine and we should believe in its facts rather than blindly going by the myths. He shared that he sees a bright future for Homoeopathy as many people are shifting their treatment to it, since the medicines are side-effect free and treat the disease from its root cause.
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