#all that needs to happen is mariana logs on at the same time as charlie
ghost-bard · 10 months
In a perfect world q! Mariana and q! Charlie work on their relationship/marital issues and raise code! Juanaflippa as a second daughter (they would also prob give her a different name). And code! Juanaflippa becomes more humane because they raise her, and eventually she becomes her own person rather than a cheap imitation created by the federation.
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maybe-its-micheal · 1 year
I honestly feel like we're all underestimating Mike as a potential president?
I particularly like his ideas about making sure everyone has similar access to resources like a good home, food, and tools.
In terms of keeping players active, making sure everyone has good, resources, especislly tools and armor is really important. Etoiles has said he probably would have quit day 1 if he hadnt been given as much as he was, and its pretty clear to see from his recent streams that Slime not having. Anything. Is a real hurdle for him getting back into lore- he didn't even know what a warp stone WAS until Fit gave him one and explained it.
Newer players are not going to know the mods well. They arent going to know their best options for food and armor, they arent going to know how to get a lot of the materials people use every day for travel or building, and they arent going to know what to expect from the mobs.
Even for players that aren't new, lacking equivalent materials is going to be a big demotivator for peoole who haven't spent as much time grinding to get back into lore, or even just playing frequently. I'd love to see more qsmp content from Spreen, Luzu, Missa, Mariana, or Vagetta, but the server has changed so much from when they were more active to now that they'd probably feel pretty lost trying to get back into it. Charlie is having the same problem, and I won't be surprised if it happens to Wilbur for a bit as well.
This problem can be and has been solved. So far, its been solved through the generosity of other players. BadBoyHalo gave Etoiles a log of the materials he needed to start out, Fit has given Charlie a warp stone now and others have offered him things like armor, I imagine Phil will give Wilbur some stuff, and explain how it works, ect. This is all great, but having a standardized system in place to make SURE less rich players are taken care of would be a fantastic idea.
It isn't even neccesarily about everyone having great gear, just similar. In the begining obviously no one had many of the things they do now, but it was still fun because they were on the same level. Its certainly less fun for someone who has been away for a while to come back and not be able to travel the same way everyone else does, die to mobs way more often, stand little to no chance in pvp regardless of skill, and just generally not understand how to even go about making a lot of the progress everyone else has made.
A president who makes sure people have reasonably matched materials and a house as a starting point before they build their own sounds like a good president to me!
I know Etoiles proposes something similar, which I also approve of. For similar reasons I also really really like Insane Duo's 4D lore museam experience. I hope whoever wins takes all of these ideas into consideration, and they communicate together and settle on a good way to provide these resources, provide information about how they work, as well as some other generally important information about the mods, and make sure the base line level of materials granted is kept up to date as players continue to progress
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tomfrogisblue · 27 days
Some murder mystery theories coz I'm bored and sleepy (- with the disclaimer that I'm fuzzy on some of the recent lore, and that as these are in-universe lil fun things, so admins that are "indisposed" can be included)
- Long Ass Post Incoming -
- it was Sunny as revenge for Richas killing her dad that one time
- it was Creation for same reason as above, with the caveat that it has a list of people it would kill for the wellbeing of the people higher on the list, and Richas is a bunch lower than Sunny, it might also have a kinda loose understanding on th impact of death
- it was Bad (on accident/coz he thought it was funny) and his lil amnesiac brain has forgotten it was him
- it was Tazercraft so they could finally set up the Murder Mystery after a year of prepping (lmao)
- it was Roier in a moment of anger that no one realised he was gone and an imposter was in his body instead (let's go angstttttt)
- it was one of the other kids (Dapper or Ramón probably) working with Richas to set up the Murder Mystery for Tazercraft coz they got sick of waiting
- it was Cucu cos he's jealous of how much time Bad is spending with Richas instead of him lmao
- it was the bunnies for blowing up spawn (q!Bad's been shifting all the blame as usual)
- it was q!Charlie after only logging on for five minutes
- it was one of the long list of people whose mental state is doing real well - name a character and some angst bs has probably fucked them up at some point - and also possessions and body swaps with dangerous people and entities are fairly common so insert one of them, The Ender King or Doied for example. It's actually kinda funny how many characters have had a possession/corruption/insanity arc now I make a mental list - q!Etoiles and q!Charlie with their separate code corruption arcs technically count, q!Tina with her demononic suppression, maybe q!Fit with whatever happens to his character after being in that cave for months (HE IS STILL THERE)
- q!Cellbit finally completely lost it and reverted fully back to his f!Cell mindset - literally no one on the island is safe and q!Pac should just take a vacation at this point
- The French Sniper got him from the shadows (for fun)
- El Quackity finally turned the fuck back up and wanted some brownie points with Eyeball Man
- Pepito finally snapped and clapped back at Richas rip bozo lmao
- and, finally, it was El Mariana, for the shits and giggles, the Boogeyman finally got 'em (ya don't need a bath in the afterlife)
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