#all of these things are easily googleable so dont come in here like source?
houseofpurplestars · 4 months
Cw: discussion of s/a
Okay so because some of you are really in love with this "hamas commits mass rape" story that the occupation is pushing as its latest flimsy excuse for genocide, i guess, let me address the real system of "mass rape": occupation prisons.
Sexual assault has long been used as a weapon by the zionist occupation, going all the way back to it's "founding." Occupation prisons are black sites where there is ZERO rule of law or accountability. Sexual assault is EXPECTED not only within occupation prisons but also AT CHECKPOINTS.
Checkpoints are EVERYWHERE. A Palestinian just going about their day could be stopped at half a dozen checkpoints or more. Sexual assault is EXPECTED. Palestinians KNOW this is a very real danger every fucking day.
Every. Fucking. Day. Just going from one place to another.
On top of this, because settlers are given carte-blanche, they can commit any crime they wish against Palestinians and they will never see any prosecution. Ever.
If a Palestinian dares to fight back, they are killed on the spot or thrown into occupation prisons- where sexual violence is guaranteed- for multiple life sentences, often with no due process at all.
So-called "israel" has been described by "israeli" settlers themselves as one of the most racist societies imaginable. If you are not familiar with the rhetoric of this culture of death and torture, you would not believe that it is possible.
This is not even mentioning how so-called "israel" is literally a safe haven for sex criminals from all over the world.
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deniigi · 3 years
ok hi hey i want to write a spidey thing. i want to write peter and i want it to be authentic to his character. and i know he is jewish and i am currently looking up and educating myself on jewish customs and also experiences but i want as many perspectives as i can get. absolutely feel free to ignore this if u want u dont owe me anything but!! how would i go about writing a real jewish character as a nonjewish person? i want to portray him not as a stereotype but as like. a real person u know. also specific questions i cant find an answer to curently is goy/im a word only jewish people use or can goyim call themselves a goy? are there specific ceremonies outside of the easily googleable widely known ones such as shiva/shabbat/yom kippur etc. that are common for current day jewish practices? how orthodox/strict do u think someone in his position would be? thank u so much!!!! i adore ur writing SO much ive only ever read starwars fic by u💓💓
sorry hey jewish peter anon here again. another question is do u have any reputabke sources on information about how to write jewish characters? additionally disabled characters? again i am doing my own research but im anxious i might believe misinformation or use outdated/malicious sources rip 🥲 thank u
Hi Anon!
So I’ve written a post about how I write Jewish Peter here.
For more in-depth questions, I would refer you to to Writing with Color.
When it comes to writing folks with disabilities, I look for sources created by folks with disabilities. The way that I write Matt Murdock has come from a mix of those sources and my experiences with friends/family/students/clients who have disabilities in my professional and personal life.
As for goy/goyim, I have literally never heard a gentile call themselves that in real life before.
I’ve seen people on tumblr do it (which is weird to me). But like, in actual, non-online spaces, I have only ever heard Jews or folks really close to Jews (like best friends or partners or academics or sometimes even folks who are considering converting) call others/themselves goyim/goy.
 Idk why others using that phrase feels weird to me, maybe it doesn’t feel weird to other people (other Jewish folks please do weigh in), but if one of my colleagues or not-so-close friends came up and called themselves a goy to me I would be like, dude, just say you’re a gentile or not Jewish and move on.
When it comes to what Peter celebrates and has knowledge of, it’s hard because people are different levels of devout all over, and cultural and ethnic Judaism are things.
My Peters are a spectrum of Jewish, which I’ve talked about here.
I think if you are going to have your Peter be Jewish, you really need to pull back and think about the story you are writing and what role his religion/culture will play in it.
Example: my Peter in Pigeon and Crow is much more Jewish than others because he is caught in cycles of confusion, grief, and seeking community and closure, so religion is important for him in that context because it gives him a way of making meaning.
That is different from how my Peters in Into the Multiverse are most religious around holidays and when they are giving each other advice, because it is a common language for them.
These are both different from DFV Peter who feels disconnected from his religion and family because Ben, the Jewish person in his life, died without teaching him much about it. He connects to Judaism through cultural productions, specifically art.
But yeah. Honestly, if you’re anxious about researching, you might just want to enter that space with listening ears.
Anxiety comes sometimes from fear that you will be told you are doing something wrong.
Anxiety can be mediated by listening to the voices of people of certain identities and embracing their complexity alongside the fraught parts of their stories and struggles.
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