#all lowborn
kneelingshadowsalome · 2 months
this is so könig i’m frothing at the mouth
Can I just say that there's no way this Archduke fucks normal ^^
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aeriondripflame · 24 days
just so you know cutting nettles actually means hotd is valyrian propaganda in this essay i will
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idk man.
the emphasis on cages. lack of autonomy and consent being eroded into ash. abusive relationships you keep coming back to despite knowing they will harm you because it's been so normalized. the reality of the racial anxieties that created the zombie genre in the first place. white supremacist fixations on cannibalism, literal and metaphorical as the evil of colonization takes and eats its own fellow man to sustain power. the fact that delilah's only desire is to gain power no matter what and gets violent when she is denied it. the fact that matilda looked like this and delilah looks like this
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and how laudna is encouraged covertly if not unconsciously to make herself look more like her, to become more like her and then she will be worthy of being on her level. to kill and harm anyone that gets in her way because she is helping them by doing do. and i'm like hm. hey. that sounds familiar, don't you think? isn't that something we should talk about?
but no. all anybody say is that well. haven't you considered delilah's feelings in all this? after all, her husband is dead!
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ecce-felix · 5 months
I always ask the very good question of ‘if rhaenyra wanted to rule successfully and shut the greens down before they could gain traction why didn’t she foster more alliances besides with the velaryons and arryns’ like alliances aren’t just marital you can foster good relations and give lords attention and listen to them personally (since you have a dragon that gives you increased travel mobility) and make them feel important. She’s a woman in a misogynistic society and has three brothers (along with two nephews) that many would consider heirs above her, I genuinely don’t understand why she didn’t realize how weak her position was and work to combat it. She just squatted on dragonstone for years to the point that a betrayal from house Baratheon (who are literally just across the channel) came out of nowhere to her. She just expected they’d be her allies bc she didn’t consider the rumors about her sons might anger the baratheons. She knows she has two unmarried brothers that the greens could use to form marital alliances, why didn’t she try to figure out which great house with eligible daughters was their target? It’s just bizzare. I would’ve been visiting all the time to check the vibes at storms end and trying to charm them into forgetting they aren’t Actually related to my heir. Granted she’d have a harder time of it bc misogyny & her habit of lying but if she gave an effort the greens would’ve had a much weaker leg to stand on. It’s like she grew up so entitled/watching her stupid father flounder in KL that she forgot being a monarch is an actual job that requires networking with everyone and not one or two houses. She finally started networking during the war by sending her heir to treat with the north but by then it was too damn late to stop the war from happening. I blame viserys for being a fuckup bad example to her and I also blame Targaryen exceptionalism for making her ego & sense of delusional entitlement worse.
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shieldofmen · 2 years
‘, and Maester Luwin says bastards grow up faster than other children.’
This quote never fails to make me sad and a bit angry because it’s true.
All these children born out of wedlock don’t get the same kindness trueborn children get when growing up. People scorn literal children for existing from the time they are born until they die. So much so that maesters (and probably others) can see the difference between the two.
Resulting in this fuckin phrase.
Its so pervasive that these children act older than others around their age because they weren’t allowed the same kindness simply because they weren’t trueborn.
They act older because they were forced to mature faster, which is the result of people not allowing them a proper childhood.
Anyways, fuck people in this fandom because, for some reason, yall are so okay with bastards being treated like shit for trueborn benefit.
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devilatelier · 9 months
ok fantasy au ramble before bed but like man
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serialreblogger · 2 years
Spelling was not standardized in Shakespeare's England
yes this is my point. william "sex jokes" "historical RPF" shakespeare is broadly upheld as the pinnacle of english literature, and zero percent of his works conform to any standardized spelling/grammar system
"shakespeare couldn't spell his own name" is shorthand for "the snobbery of ~english literature & canon~ is both self-contradictory and arbitrary in the extreme." & to me this means that anyone can create whatever they want and be just as good as any shakespearean sonnet. bc the only real qualifier for "good writing" is that somebody cared about the story they were telling, and the only real qualifier for "good reading material" is that someone, somewhere, wants to read it
no gods no kings no earl of oxford only a bunch of plays written in a drama club's groupchat and the people who keep investing them with meaning. there is no magic formula or golden standard. the only thing that gives any art any value is the people who choose to value it
#ask linden#this is about the title of my blog#shakespeare couldn't spell his own name and NOBODY CARES!#this is my point!#nobody *should* care! it doesn't matter!!#also that last line abt earls of oxford is in reference to the ''oxfordian theory of shakespeare authorship'' as the wiki page calls it#u can check that on wikipedia if ur interested but what it boils down to is that a bunch of academics have been up in arms since ~the 1920s#over the idea that The Venerable Shakespeare could have been some rube born to commoners#obviously plays so Erudite (& so uniquely appealing to the ''commoner'' demographic) could not have been authored by some paltry lowborn!#why that boy billy probably couldn't even write!#- which like. cmon man. u have about as much evidence as chemtrails here. and also like -#yeah there's a solid chance shakespeare wasn't super up on his penmanship! but that doesn't mean he wasn't capable of eloquence??#like in all probability a lot of shakespeare's work might not have been penned by him#& in fact it's not unlikely that at least some of it was quasi-crowdsourced as actors & collaborating playwrights weighed in#Richard Burbage probably had a lot to do with Hamlet's character work & writing!! we know this!!#we do not create in a vacuum!!! art written in a groupchat is not less valuable or artistic for having peer review built into it!!#shakespeare was just some guy. & he's also a symbol#arbitrary as that designation may be. but the old white men who chose their canon chose him as a patron saint#so i will go on insisting that if we're to know shakespeare we had better know him properly. foul mouth gallows humour bisexuality & all#shakespeare#literature#linden's originals#linden in the tags
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swordmaid · 3 months
the fact that you can know recruit minthara via grove raid defence means that she can finally be a companion in shri’iia’s playthrough …!!!!
#like what’s better than killing a baenre noble that betrayed lolth??? humiliating her by beating her whack ass army in front of everyone#knocking her out cold then stealing her stuff so when she wakes up her army is dead and she’s naked sans her shoes lmfaooo#BIG win for drow women enjoyers (me) bc I love the potential of their dynamic and minty def would’ve been her love interest if shri’iia#is still in her vengeance path. sadly she is now an oathbreaker -> divorcing away from the lolth society ideals -> actually learning how#to be more of a decent person and less of a shit#except that she still is but she’s not THAT much of a shit on things that matter (:#anyway lots of shri’iia/minty thoughts tho#like minty being a former baenre noble who is born into power and she’s so used to the prestige and privilege that comes with it#shri’iia is lowborn and literally had to sign herself away to join a noble house and even then she’s not known to be from that house#bc her matriarch hid her away.. repurposed her as her tool to be used instead of taking her in and making her a noble#then the switch scripts and now minty has to follow HER… not to mention shri’iia formerly followed the vengeance oath and the nature of it#is similar to minty’s except she also swore loyalty to faen’tlabbar… and she would’ve continued following that oath if she didn’t#become a cringefail loser who pissed off lolth. like now she’s all abt her own freedom esp in the end vs minty who’s like making an anti#lolth campaign. like shri’iia would’ve joined but now she’s like 👋✌️ bye im gonna go have fun and travel the world now
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tovaicas · 1 year
did I ever post my h/cs on language in Ishgard or
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
Just finished the Dreams of Ice patches on my EU alt and boy howdy is Kitali having some Thoughts about Ishgardians right now
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halscafe · 1 year
i've gotten like 12-15 hours of sleep over the past three days, and I dont know if thats the reason im sitting here near-tears over the angel and the alpha fic on AO3
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valdotjpg · 2 years
the fact that varre came this 🤏 close to being the next closest thing to a maiden is still so funny to me. cowards shouldve left that content in the game tbh
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blazewatergem · 1 year
Lowborn Seven(In Order of Age)
Pride - (Stock Companies/Helps Manages the others work)
Pride’s main colors are white and gold. She’s never seen without a perfect suit or dress, often in the most recent fashion she can get her hands on. She is meticulous about her appearance, hair uniform, makeup on point, and a never changing look of a gold watch around her wrist with a Diamond necklace to match. The only thing that she changes in her outfit is her shoes, which always has to have a one inch higher heel than Lust’s. Her horns are the standard demon horn sort, chains of white-gold wrapped around them like braids.
Her personality is of a perfectionist, and she is stubborn about that. She sticks to a schedule, will not deviate from it, and if she did - don’t bring it up. That’s someone else’s fault, not hers. Obviously she had to accommodate another’s problems and had nothing to do with her. Towards her family, Pride feels both great joy and mild aggravation. She doesn’t get how some of them can be so calm, or unwilling to strive towards perfection. Her version, anyway. She feels joy though, in that she truly does love them. She’s just extremely bad at saying so.
Wrath - (No Official Industry, traveling always)
Wrath’s main colors are bright red and deep orange. She doesn’t care that much about what she’s wearing, but can typically be spotted in a casual outfit of a leather jacket, plain shirt, jeans, and combat boots. By the end of the night, they’ll be ripped up and stained. Her horns are snapped off, jagged and burned, and she likes them that way.
Personality wise, Wrath is brash, bold, and screaming for more. She indulges to the extreme in not just her own sin of bar fights and riots, but in her sisters’ sins as well. She’s highly supportive, if a bit aggressive in it to the point of hostility. Violence is the highest art form in her eyes, and where most see a fight she sees a dance. There’s beauty in pain, and she - a beholder.
Gluttony - (Chefs/Restaurants/Bakers)
Gluttony’s main colors are beige and cream, enjoying neutral tones. Gluttony is one of the sisters who changes her outfit frequently, often to match whatever she’s doing at the time or wherever she’s visiting. She’s more picky about accessories, classically enjoying food-themed jewelry and bags. Her favorite is a purse that looks like a jar of jam. Often, if she’s been baking, there’s flour on her nose. Her horns are small, and are dull at the end, looking like a cute ram.
Personality wise, Gluttony is bubbly, giggly, and cruel. Like the false southern belle of drama tv, she’ll titter and laugh all while ripping someone apart. This side of her is saved for those who push her too far, which honestly is a lot of the time. She plays nice enough with her family and those they care about, but it’s a literal hell for anyone else the minute her patience runs out. Brutality with a caring smile, she’s actually the sister with the most soulbound humans - Envy and Greed just at her heels.
Lust - (Strip clubs/Brothels/Travel Agencies)
Lust’s main colors are dark pink and black, wearing both in spades as both a human and demon. She generally goes for looser clothing, but she’ll dress up for “work events”. Her standard outfit is an off the shoulders shirt, long thin skirt, and leather boots. Her “dress up” is a corset in her colors, a short frilly matching skirt, fingerless black gloves and those same boots. On days she’s feeling down, she’ll wear a crown around the office. For her horns, she has two sets in a more goat-like appearance, one set curls around her head and the other outward at the sides. She’s managed to pierce them, so there’s jewelry and chains there.
Personality wise, Lust tends to be overly-affectionate and open to talking about anything. She has a lot of interests, and - as you can guess - feels no shame in any line of questioning. She loves love, in any form, and enjoys being the shoulder to cry on. She’s got a habit of putting others before herself, which unfortunately has tanked her self-esteem in some regards, but when standing up for others has some…ferocious ways to defend boundaries. She takes care of the humans in her work with a motherly sort of protectiveness, and is considered one of the better siblings to work for among other demons.
Greed - (Casinos/Gambling in General)
Greed’s main colors are green and copper. She’s the only Sister to share these colors with her twin Envy. Greed has a…interesting appearance, even more inhuman than her siblings. She looks like someone through a black and white filter, the only color on her being her bright green eyes and outfit, a flapper’s dress accented with copper beads. Her horns are three sets along the sides of her head in a bug-like fashion, pointed upwards.
Personality wise, Greed is a bit of a show off. She wants the attention, the spotlight, to the point of even willingly humiliating herself. She doesn’t care if she’s the best or the worst, as long as people are talking about her. She’ll put this aside for her siblings, especially her twin, and uses her resources to help them however she can. This isn’t exactly a selfless endeavor however, as she loves the feeling of being one of the youngest but being able to provide.
Envy - (Fashion Industry/Jewelry, occasionally joins Greed)
Envy’s main colors are green and copper. She’s the only Sister to share these colors with her twin Greed. Envy actually has the same look as her twin, except in the reverse, like a living shadow. Her copper eyes seem to glow in the dark, hungry and wanting everything, and the green beads along her flapper dress stay quiet even when she moves. Her horns, unlike her twin’s, are pointing downwards.
Personality wise, Envy can be a shy and gentle sort. She would rather people pay attention to her twin than herself, and follows along with most of Greed’s plots willingly. The few times she takes her lead role, she makes a mess out of it all. Pulling the strings of those around her to put those she loves on the pedestal, and feasting on the resentment and envy around her.
Sloth - (Hotels/Vacation Spots)
Sloth’s main colors are purple and blue. She can often be seen wearing baggy shirts and sweatpants, or if in a comfortable environment a nightgown in her colors. Her hair is pretty consistently mused up, an effect from her often trying to take naps, and has shadows under her eyes. Out of all the Lowborn Seven, Sloth actually has the look of a teenager. It’s suggested this is due to her own sleep deprivation, as she is as old as any other demon could be - as in, centuries old. She also has no horns, another symptom.
Personality wise, Sloth is a hot mess of irritable, emotional, and apathetic. She does her best to be as unflappable as possible, but there’s only so much she can handle some days. When her sanity finally runs out, and sleep isn’t coming her way, she ends up being the most aggressive Sister, even giving Wrath a run for her money! After the show that’s that, she’ll end up super upset and crying, only to end up right back into the calmness from before, and the cycle repeats again. She hates being this way, and has tried to fix it, but without the sleep she needs - for her physical and mental health - she’s not getting free anytime soon.
Demon Ranking
Lowborn Seven - The Seven Sisters, only.
Archdemon - Archdemons answer to the Sisters only, and even then their specific Sister takes priority, they act as personal guards or assistants.
Demon - A standard demon, might belong to one Sister’s sin or more, has a little more wiggle room than the Archdemons.
Imp - More like wayward souls than actual demonic entities, brute work mostly or message passing.
Soulbound - Humans who’ve made deals with demons, now in service to them. Only way to break the bond is to go back on the deal, losing what they gained.
Main Challenges
Lust’s Crisis
Lust is having an identity crisis, where she doesn’t just want to be lust anymore. Not sexually at least. She wants to be passion, caring, to be the feelings one gets to travel or adventure. She feels like she can be so much more, even though she enjoys being just sexual lust as well. It’s causing a major problem in her life, as it’s effecting her own view of herself and her mental health.
Pride’s Control
Pride is holding the reigns far too tightly. She thinks things need to stay the way they are now, that they’re perfect the way they are now, and nothing should change. Obviously, with what Lust is going through, this is gonna cause sparks.
Sloth’s Insomnia
Literal, Sloth is constantly between a state of insomnia and oversleeping depending on her biology. Most demons don’t need sleep, maybe an hour or two, but as the Sin of Sloth, she actually needs more - much more. This effects her mood, her health, and her temperament. Very bothersome.
Lucifer’s Reluctance
The Lucifer of the Sevens world is like Lucifer on Netflix - running a bar and not involved with Hell at all. He left, and is having fun in the human world. By doing this, he is reluctant to even get involved in any of the sisters’ issues and it’s making him a…not good ally, or a good father for that matter. He doesn’t want to return, but he just might have to when Lust goes missing.
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klarolinedrabbles · 2 years
also yes, gendry is exactly what arya deserves, just a bastard boy so she can get the fuck out of winterfell to become nothing just like him, fsr aways from the important people. do you think she will become lady of winterfell marrying a bastard? no, she will not.
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if you're mad arya has the better ship, you can just say that
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romanken · 2 years
Girl if they keep making criston cole this sympathetic and hot I might have to reconsider my hatred....
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dioica · 11 days
nett 🤝 dae.mon 🤝 having random ass people say INSANE shit about them individually at every turn.
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