#all joking aside i travelled to dallas to see it and it was incredible and i'll be processing that for a while
marlowe-art · 2 months
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hey um i think something weird's happening to the sun? no i don't mean the eclipse, i mean it seems to be uh. pluralizing?
sometimes i like to draw things based solely on the "hey wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened?" principle. this is one of those times.
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impalaimagining · 7 years
PittCon Sunday
(sorry this is so late. my mind has been reeling since I stepped into Jensen’s hug. cut comes after the gold panel)
My heart was racing as I typed this because it contains the letters to Jared story and the interaction between he and I as I gave him the binder and reliving that moment is everything I ever wanted. My liiiffeeee <3333 
Part One (Gold Panel): 
They come walking down the glass bridge. Jensen waves. Jared pushes him aside and becomes the star of the show. Jared takes off his beanie and everybody screams (still don’t understand how he does it).
Someone in the second row continues to talk to Jared from her seat instead of waiting to be selected for a question. (*heavy eye rolling from me*)
Jared and Jensen are sleepy little dorks and I love it. They’re still running on Vancouver time. Jensen didn’t sleep Saturday night, he watched the hours roll by. Jared says we should’ve called Jensen and invited him out with us. Jensen’s got “about two hours of solid” him left before it gets either “really interesting or really boring.”
Jared realizes the actress who plays Hitler granddaughter is from Pittsburgh. They’re “chuggin’ along” with filming - already on episode six. 
Jared says they’re still waiting for the call for season 14 renewal.
Fan is upset because Jensen promised to sing at SNS this year. He laughs and asks, “You believed that?!” He blames timezone switches and Rob, because Rob “likes Pittsburgh to himself.”
They’ve been on a juice diet because “summer was hard” on them (specifically Jared - who still looks incredible, by the way). As Jensen was walking on stage, he found a cup of goldfish crackers and stuffed a handful in his mouth. He comes on stage still chewing. They’re already talking about getting burgers for dinner Sunday night.
Jared envies people who can draw because he loves to do it but is “really bad at it.” Jensen makes a “mean stick figure.” They joke about they wish they could take their profession anywhere the way musicians and sketch artists/painters can. Jensen laughs and says he envisions Jared standing in front of a t-rex exhibit “To be! Or not to be!”
Jared takes on “Misha form!” while answering a question about their childhood memory. Jared tells the story of Tom starting kindergarten. He was flooded with emotions while the other parents were already used to taking their kids and just dropping them off. Meanwhile Jared is crying. Jensen says he has a lot of good childhood memories, but one of his favorite is his sixth birthday. He woke up and put on his cowboy outfit, complete with six-shooters and a sheriff’s badge. He walked outside and there was a horse in the yard for him to ride. Their yard wasn’t big, but he rode the horse in circles and shot his cap guns.
Jensen was never “into” sports medicine, but it was what he chose as he selected college major originally. Jensen says he thinks it would be fun to be a boat captain. Jared planned on going to school for engineering to follow in the footsteps of his brother. Instead, his brother ended up becoming a surgeon, and Jared thinks he would’ve followed that path as well. Jared’s other career options are doctor or teacher. “It’d be fun to be a wildlife photographer,” according to Jared. Jensen decides he wants to be a food and drink writer. Jared mocks avocado toast, Jensen says he’ll wolf one down if it allows him to travel to Italy.
Jared has so much trouble with his microphone.
They’ve never dreamed as Sam and Dean, but they dream about them and the set. Jared has had dreams about Kim Manners since his passing, where they talk, “which is... interesting.”
Danneel has to tell Jensen to stop using the Dean voice. Other times she’s like, “Can you please use the Dean voice...?”
Fan says alternate universe in s12 was out of left field but it was awesome. Asks if the boys have been surprised by anything the writers have thrown into the plot. Jensen says French Mistake. Jared says his big left field moment was when he traveled to Los Angeles before season 6 and met with Sera. She told him about soulless!Sam and he had to hide his gut reaction because he was right in front of her instead of being on the phone like he normally would be. Soulless!Sam is one of Jared’s favorite character twists. 
Jensen would never rule theatre out of his life as a future option. He doesn’t currently have plans to return to the stage, but he wouldn’t mind going back. Jared says he hasn’t done theatre in a long time, and he loved it. It’s the “best training ground possible,” but it’s hard to keep it fresh. Jared compares theatre to doing squats for thirty minutes. Jensen laughs and mocks him. joking about never skipping leg day.
A fan is getting fired for being at the convention. Asks about binge watching because she has a lot of free time now. Jensen says he watched Ozark in a week. Jared says Breaking Bad, but he’s on to Ozark because of Jensen’s recommendation. 
Fan gives suggestions for food places. A place called Burgatory. Jensen asks if there are any exits. 
“Did someone say Sanchez?” - Jared... why
Unicorns or dragons? Jared: unicorns ‘cause they’re not going to kill me, and they fart rainbows. Jensen: I’m gonna go dragons. Speaking of dragons... anybody watch game of thrones? Jared jokes about Jensen ruining the show for him by mentioning dragons. Jensen asks if everyone is caught up. Fan says no. Jensen: “earmufffssss!” He thinks they totally ripped off the demon!Dean transformation scene.
Part Two:
Jensen Ackles photo op! 
Was a little nervous but not really because like yeah he’s adorable and Jensen friggin Ackles but I didn’t have anything to tell him or show him so it was nothing like Misha (or Jared).
I walked up and said, “Hi! How are you?” He smiled and said, “I’m good. Tired. How are you?” I kind of yelled a little bit when I responded but it was so worth it. “Great now!” And then I proceeded to throw my arms around him and Chris took the picture. Jensen rubbed my shoulder as I was walking away. 
His hugs are so soft and gentle. His voice is so sweet and smooth. Jensen Ackles smells amazing and he’s so... *sigh* 
Part Three: 
This is the motherfucking ultimate high point of my weekend. I met. I hugged. I got a photo with. Jared. Padalecki. 
As I walked up, my heart was pounding let me tell you, boy. He smiles and says, “Hi!” oooh lawd his breath smells like booze and it’s something of my dreams (don’t ask.). I can smell his cologne. Y’all weren’t kidding when you said he uses a fuckton. I love it. I’m all giggly and nervous and I’m like, “I wanna show you something!” 
I spin around and pull my hair back off my ear and show him my tattoo. He - I kid you not - screams over the music playing. “NO SHIT!” I nod and give him this giant smile. “That’s my handwriting!!!” Yes it is you big, beautiful man. “That’s awesome!” I’m in fuckin euphoria and I don’t even feel him lean against my head when Chris snaps the photo. I have no idea if I even looked into the camera at this point. I’m praying to God I did and as I leave, Jared gives me a little pat on the back and when I turn around, he’s still smiling at me. “Thanks so much!” I get a wink. I GET A MOTHERFUCKING JARED PADALECKI WINK I AM SIMULTANEOUSLY LIVING AND DYING. (the next person in line was already next to him while this is all happening, LOL)
I practically skip out of the room but there are no tears. How did I do this??? This man makes me so fucking happy I didn’t even cry??? Jared is my savior. That’s it. 
Part Four: 
Jim Beaver. What an adorable father-like man.
I’m thoroughly convinced he’s drunk when he comes on stage. Jim Beaver danced. Like... heavy footwork, light on his toes danced. He’s holding a coke can and I can pretty much guarantee it wasn’t just soda in that can. 
I don’t remember much of his panel but the first thing he said was, “Hey idjits!” 
A fan asked him to say balls. It was... kind of awesome. 
A young girl came up to the mic to ask a question. He called her on stage and knelt down at her eye level. “Is that all you see???” She laughed. She has the same name as his daughter. They’re spelled the same way. “Are you my kid?? How weird would that be if my kid came all the way here and I didn’t know it. I didn’t buy her a plane ticket, I know that!” She asks her question (which I forget because I suck) and after he answers, he hugs her and sends her back off the stage. 
Part Five: 
J2 main panel. Boys come running down the center aisle through the crowd. Pretty convinced their body guards/handlers hate them lmao.
I’m not going to go through every question like I did for the gold panel. Jared and Jensen are perfect. That’s just about all you need to know. 
Jared’s pretty sure he’s going to get in trouble for jumping. His back has been hurting. “The medicine, it works!” 
It’s a glorious Sunday because “Dallas hasn’t played yet.”
Jared’s pretty sure turning 35 makes everything stop working.
Jim Beaver walks by in the glass bridge. Jared has the crowd yell “come back!” 
Jensen thanks football fans for giving up opening day to be at the convention. Says it’s hard not to be in front of a tv on the first football Sunday. Terrible towels come out.
Jared compares having three kids to “drowning... and then someone throws you three kids.” Jensen originally only wanted one kid, but Danneel wanted three. They compromised on a second pregnancy. ... “You always find a way to get what you want, don’t you, ladies?”
Jensen apologizes for having to leave the J2 photo ops earlier in the day because Danneel had called him multiple times. He thought something was really wrong. When he called back, she asked if he could FaceTime quickly. Arrow was saying “dada.” “Unfortunately, it was our plumber that was there...”
If I had been playing the SPN Con drinking game I would’ve been wasted the entire weekend. Good Lord. 
Jensen’s favorite episode to film was Baby. Jared’s favorites include episodes like Baby, French Mistake, Changing Channels, and Hollywood Babylon. It was the first time they were allowed to make fun of themselves and the industry. After filming Hollywood Babylon, they convinced the crew to give them the bigger trailers since they were already on set. 
Working with kids depends on their parents.
Jared mentions GameBoy. Jensen has a moment like dude you’re so old why are you bringing up GameBoy. It becomes a running joke throughout the panel. 
“Does your face hurt, Jensen?? Because it’s killin’ me!” ... dorks. 
They turn off Sam and Dean when they go back to their real lives. It’s easy for them at this point to flip the switch of the emotional pain Sam and Dean go through because of their friends and especially their family.
Guys guys guys I’m freaking out at this point. I know how much trouble I could get in for giving something to Jared. The handlers are going to hate me. According to a friend, “They’ve kicked people out for less.” hashtag fuck.
Something happens with another fan and the woman announcing rows to head back to autos is wrapped up with other things. I waited so much longer than I should have. It was horrendous and put me that much more on edge. 
Finally my row is called. I’m only in the fourth row. Why did it take this long. 
Steve Miller Band is playing from Jared’s phone onto a bluetooth speaker while I’m standing in line. When I get to him, it’s Fly Like An Eagle.
“How’re you, sweetheart?” *dies* He signs my book. “Did you read it?” I nod and say yes, of course. “And...?!” I told him I loved it and I thought it was very brave of him to share as much and as honestly as he did. He smiles and then I bring up the binder. 
Me: “I actually have something to give to you, and I know it could get me in a lot of crap for doing it this way. This is a project I put together. It’s letters from me and a lot of my friends because we just wanted to thank you for what you’ve done and let you know how much you mean to us. I don’t expect you to read them all, there’s a lot of them in there.” J: “I do like to read! *he’s flipping through them, paging to see just how many there are* No way! Damn girl!!!” Me: “It’s just something we did for you.” J: “Thank you. Thank you very much. Please pass on my gratitude to whoever sent you a letter.” Me: “I will, thank you!!!” J: “Thank you.” AND THE FREAKIN’ SMILE OMG. 
I don’t know how I lived. I don’t know how me and my shaky knees made it to Jensen’s autograph line but I did and he is such a sweetheart, my goodness. 
I slipped Jensen my book and he was just so tired omg it’s so sad and adorable. He signed the wrong page of my FDEWB book because sleeeepy. 
He slid it across the table to me and I thanked him for everything. He said “You’re welcome.” And patted the back of my hand and again, *i die*
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psalm51-6-blog · 5 years
Joy Equals Strengths - Week Twelve
Hi friends!!! Week 12 brought some of my favorite memories of 2019! While many of you just finished Spring Break, we decided to hold off a couple of weeks and take the girls on a mini-vacation once the crowds died down. Randy has been trying to plan a trip around the Texas pinball festival. Who knew there was such a thing? Well, I did! But only because my hunky honey has a nerdy side- don’t most husbands? So we took advantage of this event and created a great vacation! Check out the details below.
So instead of just heading straight up to Dallas, we took a few stops- sure the trip was longer, but we all got to do something fun and it makes for a great blog post!
Lord knows that traveling on the road with two kids can be exhausting- but we managed to have a great time and I’d love to share my tips, tricks and favorite spots.
First stop- Gruene, TX
It just so happened that my parents were celebrating my mom’s birthday in a cabin in Wimberly, TX. So we aligned our schedules to meet for lunch at the Famous Gristmill River Restaurant and then head on our way!
Taking mom to the Gristmill has been a tradition for a couple of years, and it continues to be one of our favorite spots. On a nice spring day, you can sit outside to enjoy a river view and a slight breeze! Menu favorites? We’ve never had anything bad at the Gristmill! But here were this weekend’s choices.
Mom: Chicken fried steak
Dad: prime rib sandwich (probably the BEST thing on the menu)
Randy and I: grilled chicken sandwich
Landry: kids chicken strips with fruit
And while we don’t usually do dessert, we were celebrating, so we ordered the German Chocolate cake AND the Jack Daniels Pecan Pie! Both are incredible- but for me, the pie took the cake!
Aside from the wonderful company and delicious food, the staff is always so nice, always accommodating our odd requests (like salad crackers for W), and the constant need for extra napkins
Second Stop- Waco, TX
On our long trip to North Texas, I just happened to need to stop for a bathroom break right as we were heading into Waco (maybe it wasn’t coincidence). Randy took a quick turn and we stopped at MY favorite spot to stretch our legs. Many people ask, what’s the big deal about Magnolia Market?! Well, in theory, it’s a simple idea- shopping, food, and fresh air. But I truly believe that place bring some peace! Seeing people from around the world (no joke) find a commonality in the simplicity of life, it’s just a beautiful thing. The girls love running around and getting to get out of their seats for a while. I didn’t even make it into the market- because I bee-lined it straight to my favorite food truck, Alabama Sweet Tea Company! Do I put for an $8 glass of tea? You betcha! And now that they serve their Holiday Tea all year round- oh my lanta, I should just buy stock!
Waco was just a quick stop, and we were on our way!
Third stop- Frisco, TX
Since the Texas pinball festival wasn’t until Sunday, we decided to stay the night in Frisco and get good sleep before a full day of fun! But first- Food!
In Beaird family tradition, we had to stop at The Star in Frisco- because well, the Cowboys! This is another fun place to let the kids run around and be kids. Ever see kids playing tag and football in the middle of the city just for fun? You will here! The star is surrounded by great restaurants and shopping.
We finished our day staying at the Westin Stonebriar Hotel and Golf club. We made a last minute decision to stay an extra day in the DFW area- I was worried that we were going to have to pay a lot for a last minute hotel that was just bleh. Well, thanks to priceline.com, we managed to stay at this 4-star hotel for $107 (minus tax and insurance, $140 total)
When booking on Priceline, you don’t get to see what hotel you’re staying at until you book- all you know is that it’s a 4-star hotel. So, how bad could it have been!
The cleanliness and size of the room, friendliness of the staff, excellent location- I could go on- we’d definitely looking at staying here again, and on purpose!
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Well, it was a bright and early Sunday- and we were ready for a fun day!
Growing up, Randy’s grandfather owned a Putt Putt golf and games. Randy’s love for arcade games came from working and spending hours at that place. So naturally, he shares his love with those he loves. And while, I never had any interest in the history, manufacturers, or technical side of these games, it’s been so fun taking an interest in his Hobbies. Not to mention, L wants to everything with her daddy.
Here, they feature hundreds of pinball machines- old and new- alongside arcade games. For $25, you can free play all the games you want- plus, Kids under 5 are free!!
As you can imagine, about an hour and a half of playing, we were done- so After a fun lunch at Rainforest Cafe at Grapevine Mills mall- mostly for the girls because the food is fine... the experience was a blast!
The final destination of our trip was Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX! I wasn’t quite sure how L would react. Much to our pleasure, she was thrilled! From the time we walked in to the time we left, she was in heaven! And well W, had the best time any 8 month old ever had.
Great Wolf not only provides a great weather friendly water park, but has tons of free (and paid) activities all times of the day. Between morning breakfast with their famous characters, story times, dance parties, scavenger hunts- you are sure to have a fun-filled stay!! We can’t wait to go back!
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Trip Tips:
Traveling with two littles can be tough, and while we usually drive straight through (as much as possible), we found it helpful to chart out our trip and take meaningful stops.
As mentioned above, if you are traveling to a new destination and need a great hotel for a great price, checkout Priceline’s 4-star hotel deals. You won’t know where you are staying until you book, but with it having to be a 4-star choice, the risk is worth it!
Great Wolf Lodge
This place is always busy, since there are no dates in which you can’t play. However, we definitely noticed that checking in on a Sunday got us a better deal and smaller crowds. Sign up for their emails to get great deals and last minute trip steals at greatwolflodge.com
Night Time
With all of the fun, you would have thought the girls would’ve just passed out! Not the case. And of course being away from home and your normal routines can always be a challenge. This little sound machine owl from target has saved us on trips (especially in hotels). It was gifted to us, but I would highly suggest purchasing one to help mask unfamiliar noises and provide an little night light.
Baby Carriers
Baby carrying is something I love to do when I know that we will be in big crowds. Strollers are great, but sometimes they are bulky and can inconvenience others when you are in the midst of lots of people. I personally have never tried a fabric sling, but my favorite carrier is a structured ErgoBaby. Not only do I wear it, but randy wears it too! EegoBaby provides thicker waist bands and shoulder straps, while being breathable.
What are your travel plans for this year? Any tips you wanna share?
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @joy_equals_strength
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