#alicel- y2w1
skeletorsims · 6 months
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It is in Spring of 1893. Latika does not know much, but she knows this. He kissed her forehead before dawn, said "I am going to the forest to gather some greens for dinner. Keep sleeping, the children are all down too." How much time later, she does not know, but she hears a scream, a horrible sound of metal on metal. There is no doctor to call for as she finds him, the wagon driver fretting a handkerchief over his red knuckles standing over him. "The horses spooked, miss, I don't- I couldn't stop them."
She hears the sob choke out of her before she even knows what she is doing, before she can think to do anything, kneels in the dusty tracks next to him, around the mess of wheels and spokes. He can't get a word out, his mouth leaking blood as he tries to speak.
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skeletorsims · 4 months
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Tragedy once again visited the Hollowbreasts. Lloyd was killed in a wagon accident early in the season, leaving Latika and her three children alone.
Thanks to help from Henriqueta Lace and Aoife McClean, as well as Biiwihitche, they got through the season. On top of that, we have it on good word that a visitor has joined the household which may also be able to lend a helping hand. The children just keep growing and Saanvi is now of school age! Latika has also opened a grocery and feed store: Hollowbreast General. At the Xu and Teeth homestead, Anselm just keeps growing and so does their business, Teeth Home Goods. They managed to expand their cabin. Four unexpected new settlers also arrived, one settling with the Hollowbreasts, and the rest attempting to find spouses within the season. Kozan Koji and Chiarina Clemente found love quickly between each other, and Josephine Harris was charmed by Red Snake, a local. All were married as the spring came to a close. The Laces also saw their children grow this season, with first Santiago and Theodore aging up, followed by Rose and Anthony. It wasn't the only big news: After a bit of a rough spot, Ilse Fischer and Donovon McClean are engaged and hoping to claim their land after this season. Dimitry Lace is becoming more open regarding his condition. Some of the settlers now are aware of what befell him and what the family has been going through. We will be checking in with them again first next round!
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skeletorsims · 4 months
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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There is no one to call, no one to help. She would refuse it if they offered, but their homestead is remote and no one passes by. He died in her arms, broken body unable to heal itself.
Her arms, strong now as they were when she was young— helping haul nets of fish off the boat and to market— made strong again by milling and harvesting— dug his grave.
Stripped out of her dress, she erected the stone. The children started to wake, started to cry.
For a moment, she had forgotten that she was so much more than herself. It was the second husband that died, but the first that she buried.
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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The children don't seem afraid by Dimitry. Even Henriqueta has begun to reach for his hand at night, as though she has gotten accustomed to this new...form he takes on.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Still, she feels outside of herself so often. Forgets things she should remember. The fire breaks out after she forgets the pie in the oven, went to tend to the children and came back with it roaring. She must get through.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Minnie does not know enough to know her father is gone but she cries and cries anyway. Latika smiles, she has to. There is no way out but through. No way out but through.
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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Rose and Anthony grow up as well!
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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Liu Wei ends up visiting during the night and learns of Dimitry's new...condition. "This is simply fascinating Mr. Lace. And you say you were bitten by a wolf and now at night you seem to...transform?" "I-Well yes, Mr. Liu. But as I said, I don't have much memory of the night..."
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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Aoife starts joining Ilse in the barn to work on her own homesteading supplies. She never learned to sew on a machine and it takes a lot of work. At the end of the days he isn't quite sure it wouldn't be easier for her to do it by hand.
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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Nearly the whole town visits to celebrate Santiago and Theodore's birthdays. They are now old enough to get an education along with Saanvi. This motivates Ms. Fischer to start preparing her things. She wants to ensure the town has a schoolhouse to get the young one a proper start in life. Theodore (left): Heavy Sleeper, Hydrophobic Santiago (right): Clumsy, Coward
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skeletorsims · 5 months
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As the air begins getting warmer and the days longer, Chiarina proposes to Koji that they get married and that very night, using the wagon as an arch and a few flowers around the crest of it, they wed.
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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skeletorsims · 6 months
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Chiarina finds Mr. Kozan out behind the cabin, preparing some wood.
With the end of the season approaching, Chiarina knows she needs to find someone. It is her whole reason for coming here, for traveling the horrible months in that awful wagon. He is funny and kind, and the conversation is always easy. She has decided to make her intentions clear. As he puts down the axe, her walks over to his chest. "Ms. Clemente, let me put on my shirt, at least." He has it open before she eases the lid down again, "Oh no need, Mr. Kozan. I quite like the view."
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