#alethia kontis
dzgrizzle · 1 month
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The Kindle edition will be released tomorrow, May 7th! Preorder it now! With new stories by @leannareneehieber, Charles R Rutledge, Alethea Kontis, and more!
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friends-of-magic · 7 years
rules: answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better. thanks @darknesswearsangelswings 
relationship status: #singleasasliceofcheese
favorite color: Sienna (pretty much the color of fire)
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick over lipstick, but I honestly wear both sometimes at the same time
last song you listened to: I honestly have no idea because I’ve been listening to the radio more than my own music recently, but the last I remember is…Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution by AC/DC
last movie you watched: Mermaidia (dont judge, y’all. It wasn’t by choice, I assure you) 
top 3 characters: Saphira (I hope this is a given. She is everyone’s fav even if they’ve never read the books); Sage/Jaron from the Ascendance Trilogy; and Mademoiselle Reisz from The Awakening even though I hated that book, she is pretty much LifeGoals™ –wow that was really hard to do and now I feel like I’ve betrayed my fictional children
top 3 ships: I’m not really a shipper, but here goes– Karamel (Supergirl. I know shut up); Bitterblue/Sparks and Saf (I’ll one day find a proper shipname for them); Olivia and Viola/Cesario (The Twelfth Night)
books you are currently reading: A portion of the list– The Time Machine by HG Wells, Bright Smoke Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan, Trixter by Alethia Kontis
top 5 musicals: (*side note: I can only do 3 characters but 5 musicals??!!) 1. Jekyll and Hyde  2. The Phantom of the Opera  3. Beauty and the Beast   4. Spamalot  5. A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
As I come to the end of this, I realize I have very few friends. So here’s to you dear soul who puts up with this blog of mine @honey-youshouldseeemeinacrown and just one really cool book lover person I don’t really know @theironeinparticular
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