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You could say he's 'mirin
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meaninglessprose · 7 years
Me on: Star Ocean:Till the End of Time
I enjoy this game, the graphics and battle system isn’t too bad and I like the characters.  
The plot is interesting, though a little jumpy to me, even though it is a fairly linear story wise, you do have options with the characters and all.  
I can’t say I really dislike any character, some of which I feel could have been better handled. 
Like Sophia, for such a core character, she sure does feel like a last minute toss in, she vanishes after the first sections of the game and doesn’t reappear until way later, after Fayt has had some character development.  
I am not sure what is going on with Adray, why is he a permanent character? Why not leave him optional?
But still an enjoyable game, lots to explore, and the crafting bits are pretty fun.
Fic recs, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
OTP is FaytxAlbel, with a tiny sprinkling of FaytxCliff and FaytxLuther
For the Love of Leingod
I find this hilarious and ridiculously cracktastic.
The giant bunny saga finally comes to a conclusion. Expect ravenous cakes, Destruction with a serious case of PMS and bunny dressage, studded here and there with beautiful boy love. Er... crack alert. :AlbelxFayt:
The Feelings Saga Book 1: The Sentimental Feeling
A flawed fic  that I enjoyed.
-AlbelFayt- It all started from the potion created by Peppita, Sophia and Puffy. Then Cliff got this grand idea to test it on Albel Nox. Now FAYT has to take care of the clean up… 
AlbelxFayt Fanfic Community
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BUT WHY THOUGH?! Wretched thing!
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