akiretv · 9 months
Hey, that secret third thing is the exact literal stance that the original proship term has. A lot of loud and annoying people have flocked behind it who don’t actually hold up that ideal, but proship means “ship and let ship” “tag your shit so everyone can be safe” and “your kink is not my kink and that’s ok”
You’re under zero obligation to believe me or claim the term for yourself, but I don’t want the loud and annoying people to bury the original meaning of the term.
hello anon! ya see, i made that post because in the twitter side of a show's fandom (good omens) there was a sudden breakout of antis calling out proships and proships replying and dnis being broken and yada yada...
imma preface this by saying! yo, you're like--most deffinitely right! just for the fun of it, i've been treading in the tags for proship and antiship. i have mutuals (i think, twitter culture is just as much of a mystery as tumblr's is) who are very anti-ship. i like to think i've heard from both sides.
what i think is going on is a clear case of people insulting others and rather refusing to set a middle ground and talk. of course, it would be hard for such large and distant (yet so closely bounded) communities of the internet to have a chat like that, because this IS the internet, after all. proshippers make fun of antishippers, call them out on hypocrisy, criticise them--and they get feedback that's solely from other proshippers, and in the unusual case an anti dabbles in, it becomes halfway to a warzone from b o t h sides. then, with antishippers they insult proshippers, call them proshitters, criticise them--and they get feedback that's solely from other antishippers, and in the sudden case a proshipper dabbles in, it becomes a warzone.
boundaries and dnis get broken. people from one side talk shit about the other in their OWN space, their OWN circle that's clearly their-side-themed. sadly, that's how twitter works, as far as im aware.
what i think is going on is just a big case of misinformation. of cautionary tales told from ago, mouth to mouth, in each side--about how the other is a victimising and victim-blaming, hypocrite, ridiculous, freaky piece of shit. i think it is a lost war that'll just breach the friendship you can make by a shared interest over a show. i think it's sad.
so yeah, y'know, i might be a proshipper, despite my seeming aversion for the word. i might be a proshipper, despite my distaste and despise for the usual--incestual, pedo and paraphilic, etc--problematic ships. i might be a proshipper, because i don't like the idea of being an anti--i don't think i'm skilled at the arts of arguments and online fights. i might be a proshipper, because all i stand for might just be what proshipping was at its core. the values you yourself have listed.
nonetheless, "proshipping" as a term seems to have changed. its connotations, at least. and i don't find myself strong enough to claim it for myself, i don't think it fulfills me, as a rando stranger of the internet you messaged.
i think i find both sides, at least, somewhat silly. i'm on my own side, as the point is from the very show all that battle sprouted from.
thank you! for being my first anon!
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akiretv · 9 months
Shortly after i reentered the good omens fandom, when the date for the second season's release date had been announced, i figured out i was demiromantic, and, that explained a lot-
i sincerely doubt i've ever felt "love" or being "in love" with someone. the only time i ever had an actual relationship was a boyfriend i had for ONE day in fourth grade primary school and, shocker, i'd "confessed to him" out of indirect peer pressure. Aside from demiromantic, i am also pansexual, and there's been times where i slightly confused and mixed up those two seperate attractions. if there was someone i thought was attractive physically, i would ponder in my head--do i see myself holding hands, kissing, going on romantic dinners with them? my heart gave an honest y u c k, so, hard pass. Plus, there also were times where i'd look at my friends, ranging from close and intimate to usual, and ask myself? what if we were together? but i'd always grimace at the thought of going through all of that relationship mumbo jumbo with that person in specific. keyword, in specific.
I do like romance and the hypothetical thought of being in a commited, fullfilling relationship with someone else--it's just that, whether i thought about it towards someone or someone confessed to me, i never felt to be truly close or know that person properly. i can just FEEL it in my bones,, that i'd be head over heels if i only found that one person i truly knew, intimately, for time on end, and that by chance my brain decided that was relationship material. i just know that i am capable of feeling that romantic love, but alas, just haven't yet.
so, arospec kid--surely won't affect how he views romance in media...
NOW, already past the pure, unadulterated self talk, let's get to relationships in media and queerbait, and how sherlock sucked the life out of me istg
i'm amazingly sure that, since little, i got the formula for romance in shows--series--movies pretty quickly:
"main character gets introduced, with his friends, family, motivations.. a pretty girl appears and they lock eyes. those two will be together."
was it a movie, series, i got it from the start. and i'm SURE i'm not the only one, nor that my demiromanticism m a d e me aware of that. what i'm sure of is that it made my viewing experience of all media following those tropes somewhat less interesting. from the endless "will-they-won't-they" to the sudden tension with no build-up,, the usual runtime of half an hour of a movie, or the twenty minute episodic attitude of shows paired alongside tropes like that just could not achieve the intimacy of a friendship before any actual romantic feelings began to sprout, and it made everything more,, bland for me, knowing everything by default.
nonetheless, i surfed the web, i found fandoms, i found SHIPPING and, most importantly, gay people.
nowadays, i still find a similar struggle with canon queer relationships in media, they borrow the same tropes of love at first sight and nearly build up less catching of feelings that only leave you with the pure awkwardness of the rest of the show until an actual confessing. love at first sight, a concept that seemed so alienating to me for SOME REASON that only now i can pick on why...
gay ships were always there but gay ships never happened in the tv. i did know about lgbtq+ people, although just the basics, my parents ARE allies but rarely frequented the subject when i was little, and representation was severely lacking for media a kid like me would watch in the tv, so it was new, exciting--but impossible as it seemed
i then watched sherlock with my parents
the first episode, with the gay jokes sprinkled in--i hesitated, it did get my hopes up, just a bit, but i just knew, watching big bang theory for so long drilled in my brain that gay people are funny for the gayness
nonetheless, i did go into the internet, i did find johnlock, i did find the johnlock conspiracy and tjlc explained.
even though i discovered all that after all four seasons had been released, i never found anything about the johnlock-less ending of it. with enough dignity to avoid spoilers, i never looked for it, but i swear i SAW kissing clips of them two, darned brain of hopeful kid.
after my parents and i ended the series i was silently devastated, and desperately clutched at the theory videos about the whole last season being inside sherlock's mind palace or mary being evil all along
sherlock fucked me up in many ways, queerbait made me hopeless.
fastforward and my dad calls me to watch a show. there's queen music and a funny-walking demon in it who has to look over the antichrist.
for some reason, i dip five minutes after. I DON'T KNOW MAN, prolly my dad just interrupted me playing something but for some reason, destiny didn't want me to be fully aware of good omens then and there.
some time later, i get recommended aretheygay's video on the ineffable husbands--it's funny, interesting and very rewatchable. i recognise the show and watch it on my own. it's great, in general, but the highlight will always be those two, aziraphale and crowley--the ineffable husbands. that six thousand year long slowburn those two had was like THE DREAM for my demiromantic ass, i just didn't know how to put that into words yet, but now i know why i liked them so much.
nonetheless, the show ended with no actual confirmation. of course, those two didn't need to kiss or fucknasty on screen (unlike a couple two i know off from the same show) to CONFIRM they were in love, but it was the adressing of those actual feelings i longed for, even though i already knew the ending of it thanks to the aretheygay video.
for the next years, my only contact with the fandom was rewatching aretheygay's video, seriously I DUNNO i really like it and it's very rewatchable
until i stumbled upon the second season's release date, a relentless countback that filled me with hope for something beyond the stressful end of a school year. with the heart motif in the posters, then in the intro.. the little trinkets of sneak peeks we saw every once in a while from official sources to the loving theories the fandom created, then the box, the playlists...
all throughout that bumpy road i had my heart up in my sleeve, hopeful and optimistic. what i wanted in terms of representation, in CONFIRMATION was for my dad to be aware that these two man-shaped supernatural beings are in love with each other, and for my mom to believe me when i say it'll happen.
but them every happened. two frames of the kiss were leaked and the fandom was split and some had their viewings ruined and other were relieved and...
i was from the side that was even MORE excited than before, assured. of course, it'd been miles better for it to not have happened, but i could just sigh in relief everytime i thought about the bad omens so many past reviews had left about the "bromance". nonetheless, theories started forming. because on the bright side, we had no context to the kiss!! the build up was what mattered after all!! but on the dark side, we had no context for the kiss. it could very well just not be them--paranoia began to set in, thusly.
with relentless confirmations of both my best and worst hypotheticals from the interviews and reviews that came in, i was by the edge of my seat at all times, in anticipation for good omens season 2.
and then it released. and then i watched it with my parents. and then the possibilities for anyone to morph into aziracrow and kiss instead of them became NONE and my belly ached more and more in anticipation of the kiss, plus, the affirmations of explicit non-bromantic feelings from some bits of the episodes was comforting, to say the least
and then metatron appeared. and then everything went romantically downhill. and then every happened. the kiss happened.
it goes without saying that i cried loads and loads.
talks with my mom afterwards revealed me that she and dad had always gotten them gay vibesTM from those two, even with just season 1 to go to which was very funny.
but the thing is, what sprouted all of this train of thought that's doomed to crash in a tragic derailing of my sleep deprived mind is that.. i'd never cried for a couple fall out before. i'd never cheered after a couple had kissed. i'd never been this INVESTED in a relationship.
it was just so beautiful, ineffable husbands, with their six thousand words year plus five minutes long slow burn. i even absolutely loved their kiss, analysis aside, it's odd for me to tolerate a LIVE ACTION smooching--but i was just so YESS GODDAMMIT for this couple exactly. it's a relief, like a long sigh. to see myself enjoy a relationship just as much as the next guy, at last. it gives me hope to see myself enjoy a real life romantic relationship with myself and another person.
i think that what made me so invested in ineffable husbands was the uncertainty of it all. what i'd been basically indoctrinated by queerbait. and that, since i'd known it before for it's unaddressing ending, i already had views that could and WERE subverted. against all odds, they fucking did it.
i don't know what kind of message to get out of this long ass wall of text. you don't have to try either. it's just,, the first time i really talk about my arospec-ism in general, and how i now realise the ways it's affected me since younger.
yep, an arospec good omens fan, i'm the most rare, extraordinary fella out there amirite?
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