#aka big sister/ mother figure Jesse finding Radar and adopting him sdkjfh
draconicocelot · 8 months
By the Fireplace
Summary: Jesse is struggling to handle the massive responsibility that comes with the formation of a new town, luckily, she meets a certain individual who just might make the perfect intern.
Hello teeny tiny MCSM fandom skjhdf, have an origin story for how Jesse and Radar meet
(Involves a few of my own personal headcanons for flavor but, ya know, MCSM is a sandbox for the fans now :,,) )
Beacontown. It had a nice ring to it, and an even more pleasant interior. It was a town built from the rubble of a great disaster, and yet those that inhabited it acted as though nothing bad had happened. They treated every day as a new beginning, as an opportunity to let their creativity shine. With the lack of rules against building privileges, no two buildings looked the same, and neither did the residents. In the early days of its formation, everything was bare and bland, but as with everything worth investing time into, it would show its true colors soon enough.
As Jesse walked through the gates of town, coming back from an evening expedition to gather supplies, she was greeted by warm smiles and genuine shouts of glee at her return. Half a year ago barely anyone even knew her name, and now they sang her praises in the streets. It was a rather jarring transition, but one that Jesse embraced with gratitude and humility. Handing off the bag that was thrown over her shoulder, Olivia approached her carrying a clipboard. 
“Jesse! How did the trip go?” She questioned, watching as one of the redstone engineers she brought with her carried the bag away to share the resources amongst the teams who needed them. 
“Not too bad, managed to gather lots of wood and cobblestone,” as she glanced over at the houses lining the streets, she noted the lack of color and decor, “I know we want to let everyone design their own homes, but with repairs still in place I think we need to focus on the necessary construction elements first.” Olivia nodded as she wrote something down, using the quill to gesture at the other end of town. 
“Good idea, they’re actually working on extending the border as we speak! There are a lot of people who want to live here, Jesse,” Olivia’s tone was optimistic, but her name was said with a hint of caution. Jesse knew her responsibilities kept growing with each passing day, that she would soon have to send others out on these resource runs so that she could stay back and monitor the repairs being made to town. 
“Yeah… I noticed,” Jesse groaned, running her fingers anxiously through her hair. “You uh, you sure you don’t want to stay here?” Olivia huffed out a half-laugh, patting Jesse’s shoulder sympathetically. 
“You know my place is in Redstonia, but I do think you need to hire some help.” Jesse knew she was right, but how would she go through a proper hiring process while people are still just trying to find a plot of land to build their homes on. It was nighttime she worried about the most, when everyone whose homes were not complete had to stay in a temporary shelter to avoid the mobs that might slip through the gates. She shuddered at the thought of someone getting hurt because her defenses had not been assembled properly. “Jesse? You still in there?” 
“Hm? Oh, yeah… sorry… Got a lot on my mind is all,” she replied, “I know you’re busy with your own leadership tasks so, thank you for stopping by to help us. You know as soon as Beacontown is up to livable standards I’ll be heading over with a team of my own to help you.” Olivia smiled softly, putting her hand over her heart. 
“It’s no problem Jess, anything for a friend,” Olivia clipped the quill to her board before looking towards the last house she had been standing near. It was more of a foundation at the moment, but her builders had already started laying down the stone needed to secure the basement. “Speaking of which, I’d better make sure my guys are on track. I’ll check back in before we settle in for the night.”
“Thanks Liv, and let them know they’re welcome to any spare resources once every base build is complete.” Jesse called as Olivia headed back to her sector. With the number of residents moving in constantly growing, not only did the negotiation of land have to be settled but the resources needed to be designated in proper quantities for the plans everyone comes up with. In order to allow everyone to build their own type of home, there needed to be guidelines for how large the space could be and how expensive it would be for extra materials required for complex builds. Her head spun just thinking about the amount of paperwork she had to complete. 
On her way back to her temporary cabin, a rather small building that had just enough in it to keep her comfortable, she briefly spoke with many citizens. A lot of them were thanking her for stepping up and insisting on creating such an accepting place to live, while others requested certain things from her which she had to write down on the fly. Sometimes she missed the simpler days, and busy nights like this were the main reason why. 
However, as she reached her destination, she noticed someone was sitting with their back up against the far wall of her cabin. Everyone else was bustling about, getting to know their new neighbors and concocting unique creations to share with one another. Whoever this was seemed to be rather forlorn, their head resting against their knees as they sat in a fetal position. Jesse tilted her head slightly, noticing this person was sniffling. She approached as quietly as possible, hoping not to alarm them. Clearing her throat first, she quietly called out, “Hey, are you okay?” The individual jolted in shock, their head whirling around as they curled further in on themselves. 
“O-Oh my gosh… I-I-I’m so sorry!” Jesse could tell he wasn’t past his teens, shivering like a leaf in an emerald green hoodie, his glasses tilted to the side as he attempted to wipe away the tears in his eyes using his sleeve. “S-So embarrassing…” he muttered. 
“There’s no need to be sorry, or embarrassed,” Jesse took another step forward, about three steps away from where the boy was hunkered down, and got down on one knee. “What’s your name?” She figured an introduction would be appropriate, “My name is-”
“Jesse…” He interrupted, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth, “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have s-spoke over you…” Jesse made a pained, commiserative expression as she sat down instead, crossing one leg over the other so she was level with him. 
“It’s alright, I should have assumed you knew who I was,” Jesse nodded in his direction for him to go on. He shifted uncomfortably, looking down at the ground before he spoke.
“My name’s… Radar,” realizing he was averting eye contact, as if he had been scolded by an imaginary force, he looked back up and met her eyes. “I-It is an honor, to m-meet you, miss!” Jesse released a pssh from between pursed lips. 
“No need to call me miss, just Jesse is fine,” she observed his body language for a moment longer before deciding it was safe to move on. “Now, what are you doing over here all by yourself, Radar? Did you just move in?” Radar recoiled slightly, but managed to muster up a response sooner than before. 
“I uh… technically don’t live here,” he glanced at the front gates, “I just got here earlier today but…” he hesitated, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“Radar, if you don’t live here yet, I’m not just going to kick you out,” Jesse phrased her words gingerly, hoping not to upset him further. He was clearly shaken up about something, but she wouldn’t get any information if she scared him off. Radar threw his hood up over his head before admitting why he was hiding. 
“I-I don’t have the emeralds to p-pay for the land…” Jesse pondered for a moment, searching for the right words. 
“Did you come here with anyone else?” Radar shook his head, “Not a sibling… or a parent?” She could hear him whimper under his breath, looking up only slightly so that the top half of his face could be seen from under his hood.
“The… Th-The Witherstorm…they… they didn’t make it…” Jesse’s pupils constricted as she absorbed the horror of that statement. This poor kid, alone and afraid, now left without his parents because of the monster she destroyed. That damned command block destroyed the lives of so many people, took the loved ones from those who survived and left others with unhealable scars. Using her arms to push herself forward, she sat directly across from him, slowly reaching a hand in his direction. 
“Hey, it’s… it’s gonna be alright,” she spoke softly, allowing him to see her hand before she placed it on his upper back. He was still badly shaking, and she couldn’t quite tell if it was from the cool night air or his fear of being thrown from one of the only places within miles where he could stay under a roof. “I’m going to help you, Radar. You hear me?” Radar fully lifted his head, his big red eyes still flowing with tears as he attempted to speak. 
“Y-Y-You will…? R-Really? You won’t k-kick me out?” 
“Of course not, I have plenty of room in my cabin,” She smiled softly, rubbing his back up and down, “besides, I’m in need of a new intern. Think you could help me manage some of the construction around here?” Radar couldn’t contain his relief, throwing himself forward as Jesse braced herself. She managed to catch him as they both fell back, Jesse holding herself up with one arm and embracing him with the other. 
“I promise! I-I promise I’ll do good! I’ll do whatever it t-takes to help you a-and the rest of Beacontown!” Jesse closed her eyes for a moment, squeezing Radar before helping them both back to their feet. 
“I’m sure you will, buddy. Why don’t you head inside and sit by the fireplace, your hands are ice cold.” Jesse suggested, reaching down and fixing Radar’s glasses that were lying askew. Radar had his arms wrapped around himself as he nodded excitedly, walking towards the cabin door. 
“Thank you, Jesse…really. You’re a r-real life saver,” he added before heading inside. Jesse relieved a sigh, the memories of the battle with the Witherstorm flooding into her mind. She thought about poor Ellegard, about all those townspeople who she couldn’t save as they attempted to flee, she wondered if Radar’s parents were there… 
She thought about Reuben, about her best friend and most loving companion. The Witherstorm destroyed so much, but it didn’t destroy the light within all of those citizens who now inhabited Beacontown. It didn’t stop them from fighting back, from rebuilding their lives from the ground up. She was proud of each and every one of them, and hoped this new chapter of their lives would blossom into something special.
Even though everyone treated Jesse differently, like an idol to look up to, she had to admit she didn’t feel very different. Before becoming the Hero in Residence, no one seemed to care about the young bookworm who enjoyed playing with her pet pig and going on simple adventures. Many people didn’t even know who she really was behind the wall of popularity and fame that followed the defeat of the Witherstorm and the dismantlement of the Old Builders. They don’t know she snores when she sleeps, they don’t know she used to skip rocks on the river near her treehouse, but most of all, many people didn’t even know she was an orphan herself.
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