kits-shrine · 3 months
“Personally, I think painting a plain one would be for fun,” Ally added after a bit.
"You do?" Tamashii asked curiously turning his gaze to her. "Why?"
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kits-shrine · 2 months
Her heart fluttered at his nearness, "No?"
"No." Kuko's rumbled back before rising back upright, to stare down at her with a flick of his tail.
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kits-shrine · 2 months
A weight fell from the pup’s shoulder’s as he heard the scarred white wolf’s name.
Giving his hand a final squeeze Reiko let him to grab up Everhart and lifted the boy over her head with a laugh, "Like that's all that hard! You guys weigh next to nothing!"
"Oy!" Ever objected even as he grinned. Bruce nudged his glasses up his nose with a dry "I believe our standard weight lifting capacities greatly differ Reiko.
The oldest boy of the queens children let out a laugh as he tipped back his hat "Nah, I can pick you small fries up too!" Bruce tried to flee to no avail as Billie picked him up, though not as easy nor as high as the vixen had.
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kits-shrine · 1 day
Alyssum giggled, then gave Tama and Tum another kiss on the cheek, "My sweet boys."
They both beamed at that. Tamashii straightened with Tum in his arms "Well now that breakfast-" and cleaning "is out of the way, what did you want to do today kobito?"
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kits-shrine · 2 days
"I couldn't resist the temptation," Ingall chuckled warmly.
"Uh huh." the tips of her tails flicked his nose.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
Agni happily took his own, ate a bite of it, and hummed at the lovely flavours.
Smacking her lips happily Reiko got back up and poured them both a glass of milk before wordlessly sitting back down.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
Tony was happy to comply with her wishes.
She smiled a couple tails moving to lay over him like blankets claiming him even as her arms were busy holding Roko.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
"It had been a while since we'd last seen you and wanted to visit," Ziz answered cheerfully.
His face brightened at that "How lovely! Thank you... for thinking of me. Would you... like some tea?"
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kits-shrine · 2 days
"I understand that and don't at the same time," Ylva sighed, "and I still say you're kind; that's one thing I won't change my mind on."
"Not surprising. It takes time to sink in I think." Ralph stated as they walked inside not going to argue with her on it. "Just keep reminding yourself it. Especially when you feel yourself slipping back into old habits you hate." that sounded like experience speaking from how he said it so calmly. Not preaching or giving fluff advice. Just sharing something that had helped him at least.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
"I would have been too involved according to other deities, and a little loneliness on my part wasn't worth an argument that could have sparked a war on a bad day," Aureila explained, "gods are not known for their even temperaments; well most aren't."
He let out a huff of irritation "Sounds foolish to me." Kuko shook his head "Forgive me Kami, that wasn't my place."
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kits-shrine · 2 days
"Hello Rini, I'm Thyra," she titled her head toward Meeka, "Her Mama."
The little bun smiled sweetly but her eyes did travel to Thyra's injured arm curiously.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
She offered Shakko his pick of the prizes she'd won as she spoke dramatically, "Now, wherever has my dear husband gotten off to."
The booth runner hummed loudly "Handsome Skeleton Fellow?"
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kits-shrine · 2 days
Apollo smiled kindly once more, "Do let me know if Mrs Grace likes the book. Have a pleasant afternoon, Cyrene," he inclined his head to her and made to leave.
"You too." Cyrene murmured getting into her car as she watched the beautiful blonde man walked away. She sat watching him disappear in the side mirror before looking at the canine in the back "Weird shopping trip huh handsome?"
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kits-shrine · 2 days
“You’re a very kind man,” Ylva murmured, then fell silent for a beat, “modesty and innocence were a luxury beaten out of early. I don't think I know how to mind in that sense any more.”
"Not hardly." Ralph objected to the first as he pulled himself from the car "I can relate. But just because it was doesn't mean that's what it has to be. Your life is yours now right? So you get to decide what you want."
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kits-shrine · 2 days
“That’s cause we love Papa Tama, right Tum?” Ally sang.
"Yeeeeeah~" Touma sang back while Tamashii looked a bit like he'd been hit with a hammer, a little heart forming in his nonflower eyelight.
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kits-shrine · 2 days
With a smirk, Ingall reached up and tickled her sides.
Kit squealed dancing out of his arms reach "Hey! What the heck Ingall!" she laughed.
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