#ain shams university faculty of medicine
edurizon-mbbsabroad · 10 months
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dreammedicin · 1 year
"AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and one of the most respected universities in Egypt. This respected university is located in the city of Cairo in the Middle East, Egypt."
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argroup6 · 1 month
Exploring Openings: Pursuing MBBS in Egypt
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Are you an aspiring medical understudy looking for quality education abroad? Consider Egypt as your goal! Eminent for its wealthy history, social legacy, and old ponders, Egypt moreover offers great openings for medical education. In this comprehensive direct, we'll dive into the different perspectives of considering MBBS in Egypt, counting expenses, colleges, affirmation methods, and why it's an alluring choice for Indian students.
Studying MBBS in Egypt: A Shrewd Choice
Egypt has risen as a favoured goal for worldwide students looking to pursue MBBS degrees. Here's why examining MBBS in Egypt is a shrewd choice:
Quality Education: Egyptian colleges offer high-quality medical education with educational modules that meet worldwide guidelines. With advanced offices, experienced workforce, and a centre on common sense preparation, students get a comprehensive instruction that plans them for fruitful medical careers.
Reasonable Educational cost Fees: Compared to many Western nations, the fetch of examining MBBS in Egypt is generally reasonable. Educational cost expenses are sensible, making it an attractive option for students from assorted financial foundations. Furthermore, the taking a toll of living in Egypt is additionally reasonable, assisting in decreasing the budgetary burden on students.
English-Medium Programs: Most medical colleges in Egypt offer MBBS programs in English, making it open to universal students, counting those from India. This disposes of dialect obstructions and guarantees that students can comfortably pursue their education in a dialect they are recognizable with.
Clinical Exposure: Egypt gives sufficient openings for clinical exposure, with access to present day clinics and healthcare offices. Students have the chance to pick up viable encounters in an assortment of therapeutic settings, improving their clinical abilities and information.
MBBS Fees in Egypt
The toll of studying MBBS in Egypt changes depending on the college and program. Normally, the yearly educational cost fees for MBBS programs run from $3,000 to $6,000. Also, students should budget for living costs, counting convenience, nourishment, transportation, and other different costs. Generally, examining MBBS in Egypt offers great esteem for cash compared to many other nations.
Best Medical Colleges in Egypt
Egypt is home to a few prestigious medical colleges known for their academic excellence and inquire about commitments. A few of the finest medical colleges in Egypt incorporate:
Cairo University: Cairo College is one of the most seasoned and most prestigious colleges in Egypt, advertising a wide run of medical programs, counting MBBS. The Staff of Pharmaceutical at Cairo College is famous for its experienced workforce and state-of-the-art offices.
Ain Shams College: Ain Shams College is another top-ranked college in Egypt, known for its comprehensive medical programs and inventive investigation. The Workforce of Medicine at Ain Shams College offers MBBS programs with a centre on clinical greatness and quiet care.
Alexandria College: Alexandria College is found in the coastal city of Alexandria and is known for its dynamic scholarly community and world-class medical instruction. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical at Alexandria College offers MBBS programs that combine theoretical information with viable preparation in clinical settings.
Medical Colleges in Egypt for Indian Students
Indian understudies looking to pursue MBBS in Egypt have a few alternatives to select from. A few medical colleges in Egypt that are prevalent among Indian students incorporate:
Misr College for Science and Innovation (MUST): MUST may be a private college in Egypt known for its quality medical instruction and cutting edge facilities. The Faculty of Medicine at MUST offers MBBS programs with a centre on hands-on preparation and clinical experience.
Suez Canal College: Suez Canal College is found in Ismailia and is known for its assorted understudy populace and worldwide collaborations. The Workforce of Medicine at Suez Canal College offers MBBS programs that are instructed in English and give understudies with a worldwide point of view on healthcare.
MBBS Admission in Egypt
The admission process for MBBS programs in Egypt regularly includes the taking after steps:
Qualification Criteria: Candidates must meet the qualification criteria set by the college, which ordinarily incorporates completing auxiliary instruction with a science foundation and accomplishing a least GPA.
Entrance Examination: A few colleges may require candidates to require an entrance examination to survey their aptitude for medical studies.
Application Process: Candidates need to yield their application shape at the side supporting records, counting academic transcripts, letters of suggestion, and an individual articulation.
Visa Application: Once accepted, students got to apply for a student visa to think about in Egypt.
Examining MBBS in Egypt offers a special opportunity for Indian understudies to get quality medical education at a reasonable price. With world-class universities, English-medium programs, adequate clinical exposure, and an inviting environment, Egypt is an alluring goal for yearning specialists. Whether you're drawn to the wealthy history and culture of Egypt or the prospect of getting top-notch medical instruction, exploring MBBS openings in Egypt can be the primary step towards a fulfilling career in healthcare.
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mokshconsultant · 2 months
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine is a prestigious institution renowned for its excellence in medical education, research, and healthcare delivery. Located in Cairo, Egypt, the faculty has a rich history dating back decades and is committed to nurturing future generations of healthcare professionals.
At Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, students are immersed in a stimulating academic environment led by renowned faculty members who are experts in their fields. The faculty offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and allied health sciences, providing students with a solid foundation of knowledge and practical skills.
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arjaysingh · 3 months
MBBS in Egypt for Indian Students 2024-25
In recent years, Egypt has emerged as a popular destination for Indian students seeking to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. With its rich history, world-class medical education facilities, and affordable tuition fees, Egypt offers a promising option for aspiring doctors from India. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of pursuing MBBS in Egypt for Indian students for the academic year 2024-25.
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Why Choose Egypt for MBBS
High-quality medical education
Egyptian medical universities are renowned for their excellent academic standards and modern teaching methodologies.
Internationally recognized degrees
MBBS degrees obtained from Egypt  universities are recognized globally, including by medical councils in India.
Cultural experience
Studying MBBS In Egypt offers Indian students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich cultural heritage while pursuing their education.
Affordable tuition fees
Compared to many Western countries, the cost of studying MBBS in Egypt is relatively lower, making it an attractive option for Indian students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
Eligibility Criteria
Academic qualifications: Indian students seeking admission to MBBS programs in Egypt typically need to have completed their higher secondary education (12th grade) with a strong background in science, including subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Language proficiency
Most universities in Egypt require proficiency in English, and some may also require proficiency in Arabic, the primary language of instruction.
Admission Process
Application procedure
Prospective students can apply directly to the universities or through authorised agents. Application forms are usually available online, and applicants need to submit the required documents along with the application fee.
Entrance exams
Some universities may require students to clear entrance exams such as the International Students Admission Test (ISAT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
Visa requirements
Indian students need to obtain a student visa from the Egyptian embassy or consulate in India. The visa application process typically requires proof of admission to a recognized university, financial documents, and medical insurance.
Top Medical Universities in Egypt
Cairo University Faculty of Medicine
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine
Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine
Assiut University Faculty of Medicine
Curriculum and Duration
The MBBS In Egypt usually spans six years, divided into pre-clinical and clinical phases.
Pre-clinical phase
The first three years focus on building a strong foundation in basic medical sciences through theoretical and practical coursework.
Clinical phase
The final three years involve clinical rotations and hands-on training in hospitals and healthcare facilities, allowing students to gain practical experience in various medical specialties.
Cost of Education and Scholarships
Tuition fees for MBBS programs in Egypt vary depending on the university and program, but they are generally more affordable compared to many other countries.
Scholarships and financial aid opportunities are available for international students, including Indian students, based on academic merit, financial need, and other criteria. Prospective students are encouraged to explore scholarship options offered by universities, government bodies, and private organisations.
Accommodation and Living Expenses
Most universities in Egypt offer on-campus accommodation options for international students, including Indian students.
Alternatively, students can choose to rent apartments or shared accommodation off-campus, which may offer more flexibility and privacy.
Living expenses in Egypt, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs, are generally lower compared to many Western countries, making it more affordable for Indian students.
Healthcare Infrastructure and Clinical Experience
Egypt boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure, with modern hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
Clinical experience forms an integral part of the MBBS curriculum in Egypt, with students gaining hands-on experience through rotations in various departments under the supervision of experienced medical professionals.
Pursuing MBBS In Egypt offers Indian students a unique opportunity to receive high-quality medical education at affordable costs while experiencing a rich cultural heritage. With internationally recognized degrees, modern facilities, and ample clinical exposure, Egypt stands out as an attractive destination for aspiring doctors from India in the academic year 2024-25. Prospective students are encouraged to thoroughly research their options, meet the eligibility criteria, and prepare for the admission process to embark on this rewarding educational journey.
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edufever · 5 months
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mbbsinvietnam · 6 months
Exploring Medical Colleges in Egypt for Indian Students: A Complete Guide
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Egypt has become a well-liked choice for foreign students seeking MBBS In Egypt for Indian Students in recent years. Indian students in particular have demonstrated a strong interest in studying medicine in this historically significant and culturally diverse nation. With a focus on providing Indian students with a thorough overview of Egyptian medical colleges, this blog post covers all the important details regarding the curriculum, admission standards, and overall experience.
Overview of Medical Education in Egypt:
Egypt boasts a robust healthcare system, and its medical education is highly regarded globally. The medical curriculum is designed to meet international standards, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for medical practice worldwide. Many medical colleges in Egypt offer programs in English, making it accessible to international students, including those from India.
Admission Requirements:
Indian students aspiring to study medicine in Egypt typically need to fulfill the following requirements:
High school diploma or equivalent with a strong emphasis on biology and chemistry.
Proof of English proficiency through standardized tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
Submission of academic transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Successful completion of a university entrance exam.
Recognized Medical Colleges for Indian Students:
Cairo University Faculty of Medicine:
Established as one of the oldest and most prestigious medical schools in the region.
Renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities.
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine:
A leading medical institution with a strong emphasis on research and practical training.
Offers programs in English, accommodating the needs of international students.
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine:
Located in the vibrant city of Alexandria, known for its multicultural environment.
Provides a diverse learning experience with exposure to various medical cases.
Cost of Living and Scholarships:
Egypt is known for its affordable cost of living compared to many Western countries. Additionally, several scholarships and financial aid options are available for international students, making it more accessible for Indian students to pursue their medical education in Egypt.
Studying medicine in Egypt can be a rewarding experience for Indian students. With world-class medical colleges, a diverse cultural environment, and affordable living costs, Egypt presents a compelling option for those seeking high-quality medical education abroad. Aspiring Indian students should carefully research each university's offerings, admission requirements, and cultural aspects to make an informed decision about their academic journey in Egypt.
Contact us +91-9818 560 331
Visit us : https://www.mymbbsadmission.com/mbbs-in-egypt/
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The Cost of Medical School in Africa: A Comprehensive Guide
The Cost of Medical School in Africa
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Medical school is a significant investment, both financially and academically. The cost of medical school can vary depending on the country and the institution. In Africa, the cost of medical school can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per year.
This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the cost of medical school in Africa. We will cover tuition, fees, living expenses, and financial aid options. We will also discuss some of the most affordable medical schools in Africa.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are the two largest expenses associated with medical school. Tuition is the cost of instruction, while fees cover other costs such as registration, library access, and student services. Tuition for medical school in Africa can vary depending on the country and the institution. In general, public medical schools are more affordable than private medical schools.
Why Study Medicine In Africa? Medical schools in Africa offer a cost-effective alternative, with affordable tuition and fees, making quality medical education accessible to a diverse range of students. For example, the average tuition for a public medical school in South Africa is around R50,000 per year, while the average tuition for a private medical school is around R80,000 per year.
In Egypt, the average tuition for a public medical school is around LE10,000 per year, while the average tuition for a private medical school is around LE50,000 per year.
Living Expenses
Living expenses are another important consideration when budgeting for medical school. Living expenses can include housing, food, transportation, and textbooks. The cost of living expenses can vary depending on the country and the city where you attend medical school. In general, the cost of living in major cities is higher than the cost of living in rural areas.
For example, the average cost of living for a medical student in Cape Town, South Africa is around R10,000 per month. The average cost of living for a medical student in Cairo, Egypt is around LE5,000 per month.
Financial Aid Options
There are a number of financial aid options available to help medical students pay for their education. These options include scholarships, bursaries, and loans. Scholarships and bursaries are typically awarded based on merit or financial need. Loans are typically repaid after graduation. In Africa, there are various financial aid options available to help medical students cover the costs of their education, including scholarships, bursaries, and loans, with scholarships for medical studies in Africa often being awarded based on academic merit and a commitment to serving underserved communities.
There are a number of organizations that offer financial aid to medical students in Africa. Some of these organizations include:
The African Development Bank
The World Health Organization
The Mastercard Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation
Most Affordable Medical Schools in Africa
Here is a list of some of the most affordable medical schools in Africa:
Makerere University School of Medicine (Uganda)
Texila America University (Zambia)
University of Ghana Medical School (Ghana)
University of Nairobi School of Medicine (Kenya)
Moi University School of Medicine (Kenya)
University of Ibadan College of Medicine (Nigeria)
University of Nigeria, Nsukka College of Medicine (Nigeria)
Cairo University Faculty of Medicine (Egypt)
Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine (Egypt)
Global Health Initiatives
Medical Education Advancement in Africa has enabled students to actively engage in global health initiatives and research, offering them the chance to contribute to projects addressing critical global health issues and fostering international collaborations and promising career prospects.
The cost of medical school in Africa can vary depending on the country and the institution. In general, public medical schools are more affordable than private medical schools. There are a number of financial aid options available to help medical students pay for their education. If you are considering studying medicine in Africa, be sure to research the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses at different institutions. You should also contact financial aid offices to learn more about available scholarships, bursaries, and loans.
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orthotv · 9 months
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🔰Egyptian-Indian Orthopedic Online Course
🗓️ Date & time : Friday, 15th of September 2023 10:30pm (IST )
▶️ Click here to watch : https://tinyurl.com/OrthoTV-Egyptian-Indian-17
🔅 Topic : Robotics in total and partial knee arthroplasty
📢 Speaker📢
👨‍⚕️ Prof. Thadi Mohan Professor of orthopedic surgery ,Department of Orthopaedics, School of Medicine, Kochi
🔅 Topic - Manual Navigation in Conventional TKA
📢 Speaker📢
👨‍⚕️ Prof. Wael Samir Behiry Professor of orthopedic surgery, Ain Shams university
🔆 Course Moderators
👨‍⚕️ Prof. Mohamed El-ashhab Professor of orthopedic surgery, Dean of Benha Faculty of Medicine
👨‍⚕️ Dr. Srinivas Kambhampati Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at Vijayawada ,India
📺Streaming Live on : OrthoTV and IOATV
🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani
👨‍💻 Join OrthoTV - https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV
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mbbsblogsblog · 1 year
Pursuing an MBBS Degree in Egypt: A Comprehensive Guide
Pursuing a career in medicine is an aspiration shared by many students worldwide. One popular destination for students seeking to pursue an MBBS degree is Egypt. Egypt has a rich history in medicine and offers excellent academic opportunities for those interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to pursuing an MBBS degree in Egypt, covering everything from admission requirements to career prospects.
Admission Requirements
To pursue an MBBS degree in Egypt, students must meet specific admission requirements. These requirements include:
A high school certificate or equivalent
A minimum score of 90% in the final high school exams
A minimum score of 70% in biology, chemistry, and physics
A minimum score of 60% in English language
Passing the Medical Aptitude Test (MAT), which is mandatory for all students who wish to pursue an MBBS degree in Egypt
Universities Offering MBBS Degrees in Egypt
Egypt has several universities that offer MBBS degrees. Some of the most popular universities include:
Cairo University: The Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical schools in Egypt. The faculty offers a six-year MBBS program that is taught in both Arabic and English.
Ain Shams University: The Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University is another highly reputable medical school in Egypt. The faculty offers a six-year MBBS program that is taught in both Arabic and English.
Alexandria University: The Faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University is known for its excellent teaching standards and research opportunities. The faculty offers a six-year MBBS program that is taught in both Arabic and English.
Curriculum and Course Structure
The MBBS degree program in Egypt is six years long and is divided into two parts. The first three years are dedicated to pre-clinical studies, which cover the basic medical sciences such as anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology. The last three years are dedicated to clinical studies, where students learn to diagnose and treat patients in a clinical setting.
Career Prospects
After completing an MBBS degree in Egypt, students have several career options available to them. They can pursue a career as a general practitioner, work in a hospital or clinic, or pursue a specialization in a specific area of medicine such as cardiology, pediatrics, or surgery.
The salary for a doctor in Egypt varies depending on several factors such as experience, specialization, and location. On average, a general practitioner in Egypt can earn between EGP 4,000 to EGP 10,000 per month. The salary for a specialist doctor can range from EGP 8,000 to EGP 30,000 per month.
Pursuing an MBBS degree in Egypt can be an excellent opportunity for students who are passionate about medicine. Egypt has several prestigious universities that offer high-quality medical education, and graduates have several career opportunities available to them. However, students must meet specific admission requirements and prepare well for the Medical Aptitude Test to secure a place in one of these universities. We hope that this comprehensive guide has provided useful insights into pursuing an MBBS degree in Egypt.
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anikaitkumar546859 · 1 year
AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and one of the most respected universities in Egypt. This respected university is located in the city of Cairo in the Middle East, Egypt.
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edurizon-mbbsabroad · 10 months
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drakramismails-blog · 2 years
Dr. Akram Ismail - How a Gastroenterologist Can Keep Your Liver Healthy
It’s no secret that a gastroenterologist is who you need to see for digestive problems or to have a colonoscopy. However, the exact scope of care provided by a gastroenterologist is often misunderstood. Beyond the gastrointestinal tract, these specialists also care for other organs that are involved in the process of digestion, including the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver.
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Location and Function of the Liver The liver is located on the right side of the abdomen, above the gallbladder. It is divided into two separate lobes. As part of its role in digestive health, the liver is responsible for filtering blood and processing nutrients from the digestive tract, as well as secreting bile to aid in the digestion of fat. Additionally, it is responsible for detoxifying chemicals which could be potentially harmful to the body and metabolizing drugs.
Diseases that Affect the Liver Given the vital role it plays in healthy body function, disease of the liver can be serious and requires proper medical treatment. Among the conditions which may impact the liver are:
Hepatitis – Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver and is often the result of viral hepatitis A, B, or C. The severity of the condition depends on the specific type of hepatitis contracted. While hepatitis A resolves relatively quickly and without complication, hepatitis B and C can both lead to chronic liver infection. Cirrhosis – Cirrhosis is damage to the liver from sources such as hepatitis or alcohol abuse that results in scarring. This damage is almost always irreversible, and severe cases may require transplant. Fatty Liver – Fatty liver is often a precursor to cirrhosis. It occurs due to accumulation of triglycerides inside liver cells. In cases where a fatty liver becomes inflamed (steatohepatitis), scarring (fibrosis) may occur, and this is when cirrhosis can develop. Liver Cancer – Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer and is typically preceded by cirrhosis. When detected in early stages before the cancer has spread, the average 5-year survival rate is 31 percent.
How a Gastroenterologist Cares for the Liver Due to its role in the digestive system, gastroenterologists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat many conditions of the liver. While some conditions may require care from multiple types of doctors, a skilled gastroenterologist is always a key component in the treatment of diseases impacting the gastrointestinal tract and related organs.
About the Author: Dr. Akram Ismail, MD is a Gastroenterology Specialist (Stomach & Bowel Specialist) in Clermont, FL and has over 41 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from AIN SHAMS University / faculty of medicine in 1981. Practicing as a gastroenterologist in Leesburg, FL, Dr. Akram Ismail treats digestive issues, such as irregularity or inflammatory bowel disease. Dr. Akram Ismail affiliates with no hospital, cooperates with many other doctors and specialists in medical group Tri County Professional Management Inc. Dr. Akram Ismail served as President and Senior Associate of Professional Gastroenterology & Surgery Associates in Leesburg, Florida.
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unity4equality-blog · 3 years
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𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞?
Nawal El Saadawi is an Egyptian feminist writer, activist, physician, and psychiatrist. She has written many books on the subject of women, paying particular attention to the practice of female genital mutilation in her society. She has been described as "the Simone de Beauvoir of the Arab World.”
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚
Saadawi was born in 1932 and was the second-eldest of nine children in a small village of Kafr Tahla. At the age of six, her genitals were cut off, as she was circumcised. 
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙧
In 1955, Nawal El Saadawi graduated from the Medical School of Cairo University. Through her medical practice, she observed women's physical and psychological problems and connected them with oppressive cultural practices, patriarchal oppression, class oppression, and imperialist oppression.While working as a doctor in her birthplace of Kafr Tahla, she observed the hardships and inequalities faced by rural women. After attempting to protect one of her patients from domestic violence, Saadawi was summoned back to Cairo. She eventually became the Director of the Ministry of Public Health. 
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙒𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧
In 1972, she published Woman and Sex (المرأة والجنس), confronting and contextualizing various aggressions perpetrated against women's bodies, including female circumcision. The book became a foundational text of second-wave feminism. As a consequence of the book and her political activities, Saadawi was dismissed from her position at the Ministry of Health. She also lost her position as chief editor of a health journal, and as Assistant General Secretary in the Medical Association in Egypt. From 1973 to 1976, Saadawi worked on researching women and neurosis in Ain Shams University's Faculty of Medicine. From 1979 to 1980, she was the United Nations Advisor for the Women's Programme in Africa (ECA) and the Middle East (ECWA).
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩
In 1981, Saadawi published a feminist magazine called Confrontation. The magazine stirred controversy which led to her imprisonment in the same year by Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt. 
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙘𝙮 𝘼𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
At a young age, Saadawi underwent the process of female genital mutilation.[44] As an adult, she has written about and criticized this practice. She responded to the death of a 12-year-old girl, Bedour Shaker, during a genital circumcision operation in 2007 by writing: "Bedour, did you have to die for some light to shine in the dark minds? Did you have to pay with your dear life a price ... for doctors and clerics to learn that the right religion doesn't cut children's organs." As a doctor and human rights activist, Saadawi is also opposed to male circumcision. She believes that both male and female children deserve protection from genital mutilation.
𝙉𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙡 𝙀𝙡 𝙎𝙖𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙞 - 𝘼𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘼𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨
She is the founder and president of the Arab Women's Solidarity Association and co-founder of the Arab Association for Human Rights. She has been awarded honorary degrees on three continents. In 2004, she won the North-South Prize from the Council of Europe. In 2005, she won the Inana International Prize in Belgium, and in 2012, the International Peace Bureau awarded her the 2012 Seán MacBride Peace Prize.-
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This batch of medicine Mansoura ... 1993 ... has a young man
He was newly married .... he was honored ...
❤️ As an ideal college student .... as stated in the Official Gazette ...
❤️ From the Scientific Research Committee ... for his research activities at the Pharmacology Department, under the direct supervision of a. Dr.. Jamal, the department head went directly ... and the patronage of Prof. Abdul Rahman Yassin.
❤️ Also from the Student Affairs Committee for Cultural Activity and Fine Art ... at the college and Mansoura University.
Also in the exhibition of Excellence in the Sixteenth University Youth Research at Cairo University and Professor Mamoun Salama's congratulations on him in the Official Gazette. For placing him on the first place first level at the level of universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt .. in scientific research and plastic art.
Today ... is #Free Doctor
A brief biography of Dr. Abdel Nasser, Tawhid,
Name: Abdel Nasser Ibrahim Religion: Muslim
Nationality: Egyptian
From November 1993 AD to March 1995 AD Mansoura University Hospitals
* From March 1995 to June 1996 at the Military Hospital of the Armed Forces, the period of compulsory conscription with the rank of Corporal Doctor.
From June 1996 AD to September 1997 AD Director of a hospital in Damietta Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt.
From September 1997 AD to April 1998 AD Resident Internal Medicine Resident at a central hospital in Dakahlia Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt.
From the end of April 1998 to the end of April 2001 AD General practitioner and cupping specialist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Before the National Center.
From May 2001 AD to August 2003 AD Director of an integrative hospital in the Ministry of Health in the Arab Republic of Egypt and a resident doctor for dermatology, venereal and infertility to study masters dermatologists, genitals and infertility at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
* He holds numerous courses in the field of integrative medicine and cupping on Chinese needles points and vital energy points for the body from the International Cultural Center for Training and Development in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, and the Nasser International Institute and Hospital in Cairo, the most ancient heart centers in the Middle East, the training center for workers in cupping therapy (air cups) The basics and practice of cupping on acupressure points. And courses at Bulaq Dakrur Hospital of the Egyptian Ministry of Health in mastering the practice of cupping on Chinese acupuncture points.
** Training program (DIP) in integrative medicine in the field of cupping on acupressure points 2008 from the Academic Center of the Ministry of Education in Egypt.
Member of the International Society of the cupping community in Britain (I.C.T.S)
Arbitrator and certified trainer for the International Training Federation
Trainer, trainer and international resident of the International Federation of Training
Dozens of training courses and certificates of appreciation in various fields in integrative alternative medicine, scientific research and plastic art. The field does not have the capacity or mention to mention it.
Lecturer and founder of the lengthy and accredited cupping training program from
1- Notting Hill College, UK, British Council and Commonwealth Countries ... for the international diploma level for advanced cupping
2- IFT and Cambridge College of Training. Three levels ... lengthy course, international diploma, and mini-master
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBCH), Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt (November 1993).
Certificate of Completion Training for Concession Period 94 CE.
Dr. Masters in Dermatology and Venereology, Ain Shams University (Egypt) 2001.
PhD in Medical Sciences Hospital Administration And management , Central American University of Central Warrington .. Hospital Management.
(MD) in Dermatology and Venereology .
Numerous researches registered at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in the Arab Republic of Egypt to invent a drug to treat herpesemia and other researches in the field of dermatology.
PhD Dermatology, He holds a number of scientific testimonials in holistic medicine activities ... ( in the disciplines of holistic nutrition and healthy nutrition, and the ecography and international training license from various bodies and universities) .
Other than licenses for different medical, health, and administrative practices ... in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
* The founder of the Elite Society for Alternative Medicine in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Scientific advisor to the elite society of alternative medicine in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
* The founder of the first lengthy cupping curriculum and accredited by Notting Hill College, one of the Manchester Institutes in great Britain for the Middle East and approved by the Ministry of Education in Britain and the British Council all over the world.
* General Manager of Al Alaa Health Center in the United Arab Emirates.
* The founder of the elite and charitable courses of Alsafwa Alternative Medicine Society cupping courses ... to teach thousands for free allover the world.
* Correction of points and point's maps of cupping therapy with notes and curriculae in training courses ... and the first who called for that correction.
Various scientific and social activities ... including but not limited to *
1 - Holds the title of ideal student in the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University in the fifth grade in 1992 He holds dozens of awards and certificates of appreciation in the field of fine arts (painting and oil painting) and drawing on paper wet with water.
The creator of the school of drawing on water saturated and crumpled paper since 1986, and won the state award in the thirteenth week of university youth in Cairo.
And the first place prize for the first level in fine arts at the universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Has the shield of Cairo University from Prof. Dr. Mamoun Salama, President of Cairo University in 1990, in order to excel in the field of scientific research and fine arts in the University Youth Week for the year 1990 *. Research in the field of cupping and prophetic medicine.
The first to introduce the use of an diagnostic device for the cupping service to enable the patient to be followed with the outmost accuracy and the only one in the Middle East today.
He holds scores of appreciation certificates from the Faculty of Medicine and Mansoura University in various scientific and social fields such as (fine arts _ scientific research _ the ideal student).
This is what we can shorten from his professional and scientific career .
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fuzzysparrow · 3 years
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Zagazig University, established in 1947, is a university located in the city of Zagazig in Egypt. With 7,000 faculty members and more than 120,000 students, the university offers over 300 different undergraduate courses and 600 postgraduate courses.
The university began as a branch of Ain Shams University before becoming a university in its own right. It was the seventh university set up in Egypt. As of 2021, it is aiming to expand into a Centre for Graduate Studies and Research.
Zagazig University offers a wide range of subjects, including life sciences, law, engineering, social sciences, art, humanities, psychology, physical sciences, technology, education, economics and medicine. As of 2021, it ranks in the top 300 best educational establishments for computer science in the world.
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