#ahn lena
capseisen · 4 days
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Before AAPI Heritage Month ends, it's time to post a little bit of Mili/Mikki [ji/xer], since a. xer in-universe birthday is in September and b. ji had thrown me into a Tagalog/Filipino hyper-fixation loop for over 3 months now.
Ji likes trains. 🚊
While writing a supplementary story for the second main story I had finished in February, I fell into the largest rabbit-hole on Philippine culture that I'm still not out of. I'm currently stuck listening to OPM and trying to learn Tagalog independently as I develop the culture that Mikki comes from: an indigenous culture that lives on the bay, called Raynes [or Republika ng Tagalook].
Shifting around a culture to fit within a new geological context isn't easy, I will say. It pained me to deduct eggs from their diet, since eggs aren't consumed in their region due to the lack of livestock, but they still have an abundant fishing culture at least.
Because Tethysia [the region Raynes is in] borders Titania, they still have some Spanish influence thanks to Platina, Titania's largest and most artificial technologically-advanced* country. Since they're the closest civilization to Titania, their language has Čeloñol [auxlang Spanish] injections in it.
As for Mikki? Mikki's a vehicle enthusiast with an extensive sign collection, road-themed decor, and a permanent shame associated with assimilating to the standards of a culture that isn't xers :)
Ingat po kayo! 👋🏽
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daikenkki · 1 year
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Lena Ahn
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unikassel · 1 year
Das Projekt
“Die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters”
Mit Hilfe der digitalen QR-Codes auf dem Lageplan und den QR-Stationen Vorort werden Orte der Anonymität zu Orten mit Identität. Kennst du schon die Dachterrasse in der Nora-Platiel-Straße oder die versteckten Pfade hinter den Systembauten an der Ahne? Scan drauf los, besuche die Orte spielerisch, reiche Beiträge ein und lerne den Campus dadurch noch besser kennen.
Wir Studierende wollen im Rahmen des fachbereichsübergreifenden Projektes „Campus-Verschönerung” auf ungesehene Orte am Holländischen Platz und deren Potenziale aufmerksam machen. Mit Hilfe der Webseite können diese Orte entdeckt werden und ihre individuelle Schönheit hervorgehoben oder vielleicht auch erst einmal bestärkt werden. Das Besondere daran: Du kannst ein Teil davon sein.
Wo siehst du Potenzial, wo kann deine Vision integriert werden, wie optimistisch begegnest du einem Raum? Reiche deine Gedanken ein, um den Pool an Möglichkeiten zu vergrößern und so zukünftigen Beteiligten Grundlagen und Inspiration für Neuplanungen zu geben.
In dieser Lehrveranstaltung nähern sich die Studierenden „schönen” Orten und Flächen, finden Wege und Werkzeuge zur Identifizierung und nutzen gewonnene Erkenntnisse für eigene Ansätze der Gestaltung. Was ist dabei eigentlich „schön” und wie wandelt sich Definition und Begriff. Begriffe sind dabei die Griffe, mit denen die Dinge bewegt werden, wie Bertold Brecht schrieb. Das Seminar wird von Bjørn Most durchgeführt, der über viel Erfahrung bei der Realisierung von Projekten der Gestaltung “SCHÖNER ORTE” verfügt.
Autoren dieser Projektgruppe sind Luca Bruns, Valerie Gunzenhäuser, Lena Louven, Eleonora Peker, Lauritz Klöpping
FB06 - ASL - SoSe 2023
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joohywks · 2 years
◜♡ . tag dump !! muses *.・
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alwayslenaahn · 7 years
Lena in Cassandra French's Finishing School.
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ladiescode · 6 years
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ashleybchoi: – 리나랑 LA에서 데이뚜 🙈 reunited with my beautiful @lenaahnn in LA ❤️ #latergram
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asianamsmakingmusic · 6 years
lenaahnn #christmas came early 🎄it’s been how long since i wore my drum and i was given the opportunity to dance (for the first time in ages) for 300+ people @salvationarmyus !! ❤️
UPDATE on Lena Ahn (seems to have relocated back to L.A. and is pursuing acting & modeling--see previous post)
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animefanfics2000 · 2 years
Police Station - Yelena SNK x fem reader
Well, i wrote this during my english class last week.
As I said on my 1st post, english's not my 1st language, so I'll improve my writting. But anywayyy, Hope you enjoy it💕
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Another damn day at the police station. My boss and best friend, Hange, were on our lunch break talking just like teenagers about our «crushes» 'n stuff.
- Soooo.... YN... How's Yelena? - she asked curious.
- Oh my fucking god, Hange! Stop! You know I hate her. She's always trying to get MY cases. And she's really fucking annoying.
- Yes Yes... So you're telling me that there is no... tension?, between thw two of you? You know... Sexual...
- OMG! no...
-Ok. If you say so... - she said smirking - I'm gonna go since I have a few things to do. Don't forget we have a reunion with the others in 10 minutes.
- Ok. Byeee.
She left.
Yelena POV
- So... Yelena... how's YN doing? - Annie questioned.
I stayed silent.
- Why are you always trying to get her cases?
- I just like to annoy her to be honest.
- Why tho-?
- Idk. It's funny to see her irritated.
- Uh- ok...
YN POV I just finished eating, i checked my phone and-
- SHIT! I'm 15 minutes late to the meeting! Levi's gonna kill me!
I knocked twice and I entered the room with all my superiors and colegues looking at me. Levi with an expression of disapointment.
- I am so sorry for being so late.
- This is the first and last time, YN. But we need you now, so go and take a sit. - Levi said.
I sat right in front of Yelena since there wasn't any other sit left.
- As I was saying- - Levi started talking and i stopped listening creating stupid scenarios in my head. However, I didn't notice I was staring at the eprson right in front of me.
Suddenly I felt somethin on my leg, carissing it. My eyes widened and I gasped, but not loud enough.
(wtf... - I thought)
Yelena was looking at me, with a very small grin on her face.
(oh no)
Her leg kept during those movements, but then, it started to come dangerously close to my core.
I covered my mouth with my hand while she was playing with my intimate zone covered by my trousers.
She took her foot out of my core and moved it to my leg again, repiting this process 'til the last second of the meeting, making me extremely wet.
(I don't believe i'm wet... shit...)
- The reunion's over guys. See y'all tomorrow! - Hange spoke.
Everyone started to say their goodbyes, and when i was walking out of the room, something srabbed my wrist and pulled me into the office once again.
Of course it was her. The tall. beautiful blonde.
(why am I thinking she is beautiful? I should get ou of here now...)
- Well well well... Look who enjoyed my little... hm, what should I call it?... massage?, I suppose? - She said smirking widely.
- Why did you do It? - I asked with a neutral expression.
- I was boring and I like to see you irritated. But I've always wondered how you would look like being... toutched. However...
She started to walk towards me 'til my back hit the table. Her hand on each side of my body. No escape.
- I didn't have quite a view... so, I'm going to try again.
- Wha-
I was cutted off by Yelena's beautiful lips toutching my own. I was in shook, my eyes were open... but i enjoyed it so, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her neck. Her hand were on my waist and thick thighs.
She got off of me and locked the door. On the way back, she took her blazer and said:
- Strip, Darling.
My eyes widened but i took my clothes off, standing on my cute purple underwear only.
- So beautiful... - She said attacking my neck.
- Ahn- hn!...
- Yeah, moan for me.
Her hands unbottened my bra and caressed my breasts. Her mouth trailed kisses dawn my neck 'til her tongue was swirling on my nipples sucking and bitting them.
I started to unbotton her pants, which she let me, and then I toutched her thighs, abs and, finally, her wet core. I rubbed her clit, but she stopped me.
- No - she said while choking me.
- Yel - lena- na... I- ca- can't - br- breathe- the...
- Oh baby... you will need to be a good little girl and behave yourself... Otherwise... I'll need to punish you. Ok?
- Y- yes...
Her grip on my neck was now stronger.
- Yes, who?
- Yes Ye- len- na...
- Good.
Her hand left my neck and went to my pussy, sliding wer long fingers into my purple panties, now soaked from all the provocation.
- If you dare to moan, I swear, YN, you will regret it.
With that, i gulped strongly while her fingers slided down my vagina. I was controling so hard not to moan or even groan.
- You're doing perfect. Keep like that.
I nodded.
Her other hand was on my clit rubbing it in circular movements.
Unfortunately, i groaned, not really loud, but she still heard it.
- Oh YN, I'm so sorry for doing this...
She handcuffed me and drugged me with GHB (for those who doesn't know, GHB it's an acid used by predators and abusers), so I fell asleep.
Yelena's POV
- I'm so sorry for doing this to you, YN... Let's see if you behave now, shall we?
I dressed her up and, without anyone noticing, i placed her on my car backseats.
- Believe me YN... I don't want to hurt you... Quite the opposite to be honest. I really care about you. Why do you think that I always try to steal you cases? I mean, I enjoy to see you irritated... that's a fact for sure... but, I just don't want nothing to happen to you... I don't know why... but I want to protect you...
We arrived at my house and I carried her to my bedroom. I took off the handuffs and allowed her to wake up.
I woke up in a room that I've never beem or seen before.
- You're finally awake.
- Yelena...
- That's me, Darling...
I got up, walked to her and kissed her... I don't really know why, but something felt so right. She kissed me back.
While kissing, we walked over to her king sized bed where we lay down.
We took our clothes off but then...
- Don't think I forgot your misbehaviour, Princess...
- U- uh?
She went to her closet, took some rope out and walked towards me.
- Here what's gonna happen: I'm going to tie you up, and you're going to be a good little girl and do exactly what I say. Understood?
- I nodded.
She gave some knots around my body and disappeared again. When she came back, she held a polaroid.
- What are you doing?
- Taking a picture?!
- W- why?
- To save this moment where you are on full display and submissive to me. - She responded.
Before I could say anything, she took a picture and placed it on top of her bedside table.
She attacked my neck, jaw line and finally...
- May I?
- Yes please...
Finally, after a long time of teasing, she started to lick my wet cunt.
I tried not to moan to which i succeeded.
- You can moan, Darling. We're home.
And so I did.
She inserted her ring and middle fingers from her left hand inside of me while moving them forward and backwards, hitting my g-spot.
- Ahh! Fuck, God, Yes!
Shenever stopped.
-Shit! I'm gonna cum!!!
She didn't say a word. My whole body startes to tremble while i cummed.
But yet, she didn't stop.
- Fuck! I already cum! I can't take this anymore!
She had tied me on position which made it impossible for me to move a muscle. Arms tied to my legs and ankles tied to the lower of my leg, making a sort of ''W''.
- Ahh! Yelena!
I was so sensitive that made me come to my high once again.
But the feeling this time was different. I still felt the knot on my stomack, however, there was something more.
- Sh- shit! I'm cumming!!!
I was right. I squirtid for the very first time due to the overstimulation.
She got off of me.
- Shit, YN.
- I'm so sorry I squirted. You may find me disgusting now.
- What? Why would I?
- Cuz I'm all dirty and I wet your face and breass and bed sheets and your floor...
- I only find you more attractive, YN. That was fabulous and absolutely stunning. Was that your first squir?
I nodded.
- I think I was to rough... Did you enjoy it though?
- Yes, Yelena...
- I'm glad.
She untied me and took me to her bathtub.
- I'm going to shower you, ok?
- Yes.
After 20 minutes relaxing with her, she carried me, bride style, to her bed once again.
- Wanna stay the night?
- Yeah...
- Come here and lay down with me.
I did that and she cuddled me, giving me soft kisses on my forehead and nose.
- You know, Yelena... I thought you hated me...
- No. Quite the opposite actually. I want to protect you... That's why I always try to ''steal'' your cases... I just don't want you to get hurt...
- Nothing's gonna happen to me. - I said smiling.
- Promise? - She asked while i nodded.
- Thank you... - I said.
- For what?
- For making me feel good...
She smiled and looked me in the eyes. Our faces centimeters apart.
We finally kissed. It wasn't rough and sloppy like the ones before. It was slow and passionate... full of... love? I don't know... but I didn't care.
- We should get to know each other better, my dear YN...
- Totally agree.
We smiled when, suddenly, she grabbed something from her bedside table.
- I'm glad I took this picture... You don't even know how much I'm gonna cum thinking about you... - She said. A devilish smirk on her face with her hand holding the photograph.
- STOP! Omg... so embarrassing... - I said, buring my face in her chest.
- Never... And don't be embarrassed... you're beautiful.
We laughed and fell asleep together in each other arms.
I've always thought i hated her... Found out I wanted her.
I guess Hange was right.
Author: Hope you had enjoyed! Please share, like and give me sugestions to another Yelena Fanfics.
Love Y'all 💕💕
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turbo-toast · 2 years
Tag game!
Been a while since someone tagged me, but @tafferling did, thank you!
A: Three ships
Widowtracer (Lena 'Tracer' Oxton/Amélie 'Widowmaker' Lacroix - Overwatch) Work Wives (Jesse Faden/Dr. Emily Pope - Control) V/Judy Alvarez (Cyberpunk 2077)
B: Last Song
Lazerpunk - Black Lambo
C: Last Movie
Uhhhh. Do I remember? I think I *wanted* to watch the reboot of 3 Angels for Charlie with Kristen Stewart but haven't managed to, yet. Don't remember otherwise though.
D: Currently Craving
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E: Currently Reading
A bunch of fanfic. Also want to continue the Harrietta Lee series by Stephanie Ahn but haven't gotten around to buying the other two books yet
1: Favorite Color
Midnight Purple III
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2: Last Series
The Witcher - Season 2
3: Sweet, Savory or Spicy
Unfair choice, just one would be boring.
4: Currently Working On
Next chapter to Race Into My Heart, and rewriting chapter 5 of They Made Their Own Nightmare.
Tagging - uh, let's see - @einsesk, @kaleidocat-13, @fbcbreakroom, @mortimermcmirestinks
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hellokpop · 5 years
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iKON's B.I, Ahn Jung Hwan, And More To Show Their Love For Dogs In New JTBC Variety Show https://www.hellokpop.com/tv-movies/ikon-bi-ahn-jung-hwan-love-dogs-jtbc-variety/
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
I just need to rant about how some people headcanon that lena's nickname for andrea is andy BUT andrea is pronounced ahn-dreh-ah so andy would be pronounced ahn-dy which basically sounds like undy (as in undies, underwear) and I can't stop thinking about it
I haven’t seen that, but for me it could *possibly* work but only with Katie McGrath’s accent because I could hear her doing a flat A in Andy, not a fully softened Ahn-dreh-a, but not a twangy And-y either? I dunno, I barely passed linguistic anthropology. But I can hear it in my head.
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kpopfcs · 4 years
could you suggest any fcs born 1999-2002 that could be alternatives for weki mekis lucy. thanks!
cheon jaein / jane (1999)
kim jungeun / kim lip (1999)
ahn somyi  (2000)
heo yoorim / aisha (2000)
jeon jimin / miso (2000)
yang yena (2000)
hong dayoung / dam (2001)
son hyejoo / oliva hey (2001)
kang lena (2002)
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joohywks · 4 years
*. — tag dump :: muses ))
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alwayslenaahn · 7 years
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looney tunes X converse X warner bros photoshoot
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ladiescode · 6 years
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lenaahnn: see you soon beautiful 😍
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