#aganinst spotify wrapped believe I haven't listen to him in a while
Hey there 😊 I would have been very surprised if you would have skipped this week's ask game 😁. So, how about Flesh and Bone, Discovery and A hundred years?
And as a bonus question: What is your favorite Alex Mattson song? 😎
Oh no, I'm predictable😄
Flesh and Bone: Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian or vegan?
I'm not a full vegetarian but I rarely eat meat because I don't want to buy the cheap stuff that's from animals living in poor conditions but I also don't want to leave a lot on money on it, so I rarely buy it myself.
Discovery: If you would have to leave your hometown, where would you like to go?
As in living somwhere else? Then I basically do that already, I live right next to my hometown😄 I love my hometown so much that I know I wouldn't be able to live somewhere else or rather I need a big city to live in but wouldn't want to leave the country. Two other cities in Germany come to my mind though.
A hundred years: How do you think the world will look in 100 years?
I am a pessimist so I think right wing parties would gain more and more followers, we will have fucked over the climate unrepairable and have to live with a lot of refugees, and there's probably another war🤷‍♀️ Yeah don't ask me about the future, I never had hope in me.
What is your favorite Alex Mattson song?
That’s hard to answer actually. Good Kids gives me some very specific vibes, so I love that one. Followed by We Never End, Forget You and Love Lie.
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