#again here to tell yall to check out my cool pal who might still need money to Exist In General so if yall l could help w that itd be balle
randomwriteronline · 6 months
part of @cantankerouscanuck 's Bionicle/LU AU
"Hey. Champion."
That was how they called him, yes. Because he was a champion. Nobody could best him in the colosseum. Many had tried; many had been forced to try. Many had faced him hoping to shatter his teeth and cut off his spine, or at least he imagined that was the goal - as that was what Skakdi did when fighting between themselves for turf.
He wasn't too interested in keeping trophies. Which explained why he had blown them all up to smithereens.
Wild turned around in his cell to see who had addressed him.
The Hordika.
He'd seen him before, yes, he had. Fairly often. His employer was the one who held Wild's leash, after all. The Vortixx on whose behalf he had to fight. But he was nice, a balm for sore eyes.
The Skakdi bared his teeth wider in a grin.
"How are you?" the hulking Kavinika-like Toa asked as he settled a little closer to his cage. "Seemed like a rough fight, last one."
"Hm," Wild replied: "Not so much."
"Your arm looked pretty battered in the end."
"It's alright."
"You need it, you do know that. How would you ever manage to get proper results, exploding things with only one hand?"
"I can do that no problem."
"Yes, but think of the lack of symmetry."
The slave fighter laughed heartily, making the iron bars around him shake with the power of his guffaws. Maybe it wasn't that funny, but to hear such a beast of raw animalistic power talk about symmetry - oh, it was too much for him, far too much for him. He laughed so hard his stomach began cramping.
"I'll consider it," he conceded at last when he could finally speak without risking choking on his own breath.
Twilight smiled back. He paced back and forth along the cage gingerly, trotting with a pep in his abnormally elongated limbs' step; if he could have, he would have gladly snaked into the prison to lean onto the powerful fighter.
He had a soft spot for the little Skakdi, he had to admit, even if calling that hulking mass of destruction 'little' might have seemed like either a cruel joke or an oxymoron. It remained that Wild was young, despite his undeniable strength, and something about that kicked off the instinct of some Rahi or another into him: he often found himself agreeing with the antsy part of him thar ached to demolish the cage and tear him away from that world - he would have rather had the kid go off and play with cubs his age, instead of having to survive death match after death match with few precious minutes between them to regain his breath and lick his wounds clean of the sand and shredded armor pieces.
But what would have happened then? A roughhousing gone wrong? An accidental death? A life on the run for manslaughter? That sort of bloodthirsty struggle was everything Wild had ever known, and he wasn't likely to forget it just as soon as he was out of that circle.
Besides, he couldn't have left Midna like that.
"I am serious, little champion," he said again: "Take care of yourself. I'd hate to see your pieces pillaged one day, and you know I mean it."
A monstrously large finger snuck out from between the bars and gently scratched at the Hordika's armor: "It won't be me losing out there," he promised. His voice was a mixture of reassurance and overconfidence. "There's nothing they can throw at me that I haven't fought yet."
"So you think. You'd be surprised how many creatures there could be in this world of ours - and don't forget that the Makuta live to make more of them every day."
Wild shrugged: "Nothing I can't handle."
For now, Twilight did not add.
He tensed suddenly: his head snapped to the door, backbone arching towards the ceiling to appear somehow even larger than he already was, limbs flattening into a preparatory pounce, ready to stop the approaching threat in its tracks.
The Skakdi turned alert as well, just for a moment. Then the half Rahi relaxed: ah. A known scent, a known step, a known face.
The Vortixx walked in without a single fear, strolling about like she owned the place - which she didn't, not yet, as the arena cells were so kindly provided by Xia itself; what she did own were the powerful beings, one caged, one free, who greeted her arrival with fairly respectful nods in her direction.
"Rise and shine, Heel boy," Midna apostrophed her slave fighter: "I'll be needing your brawn in just a moment."
"What for?" he asked despite Twilight's apprehension.
Of course he knew what for, generally. Skakdi might come in a bit of a dim variety sometimes, but even the stupidest can tell when someone wants to unleash a good old fashioned carnage of any kind.
He simply was a little curious about who, or what, he would be needing to unmake with his own two hands.
She smirked, orange wires wrapped around her neck glowing gently with wicked satisfaction: "Nothing much. We'll just be paying Cia's toys a visit - to gift them a nice, long, painful trip back to their maker. Hopefully in a practical box."
Wild grinned.
'Hopefully in a practical box' was always a fun way to send someone to Karzhani.
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