#again bc skebfkajebfajl
mako-neexu · 8 months
カドぐだ | 相棒 (partner)
“So this is the rumored ‘Gil-fes’, huh?” Kaodc heaved a heavy sigh as he tugged at his black shirt before clutching at the strap of the backpack he had in hand. “Oi, Fujimaru, where’s the venue for this...tournament?”
According to the archives, someone hosts this... martial arts tournament for the Servants using a Holy Grail. And that someone was either Emperor Nero or King Gilgamesh himself... like last year, and the couple years before.
But who knows who was going to host next year’s event!? 
Wait. Why is he thinking about the possibilities of an event like this in the future!?
Gudako hummed as she finished in tying her unlaced boots, “Well, Gil said it’s going to be at Madison Square Garden like last year. But for the rooms we booked in the nearest hotels? We have yet to find out!”
Her arm looped around his own and before he could react to it, they were off on the streets with his ever-reckless kouhai hollering like a maniac.
Please. Someone help him.
They ended up farming again throughout the whole ordeal, collecting hotdogs and fries as currency to exchange with Ishtar’s-former-consort-now-turned....golden sheep, Dumuzid. 
And he thought Fujimaru was describing the god as someone humanoid! Jeez! Did he really interpret that wrong!?
Even with all the craziness he can’t quite get used to yet, it was actually fun.
 And it even felt... a little normal since it felt as if it was the current timeline’s New York, just with some more colorful additions- and okay, he nearly got his face bashed by Spartacus for just getting shoved in front of him before getting declared as an oppressor for “standing” in his way.
So, on second thought, he wasn’t going to get used to this.
“Making Doujins!?”
“Just to retrieve the Holy Grail and stop this time loop we’re stuck in!?”
“Uh-huh! So you better get your butt back to the drawing board, Kadoc-kun.” The way Gudako teased him with the honorific, and he felt faint about the situation.
They spent most of the week chilling and spent the last few days procrastinating. And somehow they discover along the way that time is repeating itself, with the reset being the day of judging the most popular doujin contest.
From across him Hinak- Yu Mei-ren seethes while glaring at her tablet, the pen she had on hand nearly cracking in her grasp, “If I don’t get back to Xiang Yu-sama within the week, I’ll blow this island up.”
“Yes, Kadoc-kun?”
Kadoc looks at the gothic, medieval castle, before reclining his head up to the large, upside-down pyramid, and the Himeji castle sitting on that same pyramid itself.
Kadoc blinks, and turns to look at the Master beside him, smiling as if this was something that could normally be seen in everday life.
“You know what? Nevermind.”
They were promptly turned into a wageslaves by the Amazonesdotcom CEO after that.
“Was it fun?” 
Fujimaru asks him as she lightly kicks on the pool’s waters, watching it ebb and flow beneath them.
Kadoc sips on a cocktail Moriarty had given him, before pursing his lips shit, “What? The entire thing with Las Vegas? Jeanne d’Arc’s talking-shark? Wait, actually, that’s 42nd of the most weirdest things I’ve seen in my list.”
She rests her head on his shoulder, no doubt now sleepy as they spend the last few days of their vacation in the comfort of the hotel.
“...Something like that.” She says, after a few moments.
The question was...weird. Fun was a concept he was still becoming familiar with. After all, all he’s ever known was to become a mage to survive a world that could kill you at a moment’s notice.
Even with the near-death experiences, and things that could easily break a normal person’s mind (he had only gotten so far by being a mage who had a decent amount of spells with him that maintained his reason and sense of self. Fujimaru had none and yet she was still smiling despite the fuckery happening almost every moment of the day.), he supposes that...
“-I guess it was ugh, crazy...” Kadoc mutters under his breath, a dust of pink decorating his cheeks.
Some Servants didn’t trust him, others were the opposite, many varied in their opinions on him but at least, all of them no longer deemed him hostile. As evidence by how he’s somehow alive and breathing right now. 
Fujimaru stirs, and they meet each others’ gazes. Her own was reflecting the stars above, a ghost of a smile spread across her lips, “Good crazy?”
He avoids her gaze and downs the last of his drink.
Her response was a chuckle. “I’ll take it that you don’t like the times whenever we rode on Drake’s ship or anything that involved motion sickness.”
Kadoc flicked her forehead, and while she yelped, there was no helping himself in pinching her cheek, “No shit Sherlock.”
“I am right behind you, Mr. Zemlupus.” 
The heart attack he got simultaneously made him scream before pushing him and Fujimaru to the pool to drown.
When they surfaced, they both glared at the laughing detective relaxing on the pool chaise. 
And seeing Ritsuka smirk deviously with a plan to prank the Holmes? 
Kadoc was in.
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