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其实在网上找一个正规的真人实体平台并没有玩家们想象的那么难,首先必须知道那些网投是正规的,在这里诚心诚意的提醒大家一句,玩家们在网上看见的澳门网投还有冒充正规公司网投都是假的黑网接口平台,他们的外表很华丽,诱惑力也是十足,让人看了就想进去充值,再加上黑网还用送分,大额度的优惠送彩金,充值送体验金等等….的方式去吸引玩家进入黑平台,他们的方式诱骗了很多人,因为就那芝麻点的彩金而进入游戏充值,你划算吗?,可当你赢钱了要存款的那一瞬间,最大的问题来了!,网站客服会告诉你系统存款通道被封控正在维护,出款需要审核等等一系列的借口和理由就出来了,存款却不需要审核,提款却要审核等等,这就是黑网接口平台,也就是网络诈骗,黑网站的后台资金很薄弱,成本资金低的吓人,说出来可能大家的相信度不是很强,黑网赚钱的方法就是黑玩家们的钱,诱惑你的贪念,赢了就不给你出款,这就是黑网站的做风,黑网平台本来玩家就少,所以只能去一个黑一个,这样才能维持正常营业平台生活,这就是黑网借款平台的正在面目。不贪小便宜找个正规的网上网投,拼自己努力赚更多的钱,拿得放心,舒心 真正的网上博彩都是上下分快、充值快、提款更快,所以说腾龙博彩娱乐公司,不怕您赢多少钱提不了款,就怕你不选择。
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缅甸华纳赌场网上和现场可以同步发牌同步下注,平台里都能看现场的全部情况,现场里有多少客人都能一目了然。 注册网址:898989.TV
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缅甸华纳赌场网上和现场可以同步发牌同步下注,缅甸赌场正规实体线上同步三合一靠谱 平台里都能看现场的全部情况,现场里有多少客人都能一目了然。 注册网址898989.TV
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noteofnaught · 3 years
The content is all personal opinion and understanding.This was written for activities before. Personally, I don't think Vergil can be analyzed. It is probably similar to some sort of combing.
The translation was done by the lovely deepl (translator).
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or problems.
All discussions are welcome.
What happened to me in Vergil's childhood
In fact there is a very clear official reference to Vergil's experience on that day.
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His father's whereabouts are unknown, his mother and brother died at the hands of enemies when they failed to return in time from the fire, and after years of uncertainty about his whereabouts, he survived the endless chase that followed.
Still young, Vergil, having experienced this series of changes in his childhood, considered weakness - that is, the phenomenon that we are usually powerless against all that is happening at the time - to be a sin.
Weakness is a negative for him.
When he has a problem, he attributes it to the fact that it is his own problem and not to an external cause.
He had failed to protect his mother, his brother who was born with him and had no desire to share the responsibility of the family, or his desire to protect his mother and the family in place of his father had been completely dashed.
All of this was his responsibility, so he shouldn't have resented the others, failing to protect himself was a matter of being too weak to have power, and not thinking about the fact that the act of others hurting him was simply wrong.
The inability to resist harm is also the result of one's own weakness.
He blamed himself for all the problems, and it was his own childish thoughts of youthful ignorance that cost him everything.
He "wanted" many things, but the need to "want" was for him an act of misguided greed. But whenever he wants something, this behaviour is classified at the wrong end of the scale, and the wrong desire should be suppressed, which puts the weight of his elder brotherhood on him beyond all that he possesses at this age.
The role of older brother was not only a requirement for him, but also included his mother's role as a family man, and her wishes and expectations of him.
Considering the plot, Eva is just an ordinary human being, a young single mother, and not a saintly mother. Even in an ordinary family, it is a perfectly reasonable request that the eldest son should be given more responsibility.
Only in such a family, where the whereabouts of the former hero are unknown, where the young mother is worried because she needs to take the child away from the calamity, where the only one who can relieve her burden is himself, and where he needs to shape up to reach the role of older brother.
Here, the positioning of his character is repeatedly emphasised, the kind of character he is being far more important than who he is.
In the DMC3, Arkham once described Alice in this way.
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The child who is hated is also not loved by his parents; the child himself hates himself.
So desperate to grow up and be able to toughen myself up and not want to be a childish child again.
Vergil was in a similar situation to her, having run away that day in anger and then having a tragedy like that, for reasons that were perfectly normal for a small child.
In the character profiles of the three generations of comics, you will see that Vergil believes that his mother prefers Dante, and you will be able to see the roots of this idea in the storyline of the comic VOV.
The plot is clearly expressed to us: Dante asks Vergil to play with him, while Vergil wants to be left alone, and in the end, in a situation where it is clear that he did not start the trouble, his mother still blames him, believing that he should have accommodated his brother's demands.
This is often the case in families with more than one child - the older child is allowed to give way to the younger one. When there is an argument between them, it is the older child who is at fault for whatever reason, because it is as if the younger child should be protected and treated well as if it were a matter of course.
This is a clear case of favouritism, and of course we are not arguing about the rightness or wrongness of this action, but Vergil, who is also young, knows that such favouritism is an injustice, even if he was born a few seconds before his brother, and he wants to be surrounded by people who are as reasonable as he is, and does not need his mother to favour his brother with her reasoning and to criticise himself in this way.
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在VoV漫画里面有一段监督关于:在V噩梦中为什么出现的是叛逆而不是力之刃的解析。 是因为维吉尔觉得,叛逆与阎魔都是各自属于他们,而斯巴达之刃是属于他们共同所有的。
另一边的但丁用他自己所说的最为合适「グルーに言われた通りだぜ。オレは大甘の甘ちゃんで、 奴やあんた に甘えっぱなしだったんだな」
其后游戏过场中还有日后经常被各路玩家提梗:Why it doesn't work!!
For weakness leads to death, whether of the other or of oneself.
One can see the origin of DMC3 Vergil's famous line: 'Without strength you cannot protect anything, even yourself'.
Being the older brother makes him think he should take responsibility, take on his father's legacy, etc., but the tragic turn of events is what triggers his twisted sense of responsibility.
As you can see in the character profiles of the three generations of comics, Vergil believes that Dante has taken half of the power that belongs to him.
The basic element of justice is fairness.
You have the love and protection of your mother, so it's fair that the father's power belongs to me.
You have the protection of the mother, then I want the protection of the father; that is fair.
Why should this be yours and this be yours? It's not fair.
In DMC5 we can see that classic scene where V loses a serious emotional outburst after saying that the Blade of Sparta (the father) has protected Dante.
Speaking out, "If you didn't exist ............"
There are many meanings that can be derived from this statement: if you had not existed, he would have had all the power to protect his mother and she would not have died. If you were not there, my father would have protected me and so on.
If you search the internet or ask your friends who have siblings, you will find that these situations do exist, and that they have had these problems to some extent.
It is only human for children to be selfish and want it all for themselves.
Of course, fairness is important, but fairness can also have a very cruel side.
It is as if you had a box of chocolates and decided to reward a student, and through a test you rewarded the one who did better in school because you thought he had worked hard and therefore did well in school.
And where this moment of fairness cruelty appears is that there are other children who, because they have to help their parents with their work after class, are not able to compare with the others in terms of time and energy spent studying, and so he does not do as well as the others.
The knowledge test questions are the same for everyone, so this is fair, but everyone has the time and resources to study but not the same; so this appears non-fair.
The weak and the strong compete on the same stage and rely on physical ability to decide the winner, but why is this unfair? Because the physical ability of the weak and the strong is already very different from each other.
So if there is a struggle between demons and humans, it is unfair, the stronger bullying the weaker.
We can then call the act an act of injustice.
This is one of the reasons why we get so worked up when we see, in a competitive competition such as sport, someone who is not innately superior in every way win against someone who is.
Vergil's demand for fairness is engrained in his bones to a degree that is evident from his conversation with Dante after his resurrection in DMC5 to the Black Angels never sneaking up on him but demanding a square fight in DMC1.
No matter who the opponent is, tangibility is a priority, and probably only Arkham can break the list, although Arkham is not really an opponent.
Vergil (V) constantly berates himself in the manga, not so much for [why he didn't win] but for [why he lost].
Why he didn't win and why he lost seem to be the same thing, but the direction of questioning is different.
The question "Why didn't you win" is based on the belief that you were in a good position to win, and that there were no flaws in your game.
This, in fact, is also in line with Vergil's internal attribution problem.
He believes that there should be equality between him and Dante, not one above the other.
There is a passage in the VoV comic that oversees the resolution of why it is Rebellion and not the Blade of Power that appears in the V Nightmare.
It is because Vergil feels that both Rebellion and Yama belong to them individually, while the Blade of Sparta belongs to them jointly.
And Dante and Vergil, after that day, are in societies and have resources that are completely at odds with each other.
Vergil was in a society that appeared to be human, but in reality was a demonic jungle society.
Mundus' hunt has kept him in a demonic jungle where the only law is that the weak are the strong.
No one can be fully trusted, and God knows if it was Mundus who sent the demon in disguise.
"Companionship" and "faith" are things that have nothing to do with demons, even if they lead to their death.
Dante on the other side uses his own words most appropriately, "グルーに言われた通りだぜ. Ore wa da gan no gan chan de, nuiya aanta ni gan e jin shi dana
[It's true what Guru said, I was too naive and simple/naive enough to pamper myself with him and you/relied on you all the time]
Dante meets Gru, who is willing to protect him and guide him, and Neal (Nicole's mother-in-law), who treats him like her own child.
You could say that Dante grew up in a loving environment, with people he could rely on and grow up like a child.
It is often mentioned in the news or in novels that children from single-parent families or orphans are a little more mature than the average child, not because they are really fully grown mentally, but because the environment forces them to take on more.
Having to conduct themselves or work like adults in life, the old age is frightening.
Dante's own words testify to himself that he did not turn out to be one of those old and scary people.
Here it is not saying that who is a little more miserable than who, there is no comparison of misery.
Rather, it is saying that the two of them have encountered different people/events, lived in different circumstances, had different experiences, and had even more different resources since that day.
These are all part of the keys that make them seem so different.
Of course Vergil minded that it was never, Dante who was treated better and had better resources, but his parents.
V's line, "I too have wanted love and protection, but I was alone and had no choice but to survive."
Here love and protection, whether expressed in English or Japanese, are in the past tense, something that was once desired and which he has now given up and is no longer "greedy" for, combined with V's loss of control at the Spartan Blade earlier, and Dante's words to U, "Mother did not abandon you. "
The only thing V (Vergil) really cares about is not that Dante is luckier than he is, but that Dante has everything he needs, including fame, and could care less, and that the only thing he is jealous of is his parents' protection and love.
But he wanted, and was even jealous of, his brother's love and protection.
Even Vergil himself despises himself for this.
In times of suffering, it is natural for a child to long for parental protection; to a child, parents are like gods.
It is natural, then, for Vergil, who has been attacked by a demon, to want his mother to come to his rescue.
And it is only natural that the child would feel abandoned if his parents were not present when he was suffering.
We can find countless cases in child psychology, and even in everyday life, of people who tease the child by telling him that if your mother doesn't come to you, she doesn't want you. All these actions can make the child cry and even produce serious psychological effects on the child.
This has led many people to criticise this kind of teasing, and many have posted on the internet that they have been subjected to this behaviour and it has left many psychological shadows that they have not been able to let go of for many years.
Of course, it is only natural for people to long for salvation when they are suffering from something they cannot resist.
Such thoughts are not at all incompatible with Vergil's desire to protect his mother.
But why should one despise such a natural thought?
Because such thoughts are not to be found in the role of an older brother, a protector of the family.
Or to put it in the most disgusting way, like when a relative tells you: How is your mother going to come to your rescue? Fly over to save you? How can you think like that? Your mother died trying to save you! Why are you so useless? You're a disgrace to your parents! What's the big deal if your leg is broken? You have a hand? You're a man, why are you so pretentious? Behave yourself! You know what I mean? You learn from your brother, you learn from your father. Don't be so embarrassed, okay? Behave yourself! You know what? Don't be such a chicken. Your parents are dead and you're still thinking about it? It's not good for kids these days. I was like that when I was a kid.
If you happen to be a person with a lot of nerves, you might laugh it off, but if you run into someone who is very sensitive, then these words are almost nuclear.
People have complex emotions and sometimes they are not completely monolithic. In some TV interviews, ordinary people who do heroic acts will also tell you that they were not unafraid at the time.
We can let go of certain things over time or as we grow up, but Vergil hasn't been able to get that in his life (before DMC5).
Eventually, Vergil falls back on top of it all, on top of his hatred for himself.
It will also be mentioned in this synopsis that Vergil is very inferior to himself as a half-demon, as well as being a rational, individualist.
Not pure as a human, and half-toned as a demon, neither side and disliked by both at the same time.
And being half-demon predestines, as humans come with human emotions, and these naturally include negative feelings.
In DMC3 Vergil, a cold and ruthless demon, is again played by Arkham, although the nature of their partnership is based on mutual exploitation.
But to Arkham, a man with a thorough understanding of human nature and a determination to sacrifice everything to gain power, Vergil is nothing more than a defenceless child who can be used.
In the DMC3 overworld, we see Vergil interacting with Arkham, who Vergil dislikes and loathes greatly, and who is not as cold and precise and cutting as he appears to be in battle; instead, he is a man of strong emotions, and even a degree of vulnerability and sensitivity.
He is extremely angry at Arkham's taunt that he is nothing more than an incomplete half-human, half-demon bastard, and the overworld animation gives a close-up of an angry Vergil.
Later on in the game, there is also a frequent reference to Why it doesn't work!
Vergil is furious that the machine doesn't work, as if he is a child in trouble and has no choice but to sulk, and the M13 overworld animation shows him gritting his teeth in anger when he realises he has been tricked by Arkham.
He will be simply angered by Dante's words, and then mocked by Letty's comment about him using Arkham.
These are emotions that originate as human beings and are irrational.
Well, once again we have to mention the influence of the environment in which they were brought up.
In the official publication, before parsing Dante's relationship with Vergil, there is this passage as a preface.
"In dreams such characters sometimes appear who do things they could never do and behave in a way completely different from themselves. They can often be very disturbing to the dreamer. Even though they have the face of a friend whom they know very well, they cannot recall who that face is.
According to the six dream archetypes classified by Jung, this phenomenon is called the shadow theory. After birth, a person's personality is formed by the environment in which he or she grows up and by his or her own nature. But no matter how gentle and considerate the personality is, the cold, cruel and egoistic part of the personality does not disappear. This part of the personality lives on in the subconscious. This is the shadow theory, the hidden personality, I should say.
Can you think of Dante and Vergil in Ghostbusters 3 as being in the shadow of each other?
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Vergil as the bearer of this name, the representative of reason in the Divine Comedy.
We will start with this part as the presence of his nature, also mentioned in dmc3, the name of which is a demon as if it were an archetype.
Usually, in our normal lives, reason keeps us in control of our bestiality.
Vergil, on the other hand, generally presents the public with an image of being cold, self-centred, indifferent, self-serving like a demon, and willing to sacrifice anything else for his own selfish ends.
In human society, even though such negative parts of human nature do exist, they are considered to be inferior and society promotes us to think of others; we grow up in a peaceful society with iron order security and surrounded by gentle and kind people, then we are naturally influenced to suppress the bad bestial parts that belong to human nature.
Even if we are influenced by social and moral influences and the opposite of our nature and so on, those shadow parts will never disappear.
We still have the negative part of human nature that destroys the environment and starts wars for our own comfort, profit and other reasons.
On one side of the planet exist people who live in peace and worry about money, family, friends, ideals, etc., while on the other side are people who are humbly praying to survive in the ruins of war.
The way we get things and think about them is closely linked to the society in which we live.
And what kind of a society does Vergil survive in? What he shows is the society in which he survives, a society of demons.
His whole being flipped inside and out.
Man's bestiality is on the inside, his humanity on the outside.
But Vergil his bestiality is on the outside, his humanity on the inside instead.
The relationship between Vergil and Dante is summed up in the publication's description as follows: "Dante and Vergil, at opposite ends of the spectrum, are in fact fighting with their other selves. Dante and Vergil are each other's shadows and at the same time, they are each other's light. The relationship between Dante and Vergil is that of being made whole by the presence of each other.
And in the dmc3 story ending, which also fits this description.
Virgil's story ends by letting Dante go, and it does not come across, either in the dialogue or in his behaviour, that he intends to monopolise the power, but rather that he recognises Dante's desire to live as a human being.
There is indeed love in his behaviour and attitude, not self-interested but altruistic, giving Dante love and hope.
It is also as Jung's theory of shadows states: shadows are the source of our life force, which we need to integrate into ourselves.
It is also as Jung said: When love rules everything, power ceases to exist; when power rules everything, love disappears. The two are each other's shadow.
Virgil may have wished for love, but the society he lived in dictated that it was power that ruled.
Humanity is now all a shadow part of Vergil, and it may even be called a miracle that the demon has not been completely assimilated away.
About father
Vergil's profile also mentions that he aspired to surpass his father.
Devil = Father.
This feeds into one of the DMC themes.
Beyond the Father.
The proposition is ultimately about building the self and growing.
Within the classical stories, the characters are proving self-establishment, freedom from the father, and affirmation of the self by defeating the previous generation or the character who symbolises the father.
His desire to rise above his father brought not only glory but also the freedom and ego contained therein.
But the demon gives him is endlessly hurtful and oppressive, leaving aside for a moment what happens to Mundus later in dmc1, where we start with his first encounter with the demon as a child.
The feelings he felt at that time as a victim of a demon, the first time he faced demonic power, were not freedom and safety, but should have been fear. As we can see in the comic VoV, when he is attacked by the demon, he is incapable of fighting back and falls to the ground straight through the chest and very naturally reaches out and cries for help, feeling great pain.
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He had no power at all to resist this power; it was the demon that was hurting him with its power, not he that had overcome it with it.
He hates being wounded, and in the DMC3 overworld animation, Vergil needs blood to activate the altar, and in that scene we can clearly see the look of utter disgust on his face when he cuts open his palm.
Then, he was again badly ravaged by demonic forces in DMC1, where the feelings they gave him actually remained fearful.
Yes, without power he could not live, he could not defend himself, and this time even his ego was once again taken from him, becoming a doll for Mundus' revenge.
In the DMC5 novel, Mundus' conquest of the nelo Angels can be seen described as follows
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Mundus saw the necklace as a symbol of the power that Vergil craved.
The nelo Angel, who had been reluctant to obey him after the transformation, finally obeyed him after being given the necklace.
But we know in the VoV manga that it is the Yama sword that represents Vergil's quest for power; the Yama sword is the symbol of power.
He survives through Yama, and as in DMC4 Yama activates Nero's power and brings him back to life.
Yama is like his avatar, the way of power that Vergil practises.
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So what does the necklace represent here?
First of all, the necklace was not given to him by his father, but instead belonged to his mother as a relic.
It represents his mother's love for him, not his father's love for him. The necklace is more something that belongs to him, something unique. His mother's love for him is also, something that should not be taken away from him. Here, then, the necklace should represent the love of his parents, the love of his mother for him. And not the power. Through love Mundus had allowed the nelo Angel to accept full control, thus enabling his own demonic power to corrupt Vergil. It is not without benefit that having can be a serious injury to more than just self-esteem as a nelo Angel. As a Black Angel he is indeed safe and sheltered.
The deprivation of thought brings with it a state of being free from stress and heavy tampering, but it is true that it is a doll that pulls the strings. His pride was totally incapable of accepting such a disgrace. Vergil naturally hates and loathes his own human (emotional) cowardice, which is followed by the defeat of his fated rival, Dante.
Dante is not only his brother, but also a formidable rival for the role of "Son of Sparta"; they are twins, both having inherited a part of their father.
In the DMC1 overworld, we all know from the lines that the Devil sees Dante as a Spartan.
Beowulf in DMC3 also outright shouts that Dante is that trash Spartan.
Vergil, then, as the Black Angel, is in fact as defeated by Sparta.
Instead of reaching his desire to surpass his father, he is once again ravaged by demonic forces, the last time even from his revered father's spokesman who is also his fated rival, Dante, and that amounts to his father denying him.
We all know that Vergil admires power, even worships it, as evidenced by his desperate attempts to gain Spartan power in DMC3 and his final battle with Dante in M20: "I need more power." It's obvious.
At the same time, we know from Dante that Vergil is in awe of his father, and this is mentioned earlier in the official publication.
There are generally various reasons that cause people to worship something, but let us not talk about the others here, but rather about the most primitive one. In some television history programmes or within traditional mythology, we can see that the gods worshipped by the ancient people were not the kind of gods that fulfilled human wishes, such as the dragon god, which in some places is the legend that sacrifices had to be arranged regularly every year to be performed, and that if they were not performed then the dragon god would become angry and drown the whole village.
Those who worshipped the dragon god were not thankful that the dragon god had blessed them, but were afraid of his punishment, the fear of being destroyed, and
The people performed rituals for the dragon god to ensure that they were safe. There is, of course, another form of ritual, the act of 'sunning the dragon king', which proves that one has gained more power than the dragon god and psychologically ensures one's safety.
But in either case, the villagers had already suffered a serious disaster, and the fears were deeply rooted in their minds.
Vergil has been ravaged by demonic power so many times that his inner fear of it rightly peaked after DMC1, along with his worship.
But it is also undeniable that demonic power does bring him security to some degree, but it is a security that keeps leaking.
Even when he later took up this thing that hurt him as a weapon, it did not fully rid him of the immense trauma the demonic power had caused him.
The environment in which he lived also did not provide him with a sense of peace, resulting in him also losing the opportunity to reconnect with himself and examine.
So let's talk about something else, his feelings about his mother.
Vergil had many negative thoughts about human nature, even thoughts that Vergil found shameful, as we know.
That he would feel grief over the memory of his mother rather than the comfort of being loved is known from V's conversation with Gryphon inside the game in DMC5.
In his DMC3 profile, he has a similar nostalgia for his human mother, but one that makes him feel human again and evokes a disgust for his own existence. The nostalgia is a feeling of sadness that can never be returned to and cannot be possessed, but is also a feeling of deep sadness, and even more so when he remembers the tragedy of that day, when his own incompetence as a human being led to his mother's death and even to the shameful thought of his desire to be saved, which leads to an uncontrollable hatred.
Whenever Vergil remembers his own mother or, as in VoV, the look of disgust on his mother's face when he sees her picture when V goes to Dante's office, he shows that he cannot control his disgust.
If he simply hated his mother and hated him for abandoning him, he would not have had nostalgic feelings for her, after all, normally we don't hang on to things we hate or even think about things we hate all the time, and V is lying when he crosses the line with Gryphon: "It would be a lie to say I don't want to. But the past ...... has been painful for me", he does miss his mother, and to say that he hates it instead because he can't have it is still something like that, so this hatred and disgust is directed at himself.
Was his mother one of the reasons he was in the mire of power? Yes, but not all. Again, can the event that his mother was attempting to save him that day solve the problem of his addiction to power?
In DMC5 Dante had persuaded Urizen by saying that his mother was looking for him until her death and was trying to save him, and Dante recalls scenes where his mother did go out looking for Vergil calling out his name and then met an untimely end, so in that sense, can we say that it is possible that his mother could have survived if she had not been trying to save Vergil? Wouldn't Dante's statement then be tantamount to blaming Vergil for his mother's death?
Vergil's long suffering, self-blame, self-loathing and self-hatred for not being able to protect his mother, and knowing that she actually died to save him, that it was his own fault that she died, would only make him feel even worse and blame himself even more, and hate himself even more for his inability to do anything about it.
So, sadly it doesn't.
But Vergil loves his mother, and as we learn through the DMC5SE dialogue, Vergil is still afraid of his mother's anger.
So if that's the case, Vergil's wish was that he would live because he knew his mother was dying, and being saved doesn't make Vergil give up his powers, but it's at least a little comforting, based on the full Vergil and not Urizen, of course.
Is Vergil, then, a man who does not love himself?
Dante, who exists as if he were a half-body, is also disgusted by the power-obsessed Vergil.
And Dante and Vergil as demons are the ones who must be combined to be complete, as can be learned in the DMC3 game Arkham Lines.
The fact that they are half-human and half-demon also means that the human part of them is also split in half, and they must chase each other throughout their lives in order to make their humanity whole, rather than being in a state of disfigurement.
Let's start with the evil of being a Vergil.
The name is the essence of a demon, which is mentioned in the DMC3 comic.
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It has to be mentioned once again that the nameVergil, in the Divine Comedy, is the representative of reason. What kind of demon is a demon of reason? Or what is it like to be extremely rational. WhyVergil is shown to be bestial.
The extremely rational man. Inherently extremely selfish people. Rationalism in itself gives birth to utilitarianism, with the result that all acts aim. Under this kind of doctrine, human life is a number, where numbers are nothing more than addition and subtraction.
By treating human life in this way, there will eventually be a lack of empathy and compassion for the Other. The brain is like a machine that precisely weighs the pros and cons of everything in order to maximise the benefits. But is this necessary? It is needed too. But for man, seeing is the nature of the beast.
There is no reasoning or emotion to talk about; if killing a hundred people saves lives, then kill them, if killing ten thousand saves lives, kill them all the same; just as it is fair that we live and die by lot, whether you are poor or rich, but it is also cruel, a beast as terrible as a natural disaster.
This is the same attribute thatVergil showed when he was Urizen, like a beast of preternatural calamity.
It is as natural for him to seek power when he feels it is not enough as it is for a beast to seek food when it is hungry, and there is no question of this being something that a human cannot eat; after all, demons themselves exist in this branch of demons that eat humans, and humans do not accuse something that is itself a cannibal of scolding how he can eat humans.
Normally humans define good as good and evil as harmful to themselves.
But the human definition of good and evil can only be applied to human values and to human beings themselves, not to all other beings. A beast attacking a human being has nothing to do with whether it is evil or not, nor can you accuse your cat of being evil for biting you and not playing with you, nor can you say that a tiger attacks a human being because he is evil incarnate.
But Urizen he has no interest in torturing humans and playing with them and conquering the world, he does not care for or enjoy the pleasures that come from such things, he acts selfishly towards the world of man, so one can call him evil, but his actions are not directed towards torturing humans for enjoyment.
For to gain pleasure by killing requires the establishment of creatures with a certain amount of sentience; the killing of animals is based on the instinctive act of hunting.
Pleasure through killing, on the other hand, is the pleasure of the self through the mutilation of life. So enjoying the act of sadism and playfulness is dangerous. It is not a beast attacking you for survival or instinct, but a twisted act against human beings and animals with sentience. It is a very primitive and insane desire.
It is a twisted desire to satisfy your own enjoyment of being powerful by crushing, abusing, playing with, and playing with creatures weaker than yourself.
Rationally the same as the abuse of dogs and cats, etc.
Animals hunt as a need for survival, and demon society, as a jungle society, abides by beastly instincts again as if it were the natural right behaviour.
But the enjoyment of pleasure through sadism is a product of two entirely different things. There are many modern games that satisfy this need, but they still don't really do it exactly like reality.
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You can see the DMC3 comic where Vergil encounters the demon and talks about the pleasure thing.
All the words on the picture, point to this demon, enjoyment is killing, pain, abuse and these things, this is very scary and dangerous demon, this demon has sentience and enjoys such twisted things, not a beast with a simple goal.
Vergil can enjoy fighting, but he cannot enjoy the pleasure of killing or torturing, his enjoyment of fighting is the joy of being close to his goal and fighting a powerful opponent. And about killing gives him usually painful memories, because killing bleeds, and he has an extreme aversion to the memories that come with being wounded.
Why is Mundus again the greatest of evils? Because Mundus enjoys and desires to control human beings, to see them as dolls.
He enjoys and desires to control humans, to see them as dolls, and to gain satisfaction and fulfilment from torturing and abusing them.
His actions are directed entirely at humans because humans scream and suffer and wail, but you can't bring that from abusing trees or animals.
I think what we enjoy when we play DMC is the pleasure of fighting and being as invincible and powerful as the characters; not the physical and mental pleasure of the painful screams they make after knocking down an enemy.
Nor is Vergil's self-cutting aimed at torturing humans.
The desire to fight his brother and the desire to destroy and torture humans are two different things.
It is the primal behaviour of his demonic side, uncontrolled by his humanity, that has devastated the human world since he cut himself off.
One is a beast that follows its instincts in the pursuit of power, the other is a true demon that leaves you begging for life and death and is keen to torment you.
As we can see from the VoV and DMC5 overworld animations, Vergil's initial aim is to cut out the demon part and then go for a fight with Dante. But instead of going to Dante right away and even fighting the demon over there for the fruit, almost completely uninterested in anything other than power, Urizen just sits there waiting for the fruit to ripen, giving us the illusion that Urizen could sit there until the end of time if it wasn't for Dante coming to the door, even uttering the line that the Spartan blade is no longer useful, all actions that are not waiting The long-awaited adversary always comes, and I will defeat you; rather, the adversary ranks behind the power.
But Vergil's return for the purpose of Dante becomes putting the cart before the horse.
Vergil was not emotionally stable at the time (before the end of DMC5), he was very emotional, and this emotional man, after all the blows and torments of DMC3 and then DMC1, came back with the Yama sword, which holds the key between the human and the demon worlds, and again threw himself at it. If the sword could only separate humans from demons, that would be fine, and he would only want to fight his brother once more, but this sword is the key between humans and demons, so what was a simple wish becomes a huge problem and disaster.
Just as if you give a child a nuclear bomb button, he may really push it just for the fun of it.
In the same way you can never know how crazy an emotionally disturbed person can be.
Of course, I'm not washing my hands of anything, the door was opened by Urizen, and Urizen came into existence because of the choices Vergil made.
Vergil's greatest evil is his selfishness, he acts for his own ends, but his actions are not really scrupulous or considerate of the innocent humans around him, he acts like a demon selfishly and without regard for others.
He acted like a demon, selfishly and without regard for others. The common question in everyday criminal cases is: How can one kill for money? How can one kill for profit? How can one kill for the sake of feelings? How can you start a war over something? How can you destroy the environment for the sake of profit? How can you raise prices for the sake of profit?
But if selfishness is a sin, then I am afraid that all mankind will not escape death.
The same man who has such a wealth of emotion can no longer be a mere demon, and Vergil acts more like one.
It is as if this makes him an extraordinary contradiction: the most human-like of demons and the most demon-like of men.
Of course, if the reference is to the history of mankind, this does not seem to be a contradiction, for in war, man is both a demon and a man.
Those who fight in war actually kill their own kind, in what might be called demonic acts, killing them for the sake of their own position; those who fight on the battlefield, whether they are enemies or not, are living, breathing human beings with parents.
Even in the Second World War, it was not uncommon for brothers and sisters to kill each other in war.
But this is not to say that the act of killing is right, it is to say that it is not right, but this is how human history tends to repeat itself over and over again.
It is human to care for others to save the world, it is human to kill one's own kind for profit, and it is human to commit genocide against an animal for pleasure. Man is complex, a mixture of god and devil, and it is up to him to become a god or a devil.
About the symbol of Urizen.
A Poison Tree
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I watered it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine.
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.
我一吐为快, 怒火随之熄灭
我一言不发, 恼怒却生根发芽
从此, 不分昼夜
清晨, 看到敌人挺直地倒在树下
This is a poem that describes murder and is also the poem displayed at the opening of DMC5.
He expresses the unfaithfulness of man to his feelings, a kind of hypocritical kindness. Anger towards a friend is expressed, and the anger ends. But his hatred for his enemies is not expressed, and anger is then planted within, the tree itself being the feeling embodied.
Firstly for the Blakean mythological system of Urizen as a representative of reason controlling people and kidnapping them, a self-centred father figure as master of the courtyard, the poem references the biblical chapter in which man steals the forbidden fruit.
What is Urizen's role in the story of DMC5, within the story of Vergil?
We can get a very straightforward design idea in one of Urizen's design drafts.
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The nleo Angel was in the generation as a symbol of the father.
This design is written directly on the Spartan with the Black Angel. Yes, for Vergil. The demon is the father, who in turn is the representative of demonic power. urizen also calls himself no name, just power.
Likewise Sparta is worshipped as a god. The demons see Sparta as a traitor, and it is impossible for humans to accept demons, yet they see Sparta as a saviour and take it for granted that they will be saved. Sparta is more than a demon, it is a designation of identity.
Returning to this verse, this courtyard belongs to God, and this fruit tree was planted by God. Here God is Urizen.
So is God inside the story?
Urizen has a title in the game [Rebel King of the Demon Realm], which in English translates as uprising, which in Chinese can be translated as rioting, uprising. On an objective level, Urizen does trigger a change, replacing Mundus in the Demon Realm and taking away the fruit that belonged to Mundus, in a sense the coming of a new iron order.
We can check the documentation that the tree exists in its own right and is present in the magical realm, bearing fruit once every two thousand years.
We can check inside the document that the tree exists in itself and exists in the magical realm, with results once every two thousand years.
But the tree is irrigated by human blood.
The whole poem then makes the story subtle between man and demon; this courtyard is supposed to belong to the demon, but it is man who irrigates this tree.
We return to the story, the divided state of Vergil, to V's attitude towards Urizen.
V's attitude towards Urizen is very clear, he is extremely disgusted by Urizen's behaviour, but he likes Urizen, he likes just the appreciation of Urizen's great power. Vergil has no clear or very direct emotion within the story to express whether he holds extreme hatred or disgust for the demon. Even within the DMC3 comic, the conversation that Arkham speaks of in his first encounter has nothing to do with this, and there exists people who are intoxicated by the attraction because of the demon's power.
V's enemy is Urizen, and his enemy does eat the fruit and eventually falls under the tree in defeat, and he rejoices in it.
This poisonous fruit is the fruit of V's own resentment and disgust at the harm he has suffered as a result of the demon's bloodshed, which eventually nourishes the fruit. The symbolic representation of Urizen is another expression of Vergil's attitude towards his father. It is the result of a long repression of his feelings, of his silence about the harm he has suffered, of the anger that has been building up over time.
So can we also say that Virgil's love for his father is a love for phantoms and empty dreams?
In many spin-offs and even in DMC3 Dante uses his father to admonish Vergil, like: how about Spartan too, so ......
But Virgil ends up acting not at all according to the so-called Spartan how-to.
And Dante still has to think that Vergil is obsessed with his father, but that doesn't matter here.
So, I guess it could be said that way.
V never liked demons, he said he did, and his liking was a droopy love of power, a utilitarian love of power.
Let us now look at Urizen's attitude towards V.
The V perspective on Urizen is largely known.
So what does Urizen think of V? It could not be more obvious to him that he hates it.
It is a being that causes him to be weak rather than allowing for the ability to perfect himself, a weak part that he scorns as belonging to himself.
Urizen is not confused by feelings because they are things he simply does not need and naturally does not have. Urizen's lines in DMC5: "I have no memory of this place. It's just an illusion created by the fruit."
And in DMC3, Dante had said the line to Virgil, "I have no father." The same implies that I don't need a father, which he clearly has, but he's showing denial here.
We have all forgotten at one time or another, forgotten pens, forgotten books, etc., and the moment we find ourselves forgetting is the moment we realise that we need the thing and we don't have it, and the feeling of remorse is inevitably present in the form of anguish.
So if we remember it is what we need, if we don't remember it means that it doesn't need to exist, and what we don't remember is naturally of no interest.
So when Urizen says he does not remember, he not only expresses that he has no memory of it, but also contains the idea that it is not needed. Just as V still has residual magical powers, Urizen also has memories, but these are physical memories, which are quite different from the meaning of being human (V).
It could be said that Urizen is, to some extent, the ideal self that has the chance of defeating his brother, a demon with a powerful body no longer bound by humanity (memories, feelings, morals), a pure, emotionless beast.
So we can now ask the question, is Vergil an unself-loving person?
The fact that V and Urizen loathe each other proves that Vergil as an essence is totally unloving and self-hating self-loathing.
Urizen, as the symbol of demonic power and fatherhood, loathes V as the representative of humanity and children, and likewise V loathes the actions of Urizen, the symbol of fatherhood and demonic power, both so extreme and so torn.
The official manga will tell you straight away that V actually represents Vergil's heart and Urizen is the power.
Combined with the situation inside the story, V doesn't die like a normal human, but turns into an ash-like situation; he is Vergil's humanity/heart, and human humanity is a mixture of human emotions, memories, and thoughts. And human nature requires a physical body as a vehicle, and this vehicle, in other words Urizen, is Vergil's physical body, which is in a split state from the mind, although the spirit has left while the physical body is still lingering.
Vergil (V) never expresses his hatred of demons, but Vergil expresses his anger at his brother.
On the surface, Vergil's defeat is against Dante, but Vergil also has an enemy he has never expressed in his innermost being, Urizen, whose battle with V is a struggle against self-loathing, and whose ultimate fusion is a reconciliation of the self.
But again, Urizen and V cannot fully represent Vergil as a whole on their own.
Urizen acts in ways that Vergil would never do, and V thinks in ways that Vergil would never reveal.
Vergil likes power but not all power is acceptable and he picks his words, can we remember a line from the DMC4 Vergil over scene: "They see demons as gods? ...... Well, I can't say they're misguided, but they'll soon see this demonic power, this power so strong they can't imagine it, this power of the sons of Sparta."
And V has emotions and cowardly thoughts that Vergil himself is in denial about, which he doesn't want to be known for.
If one cares only that Urizen is Vergil, one does not care about V's inner feelings, emotions, pain, remorse, etc., as Vergil, and if one cares only about V's words, then one ignores the wrongness of Urizen's actions as far as humanity is concerned.
Urizen, as an integral part of Vergil, embodies that part of Vergil's character that is arrogant and rebellious, or rather the part of Urizen that is most like Vergil feels like he is Vergil in his incomplete self, except for his power obsession, and it is only during the battle of the M17 brothers that he acts as if a little bit of his humanity remains like Vergil, making it seem as if he has memories that he remembers. But we must also clearly understand that Vergil's behaviour is wrong and undesirable for humanity.
At no point in the comic, the novel, or within the game is there any affirmation of the harm Vergil's actions have caused to people; it is Vergil's unyielding spirit that is affirmed rather than his actions.
Once a person is incapable of self-love, going to the extreme is self-harm, and a person who is incapable of self-love is incapable of loving others, much less caring for them.
And about why Vergil is still doing what he did back then?
In the DMC3 setting art there is a line of commentary about Vergil's ending: the beginning of Vergil's story.
Yes, the man's story has only just begun.
What happens to him after that up until the opening of DMC5 is actually: defeated, brainwashed, tortured, and left with a broken body with no idea how he survived. It is impossible then for someone in that state to suddenly awaken and appear, "Ah! I should protect humanity!" Such a consciousness would not have been possible.
Dante's lines with Vergil before DMC5 do not mention anything about protecting humans in order to become strong or protecting important things in order to become strong, and the lines in DMC3 say that he believes in inheriting the spirit of Sparta, but there is no complete statement of what this spirit is, so this spirit has been speculated to be about protecting humans, protecting the weak and protecting important things.
Of course I personally think that Vergil still has the advantage of the villain, because the villain can behave incorrectly than the protagonist, but with more rich and varied emotions, can be depraved, can be decadent and can incorrectly present more of the complexity of human nature.
The protagonist, after all, still takes on the obligation of being Superman within the story.
It is a state of psychological need for man to seek God-like perfection and devil-like depravity.
When God's dogma binds man and makes him suffer spiritually, he will instead fall rather than continue to elevate himself.
Urizen is both heaven and hell, V in heaven and hell, two situations within one person, and a manifestation of the complexity of man.
Love and hate, hedonism and materialism, in the contrast between the true, the good and the beautiful and the false, the evil and the ugly.
We can feel that everything in earthly life is not perfect, nor is there a natural divide between its opposites.
After all, human beings are no more than ordinary human beings, and those who live with their seven passions and desires are both great and pitifully small. Any feeble storm of nature, or the struggle of people themselves, will make it difficult for their own limited knowledge and physical strength to withstand these tests, not to mention the fall of morals, emotions and ideals. Of course, materialism is also the weakest point of human beings themselves, which cannot stand the test of time and will.
In human terms, flaws are always present.
But on the other hand, without the contradictions mentioned above, life would not be so varied, but would be a pool of stagnant water. It would be a false utopia that everyone would be crying out for, where people would lose their freedom and become tasteless replicas of the same idea and the same model.
A society without progress would sooner or later be abandoned.
At the same time, man himself and his defects are sharpened and repaired by stress and suffering. Of course, this presupposes that one must look at oneself and get to know oneself.
In the story, Vergil is able to cut himself open and realise from his heart (V) what his own behaviour (Urizen) is like, and in the opening scene of DMC5 he thinks that his lack of strength is the cause of the tragedy. He realises the error of his ways as he continues to loathe Urizen's actions, and as the plot progresses and death approaches, the honesty he reveals under his breakdown to others and the release of his past, both complete a path of self-improvement.
The final moment of merging, the moment he finally gets to the end of his reconciliation with himself, the moment he can finally learn to love himself too, the self that threw away everything in the pursuit of power with an ugly face, is also a part of himself. He was never a good man, nor was he a noble man in any other way, he really wanted to be powerful and strong, he didn't inherit such a thing and he didn't try to inherit the Spartan spirit. The idea of going home that day to save his parents and brothers was, no doubt, a noble human act for a young child. But it was also his life, and the desire to overcome his brother once and for all, not to deny it all, to try to pretend it never happened or existed, but to affirm that it did exist, even if the reality was not so beautiful.
Even in the midst of all this blood, there is a desire to affirm the fact that it exists, not to deny that it is not his own doing, not to run away from what is not his business, that he does exist, whether he has achieved anything in life or not, and that after all this he still has hope for the good.
V understands U and U desires V. He has come to know himself, has looked at himself, has taken the leap from death, has saved himself from the curse, and loves himself. Neither his mother's nor his father's curse can take effect on him any longer, and he finally breaks free from the shadows of his childhood and regains his life.
After all, he was to fight another duel with his brother to return from hell, even if he had to cut down a tree and close a door, which in order would have to come after the duel with Dante, and he did want to resolve those issues with Dante, but we can also see the transformation of Vergil after his resurrection in the DMC5 overture, such as his thanks to Nero after he regains his true form and his change of attitude when Nero appears in M20.
That is a rather awkward situation, if we were to fight Dante we would then find that Nero fights him and Dante would step in to stop Nero from fighting; if Dante continues to want to fight him, then enter the possibility that Nero would go and fight Dante. If it had been the old Vergil, that would have been very deadly insistent on continuing to fight Dante, but the m20 Vergil lines show the attitude that since it's all about defeating Dante, it's not a bad idea for Nero to fight instead.
Of course before Nero comes, the brother wins or loses whether he dies or survives, who he does not know, but he accepts that death is a kind of end, whether life has no meaning, loses or wins after death everything will become unimportant.
His mind returns to peace from the fierce struggle of the ego, from the lost way, the physical aspect of his fall giving him a spiritual evolution. This is also the theory of mutual division and unity, which is in line with the theory of shadows we mentioned earlier.
The shadow, the darkness, the other dark twin, the other I. This is the source of the life force, the source of creativity, and the part of the self that is loathed but cannot be missing. There can be no progress without opposition, attraction and repulsion, reason and power, love and hate are essential to human existence.
Vergil's journey was never one of suffering, without a glimpse of the landscape worth watching. But he came to his senses, he saved himself and built heaven. You can even see that the Hell that appears in the end of DMC5 is completely different from any other where Hell has appeared.
And in the Divine Comedy, Dante also sees God among the white rosebuds or white plants.
In DMC5 arranges this city, the place where he was born, where he lets go of everything he once struggled with, forced, longed for, resented and loved, and goes back to where he came from to meet the punishment of his rebellion on this trip, fighting forever.
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cnbnews · 4 years
作者: 练乙铮
其实,美国自立国之初、包括第一任总统华盛顿以降的多位总统,无一不为巩固新生国家的主权、建立美国人政治身份认同而焦虑无间。第五任总统James Monroe(门罗主义的提出人,华盛顿总统很看得起的一个晚辈),更是其中表表者。美国史家Harry Ammon替他写的传记《詹姆士.门罗——民族身份认同的追求》,是迄今学术界公认最好的。Ammon在序言中特别提醒说:“1776年那辈美国人并不把美国革命仅仅理解为切断与英国的连体关系,而视之为一次创建全新体制的事情。他们的终极目的,是要在美洲建起一个在根本原则和国民气质上与旧世界迥然不同的民族国家,并以此为己任。”
1837年,爱默生(R.W. Emerson,1803-1882)发表了题为〈The American Scholar〉的演说,完整扼要地提出创建新的美国文化的号召,后世思想史家尊之为“美国思想界的独立宣言”。之后的四分一世纪里,美国文化界人才辈出,他们的世界级作品都在此期间问世。爱默生所想望的,竟在他有生之年实现了。之后逐渐成熟的美国文化独树一帜,品味和理路完全和英国不同,却承传了英国文化的所有优点,既有浓烈民族特色,也饱含普世价值。
美国思想史家、约翰霍金斯大学历史系教授Larzer Ziff的力作《文学民主:美国文化独立宣言》,介绍了六位美国19世纪上半期的思想家、小说家和诗人,并推崇其中的爱默生为先知。其余五位分别是:作家Herman Melville、Edgar Allan Poe、Nathaniel Hawthorne,思想家Henry David Thoreau,诗人Walt Whitman。
又例如Hawthorne,非常保守,在南北战争一事上,他并不认为北方全对而南方全错,他要尊重各地区的人的生活方式,认为抽象价值不足以支持北方对南方动武。但在他的文学作品里,他的价值观念却十足前卫。我们拿他的代表作《The Scarlet Letter》(《红字母》)和之前英国文学所达到的最后高峯即所谓的novel of manners(我译作“态度小说”)做比较,就很清楚。
英国的“态度小说”,可以Jane Austen的作品《傲慢与偏见》为代表,主要是在现存社会结构和道德规范之下,透过细腻的笔法,写出“有教养”人物对情与欲的挣扎和克制,树立社会风尚典型。这种写作的社会目的和手法在18世纪末的美国也大行其道,例如Edith Wharton的《The Age Of Innocence》(我译作《纯真纪》),更可谓青出于蓝。大家记得这部小说结尾那幕,地点选在浪漫的巴黎,但男女主人公20余年不能相见最后可以相见却又彼此都选择不见,不可谓不感人,歌颂的是道德规范之下的自制与升华。
但在Hawthorne笔下的美洲大陆,政治解放不能不同时带来人性解放。《红字母》中的女主角有了私生子;她承认违反了当时的法律,愿意接受裁决,却认为情与欲俱出自心性,何罪之有。于是她把法律加诸她身上的两种惩罚——胸前须挂一个红色A字(A for adultery)、不得与人交谈——都变成自己的选择,甚至当舆论回心转意、对她的惩罚终止以后,她依然选择沉默。这和“态度小说”的主旋律比,乃南辕北辙。
日本和美国的文化独立都有其政治背景,都是在这两个民族国家从其文化母国作出了政治独立之后发生的。如果我们承用Benedict Anderson的说法,把民族理解为“想像的共同体”的话,文化就是这个共同体自然分泌出的黏合物;当这个浑沌的物自身演化出他我意识的时候,文化就走上独立;但如果这个自觉了的共同体是受制于另一政治实体的话,就会本能地进一步求取政治独立,如同瓜熟蒂落。在这个论述底下,日本和美国的政治独立走在了文化独立之先,好像本末倒置、错了时序,还未做好准备工夫就发生了。一个历史解释是,这两起历史发展都发生在促生现代国际秩序的西伐利亚和约以外的时空,因而是可能的。在今天,国家观念和国际秩序普遍固化,政治独立就没有那么便宜。
2.《James Monroe-the Quest for National Identity》, Harry Ammon,APB Press,1997 edition.
3.The American Scholar,Ralph Waldo Emerson,1837(speech)
4.《Literary Democracy-The Declaration of Cultural Independence in America》,Larzer Ziff,Penguin Press,1982.
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hn3262com · 2 years
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sjhcbdsjhbsjcxc · 2 years
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现在网上随便一搜都能搜到什么正规网投平台、什么靠谱的网上网投三合一平台、什么可以视频验证的网投平台等等太多的网投平台。但是,你知道这些网投平台那个才是真正的正规实体呢?玩过AG的不用说应该都懂,有些玩家在某些虚拟网投平台上面赢了却提不出来,说都不用说那是遇到黑平台了。 我想着输者更多些,能赢的几乎少之又少。其实大多AG虚拟网投都是出自一个端口,当然不否认也有真平台,但是真的网投平台很少。然而您能区分开来真正的真平台与假平台吗?要怎样分辨呢?在这里小编教大家几点辨别正规实体网投平台的方法,希望能帮助大家:1.有没有实体现 场,了解现 场的具体位置,现 场玩家多不多(有实体现 场,能和现 场玩家同步玩耍的才是正规实体网投平台)。2.具有雄厚的资金链,出款速度是否快速(正规实体出款一般是5分钟,而且不会找任何什么审核、打流水之类的借口)。3.是不是先发牌后下注,是不是用铅笔点牌,透明牌靴(正规实体华纳国际先发牌后下注,而且是铅笔发牌)。4.是否能在网上通过视频验证与实体现 场同步来证实(正规实体华纳支持现 场视频验证,全程操作必须是透明模式)。5.可切换视频的任何角度以便查看是否有真 人实景的现 场大厅
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