#aegor stopped the suicide mission for daemon ii. to crown him. to train him. for his brother 🤒
allyriadayne · 2 months
began rereading dunk and egg book #2
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aemon b taking up blackfyre the sword as daemon falls in the redgrass field thus becoming the new king something something aegor gatekeeping the sword from daemon ii something something otto voice he wears the conqueror’s crown, wields the conqueror’s sword etc
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and immediately after, bittersteel is "leading his mad charge" against bloodraven, to avenge his brother. and he could've taken up blackfyre for himself and be called a king too, but he took it back to essos to crown the next one but the war was done when daemon died. that was his whole thing!! and daemon died in their first battle and now bittersteel has to go back and make daemon's sons into kings, something he never was and something they never could be either.
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i had not made this connection before! daemon and the twins // daeron and baelor's sons. which makes the maekar / aegor parallels much more obvious. does that mean daemon ii is aerys? the ineffectual king too busy with his pastimes? aegor fits the evil advisor role just like bloodraven is to aerys in this hmmm
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