#advertise playing gbf to my friends sobsobsob OEHWIQHSOAK
astrxealis · 2 years
how new player friendly is gbf?? you, cal, and belial are gonna drag me down the hellhole fr.../lh
hehehe >:)))
tbh it might be a bit confusing at 1st, but i'd say it's pretty new player friendly !! side stories give free characters (some ssrs even), in your first few days of playing you get 10 draws daily, there's a lot of freebies given out ... it might be a bit overwhelming tho w seemingly a lot of stuff going on, but yeah i'd say it's def pretty new player friendly !!
if u do end up playing gbf ... belial, cal, and i await in this lovely hellhole /lh 💪🏼✨ LDHWJDJAKKA ;D
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